rudrakshkailasha · 1 year
Buy Certified Natural Gemstones Online Shop at Best Price in Delhi (India) | Gems Wisdom.
Blue topaz is a gemstone that comes in a variety of shades of blue, ranging from pale sky blue to deep Swiss blue. It is a type of silicate mineral and is composed of aluminum, silicon, oxygen, and fluorine. Blue topaz is often used as a gemstone in jewelry due to its beautiful color and relatively affordable price compared to other gemstones.
Blue topaz is believed to have several metaphysical properties. It is said to promote calmness, balance, and mental clarity. It is also believed to enhance creativity and communication, as well as stimulate the throat chakra. Some people also believe that blue topaz can help alleviate depression, anxiety, and other emotional issues.
There are several varieties of blue topaz, including London blue topaz, Swiss blue topaz, and sky blue topaz. London blue topaz is the darkest shade of blue, with a deep blue hue and a hint of green. Swiss blue topaz is a bright, vibrant blue color, while sky blue topaz is a pale, light blue color.
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Blue topaz is a popular gemstone that is often used in jewelry. It is also believed to have various benefits, both physical and emotional. Some of the benefits of blue topaz are:
1-Calming energy: Blue topaz is believed to have a calming effect on the mind and body. It is said to soothe the nerves and promote relaxation, making it an ideal stone for those who suffer from anxiety or stress.
2-Communication: Blue topaz is associated with the throat chakra, which is responsible for communication and self-expression. Wearing blue topaz is believed to enhance communication skills and help the wearer express themselves more effectively.
3-Healing properties: Blue topaz is believed to have healing properties that can help with a variety of physical ailments. It is said to improve digestion, relieve headaches, and help with respiratory issues.
4-Creativity: Blue topaz is also believed to stimulate creativity and inspire new ideas. It is said to help the wearer think more clearly and make better decisions.
5-Spiritual growth: Blue topaz is said to promote spiritual growth and enlightenment. It is believed to help the wearer connect with their higher self and gain a deeper understanding of the universe.
RUBY ( माणिक )
EMERALD( पन्ना )
WHITE SAPPHIRE (सफ़ेद पुखराज)
PEARL ( मोती )
CORAL RED( मूंगा )
OPAL( दूधिया पत्थर )
HESSONITE (गोमेध )
CAT'S EYE (लहसुनिया )
CITRINE (सुनेला )
IOLITE (काकानीली )
AMETHYST (जामुनिया)
MOONSTONE (चंद्रकांत मणि )
LAPIS LAZULI (लाजवर्द )
AMBER (कहरुआ )
TURQUOISE (फ़िरोज़ा)
PERIDOT (जबरज़ाद )
1185/87-9 Ground Floor,Gems Plaza ,chatta Madan Gopal Maliwara Chandni Chowk Delhi-110006
Phone Number-9971391757
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epinkgems · 4 years
Gem type: Quartz
Natural Smoky Quartz Oval Concave Cut Gemstone Brown Loose Calibaretd Gemstone Wholesaler Lot For Sale
Gems Name :- Smoky Quartz
Gems Size :- 4x3mm To 20x15mm
Gems Shape :- Oval
Gems Cut :- Concave Cut
Gems Clarity :- Transparent
Composition :- Natural
Gems Color :- Brown Color
Country of Origin:- Brazil
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epinkgems · 4 years
Gem type: Quartz
Natural Smoky Quartz Round Concave Cut Gemstone Brown Loose 8mm To 20mm Calibrated Gemstone Wholesaler Lot For Sale
Gems Name :- Smoky Quartz
Gems Size :- 8mm To 20mm
Gems Shape :- Round
Gems Cut :- Concave Cut
Gems Clarity :- Transparent
Composition :- Natural
Gems Color :- Brown Color
Country of Origin:- Brazil
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epinkgems · 4 years
Gem type: Quartz
Natural Smoky Quartz Pear Concave Cut Gemstone, 10x7mm To 20x15mm Pear Concave Brown Loose Gemstone Making Jewelry
Gems Name :- Smoky Quartz
Gems Size :- 10x7mm To 20x15mm
Gems Shape :- Pear
Gems Cut :- Concave Cut
Gems Clarity :- Transparent
Composition :- Natural
Gems Color :- Brown Color
Country of Origin:- Brazil
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