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sonnenburgconsulting · 8 months
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qtspayroll01 · 8 months
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vibesgetur · 2 years
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mendoza63pp · 4 years
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dandymeowth · 4 years
Many of the landholders are newcomers from out of state, though some old-timers remain—families that earned their deeds generations ago, the principal paid by ancestors who shivered through pitiless winters in tar-paper shacks. Wilson has been hiking and hunting the Crazies since he was a little kid, but only in the past year or so, he says, have the private ranchers seemed more like obstacles than neighbors. “They could shut down pretty much the whole interior of the Crazy Mountains, as far as I can see,” he says.                
He trudges up a rooty slope and, after a blind bend, sees something straddling the trail that stops him cold. It’s a padlocked metal gate. He hiked this trail a couple of weeks before, and the fence wasn’t there. A sign on it reads, “Private Property: No Forest Service Access, No Trespassing.” It’s exactly the kind of sign he’d been bad-mouthing a few minutes earlier, but he wasn’t expecting to see one here. The locked gate feels like an escalation, a new weapon in an improvised war.                
A debate is taking place across the country over preserving land for recreational public use, but most of the attention is focused on vast swaths of historically or scientifically significant terrain that Presidents Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and to a lesser extent George W. Bush protected under the national monument designation—for example, Bears Ears in Utah and Katahdin Woods and Waters in Maine. These disputed trails leading into the Crazy Mountains represent another front in the escalating battle over control of federal territory, and the fighting here is just as contentious as over the monuments. Historic settlement patterns in the American West created a checkerboard pattern of landownership: Public properties are often broken-up plots, resulting in numerous access disputes. According to a 2013 study by the Center for Western Priorities, that dynamic has effectively locked the public out of about 4 million acres of land in Western states; almost half of that blocked public land, or about 2 million acres, is in Montana, according to the study. The push to end public thoroughfare is either an overdue reassertion of private property rights or an openly cynical land snatch, depending which side of the gate you’re standing on.       
In late October 2-16, in the dying days of the Obama era, a U.S. district judge issued a verdict that seemed to set a precedent for paths like this one. The Texas-based owners of a Montana property called Wonder Ranch, about 100 miles southeast of the Crazy Mountains, had sued the Forest Service after the government filed a statement of interest claiming an easement—a legal agreement to use a portion of someone’s land for a specific purpose—on a trail that ran across the ranch’s property before reaching the Lee Metcalf Wilderness. The Forest Service said the trail had been routinely used as an access route to the forest by the government and the public for decades, and therefore it should be considered public because of historical use. The owners’ suit argued that the government had no right to an easement. The Department of Justice countersued, producing evidence dating back more than a century showing that the public and the government consistently used the trail for packhorses and hike-ins. The Forest Service won the case.                       
Had the landowners been able to show that the trail had been used for at least five consecutive years only by those who’d received their permission, their claims of private control might have held. That helps explain why Alex Sienkiewicz, the forest ranger overseeing the district that includes the Crazy Mountains, every year sends an email to his staff reminding them never to ask landowners’ permission to use trails that the government already considers public. “By asking permission,” he wrote in 2016’s reminder, “one undermines the public access rights and plays into their lawyers’ trap of establishing a history of permissive access.” That didn’t mean anyone could veer off the trail and slip onto the private property—that’s trespassing, no question about it—it just meant the trail itself should be considered a public throughway.      
For a while, it seemed that attitude might be one of the rare Obama positions that President Donald Trump could live with. In a pre-election interview, Trump told the magazine Field & Stream he didn’t like the idea of transferring the land to the states, suggesting such transfers could erode public oversight of them: “I want to keep the lands great, and you don’t know what the state is going to do,” he said. “I mean, are they going to sell if they get into a little bit of trouble? And I don’t think it’s something that should be sold. We have to be great stewards of this land. This is magnificent land.”                                       
Public land advocates smelled a contradiction, since the new president was positioning himself elsewhere as a champion of private property rights. And regardless of what he said, Trump’s campaign had tapped into a very deep well of antigovernment sentiment, the sort that Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy appealed to when he occupied public territories and led armed standoffs against federal agents in 2014 and again in 2016. The co-chair of a state group called Veterans for Trump pleaded guilty to helping organize the ad hoc rebel militia, and Roger Stone, a longtime Trump adviser, has been one of Bundy’s most vocal supporters. Immediately after the election, whether or not the results had anything to do with their actions, the Crazy Mountains landowners launched a collective blitz to take control of the trails leading to Forest Service property.                
Gregoire decided to go for it. When the trail veered through a private plot called the Hailstone Ranch, he spotted a No Trespassing sign that read, “The Forest Service Has No Easement Here.” He ignored it, consulting his GPS to make sure he never strayed from the path onto the private ranch land. The landowner somehow detected that he was using the trail (“I think he had an alarm or something,” Gregoire later speculated) and called a sheriff’s deputy, who was waiting for Gregoire to return at the end of the day. The deputy charged him with criminal trespassing.                                       
Shortly after that, the owners of nine ranches neighboring the Hailstone went after Sienkiewicz. Back on July 20, 2017, a volunteer at Public Land/Water Access Association Inc., a Montana nonprofit that supports open public access to federal lands and waterways, had gotten hold of, then posted on its Facebook page, Sienkiewicz’s most recent annual email reminder to his staff advising them never to sign visitor logs for trail access or ask permission. The property owners apparently assumed that Sienkiewicz had posted the item himself—proof that he was behaving as a political activist, not a public servant. The ranch owners sent a letter to U.S. Senator Steve Daines, a Republican representing Montana, saying in part, “As a direct result of this inflammatory Facebook post, we have many questions about the FS position regarding access across our private property.” Several of the ranchers who signed the letter have also been listed as contributors to Daines’s political campaigns in the past five years.                                       
In May 2017, Daines echoed the landowners’ complaints—and forwarded a screen shot of the Facebook post—in a letter to Thomas Tidwell, then the chief of the Forest Service, and to Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue, whose agency oversees the Forest Service. Less than two weeks later, Representative Pete Sessions (R-Texas) got involved, firing off a similar complaint to Perdue and Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, who has a long history in Montana. An avid hunter and fisherman, he was born in Bozeman, about 40 miles from the Crazies. He was also a Montana congressman, filling the seat Daines had occupied before he moved to the Senate. (At least one of the ranchers donated to Zinke’s campaign.)
In his letter, Sessions described the Forest Service’s approach to public access as part of “the war on private property owners conducted by the Obama administration.” The Wonder Ranch owners hadn’t been among the nine who signed the initial letter, but they were the link that got Sessions involved. One of the co-owners, a Texan named Chris Hudson, lives in Sessions’ district, and Sessions proposed that Hudson and Perdue meet. Sessions also recommended that the Forest Service issue a nationwide directive to prevent rangers or individual districts from declaring paths and roads public based on historic use.                
Defenders of Sienkiewicz and Gregoire—a group that included land access advocates, proprietors of recreation businesses, wildlife groups, and individuals—cast the developments as evidence of an under-the-table assault on public lands that the Trump administration appeared to endorse, if not initiate. In spring 2017, Trump requested that Zinke’s Department of the Interior review national monuments, designated or enlarged since 1996, and possibly downsize them, a step he said could rectify what he considered a “massive federal land grab.” Several politicians from Utah, such as Orrin Hatch, Rob Bishop, and Jason Chaffetz, had led the downsizing push, and for years they’d been advocating turning such lands over to the states—the strategy Trump had earlier declared would result in a selloff to the highest bidder. The department eventually suggested downsizing six of the 27 monuments under review, but the ultimate fate of those lands and waters remains in limbo; the matter will go to Congress, and the conservationists have said they will fight the new boundaries in court.              
Anderson has carved out a field for himself in something called free-market environmentalism. Along with his job at PERC, he’s a professor emeritus at Montana State University and a senior fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution, a libertarian-leaning think tank. In op-eds published across the country, he’s an evangelist for limited government and private property rights. He views many environmentalists with undisguised contempt, and they generally return the favor.                                       
Like many nonprofits, PERC doesn’t disclose its funding sources, but Greenpeace International has posted records showing that they’ve included Exxon Mobil Corp. and the industrialists Charles and David Koch. Anderson probably wouldn’t worry too much about how that looks: He believes the private sector, in most cases, is a better steward of nature than the government.                
Quilici’s plan was seat-of-the-pants. He thought he might spend three or four days hiking to an exit point on the far side of the mountains, but he didn’t realize that the most direct trail was blocked by the gate Wilson had confronted. Other possible paths were also contested. When I told him this, he redirected his criticism away from the parking lot and toward the landowners. “I bet they have some lobbying power,” he said. “They just want to keep everything like it’s their own private reserve.”        
Herein lies the big challenge for the landowners and their defenders: Survey after survey has shown that the public hates the idea that someone can lock taxpayers out of public land, and that they’re suspicious of transferring control of such tracts to private enterprise. Nevertheless, Anderson and PERC deny that their position is out of step with public opinion, even casting it as pro-access. Their rationale is oblique: If the Forest Service insists the public has a right to use the trails, they say, private landowners will naturally rebel; numerous court battles will ensue, tying up the trails in years of litigation and costing the government millions of dollars. And as the cases proceed, the landowners will take steps to secure their property rights, blocking traffic on the trails until the mess is sorted out.                                       
“In the places where now there are signs,” Anderson predicts, “you’ll see a locked gate.” His comment is an informed one. He counts several of the landowners involved in the Crazy Mountains disputes as friends, including the owners of the Rein Anchor Outfitting and Ranch, who operate a hunting lodge and signed the letter against Sienkiewicz. PERC’s affiliation with politically connected outfitters that stand to profit if trails are closed bolsters the sense, to Wilson and others confronting locked gates, that a void in coherent policy about public land management is being filled by cronyism that rewards wealth and connections above all else. Another co-owner of the Wonder Ranch, Frank-Paul King, a friend and former student of Anderson’s, served on PERC’s board. Hudson, the man who got Representative Sessions involved, is King’s brother-in-law, and he’s also a board member and the former president of the Dallas Safari Club, a group that made national headlines in 2014 when it auctioned off a trip to Africa to hunt an endangered rhinoceros. (The winning bidder, who paid $350,000, traveled to Namibia and shot a black rhino bull, an animal the club said had threatened the rest of the herd.) The Dallas Safari Club has granted PERC funding for, among other things, a study on “private conservation in the public interest.”                                       
In 2016 the Dallas Safari Club hosted a fundraiser featuring the big-game hunting enthusiast Donald Trump Jr. that netted $60,000 in campaign donations to the Republican National Committee. “The candidate’s family connection to hunting and its legacy gives DSC a huge opportunity to have the right people in place as advocates for our mission,” the club’s newsletter stated. After Trump was elected, Hudson was listed as an organizer for a post-inaugural fundraiser called “Opening Day 45,” which featured Eric and Donald Trump Jr. as co-chairs. It was canceled after TMZ published an early draft of the invitation in December 2016, promising personal access to President Trump, along with a multiday hunting excursion with his sons, to anyone who donated more than $500,000, sparking criticism that the sons planned to peddle access to their father.                
The trail access issue was extremely sensitive inside the Forest Service, she explained, and potentially costly, too. The Trump administration was proposing a 73 percent cut in the Forest Service’s capital improvement and maintenance budget and an 84 percent reduction, from $77 million to $12 million, in its trail program budget. The Wonder Ranch case, she observed, had cost the government “in the millions of dollars,” and it wasn’t over yet—the landowners were appealing the decision, and it now sat with an appellate judge. “I’m not saying we’re never going to go to court, but the Forest Service is going to be careful about when we go to court and make sure we’re going to court on cases we can win,” she said.                
The agency in mid-October announced it was giving Sienkiewicz his job back. But Gevock’s frustrations spoke to an unresolved question underlying all of the disputes: Who, exactly, is the Forest Service supposed to serve? On the agency’s website, former Director Thomas Tidwell wrote that its guiding principles were clearly established by Gifford Pinchot, the service’s founding chief, during the Gilded Age—“a time when the nation’s resources were being exploited for the benefit of the wealthy few,” Tidwell stated. “The national forests were based on a notion that was just the opposite—that these lands belong to everyone.”                                       
The public access advocates say they’re not sure they trust the spirit of Pinchot’s original message has survived intact. The mixed signals coming from the Trump administration mean everything rests on how those sometimes conflicting messages are interpreted. Zinke has repeatedly insisted, without offering specifics, that he is pro-access, and on his first day in office he pledged to fight against the “dramatic decreases in access to public lands across the board” that he said were plaguing America. “It worries me to think about hunting and fishing becoming activities for the landowning elite,” he said.                                       
But in July 2017, while public land advocates were protesting the Interior Department’s pending move to downsize the national monuments and hikers were cursing the new No Trespassing signs in the Crazies, Zinke traveled to Denver to speak at the annual conference of the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC. The group, a conservative lobbying coalition that helps lawmakers draft legislative proposals, has energetically pushed for the potential transfer of federal lands to the states. Whether Zinke’s speech clarified the government’s general, overarching philosophy on public-vs.-private control of lands that are currently federal, only members of the lobbying group can say for sure. Unlike several other speeches delivered at the conference, Zinke’s wasn’t transcribed or published, and it was closed to the general public.                
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newstfionline · 5 years
U.S.-Canada border closing to ‘nonessential traffic’ (Washington Post) The United States and Canada have agreed to close their 5,500-mile border to “all nonessential travel” as the deadly coronavirus outbreak continues to spread. President Trump announced that two Navy hospital ships would be dispatched, at least one to New York. The news comes as countries around the world adopt increasingly strict quarantine measures, major companies wind down production, and experts warn that life worldwide will be severely disrupted for many months.
White House Proposes $1.2 Trillion in Stimulus Plan (Foreign Policy) Washington is considering a stimulus plan totaling $1.2 trillion to deal with the economic fallout caused by the coronavirus outbreak. Part of the package would involve distributing cash to every American, with a number above $1,000 expected. The United Kingdom has announced a package of business loan guarantees and fiscal support worth about $400 billion. France has made $50 billion available in assistance for small businesses, a further $330 billion in business loan guarantees, and has even promised to nationalize industries if necessary. Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez promised a suspension of mortgage payments for workers affected by the coronavirus as well as $100 billion in loan guarantees.
President invokes Defense Production Act (AP) President Trump on Wednesday invoked the Defense Production Act (DPA), a set of emergency powers that will give the federal government the ability to ramp up the production of medical supplies such as masks, ventilators, gloves and other equipment to help the U.S. medical system respond to coronavirus cases.
Joe Biden sweeps three primaries (NYT) The former vice president easily defeated Bernie Sanders in Arizona, Florida and Illinois on Tuesday, all but eliminating the chance for a comeback by the Vermont senator.
Earthquake hits Utah (USA Today) A 5.7 magnitude earthquake hit Utah on Wednesday morning, the U.S. Geological Survey said, knocking out power and rattling residents already shaken up by the coronavirus pandemic. About 55,000 people lost electricity in the Salt Lake City Area, utility Rocky Mountain Power said. There were no immediate reports of injuries.
Some U.S. embassies suspend routine visa services over coronavirus (Reuters) A number of U.S. embassies around the world will suspend routine visa services due to coronavirus precautions, the U.S. Embassy in South Korea said in a statement on Wednesday.
Peruvian president announces nighttime curfew as coronavirus spreads (Reuters) Peru´s President Martin Vizcarra on Wednesday announced an immediate restriction on overnight movement across the country in a bid to halt the spread of coronavirus.
Brazilian prisoners rebel over cancellation of Easter leave (Foreign Policy) Hundreds of prisoners in four of Brazil’s low-security semi-open prisons have escaped. The mass breakout occurred when inmates were told that planned Easter holidays would be cancelled over fears of spreading the coronavirus. “These prisoners were unhappy about the decision that suspended the Easter leave,” said Lincoln Gakiya, a prosecutor in São Paulo state. “The prisoners were told and in some units, rebelled.”
UK panic-buying (Reuters) Ice cream and chocolate Easter eggs anyone? That is all that remains on some UK supermarket aisles as panic-buying escalates. That has prompted two big chains, Tesco and Sainsbury’s, to impose restrictions on certain items: Tesco for example is limiting purchases to just two packs of things like dried pasta, toilet roll and long life milk. Aldi meanwhile introduced outright rationing, limiting customers to buying four items of any one product during each visit. The paradox is that the stores say they have enough food coming into the system--suggesting that supplies would be fine if the panic-buyers just eased off.
EU Approves Closing Borders (Foreign Policy) Most of the 26 members of the European Schengen travel area have now agreed to close their external borders for 30 days, while still allowing some travel within the bloc, although there have been closures inside the EU, too. Austria has closed its borders with Italy, Switzerland, and Luxembourg; Switzerland has closed its borders with Germany, Austria, and France; and Portugal has partially sealed its border with Spain. The border closure will likely soon include those Schengen zone countries not in the EU. The travel ban will not include Ireland, as the country has a passport-free travel arrangement with the United Kingdom. An Irish government spokesman said Ireland would consult with Britain on any implementation of the ban.
Venice canals (Reuters) The pandemic lock-down is meanwhile having some unexpected side effects in Italy. Venice canals, usually bogged down with tourists in gondolas and motorboats are now crystal clear. Those that venture out into the city and peer down into the water may even see little silver fish swimming around
Olympic Committee explores options (NYT) The International Olympic Committee has been resolute in its insistence that this summer’s Tokyo Olympics will be held on schedule, despite the spread of the novel coronavirus. But even as IOC President Thomas Bach continues to state his confidence for a July-August schedule, those familiar with the process of planning and staging an Olympic Games say the IOC surely is exploring other options--and is probably well-aware that no perfect solutions exist.
Chinese flock back to China for refuge (NYT) In a matter of weeks, China has gone from being the epicenter of the virus to almost the only refuge from it, prompting hundreds of thousands of Chinese citizens abroad to flock home. About 20,000 people a day are arriving on flights into China, while five times as many arrive by land or sea, state media reported.
The U.S.-China Relationship Is on Life Support (Foreign Policy) China dropped a bombshell on the Western press yesterday as it announced the effective expulsion of all U.S. staff of the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post. It also demanded that both Time and the Voice of America, along with those three organizations, register all their employees in China as foreign agents. Thirteen journalists have been expelled as a result; more are likely to follow as China squeezes the bureaus, quite likely including non-Americans. The move came in part in retaliation for Washington’s recent limits on Chinese state media operatives in the United States. The effective expulsion of three of the most important American outlets would be worrying enough. But there also appears to be a wave of anti-foreigner feeling building throughout the system. Americans and other Westerners in China are reporting police questioning of their bosses, restrictions on visits by other foreigners, and increased police checks. Anti-Asian racism, meanwhile, is on the rise in the United States at the street level--including targeting Asians for wearing masks--amid the new coronavirus outbreak. Chinese ambassadors, meanwhile, continue to spread the lie that the virus didn’t originate in China, while state-linked media doubles down on conspiracy theories promoted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about an imaginary U.S. military role. In response, American conservatives, including the Trump administration, continue to refer to the coronavirus as “the Chinese virus,” while U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made an angry call to State Counsellor Yang Jiechi and summoned the Chinese ambassador for a dressing-down. The warning signs are flashing bright red for foreigners in China, who should, at a minimum, have an exit strategy. They should expect their next visa to be hard to obtain--and keep paperwork, especially local police registrations, in impeccable order.
Another Baghdad attack (Foreign Policy) Rockets struck Baghdad’s “Green Zone,” an area including Iraq’s seat of government and a number of foreign embassies. A U.S. spokesman said the rockets landed 1.2 miles away from the U.S. embassy and there were no reports of casualties. It’s now the fourth rocket attack on international targets in the Baghdad area in just one week.
Watchdog says Israel’s West Bank settlements surged in 2019 (AP) Israeli settlement activity in the West Bank surged ahead in 2019, a watchdog group said in a report Tuesday, maintaining a rapid pace that has drawn strength from the friendly policies of the Trump administration. Peace Now, a monitoring group that opposes the settlements, said that Israel’s average annual construction rate has risen 25% since President Donald Trump took office in 2017. Perhaps more significantly, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government last year approved plans to build thousands of new homes, laying the groundwork for a sharp spike in construction in the coming years. “In my opinion, they’re trying to take advantage of the window of opportunity that they have under the Trump administration, knowing that it might change in a few months,” said Hagit Ofran, a researcher for the group. “There was no such supportive administration for the settlements previously, ever.”
Ravaged by war, Middle Eastern countries face a new scourge (AP) Long-running wars and conflicts across the Middle East have wrecked potential defenses against coronavirus outbreaks, leaving millions vulnerable in Yemen, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, the Gaza Strip and elsewhere. Health care systems have been gutted; war has blasted key infrastructure. Several of the countries are carved up among rival claimant governments, factions or armed groups, snarling any attempt at nationwide protection programs. Hundreds of thousands of people driven from their homes by fighting are crowded in close quarters in tent camps or improper housing. “We are becoming very worried,” said John Nkengasong, director of Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as the virus reached conflict-ridden Iraq, Libya, Somalia and the Democratic Republic of Congo. “The impact will be magnified.”
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blueweave01 · 3 years
Global Smoke Evacuation Systems Market is Expected to Witness Prolific Demand: Projected to Grow at a CAGR of 6.5% in the Forecast Period
The smoke evacuation system is employed to expel smoke during open surgical procedures. The growing demand for various surgical procedures and the increasing use of heat-generating medical devices and equipment are fueling the demand for smoke evacuation systems across the globe.
A recent study conducted by the strategic consulting and market research firm BlueWeave Consulting revealed that the global smoke evacuation systems market was worth USD 114.3 million in the year 2020. The data generated by the study revealed the market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 6.5%, earning revenue of around USD 176.5 million by the end of 2027. Smoke evacuation systems are in high demand due to the increase in surgical procedures and the increasing use of heat-generating medical devices and equipment. Furthermore, severe side effects of surgical smoke on the hospital staff and the recommendations of its use by various governmental and professional organizations, such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), are also driving the growth of the global smoke evacuation systems.
Unexploited Emerging Economies Posses Great Potential for The Global Smoke Evacuation Systems Market
The developed nations, such as the US, the UK, Germany, Spain, etc. show popular trends in the adoption of smoke evacuation systems. However, the growth is still limited in emerging economies such as India, Japan, China, etc. But this also means such regions are still unexplored and hold great growth potential in the upcoming years. Countries like South Korea and China are becoming hubs for cosmetic and dermatologic surgeries, which means the local industry, as well as global players, are exposed to enormous opportunities to become the leading smoke evacuation systems manufacturer.
Recommendation by Government and Professional Organizations
Many government and professional organizations are making recommendations for the efficient use of medical equipment and devices while also ensuring the safety of healthcare professionals and hospital staff. Strong odor or smoke plumes can cause serious health conditions. Therefore, by setting standards, these organizations are tackling the management of surgical smoke and the use of lasers. For instance, Occupational Safety and Health Organization (OSHA) recommends the adoption of smoke evacuation systems for ensuring maximum safety at the surgical sites.
Global Smoke Evacuation Systems Market - By End-User
Based on end-users, the global smoke evacuation systems market is segmented into hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers, cosmetic surgery centers, dental clinics, and veterinary healthcare providers. Among these, the hospital segment accounts for the largest market share because of the availability of skilled surgeons in such facilities for performing electros urgery and various cosmetic and orthopedic surgeries. According to Statista, the US has the greatest number of plastic surgeons, followed by Brazil and China which fulfill the demand for electro surgery at various geographical locations.
Global Smoke Evacuation Systems Market - Regional Insights
Geographically, the global smoke evacuation systems market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle-East & Africa. Among all the regions, North America dominates the market, followed by Europe. However, the Asia-Pacific region is projected to witness significant growth during the forecast period. Rapid healthcare development and booming medical tourism in emerging economies are the major factors influencing the growth of the market in this region. Further more, the demand for smoke evacuation systems in the Asia Pacific region will also be driven by strict regulations and the awareness of maintaining the safety of healthcare professionals.
Request For Free Sample Report @ Click here
Impact of COVID-19 on Global Smoke Evacuation Systems Market
Initially, the COVID-19 situation caused serious consequences for the global smoke evacuation systems market. This is due to the postponement of several types of surgeries, which led to the sharp fall in the adoption of smoke evacuation systems in the operation theaters. Furthermore, the market was also negatively affected by the nationwide lockdowns, which halted both the production and distribution processes of the systems, making it difficult to meet current demand. However, the market is projected to gain significant traction in the post-COVID-19 period as production, supply chains, and demand for smoke evacuation systems will all steadily increase as the COVID-19 situation improves.
In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, major concerns have arisen regarding Aerosol-generating Procedures, which include laparoscopy. Researchers have observed that the SARS-CoV-2 virus can survive in aerosols for three hours. Hence, effective measures are being taken to eliminate smoke and aerosols from the vicinity of infected patients during Aerosol-generating Procedures to minimize transmission risk. This has increased the need for the smoke evacuation system, thereby driving the market growth
Competitive Landscape
The leading market players in the global smoke evacuation systems market are KLS Martin Group, Bowa-Electronic Gmbh & Co. Kg, Medtronic Plc., Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc., Surgiform Technology, Conmed Corporation, The Cooper Companies Inc., Meyer-Haake Gmbh, Utah Medical Products, Inc., Ecolab Inc., Pall Corporation, Erbe Elektromedizin Gmbh, Olympus Corporation, Karl Storz Endoskope, Stryker Corporation, Deroyal, Johnson & Johnson, Symmetry Surgical Inc., I.C. Medical, Inc., and other prominent players.
Major players in the industry use strategies such as partnerships, mergers &acquisitions, collaborations, product approvals, and launches to expand their brand visibility and strengthen their positions in the market. Some giant market players, however, account for a sizeable share of the market, making it dense and consolidated.
Don’t miss the business opportunity of the global smoke evacuation systems market. Consult our analysts to gain crucial insights and facilitate your business growth.
The in-depth analysis of the report provides information about growth potential, upcoming trends, and statistics of the global smoke evacuation systems market. It also highlights the factors driving forecasts of total market size. The report promises to provide recent technology trends of the global smoke evacuation systems market and industry insights to help decision-makers make sound strategic decisions. Furthermore, the report also analyses the growth drivers, challenges, and competitive dynamics of the market.
About Us
BlueWeave Consulting provides comprehensive Market Intelligence (MI) Solutions to businesses regarding various products and services online and offline. We offer all-inclusive market research reports by analyzing both qualitative and quantitative data to boost up the performance of your business solutions. BWC has built its reputation from the scratch by delivering quality inputs and nourishing long-lasting relationships with its clients. We are one of the promising digital MI solutions companies providing agile assistance to make your business endeavors successful.
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blueweave · 3 years
Global Smoke Evacuation Systems Market Size, Share & Growth is Projected to Grow at a CAGR of 6.5% in the Forecast Period | BlueWeave
The smoke evacuation system is employed to expel smoke during open surgical procedures. The growing demand for various surgical procedures and the increasing use of heat-generating medical devices and equipment are fueling the demand for smoke evacuation systems across the globe.
A recent study conducted by the strategic consulting and market research firm BlueWeave Consulting revealed that the global smoke evacuation systems market was worth USD 114.3 million in the year 2020. The data generated by the study revealed the market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 6.5%, earning revenue of around USD 176.5 million by the end of 2027. Smoke evacuation systems are in high demand due to the increase in surgical procedures and the increasing use of heat-generating medical devices and equipment. Furthermore, severe side effects of surgical smoke on the hospital staff and the recommendations of its use by various governmental and professional organizations, such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), are also driving the growth of the global smoke evacuation systems.
Unexploited Emerging Economies Posses Great Potential for The Global Smoke Evacuation Systems Market
The developed nations, such as the US, the UK, Germany, Spain, etc. show popular trends in the adoption of smoke evacuation systems. However, the growth is still limited in emerging economies such as India, Japan, China, etc. But this also means such regions are still unexplored and hold great growth potential in the upcoming years. Countries like South Korea and China are becoming hubs for cosmetic and dermatologic surgeries, which means the local industry, as well as global players, are exposed to enormous opportunities to become the leading smoke evacuation systems manufacturer.
Recommendation by Government and Professional Organizations
Many government and professional organizations are making recommendations for the efficient use of medical equipment and devices while also ensuring the safety of healthcare professionals and hospital staff. Strong odor or smoke plumes can cause serious health conditions. Therefore, by setting standards, these organizations are tackling the management of surgical smoke and the use of lasers. For instance, Occupational Safety and Health Organization (OSHA) recommends the adoption of smoke evacuation systems for ensuring maximum safety at the surgical sites.
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Global Smoke Evacuation Systems Market - By End-User
Based on end-users, the global smoke evacuation systems market is segmented into hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers, cosmetic surgery centers, dental clinics, and veterinary healthcare providers. Among these, the hospital segment accounts for the largest market share because of the availability of skilled surgeons in such facilities for performing electros urgery and various cosmetic and orthopedic surgeries. According to Statista, the US has the greatest number of plastic surgeons, followed by Brazil and China which fulfill the demand for electro surgery at various geographical locations.
Global Smoke Evacuation Systems Market - Regional Insights
Geographically, the global smoke evacuation systems market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle-East & Africa. Among all the regions, North America dominates the market, followed by Europe. However, the Asia-Pacific region is projected to witness significant growth during the forecast period. Rapid healthcare development and booming medical tourism in emerging economies are the major factors influencing the growth of the market in this region. Further more, the demand for smoke evacuation systems in the Asia Pacific region will also be driven by strict regulations and the awareness of maintaining the safety of healthcare professionals.
Request For Free Sample Report @ https://www.blueweaveconsulting.com/report/global-smoke-evacuation-systems-market/report-sample
Impact of COVID-19 on Global Smoke Evacuation Systems Market
Initially, the COVID-19 situation caused serious consequences for the global smoke evacuation systems market. This is due to the postponement of several types of surgeries, which led to the sharp fall in the adoption of smoke evacuation systems in the operation theaters. Furthermore, the market was also negatively affected by the nationwide lockdowns, which halted both the production and distribution processes of the systems, making it difficult to meet current demand. However, the market is projected to gain significant traction in the post-COVID-19 period as production, supply chains, and demand for smoke evacuation systems will all steadily increase as the COVID-19 situation improves.
In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, major concerns have arisen regarding Aerosol-generating Procedures, which include laparoscopy. Researchers have observed that the SARS-CoV-2 virus can survive in aerosols for three hours. Hence, effective measures are being taken to eliminate smoke and aerosols from the vicinity of infected patients during Aerosol-generating Procedures to minimize transmission risk. This has increased the need for the smoke evacuation system, thereby driving the market growth
Competitive Landscape
The leading market players in the global smoke evacuation systems market are KLS Martin Group, Bowa-Electronic Gmbh & Co. Kg, Medtronic Plc., Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc., Surgiform Technology, Conmed Corporation, The Cooper Companies Inc., Meyer-Haake Gmbh, Utah Medical Products, Inc., Ecolab Inc., Pall Corporation, Erbe Elektromedizin Gmbh, Olympus Corporation, Karl Storz Endoskope, Stryker Corporation, Deroyal, Johnson & Johnson, Symmetry Surgical Inc., I.C. Medical, Inc., and other prominent players.
Major players in the industry use strategies such as partnerships, mergers &acquisitions, collaborations, product approvals, and launches to expand their brand visibility and strengthen their positions in the market. Some giant market players, however, account for a sizeable share of the market, making it dense and consolidated.
Don’t miss the business opportunity of the global smoke evacuation systems market. Consult our analysts to gain crucial insights and facilitate your business growth.
The in-depth analysis of the report provides information about growth potential, upcoming trends, and statistics of the global smoke evacuation systems market. It also highlights the factors driving forecasts of total market size. The report promises to provide recent technology trends of the global smoke evacuation systems market and industry insights to help decision-makers make sound strategic decisions. Furthermore, the report also analyses the growth drivers, challenges, and competitive dynamics of the market.
About Us
BlueWeave Consulting provides comprehensive Market Intelligence (MI) Solutions to businesses regarding various products and services online and offline. We offer all-inclusive market research reports by analyzing both qualitative and quantitative data to boost up the performance of your business solutions. BWC has built its reputation from the scratch by delivering quality inputs and nourishing long-lasting relationships with its clients. We are one of the promising digital MI solutions companies providing agile assistance to make your business endeavors successful.
Contact Us: BlueWeave Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd US: +1 866 658 6826 | +1 425 320 4776 UK: +44 1865 60 0662 Email – [email protected] Linked In Page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/blueweaveconsulting/
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sonnenburgconsulting · 8 months
What Should Small Businesses Know About 1099s?
In Sonnenburg Consulting's latest blog, "What Should Small Businesses Know About 1099s?" discover essential insights and expert advice on handling 1099 forms. From understanding the intricacies of contractor classification to ensuring compliance with tax regulations, this comprehensive guide empowers small businesses to navigate the complexities of 1099 reporting with confidence. For more information contact us at 801-984-3805.
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qtspayroll01 · 8 months
Payroll Hr Solutions
Discover comprehensive HR and payroll services and software solutions tailored for small businesses in Utah. Automate your HR and payroll processes with ease
Payroll Hr Solutions
About Company:-
QTS delivers customized payroll and human resource solutions for employers nationwide. Advanced technology combined with exceptional service differentiates QTS from other payroll and HR companies which has made QTS the vendor of choice in provider-to-provider comparisons. QTS also provides HR outsourcing and consulting on wage and hour and related compensation issues to
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steveslepcevic · 4 years
Strategic Response Partners Readies for Earthquake Responses and Offers Tips to Public for Staying Safe and Protecting Property
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 18, 2020 — With its decades of experience, Strategic Response Partners (SRP) lives and breathes planning for and rapid response to all sorts of catastrophic natural disasters. In fact, the Los Angeles-based firm has a well-earned reputation as a leader in the field. In line with its position as an innovator and the nationwide “go-to” disaster preparedness and response firm, SRP continues to lead the path forward in preparing for and responding to all earthquake-related issues. With the number of earthquakes occurring and predictions of more continually on the rise, SRP has made it a top priority to help the general public, commercial building owners, schools, hospitals, and critical infrastructure become well-prepared for the so-called “Big One.”
SRP has become a company that thousands of clients worldwide depend on. It even has a technical rescue team that is activated when individuals may be trapped in compromised structures or by fallen debris.
SRP’s Managing Partner Steve Slepcevic points to various recent seismic events and scientific findings to emphasize the importance of preparedness:
A 5.1 magnitude earthquake struck North Carolina last week — the largest quake to hit the state since 1916, according to the National Weather Service.
The Salt Lake Valley of Utah experienced a 5.7 magnitude earthquake in March.
The U.S. Geological Survey last week noted a swarm of minor earthquakes near California’s Salton Sea that raises concern about the potential for a larger temblor at the San Andreas Fault. Such a swarm is atypical for this particular part of the state.
Geologists predict a chance of a magnitude 9-plus earthquake hitting Oregon and Washington in the next 50 years and a nearly 40 percent chance of a magnitude 8 to 9 earthquake hitting Southern Oregon and/or Northern California.
This month, scientists for the first time confirmed the existence of extremely powerful “boomerang” earthquakes, opening the possibility of even more devastating types of seismic events.
Taking into account his decades of experience, Slepcevic also recommends: “By taking some simple steps in advance of an earthquake or other natural disaster, people can help save lives and prevent injury, all while decreasing the extent of damage to their homes, businesses, property, and personal possessions, as it is also very important to arm oneself with basic knowledge about what causes earthquakes and, in turn, the hazards that can occur.”
Earthquakes occur when rocks underground break along a fault line, resulting in seismic waves that cause the ground to shake. This shaking can last for a few seconds or up to several minutes and can vary in the degree of strength. For Californians, earthquakes are a common occurrence, and Los Angeles is especially susceptible due to its proximity to multiple faults, including the San Andreas Fault, where two tectonic plates come together. This geological phenomenon sits within 35 miles of Los Angeles, subjecting the city to more frequent and stronger quakes than other cities.
Slepcevic further cautions that when an earthquake strikes, landslides, mudslides, and avalanches can occur and structures, whether large or small, can sustain extensive damage. Likewise, saturated soil can cause buildings to sink. Ground displacement and shifting, flooding, and fires also commonly occur as a result of nearby seismic activity.
As a result of the ever-increasing concern of future seismic activity, Slepcevic and his critical response team at SRP recommend a few basic actions that all home and business owners can take to help protect people and property. Specifically:
Secure bookshelves and dressers to walls.
2. Apply an adhesive, such as museum putty, to objects on tables.
Install clips and clasps on cabinet doors to prevent glasses and plates from sliding out and breaking on floors.
Hire a plumber to install earthquake-safety shut-off valves that will quickly turn off the gas supply in the event of a quake
Develop a communication and evacuation plan with employees or loved ones.
There are additional preparedness tools such as mobile apps available for iPhones and Androids that can provide statewide earthquake early-warning alerts. Additionally, Oct. 15 is designated as International Shakeout Day, where people around the world are encouraged to practice their earthquake communication and evacuation plan from each applicable location.
While basic earthquake-preparation steps are always recommended for individual homeowners, commercial building owners, municipalities, schools, hospitals, daycare centers, nursing homes, and all other critical infrastructure, each should have a well-vetted emergency disaster preparedness plan in place prior to any catastrophic natural disaster, including an earthquake. Having the right plan in place, created by those in the know, can make all of the difference to a business’ ability to survive and recover from a natural disaster. According to Slepcevic, SRP can provide each of these entities with a detailed review of their disaster preparedness plan by its world-renowned team of disaster planners and structural engineers to help ensure their current strategy is comprehensive and effective. SRP even assists businesses in designing and implementing a custom disaster preparedness plan.
“Even if disaster strikes and you don’t have any policies, procedures or plans in place, rest assured, it’s not too late for us to deploy the necessary assistance. We also advise the public to immediately call us following a quake so our engineers and technicians can review the structural integrity of their home or business and perform necessary emergency work to avoid collapse, injury or even death,” stressed Slepcevic. “Our emergency service crews also stand ready to check for and stop gas leaks that can cause fires and explosions, and to correct water damage from burst pipes and other sources.”
SRP has become a company that thousands of clients worldwide depend on. It even has a technical rescue team that is activated when individuals may be trapped in compromised structures or by fallen debris. “Anyone familiar with California’s history with earthquakes knows the incredible damage that can be done to property and the number of lives that can be lost when a major one strikes. As these incidents are becoming more prevalent and frequent, we all need to be vigilant in planning and preparing,” added Slepcevic.
SRP’s rapid response team of experts specializes in disaster preparedness, response, and property restoration management resulting from earthquakes, fires, water, wind, hail, hurricanes, explosions and other event-driven disasters, providing complete disaster project management for residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, municipal, and historic properties.
For more information, go to srp24.com or call (888) 582–5848.
Media Contact: Steve Slepcevic, (888) 582–5848 or [email protected]
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strategic-response-partners.png Strategic Response Partners technical rescue team on site in the aftermath of an earthquake SRP has become a company that thousands of clients worldwide depend on. It even has a technical rescue team that is activated when individuals may be trapped in compromised structures or by fallen debris.
srps-engineers-and-technicians.png SRP’s engineers and technicians review structural integrity of buildings and homes following earthquakes SRP advises the public to call them immediately following a quake so its team can check their home or business’ structural integrity and perform necessary emergency work to avoid collapse, injury or even death.
srp-offers-preparedness-tips-for.jpg SRP offers preparedness tips for protecting lives and property in case of an earthquake With the number of earthquakes occurring and predictions of more continually on the rise, SRP has made it a top priority to help the general public, commercial building owners, schools, hospitals, and critical infrastructure become well-prepared for the so-called ‘Big One.”’
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SOURCE Strategic Response Partners
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Steve Slepcevic
With 30 years of experience, Steve Slepcevic is a leading consultant in disaster management.
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sonnenburgconsulting · 9 months
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qtspayroll01 · 10 months
Hr And Payroll Software
Discover comprehensive HR and payroll services and software solutions tailored for small businesses in Utah. Automate your HR and payroll processes with ease. Hr And Payroll Software
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