#Natza Natsu x Erza sad
en-cher-blue · 7 years
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Yeah, summertime sadness....
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Natsu and juvia
Juvia -                                                                       
sexuality headcanon: Straight.
ship(s): Navia - has absolutely no romantic basis in canon, none whatsoever; but damn can it be a fun ship~ In the case of Gruvia, I am not a fan, personally. Maybe if you tweak it from what canon portrays, but you gotta do a whole lot of tweaking to get it to be acceptable to me. Juvia’s overt affection is her choice, but it might be nice to see her reflect on her choices rather than chase after Gray blindly; and Gray, he has no obligation to return Juvia’s feelings, none whatsoever, but his regular treatment of giving Juvia the cold shoulder is... Eh, it’s understandable in the sense that he doesn’t have to return her affections, but he didn’t do a whole lot of reparations for just leaving her in that shack while he infiltrated Avatar for all those months - not even reparations as a friend. I can tell Gray at least sees her as a friend, but... romantic ship? Under canon circumstances? No thank you.
most heartbreaking moment: Probably the battle with Meredy on Tenrou. She really sympathized with Meredy, which was nice to see. Also great to see them bond seven years later. 
favourite things about this character: Despite the fangirl-iness for Gray, I just kinda like the overall enthusiasm and energy she brings. But she can also be calm and cool-headed in a pinch, and her Water Magic’s cool. She’s also kind and loyal... I guess her quirkiness is cute, too. Again, just that bubbling energy she can bring. XD
fic idea(s) currently in my head for this character: No new ideas as of late. Whenever drabbles come up, I write them. In terms of fanfiction stories, just the Phantom Phoenix AU, as well as the Team Crimson Flame AU. 
song that reminds me of them: Mm. I dunno, I think LISA - Oath Sign fits her. The first opening song used in Fate Zero. XD
Natsu -
sexuality headcanon: Straight.
ship(s): Natza, Natear, NaMi, NatSo, BraTsu, Navia, MeTsu, Natsu x Kagura, NaWen (older Wendy), Natsu x Cana, Natsu x Sayla/Seilah, Natsu x Yukino... I’m open to a lot. lol Nalu just bores the living snot out of me, and Lucy lives to be annoying. I will eternally vote “no” to Nalu; get that crap out of my house. XD
most heartbreaking moment: ......... I think that’s a tug-of-war between Natsu losing Igneel, and Erza’s dream where she sees Natsu refusing to believe she’s dead (and then begging her never to throw her life away again). Definitely between those two moments. 
favourite things about this character: I like his upbeat energy, enthusiasm, easygoing attitude, passion, fierce loyalty, his guts to not give up... I guess I like the raw emotions he exudes. When he’s sad, you feel bad; when he’s stoked, you’re elated at the sight... I like his ability to wield other Dragon Slayer Magics, as well his END backstory. I kinda wish the Dragon and Demon seeds fused instead of Natsu choosing to stay human. XD 
fic idea(s) currently in my head for this character: Phantom Phoenix and Team Crimson Flame are my main fanfic ideas for Natsu, but I’ve also got lots of drabbles up here on Tumblr for him as well. Not to mention the Fate AU’s with him as a Heroic Spirit (mainly Berserker Class); those are just so much fun. :D
song that reminds me of them: Similar to Juvia... I think “To the Beginning” - the second opening song from Fate Zero - fits him pretty well. Buuut... part of that might just be my Fate AU’s making me biased. 
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Why I Ship and love NatZa
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A few days ago, my friend posted an essay on his introduction to NatZa, so I thought I would do the same. :O
To be honest, it was quite straightforward for the most part, if anything because Fairy Tail was one of the ‘newer’ anime I was checking out since I barely branched out. For a while I was just content loving Dragonball/Z/GT...and then Pokemon... YuGiOh... Inuyasha.... Naruto....Bleach... Full Metal Alchemist, I was pretty focused into gaming for a while as well so I never watched too much. So one fall semester I saw a lot of advertisement whenever I’d read a new manga chapter of Naruto Shippuden, and to be quite honest what really grabbed my attention was... Yeah, Erza. Erza and what Natsu :O I was convinced then so I decided to watch it. And... to be quite honest. I never liked Lucy. And a lot of people will always argue that I’m just hating on her for no reason but...she really annoyed me in the episodes. She was selfish, conceited... and she really cared only about her self. Don’t get me started on her complaining all the time @__@.... but yeah. I didn’t quite like Lucy one bit. xD Nevertheless Natsu kicked ass. XD
Continuing on, I finally met the girl that spurred my interest. Erza. It sounds a bit lame, but I wasn’t let down. I loved her character, I loved her magic. She is without a doubt a bad ass mage. So yeah, I would ‘obviously’ ship her with Natsu.
At first I understood that her interactions were more platonic with everyone, but I always caught on she had more attention placed on Natsu. I mean you could say, but for the most part in terms of Fairy Tail, he was the key one that a lot of focus was placed on.
Then the Phantom Lord arc happened. While a lot of it was Lucy focused, there were still a good amount of scenes that kept the fuel running of how concerned Erza and Natsu were for another, and even her putting his trust into him of how he’s the one to succeed her.
Afterwards. I just found it adorable how he went to take Erza’s place, wanting and needing to pay for something she hadn’t done. Their heart to heart talk in the jail cell and how, despite furious he was with her, was followed by how much she loved the effort or least action he put into ‘rescuing her’. Fastforward to the Tower of Heaven and...ohhh boy. It was a ride.Between Jellal quickly making my No.1 shit list and Natsu getting pissed off. I was enjoying it. Regardless of the reason, It wasn’t hard to see that Jellal was the one that tortured Erza the most, and why she was so sad all the time. The whole epic battle of Natsu fighting for her was amazing. Saving her from Jellal... the death Lacrima...the hugs....
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But the biggest part of the arc that stands out is how both of them acknowledges they could never live in Fairy Tail without the other. Now however you want to take that but the two of them were willing to die for the other person. Erza was freed because Natsu defeated Jellal... Natsu, the one she always had to keep in line. So what did she do? Try to take the castle down with her to save the man that saved her. However, what did Natsu do? He tore through Etherion to pull her back out.
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And even THIS. No matter where you look in any other segment of the chapter, you will never see this.This is the scene that ultimately changed the dynamic between Erza and Natsu. Erza, without her armor and was also the only one to ‘initiate’ any sort of embrace. 
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No matter what anyone else says, this ultimately changed their relationship for the rest of the series.
From this point on the relationship the two became...more endearing as the series progressed. From The Oracion Seis arc when he was willing to throw his life away for the man Erza held affections for (Yeah, remember, he was willing to get thrown into the maximum security prison for protecting a terrorist just for Erza, something that takes actual balls).
So yeah, I rambled, but everything up to this point is what solidified by love for the ship. The bonds between them growing stronger, the unwavering trust between another. And it hadn’t stopped here, from this moment on the waves of passion just continued to burn from me. And it’s one of the biggest things I’ve loved about the ship.
Unlike the others, aside from a very few in the series like Gajeel x Levy, or Zeref x Mavis, there hadn’t been so much passion that was built between two people. It wasn’t about them trying to get in other people’s pants. Or trying to just cop a feel. They always built up on another.
Erza is so free and happy, she’s so relaxed because of how much of herself she can be. For the most part she was always so stiff and stern, but whenever she’s around Natsu all the feelings she hadn’t felt start rushing out.
And yeah, Natsu is ‘terrified’ of her, but he’s terrified of making her ‘angry’ you know... like everyone else. He isn’t afraid to do silly things with her like barrel surfing... eat gelato’s... hell, he’s nervous to even see her naked. 
My love of this ship was never about seeing them act like shy teenagers about them, because their interactions with another bolsters confidence and trust. Yeah, Erza is a ruckus, a pervert, but Natsu doesn’t care. Natsu gets rowdy, he starts stuff, but he knows not to go overboard. From the beginning these two were opposites on the spectrum. Natsu was rowdy and childish, Erza was stern and had to be more thoughtful in her plans, but as time went on, their intermingling allowed them to open up. Change. Take on characteristics about another. Yeah, Erza is still ‘mature’ and ‘thoughtful’ but she kicks back and lets herself be childish (hell, she’s FAIRY WOMAN xD) and yeah, Natsu is still rowdy and childish, but he’s more aware and thoughtful of everything around him. I never cared what happens to them in terms of canonicity, because to me they are one of the very few ‘ships’ in the whole show that you can tell has changed from the beginning to the end. To me, that’s what the best of the ships is about, growing together and adopting the characteristics of the person close to you. 
For them, they looked out for their happiness, and used it to propel and use it for the rest of the Guild as well.
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shinobisage09 · 6 years
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|| So to be quite honest. I wasn’t sure what I was doing xD I was hoping that it turned out okay, but there were tons of problems between the tag line and other situation. Then I completely re-did the bottom one.
Plus very sad in lack of proper Mira renders @___@
Then the NaMi one looked waaayyyyy too like the NatZa one... so yeah...@___@
I don’t necessarily have a style it seems... but I try goin back to what i loved, which is theme and atmosphere. Somewhere along the way I got too full of stuffing it as much as possible. As close to similar as they all be. I always try mixing it so it looks unique :O
Nothing’s perfect, but I still try experimenting to see what works and doesn’t
Natsu x Mira (Natsu) render  © Deviant Art
Natsu + Erza + Mira render  © me  (shinobisage09, 2018)
gfx  © me (shinobisage09, 2018)
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animesshadow · 7 years
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It was this exact moment where I first started to see the potential of the relationship between Natsu and Erza. Not only as pairing but as partners as well. Erza was introduced to us as the strong scary woman who would keep Natsu’s temper in check. Starting from this point onward they started to see each other more as equals, going beyond their “frightful” relationship. 
We saw the strong independent Erza  showing cracks in her hard shell for the first time. We got a glimpse of her inner darkness, her gruesome past and her reason to wear armor all the time. But in the end, it was none other than Natsu who stepped in and brought Erza back on track even when Erza herself was ready to sacrifice everything. 
Looking back Lucy’s affiliation with Natsu barely changed throughout the whole series whereas NatZa constanly evolved as Fairy Tail continued
With Jellal barely having any screentime it was quite hard sometimes to really see their relation with each other grow. On the other hand Natsu and Erza interacted a lot more often which resulted in one of the best character development of the 2 mages the series ever had.
Erza switched from like a “strict parental” figure to an irreplaceable nakama on Natsu’s side where each would encourage one another while also keeping each other’s from doing mistakes on their own.
It is a bit sad Natsu x Erza is still considered a crack ship by some people. Honestly speaking, those two have the greatest pairing potential Fairy Tail ever had
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richtits0fshipping · 7 years
But _____ is There Too!
Quite often this form of argumentation is used to detract from the emotional import these scenes try to convey with the assumption/interpretation/possibility of equality in the relationship depth and nature between those involved. With all due respect, it's laughable; honestly, what sort of overt material did you expect for a ship (Natza) that directly opposes both of the biggest fandoms in Fairy Tail (Nalu & Jerza)? Anyway, I'll give it a shot and remedy this. (Profanity Warning)
What happened:
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"Happy, I'm here to save Natsu. You know, at this strangely convenient time. I mean, think about it. Literally, Natsu's only weakness and the only time I could possibly save him is when he's on some form of transportation. For what ever reason, not only did the First Guild Master forget about this weakness but, you, Charle, and Lily didn't think to immediately get them off the ship. That's when I made sure to show up, instead of whatever I was originally supposed to do, right when that spriggan had Natsu at his mercy. If I didn't know better isn't this scenario similar to those situations nearly exclusive to people who are 'paired' together? It's even better because we're on a ship. Whatever we can subvert this * looks at Wendy and Gajeel* Anyway, If I play my cards right, during my fight and his own, Natsu will send me a 'message' inspiring my victory, and, finally, after exhausted from my own battle I'll go into free fall where Natsu will save me in my descent. It'll really bring things 'full-circle.' *Nods and smiles, clearly self-satisfied* That'll do...That'll do... Oh, I almost forgot, Happy, Lily, Charle, get them out of here."
What could've been:
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"On second thought, not you Gray. Fuck you. Good thing I saw everything and didn't arrive later into your fight where I wouldn't know the circumstances and who to side with... Dodged that bullet. Anyway, where do you get off trying to kill your best friend after he went out of his way to stop you from killing yourself 77777 times? Despite that, you go out of your way to kill Natsu for no other reason than to sate your misguided quest for revenge. And here we are with Natsu pulled into a fight to defend himself that he wanted no part in. So yeah...love you, Natsu; get fucked Gray." (Hahaha, not gonna lie, I had fun with this one).
Shoe on the other foot:
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"Relax Erza, this isn't a 'shipping moment,' Wendy's here too. She's only a few feet away from you, within the blast radius, and since she's a Dragon Slayer, Acnologia will definitely try to kill her as well. I'm here to save Wendy and you. Just because we have a history together of mutual attraction doesn't mean it's all about you. Last time I've checked it's been well over a year without any progress in our 'relationship. ' Honestly, since we almost kissed, things have kinda been winding down between us. Anyway, get off your high horse. I care about both of you, equally, because I saved both of you. If anything, I owe you both for granting me a chance at redemption, Wendy revived me and you helped me settle things with Milliana and Kagura. The least I can do is return the favor when both of your lives are in danger....*shakes head in disappointment* Don't get it twisted."
Ffs people, there's a reason why we look at the totality of context that encompasses these situations. If Mashima depicted anything overtly romantic, between Natsu & Erza, quite a “few people” in the NaLu & Jerza fandoms would castrate the poor guy, and yet these same people ask, "Well, why isn't there more overt material of their relationship?" It's sad he has to keep the interactions between the two as ambiguous as possible to avoid that. If there's one thing the Fairy Tail manga excels in it's the subtlety and hints Mashima uses in context to express the nature of these relationships. Remember Kyouka x Seilah? Pepperidge Farm remembers...
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