#Nct mafia
peanutpinet · 9 months
The Bat & Dove - Jeno Mafia (racer) x fem reader
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Synopsis: In the public’s eye, NCT was just like any other celebrity agency with some of the neos being actors, famous racers, athletes, and other public figures. Jeno was one of the racers of NCT in front of the public but behind all of the public’s eye and cameras was an introverted yet smart racer who could memorise every single track that he had been on and could calculate anything he targeted. But one thing that he couldn’t figure out was his feelings towards a certain modest girl.
Warnings: Floof before the storm, cursing, drug usage, kidnapping inflicting pain, illegal fight, racing, near rape themes, angst, torture
A/N: I swear Jeno has suddenly gotten me writing a long-ass fic for him and about mafia :)) I ain't complaining cause The Bat Video and Performance is just 🤌🏼 Also, if any of you have been here since my first few NCT fics, this is a slight spin-off of Taeyong x Medic Girl fic (my 3rd NCT fanfic). And now, your author shall go back and figure out another fic whilst attending SMtown on Saturday :]
Taeyong x Medic Girl: pt 1
Never did you think that in your whole life, you would be flying in a first-class seat heading towards Milan, Italy with your boyfriend of one year, Jeno Lee, the famous racer in South Korea. The one who would always win the race no matter the circumstances.
You and Jeno met almost 2 years ago when you were working part-time for your local cafe and had to cover for your friend who always does the night shift. It was your first night shift and everything was going well until you had to close up for the night.
You were taking out the trash when there were a gang of drunk college students who tried to touch you when you clearly had no energy to fight back. Luckily enough, Jeno and his friends were right around the corner when it happened and something about that night, Jeno who is typically a rather quiet, introverted member of NCT decided to fight back.
Jeno managed to stop the college students before they did anything further. Jeno looked over towards you and nudged you to go back inside of the cafe which you did without questioning him. Not long after, Jeno came into the cafe to check up on you.
Seeing his slightly bruised knuckles, you told Jeno to sit down and helped clean his injuries and wounds. After that incident, Jeno decided to watch you from afar whenever you had night shift and the rest was basically history.
You weren’t someone who came from an elite family at all. Instead, you came from a simple family that earns slightly more than enough to live. When you met Jeno, you were in your final semester of university and working part-time to earn some sort of whereas he was already a well-known racer in the country.
Shortly after you graduated, Jeno asked you to be his girlfriend and even managed to help you get a job that pays you well to help your parents. Even though you can earn on your own now, Jeno would still shower you with gifts that you had always wanted and more. Jeno would also often invite you to hang out with him and his friends, to get to know his group so that you would have some company whenever you attend his races.
But this time, it was an international race and Jeno insisted that you come because he had an extra ticket to watch his racing but also he wanted you to be able to explore other parts of the world with him. You were always there for him after a long day and would always take care of him without knowing much and he wants to return the favour. But also seeing you smile just brightens Jeno’s day.
Upon reaching the hotel, Jeno asked if you were alright to stay and sleep in the same room with him because he’s worried whenever you’re alone which you were alright but you nervously told him that you had never slept on the same bed with a guy before.
“Don’t worry, love. If you’re nervous, I can ask to change our room to two separate beds. I don’t want you to feel pressured. I just worry whenever you’re alone but I promise that I’ll give you all the privacy you need” Jeno mentioned, putting both your suitcases as you explore the huge room that you’re not used to at all
“Jen, there’s no need to. I trust you. I trust that you won’t cross my boundaries. Plus, this room is huge, there’s more than enough space to have some sort of privacy” you replied, looking out the view from the balcony of the room
“I’m glad that you trust me so much. I promise that I’ll make this trip unforgettable” Jeno mumbled, back hugging you as he kissed the side of your temple, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck
Because you were staying for a full week, the first 2 days were just filled with you and Jeno exploring the city, occasionally getting lost together but stumbled upon some sort of local cafe or even park. By the 3rd day, Jeno had his race and had already been preparing since early in the morning, not forgetting to kiss your forehead and left a note before he left.
Waking up to a lighter bed, you found a box with a note attached to it. “I got it before I asked you to come with me because either way, you would eventually come. I hope that you’ve been enjoying your holiday because I know that I have. You have always been so caring and loving to me. I know that I’ve spoiled you here and there but just this one time, throughout our time in Milan, let me spoil you like a princess. Let me show you how much I care and adore you because I know that you’re the one for me. Go on, princess, put on your gown and come to be my good luck charm so that I can show you how much you mean to me” - your little puppy disguised as a wolf
Opening the box, you were shocked to see a gorgeous white buttoned dress matched with a simple handbag and shoes. Taking a picture of the box and note, you sent it to Jeno who almost replied immediately and texted you that he had hair & makeup on their way along with breakfast. Jeno also mentioned to Renjun, Yangyang, and Shotaro would be there to pick you up since Haechan and Jaemin were with him.
After you’ve gotten your hair & makeup done, you hear a knock on your door and when you open it, it was Renjun, Yangyang and Shotaro, just as Jeno mentioned. You thanked the hair & makeup team as they left your room as the 3 men waited for you to finish your breakfast which you offered to them.
“Don’t worry about us, we already had breakfast a while ago” Renjun mentioned
“Are you excited to see Jeno race in an international competition?” Yangyang asked and you shyly nod. “Jeno was right when he said that you were shy. But it’s alright. Just enjoy yourself during this trip. Come on, let’s go!! The race is gonna start soon” Yangyang exclaimed as you took your things and headed out with the 3 males.
Arriving at the racing track, you and the 3 males went to the designated seat which were in a nice middle spot to see the entire track and you could even see your boyfriend getting ready by the pit stop with his other friends, Jaemin and Haechan.
As the announcer mentioned that the race was about to start, all the racers went to their designated cars to get ready to race.
Jeno’s POV
“Remember, it’s that one over there, number 712. The copycat as I like to name them” Haechan mentioned, nudging towards the racer and car that was already by the track
“Hmm. I’ve been eyeing them since the moment they stepped foot in this place” I replied, putting on his glove and taking my helmet from Jaemin
“Don’t interact when unnecessary. We’re just here to make sure that they’re not going to pull anything today. But just in case, there’s an emergency box underneath your seat. Plus, Doyoung, Jaehyun, and Jungwoo hyung are in the area to watch over” Jaemin mentioned
“I know. I’m not worried about what’ll happen to us. I’m more worried about (y/n)” I mentioned, turning around to see (y/n) in the crowd with the others
“She’ll be alright. The 3 of them are with her. Yangyang is a skilful shooter, Shotaro is amazing in combat and Renjun is a doctor + hacker. Plus, as Jaemin mentioned, our three reliable hyungs are here. There’s nothing to worry about” Haechan mentioned, shrugging
“Keep an eye on their team, I’ll deal with the driver” I replied, putting on my helmet and driving towards the track
Before the race actually started, I kept a close eye on the target that Taeyong-hyung instructed.
“I received news that our copycat gang will be racing in the Italian Grand Prix which you will also be attending along with the 00 liners” Taeyong mentioned, pushing the information towards me
“What do you need us to do? Kill them? Kidnap them? Take them down? Expose them?” I questioned, flipping through all the information that Taeyong gave
“They’re known as a fraud. They tend to pretend to be one of our gang because no one truly knows who is part of our main gang like you in Dream, WayV, 127, aside from me, Mark and Kun being the leaders since it would only just be the 3 of us whenever we go to meetings. Take them down. Expose them as the frauds they are. But don’t. kill. them.” Taeyong mentioned and I closed the information looking back at our leader
“Why would you think that I would kill them?” I asked, raising my eyebrow
“Because you’re going with your girlfriend. And I’m sure that whatever happens to her, you’re not going to sit tight. You’re probably going to see red everywhere and without thinking, you might actually kill one of them upon sight. I know my members, Jeno. You’re one of them that never misses a shot. You’re also quiet and reserved but you pay attention to every detail. That’s why nothing ever gets missed by you. Especially when it comes to your girlfriend” Taeyong explained, sipping on his coffee
“Nothing will happen to her. And how did you know that I was going to bring (y/n)?!” I asked
“Like I said, I know my members. But take it from someone who also has a significant other whilst being part of this, even though my girlfriend is part of our world, one thing for sure is that we will never be alright with them getting hurt. But the job is just as important, Jeno. I’m not saying that you neglect your girlfriend. I just want you to know that unless it’s just the two of you or it’s a completely cornered situation, don’t abandon or change your mission. I also have DoJaeJung to come with you since they’ll be attending their respective brands’ event” Taeyong mentioned. “So, I hope to not hear any killing. Not until you bring them back to me alive at least” Taeyong added on
Back to the Present
As I remembered my conversation with Taeyong hyung, the race finally started and I stepped on the gas, hard. Not only was my goal to win this race but I wasn’t going to let some frauds use our group’s name and get all the credit. No, I was going to make them look bad.
As I was halfway through my laps, I started to hear that other drivers and their cars were being hijacked and thus injuring the drivers. “Jen, that copycat of a group hijacked the other cars since they were the first to come. But Jaemin and I have already checked your car and removed everything that wasn’t supposed to be there. Yet, it looks like he knows that nothing is happening to your car so he’s catching up on you” I heard Haechan comment in my ear-in
“They don’t know that we’re actually part of NCT, right?” I asked, eyeing from my mirror and seeing the 712 guy catching up
“Nope. Just as Taeyong-hyung mentioned, they only know that you’re Lee Jeno the undefeatable racer from South Korea. They have no idea that you’re the Jeno Lee from NCT” Haechan replied
“Good. I’ll give them something to be worried about” I scoffed, stepping on the gas and seeing that 712 was still catching up through my left side and was leaning in until I saw the opportunity and put my car in reverse and went past their car as they hit the wall and I continued on and win the race
Going out of my car, I took off my helmet and was welcomed with a big hug from Haechan and Jaemin along with a wild roar from the crowd as the announcer announced that I was the winner. After taking a bow towards the crowd, I scanned through them and saw (y/n) who looked relieved to see me. Her smile was something that I noticed made me feel better throughout the past few days here and I would never want that genuine smile to ever turn to something else in a split second.
After the award ceremony was over, I shook hands with the other racers, thanking them for a good race up until Mr. 712 came and ruined the mood.
“Lee Jeno, is it?” 712 exclaimed, his team was trying to hold him back as Jaemin, Haechan and I just looked at them with a bored yet annoyed look that intimidated them
“Yes. And you are?” I questioned, raising my eyebrow
“The name is Brad. My team and I are part of NCT of the US branch” Brand proclaimed as Haechan scoffed
“Do you even know what NCT is? It’s South Korea’s mafia gang that managed to get the other mafia gang in the world at peace with how diverse the members are” Haechan explained as Jaemin slightly elbowed him
“Of course we know that. How do you think they were able to expand to the US? It was because of us. I just want to let you know that what you did back there was not cool and just you wait until the rest of our members here about this” Brand exclaimed
“Then why did you try to close in on me first? You were the one who started it, I was just merely getting myself away from any potential risks that could happen because of you. So don’t go around and blame me for what you started” I scoffed, slightly towering over the self-proclaimed NCT member
“Jeno!” I heard Renjun exclaim and as we all turned around, we saw Renjun, Yangyang, Shotaro and (y/n) coming towards us
“Is, is it a bad time?” I heard (y/n) mumbled but I softly grabbed her hand and rubbed her hand
“No, don’t worry. We were just done here” I replied, giving (y/n) my signature smile
“It was a good race, Brad. Hope that what happened today won’t happen ever again” I mentioned as I pull (y/n) to my side as all of us left the track
Back at the hotel, we all went to freshen up and had dinner together to celebrate my win and all but just being with (y/n) eases my clouded thoughts of Brad and the way that he looked at (y/n) when she came with the other members.
“Jen, eat up. You must be tired” (y/n) mentioned, nudging a spoon of mashed potatoes towards me which I smiled and ate the food she fed me
“Don’t worry babe, I was just driving, am not tired at all” I smiled at her as I fed her some pasta which she happily eat, showing off her little chipmunk cheeks
“Still, you woke up so early for the race. Eat up and then rest, okay?” (y/n) mentioned and I nodded
“Don’t talk about me when you haven’t eaten much at all young lady. I will not have you going back home without enjoying yourself. Now eat” I playfully threatened, feeding (y/n) some more food
“So this is your excuse for not helping me back there is because you got food for your girl?! No offense (y/n) but your man here is a selfish little ass because he clearly could’ve placed more food on the plate but noooo” Haechan dramatically complained, sitting next to (y/n) but I pulled her seat closer towards me
“You want food, Haechan? If I get you some and shove it down to your mouth, would you stop pestering my girlfriend?” I somewhat threatened and eyeing the playful boy but (y/n) held my hand to stop me. “Jen, stop. Haechan was just being playful” (y/n) warned me, her tone was scarier than usual that I instantly soften my looks
The rest of dinner went by quicker and by the end of it, we all drank a bit of alcohol which to (y/n) it was just another celebration but to the rest of us, it was to calm our nerves because after tonight, the real work actually begins.
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Once dinner was over, we all went back to our own rooms just as me and (y/n) held hands together to our room. In the comfort of our room, I let loose of my colder exterior and hugged (y/n) from behind as she was in the bathroom and was trying to remove her makeup.
“Jen, I need to remove my makeup, if you want to hug me, you better not move unless you want me to go blind as I remove my eye makeup” (y/n) reminded me and we stayed in the position for a while
“Can’t help it babe, you’re gorgeous. I knew that dress would accentuate your beauty. Plus, you look hot when you’re slightly angry” I mumbled, kissing the back of (y/n)’s neck, nuzzling behind her as I hear her let out a breathy sigh
“Jen” (y/n) called out to me, turning around to face me as her back was pressed against the bathroom counter. “You drank quite a lot, didn’t you?” (y/n) asked, cupping my face
“Nope. I didn’t” I replied because it was true. “I’m sober” I added on, holding one of her palm and kissing it
“What’s wrong jen? Tell me. You don’t normally drink like you did today. You would drink in sips not in shots” (y/n) asked. She truly do know me well
Sighing, I hugged her waist while she softly stroked my hair which helped calm me better than the alcohol. After a while, I pulled away and gently lifted her to place her on the countertop so it would be easier to talk.
“Just some things on my mind, angel. How I worry whenever you’re alone without me. Not in a possessive kind. How I worry that my job might get in between us” I stated, there was some truth to it
“Jen. You don’t have to worry about me. You know that I’m okay with being alone sometimes. Even though it feels more homey and comfy with you. And don’t worry about your job getting in between us. I know how hard you’re working so that I don’t have to but I know you let me work so I can have my own savings as well. And for that I really wanna thank you and appreciate you. How you would often send my parents some money as well. You know, my parents asked me if you’ve popped the question and I told them that we’re young and we want to enjoy and explore many things together first” (y/n) replied, making me smile
“I’m glad that your parents approve of me. In their own way of course. And I will pop the question one day because I really can’t see myself with anyone else. You never question me or push me to be someone else. You would always be there and wait until I was ready to talk which makes me more comfortable and want to talk to you more. How has Milan been, little dove?” I confessed
“Dove?” (y/n) asked and I just chuckled. “Yea. Because how soft and pure you are. How you’re basically my peace, love to explore and enjoy your freedom whilst also giving your love to me. So, how has Milan been?” I explained
“It’s incredible because you were the one that brought me here. You’re the one that insist that I come and I’m glad you convinced me to because this is just as magical and as romantic as people describe Paris” (y/n) mentioned, placing her hands on my neck, slightly massaging it
“Good. I’m glad that you’ve been enjoying yourself a lot because I have a little gift for you. Since you already planned our first year anniversary back home. I decided to plan my own but in Milan. Here” I mentioned, pulling out a little box that I got so early in the morning and opened it which has a dainty necklace with 3 rings that were linked together and was custom-made since the gold ring had a custom small nct logo embossing on it as Taeyong’s request for all of us when we have a significant other.
“Jen….that’s expensive!! My whole outfit is already expensive enough. I can’t..” (y/n) complained but I sushed her by softly kissing her forehead
“Nonsense, dove. Nothing is as expensive as you yourself. You’re priceless. I want to because I want something for you to always remember me and our moment here in Milan” I softly replied. “May I?” I asked if it was alright to put the necklace on her and she nodded
Helping her down, (y/n) turned around, and held her hair as I gently put the necklace around her and locking it which to me, it symbolizes that I’m locked on her and as a reminder that she was my significant other and under nct’s protection.
“It’s beautiful, Jen. You really didn’t have to” (y/n) mumbled, admiring the necklace as I put my hands around her waist, admiring her through the mirror
“You’re beautiful. Can I kiss you? I know that you’re still shy when it comes to physical things and I completely understand if…” I rambled as (y/n) let go of my hold and turned around, softly pecking my lips
“With you, I think I’ve slowly tried to let loose more and enjoy every moment” (y/n) smiled which made me smile and gently cupped her face and leaned to finally close the gap between us. Something that I never imagine we would do during the beginning of our relationship.
As time pass, our kiss grew from something soft like the small waves by the beach, I slowly grew needier and slowly deepen the kiss, one of my hand was by her waist and one of (y/n)’s hair was going through my hair.
Before it can go any further, I pulled away first and softly caressed (y/n)’s cheek, making sure that she was alright with it. “Are you okay? Sorry, I got carried away. We can stop here if you want. And we can just end the night by cuddling whilst watching your favorite Disney movies” I suggested but was shocked by (y/n)’s sudden eagerness as she pulled my neck and our foreheads were touching
“Jen. I’m okay. I trust you, Nono. You have my green light” (y/n) replied which excited me that I kissed her forehead, cheek and jawline. “Tell me whenever you’re uncomfortable at any point, tell me, okay?” I asked but all I got was a nod so I gently pinched (y/n)’s chin. “Use your words, dove. I won’t continue anything if you don’t use your words” I whispered by her ear, hearing her softly whimper for the first time.
“I will, Jen. I’ll tell you if I feel uncomfortable” (y/n) softly moaned as I nibbled her ear. “Just call me, Nono, okay? I want you to feel comfortable. You’ll let me treat you, won’t you?” I mumbled, kissing right below (y/n)’s ear. “Yes, Nono”
Taking one more glance at (y/n), I licked my lips before diving in and kissing her as if that it would be the only time I get to. Without warning, I lifted her and wrapped her legs around my waist without detaching our lips and brought us to the bed where I sat down and let (y/n) sit on my lap.
As the atmosphere was getting hotter, I started to take off my jacket and unbutton my shirt which didn’t go unnoticed by (y/n) who softly pulled away to allow me to take off my top with more space. “Go ahead, dove, take it off” I stated, pushing some of (y/n)’s hair back
Though (y/n) was hesitant at first, I softly grabbed her hands and guided them and took off my shirt, leaving my bare chest for her to see. Seeing her flustered self was adorable because she looked so pure yet curious that I guided her hand on my chest before cupping her cheek and kissing her, ending our night on a much softer yet romantic note.
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Sometime in the middle of the night, I woke up after a bad dream that something happened to (y/n). Looking beside me, I saw her figure sleeping soundly with my hoodie which made me feel relieved.
Unable to sleep, I decided to reply to some messages from Taeyong and the other members back in South Korea regarding the trip, any updates and progress. As I was replying to the other members and the group chat, Taeyong suddenly called me. Thankfully my phone was on do not disturb so I wouldn’t wake (y/n) up.
Answering the phone call, I went over towards the balcony so as to not disturb my girlfriend. “Hyung? Is everything alright?” I asked, closing the door to the balcony
“I should be the one asking you. Why are you up this early in the morning? Something happened?” Taeyong asked but I just chuckled
“No. Everything has been going great actually. I won the race, I spent my first year anniversary and gave (y/n) the necklace yet…” I rambled but Taeyong seemed to know more
“You’re worried that things will go to a wrong turn and you’ll end up hurting her and yourself. I know Jeno. I know how. you might feel. Why do you think I sent other members with you? 3 of them being your seniors” Taeyong replied
“Hyung…” I started but Taeyong didn’t let me continue. “I know how you might feel. I know that you want to enjoy your time with her and I’m sorry that you have to take part in this mission but that’s why I sent members with you. To keep you company, to support one another, and to help each other when things go for a wrong turn. She has the necklace with her so even in other countries, the mafia knows to not touch her. Plus, since we’re not the mafias’ enemies, they would help. Just so you know, the Italian mafia is going to be at the Ferragamo dinner tomorrow and I’ve already let them in on you being our representative. If anything were to happen to you or (y/n), they can help. Since they also are looking to take down that fraud of a group since one of them claims to be part of the Italian mafia” Taeyong explained
“Some cocky bastards they are” I scoffed, making Taeyong chuckled. “It’s going to be alright Jeno. And one day, when you do tell (y/n) everything, we’ll be there to help however we can. And remember…” Taeyong hyung mentioned. “Don’t kill them until I bring them back to you. Alive. I know. I won’t” I replied. “Good. Get some rest Jeno, I wish you all the best. If anything were to actually happen, I would know so you won’t have anything to worry about. I and the others would never abandon one another. Neo always got our back, okay? Good night, Jeno” Taeyong hyung replied, turning off the call
Smiling to myself, I quietly went back into the room but as I went back to the bed, my sudden weight must’ve shocked (y/n) that she woke up. “I’m so sorry, dove, did I accidentally wake you up?” I whispered, stroking her hair
“Nono? Are you okay? Why are you awake in the first place?” (y/n) asked as she slowly sat up on the bed but I pulled her close so her head was laying on my chest
“Had a bad dream and was replying to my work friends in South Korea” I replied as (y/n) hummed
“Dove. I want you to know that I love you so fucking much. That I would never abandon you and would never leave you completely alone” I started which confuses (y/n). “Jen, what are you talking about? Why are you talking as if something were to happen to you?” (y/n) asked, her face looking towards me with worry
“I just have a feeling, dove. Like I said, I worry that my job would get between us. With what I’m doing, there are actually other things that you haven’t known yet but I want to tell you one day which I hope you’ll understand why I haven’t been telling you. But let’s just say that I’m part of something bigger than just a racer. Though it might sound illegal, we really aren’t. But one thing is for sure, I would always prioritize your safety above all. Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, whoever you’re with, no matter what, I will make sure that you’re alright. So please promise me that if anything were to happen and I wasn’t the one to help you, it’s not that I don’t love or care for you. But it’s really because I’m caught up. But please know that whoever is there to help you is someone that I trust to bring us back together” I rambled and expected (y/n) to question me further but instead, she kissed right by my jawline.
“Jen, I know that there might be something you’re keeping from me and while I have my guesses, I want you to be ready whenever you do tell me. Trust me when I say that whatever it is that you do, it doesn’t change my mind how I feel about you. Maybe I might get angry and upset but at the end of the day, you were there for me and the fact that you’re telling me this before anything shows me how much you really care about me and our relationship. Just promise that you’ll always come back to me?” (y/n) replied making me melt in her embrace
“Fuck. What did I do to deserve you?! I don’t even think that I myself would be able to distance myself from you, dove. You’ll always make it feel as if we just met” I admitted, softly lifting (y/n) up a bit so I could kiss her before we go back to our slumber.
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Waking up the next morning, I kissed (y/n)’s forehead as she snuggled closer to me, making me chuckle. “Dove, I’ll order us some breakfast, okay? Well, more so brunch since it’s 10 already. What do you want to eat?” I asked, stroking her hair as I took the hotel phone to call room service
“Anything is alright, Nono. I ate so much the other day so let’s not order too much” (y/n) yawned which made me laugh
Once room service came, I got notified that the stylist along with hair & makeup were on their way since our “dinner” was at 5 pm and it was basically lunchtime by the time our food came. After taking turns to shower and get ready, our food arrives along with the styling team.
Because I had simpler makeup, I finished first and went to the bathroom to change as (y/n) finished getting her hair and makeup done. I wore a black suit with the jacket being a long coat that basically covered the rest of my clothing and my hair was rather slicked but had bangs to frame my face.
When I came out, I saw (y/n) just about finished with her hair and makeup and she absolutely looked breathtaking. I stood behind her as her hair & makeup team moved out of the way. “You look stunning, dove” I whispered, admiring her from the mirror, seeing her turning into the same shade as her blush
“Look who’s talking, Mr Ferragamo’s Brand Ambassador” (y/n) teased as I wrapped my arms around her shoulder, kissing the side of her temple
“Let me change, Jen. The stylist is gonna get angry” (y/n) mentioned, getting up and releasing my grip around her
“If they scold you, I’ll scold them back. No one scolds my girl when I’m around” I replied back as (y/n) went into the bathroom to get change
Not long after, she came out with a gorgeous white shirt and black vest with a flowy black skirt to match my black and white attire along with black boots and a small white and gold handbag. I held (y/n)’s free hand which she linked our fingers together and I let her do a little twirl as the photographer photographed our little moment together.
We took several more photos and then I took a commercial video for Ferragamo and afterwards we both thank all the staff for helping us get ready as we both headed out for dinner with Ferragamo.
Because I was the only one invited, I brought (y/n) as my plus one whereas the other members were on a lookout for the fraud group. Linking our hands together, we were on our way to the restaurant that Ferragamo had booked.
Arriving at the restaurant, I mentioned my name and the staff immediately directed us towards a more secluded yet decorative area. I felt (y/n)’s hand held mine a bit tighter which I know is because of her nervousness and social anxiety. Before going in, I took her hand and kissed her forearm, calming her down. “I’m here, dove. I’m not leaving you. I would never leave you knowing that you’re willing to come with me. Or, if you’re really nervous, we can ditch this fancy dinner and just grab some McDonalds?” I suggested but (y/n) just chuckled
“I’m okay. A. bit nervous but am alright now. The brand might be pissed if they know their global brand ambassador is out eating McDonalds instead of this dinner that was dedicated towards him” (y/n) reminded me, making me smile
Inside the room, I was immediately greeted by the Ferragamo staff and creative director of Ferragamo. Along with the basic greetings, I introduced (y/n) to them who all complimented about her beauty, making me smile with pride.
The both of us were then directed to the center of the long table right beside the creative director of Ferragamo and right as we were seated, the door opened to someone who I did not expect to see at all. Brad from that fraud group.
That fake smile of his as he introduced himself to everyone made my blood boil, my whole body tensed up that (y/n) had to calm me by rubbing my hand in her small ones. I know something was off because I don’t remember seeing Brad at any other events of Ferragamo that I have been to before.
“Jen, you alright? You look like you might kill someone” (y/n) asked as she placed her hand on mine
“I’m okay, dove” I reassured her, looking at her worried face. “Can you do me a favour?” I asked and she nodded. “I know it might be confusing but whatever happens, don’t interact with him. Don’t talk to him, don’t get close to him” I mentioned, looking over at Brad while (y/n) followed my gaze
“Please. Just this one time. Don’t question me, alright? That’s all I ask you just this one time” I mentioned and (y/n) just looked at me softly. “I won’t. I trust you. If you’re already using this tone and saying no then I know that you mean well. I won’t interact with him” (y/n) replied, making me sigh in relief and kissed her temple
Throughout dinner, I kept on eyeing Brad who sat further down the table but he just looked at me with this creepy smile that I wanted to punch so badly but I had to remember my mission especially since the Italian mafia were also here which I had to find because Taeyong-hyung only gave me some descriptions of the man and not an actual clear image of him.
Skimming through the room as we ate, I think I finally found the man that I was looking for. But because I was unsure of leaving (y/n) alone I waited for her but it seemed that she noticed about my eagerness to go somewhere.
“Jen, I’m not going to go anywhere. I don’t know anyone except for you. If you want to go see someone which I think you do, just go. I’ll be here, okay? Or even if I do go, I’d probably go to the bathroom” (y/n) mentioned, stopping her eating session
“Are you sure? I’m completely alright with waiting for you, dove” I replied but she shook her head. “I’m fine. Go, jen. Before you miss them” (y/n) ushered me which made me smile and kiss her head. “I’ll be right back, okay? Enjoy your dinner. I’ll have someone send over some dessert for you, alright?” I replied, kissing her head again and left to see if my intuition was correct about the Italian mafia.
Going up towards a tall older Korean male who was also wearing a custom Ferragamo suit but with a custom embroidery of the Italian mafia family by the cuffs. “Mr Cassano?” I asked as the man in the suit turned around and I finally noticed some of the other “guests” looking at us
“And you are?” the man asked, surprisingly in Korean
“Jeno. Lee Jeno. You are Mr. Cassano of the Cassano family, right?” I half-whispered so that not everyone can hear me
“Your leader told me that you were a smart and keen person. Looks like you are smarter than you look because I actually expected someone older but you have my respect” Mr Cassano replied, extending his hand and I took it to shake
The two of us then continued our conversation while I would look at (y/n) every now and then who was talking with the creative director. As our conversation got more serious, Mr. Cassano instructed me to follow him somewhere more private but I took a look at (y/n) who was still sitting so I decided to text her.
Me: “I’m going to talk with someone for a bit, are you still alright dove?”
(y/n): “Yeap, am alright. Just had a little sip of rose. I don’t like it though. I’m going to go to the toilet for a bit”
Me: “Alright, let me know if you need anything. And yea, looks like you still don’t like alcohol. I’ll have someone bring you some orange juice instead”
(y/n): “Thank you, Nono. I’ll be okay. I’ll be right back. If I’m not back in 5 minutes then I might be puking the alcohol out”
Me: “Don’t make me worry, Dove. I’ll come back and find you in 5 minutes”
Mr Cassano and I then went to a more private area of the restaurant to talk a bit more and just as I was about to mention Brad being here, there was a sudden power fuse making everyone in a panic state that I excused myself from Mr Cassano to check up on (y/n) in the bathroom yet I could sense someone coming to attack both me and Mr Cassano.
Grunting, I turned back and helped take down the mediocre group that was probably from Brad’s group yet didn’t kill them and even prevent any of Mr Cassano’s men from killing them.
“Why don’t you put them out permanently?” Mr Cassano questions as his men gathered the group
“Because my leader wants them alive and I very much would like to be present when they’re being questioned and perhaps even tortured for being a fraud and using our group’s name for their personal pleasure” I mentioned as Mr Cassano nodded in understanding
“Thank you for helping me. If you need any help, contact me” Mr Cassano mentioned, handing me his phone number
“If it’s alright, please send them over to South Korea to my leader first. I’ll deal with the ring leader” I asked and Mr Cassano nodded. “Done. Go find your girlfriend, kid” Mr Cassano mentioned and I bowed back out of respect before rushing to the bathroom to find (y/n).
Before going into the bathroom, I contacted my members to standby, help with the power fuse and guide everyone out of the restaurant.
“Jen, we’re already on our way and Renjun is working on the power fuse, what’s the situation?” Jaemin asked
“I took down some of Brad’s minions but I don’t see him or the 2 others that were with him during the race. I’m going to the bathroom to look for (y/n)” I replied
“Jen, wait for us, we’re almost there” Haechan exclaimed but I couldn’t care because I need to make sure that (y/n) was alright
Barging into the bathroom, I prepared my gun just in case anyone tried anything and at the slightest sound, I immediately pointed my gun towards it until I heard a shuffling sound. “(y/n)? Dove? Talk to me, love” I called out but there was no sound from her which made me grow worry
As I was about to check each of the stalls, I noticed a shadow from the mirror and instantly turned to fight against whoever it was that tried to sneak up on me. Noticing that the man held a syringe, I grabbed his wrists and made sure that he dropped the syringe before I kicked his legs from behind and pointed a gun towards his temple.
“Where is she?! Where did Brad go? Tell me or I’ll take my time to torture you” I growled but when the man didn’t say anything, I shot his kneecaps just enough so that he would feel the pain
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“Talk. Now. While I still have the patience with you” I demanded
“H-he drugged her. He’s, he’s taking her back to his hotel. W-we were supposed to drug you as well because he was salty that you won” the man finally talked and I hit him towards the wall to knock him out right as Haechan came in
“Jen…woaaaaa, d-did you?” Haechan asked. “No. Taeyong would punish me if I killed anyone tonight. He said that Brad took (y/n) to his hotel” I growled, putting my gun back in my pocket, making my way out to see that everyone had already left the restaurant
“Renjun…” I mentioned. “Heard you the first time you confronted him. Yangyang, Jaemin and Shotaro are on their way along with Jungwoo-hyung” Renjun replied
“Send me the address, my job isn’t done until I get Brad so I’m technically going to kill two birds with one stone. Well, without the killing at least” I mentioned and Renjun sent me the address
“You sure it’s a good idea? It could be an ambush” Haechan replied and I checked my phone for (y/n)’s location because her necklace had a tracker on it
“I’m getting my girlfriend and putting that no good of a fraud down. They’re still on their way. Which means I can catch up to them” I stated, taking off my coat as both me and Haechan head towards the back alley where Renjun is
“We’ll tail you from behind. Doyoung and Jaehyun-hyung are handling the Italian mafia to ensure everyone is out of the restaurant and create some sort of story about this incident. Taeyong-hyung also mentioned that the Italian mafia already has someone on their way to clean up the mess” Renjun stated as I changed into the nct mission gear
“I’ll be after Brad since Jaemin and the others are waiting at the hotel, I’m sure that Brad would take a detour and I don’t intend to lose my girlfriend or him” I stated as I put on my helmet and took some things before leaving the van and headed to one of our rented cars
Turning on the maps with the tracker, I placed my phone right on the stand and raced to where (y/n)’s tracker said it was. “Hang on, dove. I’m coming” I muttered, putting in the gears and racing off
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It didn’t take me long to get to where the tracker said it was because of the quiet street at night and because the police gave permission to let me pass due to my car’s plate number. I knew that Brad would be taking a detour because Jaemin mentioned that he and the others took care of the rest of his little minions. Stopping right in front of their moving car, they finally took a sharp turn to stop.
Getting out of my car, I shot every single one of the wheels to make sure that they couldn’t escape through their car before I could get through their door, the back door opened and it was Brad along with 2 of his friends who were holding an unconscious (y/n).
Seeing her unconscious figure made my blood boil so I pointed my gun towards Brad. “Let her go or I’ll shoot you myself” I mentioned
“Jeno, jeno, are you sure about that?” Brad chuckled, snapping his fingers and one of his men held a pocket knife right by (y/n)’s throat making my whole body tense but I analysed this situation multiple times before that I knew that I just needed to hold out long enough until my team came
“You’re a fucking coward you know that? Using an innocent girl to get to me? Man up and fight me without using a hostage. But that’s right, you can’t even man up and try to win the race on your own. You had to sabotage the other racers with illegal weapons that you got through abusing the NCT name which you clearly are not in” I ranted, not lowering my weapon one bit even when Brad had a tantrum
“Oh, so you think you’re part of that group? Look at you! Telling people that they can’t do shit but where the hell did you get those weapons and that car anyways? Maybe you’re also using the NCT name like me. Perhaps we are alike than you think” Brad scoffed, coming closer. “I mean, you and I have the same taste in women anyway. Sad that your girl is asleep, it would be more interesting when she’s awake, don’t you agree?” Brad tormented and I gave in because the next second, I punched that smirk off his face with my gun, beginning a long fistfight between the two of us.
Unlike Brad, I had proper combat training so I managed to dodge all of his attacks and landed quite a hard blow on his weak spots; his stomach, the back of his knee, his ankles and his chest (right below his lungs). It wasn’t long until his 2 minions abandoned (y/n) and came to help their little leader which didn’t turn out great for them either.
If Brad was the so-called leader of his group, then his minions were nothing to me. I was clearly on the winning streak with the amount of blows I managed to land on all three of them but when (y/n) slowly regained her consciousness is when I started to get a bit distracted; especially when she called out my name in a weak tone.
“Jeno…” I heard (y/n) uttered which made me stop and rushed towards her half-unconscious figure
“Dove?? Are you okay? What happened? Never mind that, let’s get you out of here, hmm?” I cooed, slowly trying to lift (y/n) and failed to notice a sneaky ambush behind me until I felt a sharp pain on my neck did I turned and elbowed one of Brad’s minions
“Jen….” (y/n) muttered, probably out of worry because she saw me holding onto my neck and taking out the syringe
“Just a minute, dove. I’m okay” I managed to utter, standing back up and actually knocking all three of them unconscious before whatever drug was injected into me actually took effect
Thankfully, my team arrived just in time right as I started to feel hot and my mind was a bit foggy with the only thought being getting (y/n) and leaving this place immediately.
“Jeno!!!” I heard Jungwoo-hyung exclaimed and helped support me
“(y/n), get her out of here and to our room” I uttered and Jungwoo-hyung asked Shotaro to help (y/n) as Yangyang made sure that the backup men get Brad and his minions into the car to be detained first.
After what felt to be the longest night I’ve ever had, we finally reached back to our hotel and I took (y/n) from Shotaro and brought her to our room as Jungwoo-hyung told me to rest as he get the sample of both mine and (y/n)’s blood from Renjun to find out what drug was in our system.
⚠️Trigger Warning! Skip if you're uncomfortable
Once I closed the door to our room, I laid (y/n) down on the bed as she was still practically unconscious while I felt that my body got hotter with every second passing, especially when I saw (y/n). All I could practically think was how I wanted to kiss her so badly and how I wanted to make the both of us feel better. But most importantly, how I wanted to rip all of our clothing and take her then and there which sounded more animalistic than my usual composed self.
Trying to snap myself out of this thought, I tried to go to the bathroom and shower to cool down but instead, it only made me feel even hotter than I already was. Grunting, I put my clothes on and hoped to just sleep off whatever this drug made me feel.
But as soon as I went over to the bed, all I could think was ruining (y/n). My mind and actions contradict each other and in the end, lust won over me and before I knew it, I was already hovering on top of (y/n) right as she slowly regained consciousness.
“J-jen?!” (y/n) exclaimed, her tone was scared which I didn’t like but my body took control over me and one of my hands took her hands, pinning them above her head as my other hand slowly pulled her vest off of her
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s gotten into me” I cried, trying to close my eyes but my whole body betrayed me right when I took off her vest and slowly unbuttoned her shirt while my lips made their way to her jawline down to her neck and on her collarbone as I heard (y/n) whimpered underneath me, making my shaft harder than it already is.
“Jennn….s-stoppp, please” (y/n) started to cry but for some reason it turned me on even more and right as I nearly unbuttoned her shirt, the door to our room was unlocked and I was pulled away by a strong grip around my neck
“Jeno, sorry about this” I heard Jaehyun-hyung mention and I saw Jaemin wrapping (y/n) with a blanket around her to cover her up before I passed out
❗️End of trigger warning
The next time I was awake, I was in a different room and was practically chained to the bed as I remembered the incident of the previous day, immediately trashing around, trying to figure out where the hell I was until I heard a familiar voice.
“Are you back to your normal self or are you horny like an animal going into heat?” Jaehyun-hyung asked and I grunted, hitting my head back on the pillow
“I’m okay, physically now. But I’m not mentally or emotionally okay until I see (y/n)” I grunted
“Not until I know that you’re actually not in the wrong state because you have to know that you hurt her and I don’t think that you want to hurt her anymore” Jaehyun-hyung stated
“How long was I out? Did Renjun manage to get me medicine or an antidote?” I asked, mentally cursing myself for hurting (y/n) in one of the worst ways possible
“You’ve been out for almost 12 hours, had to give you anesthesia ****to make sure that you wouldn’t wake up until Renjun had the proper medicine. Don’t worry about the fraud group, we already have them all. We’ll also be leaving back to South Korea tomorrow. Also, we’ve already injected you with the antidote. I was asking just to make sure that there isn’t any leftover effect” Jaehyun-hyung stated, opening all of the chains
“Where is she? Who’s with her? She’s not alone, right?!” I asked, eager to get out and find (y/n) to apologise for what I did
“Go shower first and regain your composure. You’re going to need it” Jaehyun-hyung suggested, handing me some clothing to shower
After showering and changing everything, Jaehyun-hyung finally allowed me to go back to my room and to see (y/n) which he said that the 00 liners are with her whereas Doyoung and Jungwoo-hyung were dealing with sending the fraud group back to South Korea.
“I’m not the best at giving advices like Taeyong does and I don’t want to come off as the cold senior but do know that we all would always look out for each other and help each other whenever the other messes up. But know that it wasn’t your fault. Yes, you hurt her but you didn’t really have a choice. Your drug made you wild and animalistic. You had no control over the lust that was controlling your body. (y/n) knows it too and I doubt she’d blame you for what happened. Don’t hurt yourself over what already happened. That’s all I can advise” Jaehyun-hyung rambled, opening the door to our room as the others looked at me and bid their farewell to (y/n) who was sitting on the bed
“She’s not angry. She’s just overwhelmed” Jaemin whispered, patting my shoulder as everyone left me with (y/n)
I slowly walked towards (y/n) who was calling out to me but I kept my head hung low because I felt that I didn’t deserve to see her after what I had done. Instead, my legs gave up and I was kneeling in front of her feet by the bed which confused her but I didn’t let her say anything until I let out everything that I was feeling.
“I’m sorry, dove. I’m so fucking sorry. I ruined everything. I hurt you. I did something without your consent. I traumatised you in every way possible. I got you into a mess and instead of being the knight and shining armour, I was worse than the villain. You might forgive me or not it’s fine because I would never forgive myself for what I did. Getting you into the mess was one thing. Getting you drugged, kidnapped and nearly raped you is something that will forever haunt me and I don’t deserve to face you after what I did” I cried out, my bangs covering my blurry sight from her
“Jen….please look at me. I, I’m not angry, Jen. I, I was scared if anything. Not scared of what you might do to me but scared of what happened to the Jeno that I’ve known and fallen for. I was scared that my Jeno would be gone. I’m scared that my Jeno would just leave instead of fighting because I know that you didn’t mean what happened. You didn’t go too far, Jen. I know you were resisting. Please, just don’t leave me. I don’t want my Nono to leave” (y/n) cried out, her hands cupped my face as I felt my body tense
Not being able to look away from her for too long, I eventually looked up to see (y/n) who was crying as well. Her wrists were still red from what I did along with her neck that I accidentally marked. Slowly, I stood back up and cupped her face in mine.
“How, how can you want me back after what I did? Whether I was under the drug influence or not, I still hurt you. I nearly did something so animalistic without your consent. I’ve tainted you and I’m giving you a chance to leave me to find someone better. I failed to protect you” I uttered, my hands were shaking
“No one could ever replace you, Jen. You resisted, I know you did” (y/n) replied. “I tried to resist but clearly I failed. What if my friend didn’t come and pulled me back? What if I went too far? Would you still want me?” I asked, my eyes were on her mark as if it was a mockery towards what kind of person I became
“It wasn’t you. You’re not to blame, Jeno. You still protected me, remember? You promised that if you weren’t there to protect me, you would send someone you know and trust to do so, even if it is against you. Even when you couldn’t, you still did, Jeno. Why can’t you see that? Why can’t you see how much I trust and love you? If I leave you, you won’t be okay and neither will I knowing that you keep beating yourself up. You’ve taken care of me, let me return the favour” (y/n) rambled, standing up and bringing me closer to her
“If I ever, somewhere down the line, ever hurt you like this again. Be it physically, mentally or emotionally. Whether I’m conscious or under influence. Kill me. I’d rather die in your arms knowing that at least the woman I love is finally free of me and I would never love anyone else even in my next life than live my life knowing that I’m the sole reason for all those bad memories and scars. Promise me you’d do that and continue to live your life” I half-whispered, shakily holding her hands that were on my face
“It won’t ever come to that. I know that you will always have a backup plan. And I doubt your friends/members would allow you to go that far after today. Now can we please enjoy our last day while we can?” (y/n) half-joked, making both of us chuckle and I nodded, allowing her to take the lead and kiss me this time. A kiss to our new year as a couple and a reminder to remember and learn of our past to live our life in the present and better ourselves for the future.
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Seoul, South Korea - 1:27 am
The sound of loud heavy boots echoed throughout the hallway up until the room where NCT would keep those who have wronged them and many other innocent people. A room that is meant for those to remember of their past, atone for themselves in the present and perhaps get another chance for the future.
“I swear, they’re just pretending to be asleep at this point. It’s been 16 hours since they landed and I know for a fact that Jeno didn’t kill them” Haechan grunted. “I mean look, they’re breathing completely fine”
“We can’t act rashly, remember that time Zennie noona was captured by a mole and opposing gang? Taeyong-hyung was ready to kill anyone if he didn’t get the chance to be satisfied first” Hendery reminded the younger one
“Plus, wouldn’t Jeno would want to do it himself even if they’re not awake yet?” Yuta questioned
“Well, we’re only going to be splashing some ice-cold water on their face or maybe just nail their hands onto the chair. We’re not actually going to kill them. Just to make sure they’re awake for what’s actually coming” Haechan suggested
“Then do it, Haechan” Taeyong stated, the sound of his boots along with Mark, Kun, Ten, Johnny and Chenle’s followed right behind him
“H-hyung…I, I was just joking about the nailing part” Haechan chuckled dryly as his leader walked towards the entire group of frauds
“Well, I’m not. Wake them up by whatever means necessary. Just avoid any of their vital parts. Safe that for Jeno” Taeyong instructed, slowly backing away to allow the playful member to do what he does best
“Welp, you heard the leader” Haechan shrugged, slightly grazing the nail over Brad’s arm which made the tied man scream
“WAITTT!! STOPPP!! WE’RE AWAKE. WE’RE AWAKE” Brad screamed but his voice only echoed within the room
“Ahh, looks like the clown is finally awake now” Haechan chuckled, a sinister smirk forming on his face as Brad and his members nervously took in at the situation they were in
“W-WE CAN TALK ABOUT THIS? RIGHT?! WE DIDN’T ACTUALLY HURT ANYONE. ISN’T IT ILLEGAL TO HURT SOMEONE WHO ISN’T FULLY GUILTY?” Brad tried to reason as Taeyong sat on his chair in front of all the weapons laid out and his members were surrounding Brand and his members
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“Illegal? You really want to talk about what’s legal and not? With me?” Taeyong scoffed
“I, I mean, isn’t, isn’t NCT as a whole basically illegal? My parents wouldn’t sit tight knowing their son, the only heir to their company is gone missing” Brad rambled as all the NCT members laughed and giggled but stopped at Taeyong’s hand command
“Ahh, your parents. Right. Your dad is also a fraud who fakes his business by killing his rival whereas your mom, is another fraud who sells fake luxury items to people while she gets to live the luxury? Don’t worry, mommy and daddy will reunite with you soon. Since clearly the entire family seems to be rotten to the core” Taeyong stated, making Brad quiver in fear
“Not technically guilty, huh? You misused our name just because no one knows who the actual members are except for me, Mark of DREAM and Kun of WayV. Not only did you misuse our name for your personal pleasure, you tried to cheat at an international grand prix, you sabotaged other racer’s cars, nearly made one of my core members get into an accident which you became salty when he won and proceeded to drug his girlfriend and himself yet you still want to talk about not being actually guilty? To my face?!” Taeyong growled, pushing himself off his seat and made his way in front of Brad
“I-it was a mistake. I know that now. Taeyong. I mean Sir? Please don’t kill me” Brad begged
“Does living really mean something to you?” Taeyong questioned, raising his eyebrow
“Y-yes. I promise I will atone for what I did. I’ll go to jail and reflect on what I’ve done” Brad pleaded
“What are you pleading for?” Taeyong asked again, this time he went behind Brad and patted his shoulders. “I’m not going to let you die. I’m not that heartless to let you and your little gang here die” Taeyong chuckled as Brad and his members also chuckled. “But I didn’t say anything about letting him have his way with you” Taeyong added right as the door opened and Jeno, Jaemin and Yangyang came into the scene making Brad and his members whimper in fear
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“Killing you is far too easy and frankly, I don’t have the mercy to do that. You’ll all pay for what you did. To my members, to my group’s name, to me, to my girlfriend. And especially what you made me do to her. I’ll make you regret what you did. How about we start by drugging you with the same thing you drug me and not letting you cum in anyway possible while I take my sweet time in making sure you remember about your sins here” Jeno growled, putting on his glove
A/N: well, this took a lot out of me :)) 11k words. My longest fanfic so far but I hope that everyone enjoyed reading it T^T I've missed writing these kind of fics because I become so into and invested into the storytelling but I hope that it was just as enjoyable as I wrote it. Stay safe and healthy and hopefully I'll be back for another fic (preferably a Jaemin one cause man is getting buffed to quick) xoxo Vinet
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neobomb · 8 months
NCT fic recs [Pt. 1]
A collection of mature dark themed nct fics. mostly yandere, mafia or horror (or just messed up themes) includes all units (nct 127, nct dream, wayv, nct u and former members bc i miss lucas sm)
yuta x reader: Wolf [nakamoto] by @neo-cult-ure
jaehyun x reader: Devoted by @maknaesdancersrappers
mark x reader: Creepin by @killshotbabe
jaemin x reader: PL4YGIRL IS LOVE... by @domjaehyun
doyoung x reader: Invisable by @aehyei jaehyun x reader: devotion/obsession by @whereisten yuta x reader: heathens by @yutaholic sungchan x reader: Infatuation - Sungchan [Pt. 1], [Pt.2] by @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l
taeyong x reader: Late Night Adventures with a Green-Haired Kingpin by @whereisten mark x reader: zugzwang by @recklessmark kun x reader: Spoonful Of Sugar;; QK by @kpoptrashlord-007
mainly johnny x reader but some jaehyun x reader: the art of eye contact by @peachydyoung
mark x reader: freakshow by @peachydyoung
lucas x reader: Stranger Danger by @whereisten
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ivelleciel · 24 days
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Chapter One: Betrayal Genre: Mafia!Haechan, Mafia!NCT, Biker Haechan, Step on me Haechan, Haechan Dom
Pairings: Haechan x Reader (Iris)
Warning: Smut, Violence, Vulgar Language, Mention of blood, MDNI
Intro: Where a girl finds herself trapped within her brother's protection. One would find it a blessing but for Iris, it's suffocation- and she's someone who would often like the thought of being choked, but simply not like this. Raised within thick walls inside the perimeters of their mansion, She finds herself treasuring every opportunity she gets whenever she is given volunteer work for the people in need outside the city of glass she was born in. Fun and Exciting is how she always saw these trips, it was until darkened windows of SUVs blocked their way from going any further in the middle of the desert. It was the only land of nothing dividing the city and the suburbs and yet they were stopped by armed men, six- seven? she couldn't count as she was too in shock, scared even much more so when her side of the vehicle opened and a pair of gloved hands pulled her away from your handmaiden's side. "Giselle!" Iris cried and a bag was hovered over her head and the last thing she remembered was Giselle's screams, Men simultaneously giving orders to her bodyguards and a gun going off. Then there was black.
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"Ha ha. So funny. What then? Bore myself to death by my room's window? waiting for prince charming to save me? No thank you. Give me twenty more of these tasks and consider me the happiest sister ever." Mumbling her last words as she fix her hair to a half-do with a claw clip. Iris saw Johnny's sad gaze through her mirror before he could mask it with a stoic smile. She sighed and faced her brother, leaning in to hug herself tight on his chest.
"Stop babying me.. It's only for a few hours. What's the worst that could happen?"
"I heard there are many forest spiders in the village. Thousands." Johnny exaggerated, trying to coax her with her teasing by blabbering stupid things and then he sighed when Iris only hummed her soft chuckle, unconvinced. "... you're just the only family I have left."
"And so are you to me." Iris sighed, looking up to her brother with an exhausted expression. "But mom and dad would have wanted us to live life with more meaning than in fear.."
"I know.." Johnny sighed, tapping the cap Iris had on before marching to her room's door. "Well chop chop city girl. They're not gonna feed themselves." Chuckling as they make their way downstairs, Iris gave one last look at the frame by her bed. Her late mother, late father, Johnny and herself. Smiling by the lake that held many memories for her and Johnny, some of which they didn't know would end in a tragedy.
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Iris saw Giselle, one of her many good friends, packing extra necessities for Iris and the trip. Back hugging the petite frame, Giselle squealed, too focused on her task in hand to even notice Iris before glaring at the girl. "Silly! What if I dropped your anxiety pills?" she heard Gigi clicked her tongue, Iris resumed with a bratty smile to where Yuta was by their white van. "Everything settled Yuta?" Yuta, clasped his armed weapon on his belt and smiled at Iris, an unspoken answer to which Iris nodded to before getting up inside the van. Settling on the middle seat, between the window spot and the collapsing chair, she earned a perfect view of Mark.
A container in one hand and the other with what looks like an ammunition box, being stored inside another case. "Put the Magazine under the compartment along with out other containers yeah?" Iris could hear him order Jeno in which the latter obeyed to. She couldn't help but gape at Mark and his focused stance. If Iris was a completely eye-roller at Johnny's protectiveness then with Mark it was all heart eyes and red cheeks. Who wouldn't if the male holds glory to the uniform Johnny assigned them to. Camo pants and Army green fitted shirt is one of the fun treats Iris would look forward to with these programs, along with the nurturing feeling of helping other people.
She heard a throat clearing beside her and Iris just continued gawking. "Can a man get any more handsome?" Iris sighed, pouting her lips when Mark left her view to head inside, presumably to bid farewell to Johnny and reassure him that He and Jaehyun would take good care of you and the task in hands. "I wouldn't know, I'm not the one drooling a pool over here." Iris bit her lips, side eyeing her friend with a snort. "Oh please, as if I don't notice how you look at Yuta?" Giselle smacked Iris arm for that playfully before scooting herself on the window seat. "House Rules. We can't date co workers, but nobody said that about drooling over them." Giselle tossed her hair to tease Iris before being silence by the large frame towering by the sliding door. "Everyone ready?" Johnny mused, eyeing all the equipments and bags in the back seat before giving one last stern look at Iris.
"You behave-" Iris groaned when she saw Yuta, Mark and Jeno exchange smiles behind. "I will! It's not like I won't come straight home. Please stop." Iris whined further before she let Johnny ruffle her hair, backing away from the door to close it himself. Yuta and Jeno positioned in their seats in front. She only got lucky twice that she get to have Mark accompany her in the van.
Two vehicles were to transmit from their mansion. One where Jaehyun and Mark would carry with weapons and their tents and boxes of goods, And one where she's on with Giselle, Yuta and Jeno. It was always four guards with too many weapons. Johnny sees it as not enough but Iris claimed it was more than enough given that it was only her in the vehicle and nothing really ever happened to her despite Johnny's protectiveness.
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Somewhere along their trip, Iris was sitting comfy by the window of the collapsing chair with Giselle passed out and a pillow on her lap. She just woke up from her nap and noticed that they were far from near the town they were heading to and yet also too far from home. She checked back as she pushed an air bud in her ear, the van Mark and Jeno are in behind them with safe distance. She played a soft song, ready to day dream about Mark and what would it be like if he was in their van instead of Jeno- that is until she saw a motorcycle beaming his headlights, asking to pass through and overtake. A male in all black sits on the Kawasaki Ninja H2R. Black skinny jeans, black boots, chains for necklace if she knew any better and a black shirt underneath his leather jacket.
His gloves switched the lever of his bike causing it to roar as he zooms pass them, earning a scoff at Yuta. "Cocky motherfucker." he muttered before she hears Jeno chuckle. She could have sworn that the rider could see her through their tinted glass, staring right back at her but that would be silly because again their vans were tinted, to its most darkest available shade at that. Shaking the silly thought away, she went back to staring out her window and enjoying the scenery as they drove through the desert.
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"Target: Flower is in position. 800 meters away from the bullseye."
Static was heard from the other end before he heard the stern voice call back at him.
"We are ready to engage."
Haechan responded with a 'Copy.' before speeding away from the white vans. Certain that he was out of view, he parked behind a boulder , big enough to hide his motorcycle and himself as he positioned a chain of spikes across the road, plan B in place in case "Plan A: ambush" failed- to which it often doesn't, the cocky side of him crediting himself to the lack of mission failing when he's part of it. All he has to do now is wait and upon calculating he has enough time left for a quick smoke. Sitting his helmet on his bike and pulling out the Marlboro stick from his jacket's pocket he lit it up and waited as he leans on the boulder.
Puffing a few smoke, He heard screeches of tires and screams came after that.
Haechan made his way to the scene, stepping on Yuta's back as he tackled on the ground by Jaemin and Jeno wounded by Chenle on the leg.
"Boss said to spare them and just take the girl." Jaemin said as Renjun struggled to open the van's door. "She's won't let me open it-"
"Don't make another move!" Mark was able to free himself from Xiao Jun's grasp, wounded and bleeding on the side when Mark kicked him off but Mark was far from okay as well, with a gash on his lip and an open wound on his arm. Mark aimed the gun on his hand to Haechan, making the tanned skin male chuckle.
"You must be Mark." Mark unfazed by how Haechan knew he his name remained in position. "Don't worry. We won't hurt your princess, lover boy." Mark was then knocked out by Jaehyun from behind. One last look of betrayal from Mark and he was passed out on the ground.
Haechan nudged Renjun away and pulled the door open. Iris yelled and kicked when Renjun tried to manhandle her out to which he succeeded and Giselle screamed behind her before she was knocked out as well by a cloth to their mouths and nose.
Haechan watched as Iris gaze lands on his. Flicking the cigar away before leaning on her with a smirk. Her eyes beamed light brown as she tried to make out what Haechan looked like as he towers over her in front of the sun. 'Familiar' is what her last thoughts were before everything went black.
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note: visit @Ivelle_Ciel on ao3 for faster updates ˆ̑՝̮ˆ̑❤︎
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rosietaeyongswife · 2 years
ain’t shit | lee taeyong
wc|  3k genre| mfia au, fluff, crack synopis| your husband is getting arested. you two were aranged marriage, so you don’t really care about him, or he doesn’t care about you. but money he made was gone, he took everything, when you need them. his friend come home with request from his boss aka. your husband. who knew trip to monks in japan made you realize how much your husband cared for you? warnings| cursing part of popping out casket fresh, looking like a fashion show.
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“are you for real kun?” you dropped all things you have been in your hands. “did he leave me some money or?”
“no sorry.” kun bowed. “boss sent me here to take you to prison when he actualy is. he says something about money for you that you will have to get. i don’t think it’s just going to someone to get money, but rather travel a little, knowing our boss.”
 you could only stare at your husband’s friend. it must be a joke. you didn’t care at all if your husband was arrested but not having money is what makes you care. known boss of mafia got arrested few days ago. it was funny to you, because you didn’t like him at all, and now you could be free. also, taeyong could only brag about how danegrous he is, and how rich he is. you gueesed it was trauma for his actions. 
“i will kill him. as god as my witness, i’ll rip his head out.” you get your things. “take me to this dickhead”
 drive to prison wasn’t that long. taeyong was still waiting until court starts, because they are still trying to find more evidence, and police visited you once, but let’s say they haven’t stepped inside even a foot. you knew that they are going to come again with paper, that will let them, but as long as it’s not now, it’s fine.
“you fuckin pieace of shit.” taeyong rolled his eyes. “fuckin dumbass. big boss of nct! look at him. getting arrested, and leaving his wife on ice. 
“sit your ass down.” he again rolled his eyes. “it’s not my fault.”
“funny. it’s you who got caught out of 23 people, and look. you’re here dickhead.”
“just shut up already. you know, leaving in priosn isn’t the worst. i got rest i needed from you. it’s so peacful, and better when you’re not around.” he smirked, and you wanted to kill him on the spot. “i got you, huh?”
“i hope you will die here, taeyong.”
“ey, y/n don’t be mean. wouldn’t you miss me?”
“no, i would be glad. just tell me where the money is.”
 taeyong looked around, but no ones around. you felt your heart goes faster than before.
“it’s not easy.” you slapped your head. “if you want money, then you have to go all the way to japan. that’s why yuta, and mark with johnny help you. i think they are around some mountains. i guess some monks are taking care of it.”
 all you could do was laugh.
“did you really leave money with monks? in some fuckin mountains? in japan?” you could laugh sarcasticaly. “i’m going to kill myself. i’m done.”
“what? they were nice, at least to me. they wouldn’t be problem.”
“wait.” you cut him off. “how much?”
“around 100 thousands dollars. it’s going to be enough for you to survive.” you smiled. “rest of the money is around the world, and you won’t get them.” your smile dropped. “money you will find in japan are only like less than 1% of hidden money i have. you will get acces to them only if i die or if i won’t get out up to three months from now.” he was looking at you with something you couldn’t explain. “i guess i’ll be out in a week or two.”
“it’d be great if you’d stay here forever.”
“ah, i didn’t mention one thing.” he giggled. “as soons as three motnhs would be up, all my enemies would fight for money. they be looking for money, and then would kill you. before they kill you, they would torture you, and god knows what else.” you knew about his enemies, but kind of forget. “believe me, you are safer with me around.”
“yeah. can’t wait until you will be free my dear husband.” fake smile appear on your lips.
“i hate you to the core of my heart.” he sighed. “you have only two days to get money. in saturday they are going to check our home. doyoung took care for permission to take as long as possible. two days y/n. don’t fuck it up.”
“wait. what if two days pass?”
 in you head it was only money, but it was clear there is something more, your husband didn’t say.
“police would find something for sure. my people will get into house in woods to clear place, because they still don’t know about this place, but if police get to know. it’s over. they will know most of the things, and you will be left with no money, and i guess someone from seventeen would like to have your head as their trophy.” your face could only show how scared you were. “but don’t worry. my people will have eye on you, i mean they already do. but it’d be hard if another guys would get in line for your head.”
“what the fuck.” you felt tear going down your cheek. “and what do you mean they already do.”
“let’s say i’m just keeping eye on you. and don’t cry. you look awful when you’re crying.”
 kun drove you to nct massion. to say you were stressed was much less than you looked. huge house, huge garden and a lot of expensive cars. you knew they all there, because their boss is locked. kun was by your side, trying to calm you down.
“boss ordered us to take care of her.” you knew this voice, taeil. “we have to.”
“shawty doesn’t do much beside laying in bed whole day. i was there yesterday for five hours, and nothing.”
“isn’t it good lucas? you don’t have to do much.”
“i know jaehyun, but still-”
“good morning.” you steped in. “nice to know i’ve been watched for such a long time, gentlemans. my husband hide money in japan with some monks as you might now. i want to go as fast as possible.” you turned your heard. “yuta, mark and johnny. you’re coming with me.”
  three males showed up with small smiles. they knew about you since taeyong brags about you all the time. y/n pissed me off. y/n was mad because i didn’t do laundry. me and y/n fight. they heard it often so they got to know you pretty quickly. 
“we will have to arrive at the airport at exactly ten pm.”
“good. we will get the money this fuckin donkey kept from me.”
  few members let out giggle because of wife of their boss. you were funny and you weren’t scared of your husband like his members were. well, taeyong was only repeating quotes about respect and how important it is. he learnt his people to respect him which came with fear for example wayv was chinese unit and they didn’t talk that much with taeyong but they also don’t know him at all so they fear him. dream unit was younger guys who were scared of their big hyung who looked scary. you have never known why they are scared when you knew he is soft ball.
  also, your marriage was poor deal. your father run weapon factory and his products were the best and none of neos have ever seen something like your dad work. taeyong visited him during spring two years ago. your father respected him so much and treated almost like own son which was mutual because taeyong was always happy with your dad work. but during one of his visits he noticed you. pretty girl standing in a corner looking scared. well, your dad wasn’t so sure of taeyong’s proposition but he gave in and let him marry you. at first you were angry but it faded away since your life became luxurious.
“why did no one told me it’s raining here?”
  you asked when you were looking at the mountains and path you are going to go. monks were living exactly at the top of mountains and as you overheard conversation between johnny and mark about walking there will take exactly two hours due to rain.
“we have no idea.” johnny shrugged. “but it’s fine. we have umbrellas.”
“at least.” you smiled. “shall we?”
  everyone nodded and go. you weren’t even dressed in comfortable clothes since you didn’t think much about it. meaning mountain you understood you would go by train or something but you were wrong.
  yuta looked like the only one who enjoyed it. he was running with happy face while you and mark was dying. johnny was hitting gym everyday so he had good condition but you and mark? out of breath after five minutes, not even kilometer later. 
“so how did you and taeyong met?” mark asked while being right next to you. “boss never told us.”
“my dad is owner of weapon factory taeyong buys from. i mean, some dude named lee haechan and moon taeil were the one buying from taeyong’s order. nevermind. he spotted me once and begged my father to let him marry me.” you chuckled. “my father wasn’t really with him but he is like second child to my father and he gave in. thanks to it, taeyong helped my father with business and now he is in top five factories who produce weapon. even few military units buys from him.”
“oh wow.” mark opened his mouth. “i had no clue you’re mr. kim daughter. everyone treat your dad as a grandpa.” both of you laughed along with yuta and johnny. “he literally treat us as his children. johnny when did he ordered few pizzas to us?”
“two weeks ago?” he was thinking. “something like that. your father knew we came from shangai from mission and he ordered pizzas to us. also, he scolded taeyong for not feeding us enough.”
“yes. taeyong was embarrased as hell.” yuta laughed out loud. “your father is really the nicest guy we have ever met. a big part of nct are foreigner and we miss our families while your father and mother are like parents to us.”
“even my mother?” you were shocked because they never mention anything. “what? explain please.”
“taeyong was asking about your family a lot and he got to know your mother was jobless since she didn’t have a lot of qualities or skills to be hired. i guess taeyong went to your house when you weren’t home and he hired her at finance sector and i believe jungwoo and taeil were helping her in it.” mark explained.
“she is like our grandma or mother.” johnny smiled. “she make tea for us and feed us because she said we eat shitty food.”
“that’s mum for sure.” 
  you didn’t notice when you were teared up. taeyong had never told you anything about your parents or their jobs he made. he was taking care of his members, family, you and your family which cause you to be emotional. this side of taeyong was locked and unknown for you.
“by the way, they always praise you and tell how much they love you.” johnny smiled and others agreed. “they were sorry for your marriage with taeyong but they love you so much and almost everyday during breaks they talk little stories about you.”
“stories?” you raised an eyebrow. “fuck.”
“when you were little.” mark laughed.
“oh no.”
“taeyong is the only one who asked for more.”
“so he isn’t that bad.”
“of course not.” yuta smiled. “he brag about you all the time. he is even excited about smallest things ever and always brag about it too.”
“he keep picture of your wedding in a frame on his deck in his office.”
  all the things you heard today was so emotional to you, you almost bursted out crying. taeyong never told you he love your or he really cares for you because most of the time you’re fighting.
“please, make sure he will be out of jail quickly.”
  rest of the way went in a sound of laugh and giggles because boys had a lot of stories to tell which made you feel safe and happy? these boys looked nothing like a mob members and it made you think about them and their lifes. their families. they were normal people with different kind of work. they were talking a lot about your husband which helped you in getting to know taeyong. he made good job with them. they were respectful and well educated. also, they told you how older members raised the youngest ones esepcially jisung, chenle, shotaro and sungchan. the last two of them were kind of new in a job and no one treated them badly. they still made sure to raise them well and give them childhood they deserved. few things were banned but for example, they were allowed to go to school since taeyong made their education a emergency. 
“i guess we are finally up there.”
“water. i need water.” you mumbled and mark was fast to handle you bottle of water.
“yuta, will you speak to them?”
“yes. but remember to be respectful, not loud and quiet as much as it’s possible.”
  younger male went first why three of you went after him. whole sanctuary was white and huge as in movies. people there was looking like a normal people but with white clothes and with buns on their head. also, flowers there were everywhere which lead to big garden at the back of the place. yuta was leading both of you to the garden where monks propably were doing meditation.
“good afternoon.” yuta bowed and rest of you bowed too. “we’re here because of our boss, lee taeyong, orders. my name is yuta nakamoto and i am japanese. here is johnny suh and mark lee whom are my co-workers and taeyong’s members. we are from nct.” guys bowed again. “and lady right here is lee taeyong’s wife and to be exact lee y/n.” you bowed.
“oh my lord.” guy around 70s laughed and smiled so widely it was making you all smile. “mr. lee sent you for money right? i heard he was locked down in prison. aish, it’s so sad and unfortunate since he is such a good person. my people went to visit him and gave him few gifts.” he laughed. “can you tell him i am very thanful for any donation he made?” older man bowed to you with a smile. “he helped us so much and with our work. we’re grateful for everything.”
“of course, i’ll tell him.”
“so, shall we go?”
  older man was called akira. akira was like guru of the monks here and evryone bowed to him whenever he passed them. also, akira annouced to everyone that you, lee taeyong’s wife is here with his members. everyone was excited and looked at you since they liked taeyong. 
  you had no idea taeyong was doing such a good things and everyone loved him. maybe both of you should talk more with each other?
“we’re here. code to small atm is your birthday, mrs. lee.”
  you felt butterflies in a stomach. taeyong really wasn’t so bad after all.
  all the money was in a small suicase. johnny took suitcase because it was too heavy for you to carry and he was gentleman. they would never let you carry suitcase for a whole way.
“my brother, haruto will drive you down.”
“drive?” you asked with raised eyebrows.
“yes.” he smiled. “wait. did you went here on foot?”
  akira was laughing loud with other monks by his side. four of you were embarrased because of the way you got there.
“we didn’t know-”
“it’s fine. but we’re not old monks but rather a modern ones. we have this path at the right side of mountains when you can go by motorcycle or small car.” he giggled. “haruto, please take care of them and drive them down carefuly.”
“yes, akira.”
  way to home was relaxing because doyoung sent jet for y’all to come to south korea faster and more comfortably. guys were sleeping while you could think about your husband. about his actions you weren’t aware of. or smallest things that made your hearbeat faster. even his apperance. he was hot as hell and many would consider him as a model. to be honest, you had times when you felt butterflies in your stomach but you ignored them since taeyong was cold towards you.
“y/n, jeno with lucas will drive you home.” kun said with smile. “close the doors and wait for taeyong. we have no idea when he will be free.”
“sure, thank you kun.” you bowed to him which surprised him. “thank you guys too.” you aslo bowed at them. “you’re amazing people. i’m grateful my husband helped y’all and make you the way you are.”
  jeno and lucas were joking inside the car to raise the mood of everyone. they talked to you but you couldn’t focus at anything. your thoughts were around your husband who was secretly a symbol of good person. besides his work he was really one of the greatest people you have known but line of work was different taeyong.
“wake up.” 
  voice made you open your eyes and all you could see was face of taeyong looking at you with a soft smile.
“taeyong?” you were surprised. “finally.” you hugged him so strong even taeyong was surprised.
“oh did you miss me?”
“shut up.” you slapped his arm. “what are you doing here? i thought it would take much longer.”
“well, here i am. doyoung and winwin helped me so much. police can’t touch me now.”
“i am so thanful.” you let of breath. “why you didn’t tell me about everything you do? i had to got o know from your memebers. everything. about my father and my mum, monks, raising members, you bragging about me or about our picture on your deck.”
“you have never asked.” he shrugged. “you know, i know it might looks like i don’t care but i do. of course, we fight a lot but secretly i love it. i love it when you raise your voice at me and when you’re mean. it’s entertaining. i didn’t notice when i fell for you but i thought you still hate me so i didn’t say anything about it.”
“damn, taeyong. maybe if you weren’t so cold hearted to me then everything would be fine. you stupid motherfucker, come here.”
  you kissed him with force and with emotions you have never knew you had. taeyong deepened the kiss and enjoyed every second of it. no one could count every time he was thinking and dreaming about this moment. 
“men ain’t shit. you hide your emotions like a damn cowards and expect women to know everything.” you rolled your eyes and his chuckled.
“you’re right. men ain’t shit but you love me, don’t you?”
“maybe but shut up. i’m not confessing to you right now.”
“so am i.”
  your husband was petty but you loved this about him.
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Hiii ! Here to request again lol ! These are just some ideas, but part 2 to the mafia dream meeting you or like, the two other units meeting you (doesn't matter if you're in the mafia too or not) pleaaase ?
✰ 𝕞𝕒𝕗𝕚𝕒!𝕕𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 ✰ | seeing you again after you met in the middle of a mission
     This is a part two to another reaction I did a while back! Under different circumstances, you and the boys are once again brought together. My mafia works often contain violence, blood, alcohol, & other similar themes, although none in excess. Please always feel free to reach out with specific questions & about what content warnings you’d like in the future! I’m trying to catch up on requested content & drafts! Thank you for your patience & support.  Enjoy~
     Check out part one or my m.list!
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     When you met him, he essentially saved your ass and you were grateful for the head start he gave you. After your former best friend amassed gambling debt with an organized crime group, she disappeared and left you to be collateral. Mark should’ve taken you, but he offered you a warning instead.
     He didn’t need to tell you twice. It’s been a few months since he showed up in your apartment to kidnap you and you’re living in a new city, under a new name, with the upmost caution at all times. 
     You’re cooking dinner in your temporary apartment when you hear someone kick at your front door. Knowing you only have a moment, you snap into action and run to your bedroom. They’re in the apartment in seconds, just behind you. 
     “Y/N!” a man screams. “You did a good little job evading us, but your fun’s over now! Are you we gonna do this the easy way or the hard way? I won’t hurt you unless you make me.”
     Your fingers tremble, but you force yourself to focus. There’s too much at stake. And you can hear another pair of feet behind him. I can do this, you think. No big deal.
      The man takes a step down the hallway toward your room, then a voice behind him makes you gasp. “Leave her alone, dude. We talked about this.” 
     There’s absolutely no way, but you know it’s him. 
     “I want my money and I’m gonna get it, you prick. Don’t get in my way.”
     Mark sighs. “That would be a mistake.”
     “I’ll ask for your forgiveness with a load of cash in my hands, then.” The man takes another step toward your doorway. He’s close now. Mark doesn’t say anything else. He’s just going to let him come for you. “Little birdie, where are you?”
     When he steps into your view, you’re ready. The gun fires and hits home, causing him to stagger back against the wall in shock. And drop his own gun. You dash forward, kicking it far away from him. “Get out of my fucking home before I put one in your skull. And leave me the hell alone. I didn’t do anything! Go find her instead of me, ass hat. She’s in fucking Madrid, if you need any direction.”
     His face clenches in fury as he turns and walks away, cussing you out under his breath. You cock the gun again, because there’s still another man you don’t fully trust in your apartment. “That goes for you, too, Mark.” 
     “I was here to look out for you!” he says, stepping into your view.
     If you pulled the trigger right now, it would hit his sternum. “Jack shit that did. Try harder next time.” 
     “Okay,” he says, conceding. “I’ll get them off your tail for good this time, but you should move again just to be safe, all right? I hear that Costa Rica is gorgeous.”
     “I’ll be going somewhere else that you’ve never heard of. Now, go. And thanks, I guess.”
     He turns. “Yup, of course. Always a pleasure catching up with you, Y/N.”
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     The morning after raiding one of his enemies’ mansions, he’s shaving his face over the custom made onyx countertop in their master bathroom when one of his colleagues knocks on the door. 
     “Renjun!” she says. “You’re going to want to see this. Meet us in the kitchen when you’re ready.”
     Hastily, he rinses the leftover shaving cream off his face, drying it with one of their hundred dollar towels—damn, he seriously needs to invest in some of these—and throwing open the door to catch her before she leaves. “I’m ready. Explain while we walk.”
     “So everything went perfectly last night and the Yangs are no longer an obstacle for our operations,” she explains, the inevitable “but” at the back of her throat. Renjun can feel a catch coming as they take the stairs. “Well, almost everything. Apparently, a housekeeper was unaccounted for and she’s rather intent on obtaining the Yangs’ whereabouts. We thought it best not to tell her that their bodies are sunk in the Han river without your input.”
     Renjun opens the French doors separating the foyer from the kitchen. “Hello again, sweetheart. A moment alone with her, please.” 
     “What the hell did you do to them?” you cry, struggling against the ropes that bind you to a chair at the breakfast table. “I want to see them!”
     He sits down across from you, interlacing his fingers on the dark wooden table. “Look, you’ve put me in a tricky situation. I told you to drop it, yet here you are. What am I supposed to do with you now, hmm? If I let you go, will you contact the authorities?”
     Renjun puts his head in his hands and takes a moment of silence. His next words come out muffled. “You’re supposed to at least pretend to say ‘no.’ Haven’t you ever watched a crime show before?”
     “Screw you!” You thrash some more. “You won’t get away with this, you monster.”
     One hand goes over his heart. “Now you’re hurting my feelings. The Yangs are much worse than me, I assure you. You won’t make this simple for me, will you?” 
     “Go to hell.”
     “Okay, great,” he says, “so I believe you’re going to have to stay with me for a little while until we come to a more civil agreement. What kind of arrangements shall I prepare for you? I have a very nice guest room in my home.”
     “My family will go to the police.”
     “I’ll take care of that, don’t worry. They won’t know anything happened. Is there anyone else I should contact on your behalf?”
     You stare, defiant.
     “If you prefer them to end up wrapped in this mess and in the ground, that’s fine, as well.”
     You huff. “My best friends. You’ll see our group chat in my contacts. One of your girls took my phone already, so.”
     “There we go,” he coos, leaning forward. “You’re learning to be good.”
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     It’s a week night and you’re sitting on the couch watching a movie that’s not very interesting. When your doorbell rings, you frown and set your bowl of soup down on a side table. You aren’t expecting anyone, but you answer anyway.
     It’s the boy from the mobster-sister-revenge-killing situation you got caught in the middle of and tried to block out completely. Your eyes scan the area behind him to see if he’s brought anyone else. “What are you doing here?”
     “Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something,” he says, hands shifting in the pocket of his blue zip-up hoodie. He looks so mundane, standing in your doorway in the moonlight, for a sophisticated criminal.
     You start to ease the door shut. “You can’t be here. That was like a one-time thing—letting you come here to rest and eat—because you looked like hell and, honestly, I was still in shock, but you’ve got to go now.”
     “Wait, please,” he says, his voice gentle enough to bring up a wave of sympathy for him. You nod. “Thanks. I just—did you go to the police about me?”
     That’s not what you were expecting. “Uh, no? That was like a month ago. Why would I call them now?”
     “Okay, awesome. Somebody else must’ve seen what happened, then. I had to know if it was you. I couldn’t believe you’d do that.”
     You cross your arms. “You don’t even know me. But, no, I didn’t say anything and I’m not going to. It’s over. So, if you don’t mind . . . good night.”
     “Yeah, right,” he says sheepishly. “Good night, Y/N. Thank you for everything.”
     The way he almost seems shy and unsure of himself makes your brows furrow. Is this actually the same guy who claimed to be a gang member? “Yeah, whatever. Are you, like, okay? You’re acting weird.”
     “No, it’s nothing.” He scratches the back of his neck. “It’s just, do you think we could maybe, like, go out sometime or something?”
     “No!” you say. “I don’t go out with gang members, dude. It’s not gonna happen.” 
     There’s a hint of a smirk on his lips. “Never? Not even if I took you to eat somewhere nice?”
     “Okay, maybe next Friday.” A smug expression dominates his entire pretty face. “Go! Leave before I change my mind. Seven o’clock!”
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     Since the stunningly attractive boy approached you outside a cafe two weeks ago, your life has brightened up considerably. Your friends have caught you jumping in excitement each time your phone buzzes and smiling at your phone. It should be embarrassing how much you’re starting to like him, but you simply can’t help it. He’s just so goddamn charming.
     You’re waiting for him to pick you from your front steps. There’s already a grin on your face and butterflies in your stomach. When his car pulls into the driveway, you wave. 
     To your surprise, he steps out of the car. “You look beautiful.”
     “Thank you,” you say, blushing as he opens the car door for you. “I like your shirt.”
     It’s a patterned button-up that suits his figure well. As you head toward the mini golf place, you feel like a fool for a second when you realize how crazy he must think you are. You won’t stop grinning and you’re already in the palm of his hand, but you barely know him. 
     Then you catch him looking over at you the exact same way, smiling to himself. “I think I should tell you now that Haechan is a nickname, not my real name. Can’t start this off with dishonesty.”
     “Oh? And what’s your real name?”
     “Can I trust you?” After your easy nod, he shares a conspiratorial look with you. “It’s Donghyuck.”
     “A pretty name for a pretty boy,” you say, pointing to a flashing sign. “That’s the place on the right.” 
     He pulls the car into a spot near the front of the dirt lot, cutting the engine and turning to you. “Tell me, was it the sister-in-law in the end?”
     “Yes, it was!” You’re flattered he remembered the topic of your very first conversation. “I’m reading the sequel now. The main character got help from a childhood friend and she’s still running for her life.”
     When you glance over at him, you expect to find the polite but ingenuine interest most have whenever you mention books, but his full attention is on you—and it’s not just to be polite. In this moment, you think to yourself, god, how did I get so lucky?
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     After a stressful week of laundering money and evading capture by his enemies, Jaemin is happy to finally have a day off. He’s come to try a new coffee shop that he researched on the internet. When he saw the pictures of the interior and the latte art, he knew he had to come here. 
     The person ordering in front of him steps aside, so he clears his throat and looks up at the menu board handwritten in chalk. 
     “Hi, what can I get started for you today?” Your eyes meet and you stare at one another, dumbfounded. “Oh, it’s you.”
     “And it’s you,” he echoes. “I didn’t know you were a barista! I’m glad to see you back in superb health.”
     Your tone is light. “No thanks to you. What can I get you?”
     “Surprise me. As long as it’s heavily caffeinated and dairy-free.”
     As you punch in the information on the tablet register, you hold a smile. “This one’s on me. Consider it payback for the free check-up.”
     “Thank you.” He watches you scribble something onto a cardboard cup, moving along the counter with you as you make his drink. “How have you been?”
     “I’m fine,” you say. “I’ve been working a lot, but I love my job, so it’s not so bad. You?”
     He leans against the counter. “Lots of work for me, too. This is my day off, actually. How long have you been working here? This place is so cool.”
     “Almost a year now. I started out doing all the menu art.”
     Jaemin catches another glance of the chalkboard, with its loopy writing and shaded drawings. “Oh, wow. You’re good.”
     “Thanks.” You hand him a cup over the counter. “Here, it’s a red velvet latte with oat milk. Enjoy.”
     Your hands touch as he accepts the drink. His hand is warm. “Excellent drink, excellent customer service. I’ll have to come here more often, I think.”
     “I’ll look forward to it,” you say. “Until next time . . .”
     “See you around, Jaemin.”
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     That night, he really believed there could be something between you two. If it hadn’t been for his mission to catch a target, he would’ve spent the whole night with you. Alas, his business card and a flirty grin is all he left you with. 
     Honestly, the fact that you never called hurts his ego. Chenle thought he had you in the bag. Her loss, he thinks to himself as he sips a glass of expensive wine on his yacht. It’s been three weeks and not a whisper from you. 
     A noise from the dock gets his attention. “Mark! It took you long enough, man.” 
     He stands up and puts his glass down on the coffee table, ready to embrace his friend, but the sliding door shatters and shards of glass rain down on him. Everything happens too quickly—someone’s in the room with him and he’s on the ground. Looking up, his eyes narrow. 
     You smile down at him, but the look is evil. “Sorry I didn’t call. Been busy.” 
     “Don’t tell me I’m about to have to kill you,” he says, masking his surprise as best he can, “it’d be such a shame to watch the light go out of those pretty eyes.”
     “Relax, I’m not here to kill you.” You reach for his wine glass and take a long swig, then put it back on the table. “I’m just going to need the keys to this boat. Oh, and your little Tesla out there, too.”
     Sitting up, he runs his tongue over his lip and gives you a nasty glare. “So you aren’t working for Crystal Company after all. Who are you working for?” 
     “Don’t worry yourself with that,” you say, voice smooth as velvet as you examine the contents of a bookshelf, pocketing a few odd figurines. “And don’t move again or I’ll introduce this machete to your kidneys.”
     “Whatever they’re paying you, I’ll pay you double.” Chenle crosses his arms, reaching for his wine. You lift your weapon, but he puts an arm up. “Just trying to relax . . . Y/N, wasn’t it? You obviously have a valuable skillset. I’d like to have you on my team.” 
     Knocking the wine out of his hand and onto the floor, you grab his chin, forcing him to look in your eyes. “I’m listening.” 
     “How much are they paying you?”
     “I want two hundred thousand,” you say, to which he nods. “And, I’d like the Tesla.”
     Chenle rolls his eyes. “Fine, whatever, now let go of me before I change my mind and let you rob me instead. You know, you were really smart. Hiding in plain sight during that ball.”
     “My intellect is all yours now, for a rather generous compensation, and perhaps a nice dinner?” 
     He stares at you, then laughs. “Are you flirting with me? After you just tried to steal my shit? Unbelievable.”
     “Fine, I like a challenge.”
     “Then you’ve come to the right place.” 
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    Jisung’s face remains expressionless. “How did you find my address?”
     “I did internet research,” you say dismissively. “Anyway, I came to ask for your help.” 
     “Okay?” His confusion is transparent. He motions toward the bench on his front porch. “Do you want to sit?”
     The both of you settle next to each other in uneasy silence. “Will you testify in court about the night I was attacked?” 
     Instantly, a thousand thoughts swim through Jisung’s head, most of them screams. He knows that getting anywhere near the law is a bad idea for someone like him, should they get even slightly curious about his background. Plus, he was literally out searching for a person he kidnapped that night. 
     “Umm, I’m not sure,” he says, tensing. “So it’s going to trial soon, then?”
     You nod. “Three weeks. I want justice for what she did to me. You’re the only other witness. Please, I really need you. My story won’t make sense without you and they might subpoena you regardless once everything comes out.”
     “Shit, they definitely will. Look, I wasn’t up to my best behavior before I ran into that night, so we’re going to have to figure out that part of the story. It won’t make me look good.” 
     “My attorney can help,” you assure. “She’s really good and you’re not the one on trial. She can prep you. This really means a lot to me, so I appreciate it. Here, take this.”
     He lets you put the sticky note in his hand. “Is this . . . ?”
    You stand as if to go. “Her number is the second one. Mine’s the first. In case you need anything. You did literally save my life, so it doesn’t really matter to me if you were out buying pot or something before you did it.”
     “Close enough,” he says. “I’ll call you tomorrow about getting our story straight?”
     “That works. Thank you! Seriously.” You’re on the sidewalk now. “Good night, Park Jisung.”
     “Did you find my social security number while you were investigating me, too?” 
     Your face is taken over by smugness. “I was totally gonna use it to blackmail you into testifying if you hadn’t agreed.” 
     “Now you know I won’t ghost you,” he jokes. “Good night!”
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noname-friend · 2 years
"We can't marry!" "Why?" Mafia!Taeyong x Reader
Summary: In an arranged marriage with one of the biggest Mafia families around, you are less than thrilled to be in it. Surely you can figure out how to get out of it.
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Your hair stood on end, your heart bumping loudly in your ears as you stayed as quiet as you could. You held the bag against your chest tightly, peaking around the corner. Looks clear. You checked once more behind you and ran to the next pillar. You were almost to the garage, then you could jump the wall and hide in the forest.
You checked once more and hid behind one of the cars that sat outside. You were glad most of the family was out doing whatever these guys do. It was much easier to sneak around.
For the final time, you looked around. You ran up to the wall, throwing your bag over. Jumping up, you grabbed the top of it and pulled yourself up. You heard talking and laid your body flat on the top, adjusting the hood to cover your face completely.
"They'll still be able to see you." The sudden voice scared you right out of your skin, nearly falling off.
"Don't give up now, I want to see how far you'll get." The man lit his cigarette, allowing you to see his face clear from the light.
You sighed in defeat, your head falling down on top of your hands. "I thought you left."
"For a smoke, yeah. Not for the mission." He chuckled, "You think I don't trust them to handle anything without me?"
"It sounded like it." You mumbled.
He walked over just as you were discovered by the voices you heard earlier. Taeyong put his hand up, "Don't worry guys, it's just us having a chat." And he sent them away. He stood in front of you with his arms open for you to jump to him.
"Piss off." You jumped down away from him.
"Forgetting something?" He motioned to the bag on the other side.
"It's just some clothes, I'll get them in the morning." You crossed your arms.
He laughed, putting out his cigarette and jumping over the wall, easily. He threw the bag back over and jumped back himself. "You're welcome."
"Piss. Off." You emphasized, snatching the bag and trekking back to your room. You couldn't help the glare you gave to some passing members. You slammed the door shut, unable to lock it. Throwing the bag into a corner, you got undressed back into pajamas.
As if your now sour mood couldn't get worse, Taeyong was waiting for you on the bed. You rolled your eyes at him and brushed your hair, putting it up for the night.
"I'm guessing we should talk." He started but you cut him off before he could say more.
"I think you should leave." You smiled sarcastically.
"We're getting married and there's nothing you can do about it." He shrugged.
"I will not live an unhappy life with you." You eventually sat on the other side of the bed, getting under the covers. "Now leave I want to sleep."
"Why would it be unhappy? Why can't you marry me?" He leaned back, looking at you.
You sat up and looked straight at him. "It'll be more miserable for you."
Taeyong couldn't help a slight smile, "Why?"
"Well, I'm a big shopper. I need lots of money to spend on pointless things." You said smugly.
"That's not an issue, you can have all the money you want to spend." He dismissed.
You hmphed, "I hate cooking, so I won't cook you anything."
"Ok, I'll do the cooking." He nodded.
You paused, "Well I hate being around your brothers and they make me highly uncomfortable, I want my own space and room." You looked away proud, feeling like this wasn't a condition he'd meet.
He paused for a while before nodding, "Alright, I'll have the house in the back of the property remade for you, nobody will be allowed back there. Is that all?"
"No!" You struggled to find another excuse, "That's too lonely! I want some companionship. I want dogs or a horse or something to keep me company." You pouted, hoping he didn't notice the awkward delivery in these demands.
But Taeyong once again was ready to comply, "Fine, by tomorrow tell me what dogs or horse or whatever you want, I'll have someone pick them up. Happy?"
You continued to shake your head. Though you'd be lying if you didn't feel a little swayed by how patience he continued to be despite your attempts of throwing a fit. "Your hair makes you look scary red. I don't like looking at it. You should do something cuter. Like pink."
"That's an easy one, I can do pink hair if that's what you want." He stood up. "All of your demands will be made soon, so I hope you can come to not hate this marriage." He walked around to your side and leaned over, it looked like he was going to give you a kiss on the head, but he just turned the lamp off and left, closing the door.
You stared at the roof in disbelief, silently screaming. You rolled onto your side and into a ball.
"I hate that guy. His stupid face, stupid suit, stupid house, stupid family, stupid life." You cursed under your breath. "Even if he can hide behind this fake kindness, I still want to go home."
You sit up and punch the pillow in frustration. You keep glancing at the clock and give up on sleep, you get up and since it's the dead of night you expect nobody to be up. You quietly head downstairs, leaning against the wall as you approach the living room, where it sounds like the eldest members are talking.
"She's rude and unreasonable, why don't we take her back? Tell her parents the deals off." Johnny suggested.
Taeil agreed, "All of these demands, there's no reason to keep her."
"What's the point of being married if you have to have her under constant supervision? You need a wife to help you not a wild dog causing trouble-" That member didn't get to finish before you heard broken glass.
"She is my fiancé, and she will not be talked about like that in front of me." Taeyong's voice lowered. "I've heard all your complaints and I will still ignore them. She is not troublesome, she's scared thinking we kidnapped her. We owe her the chance to adjust. I know she'll fit in just fine in the future."
You leaned against the wall as you listened. Deal? What deal with your parents? You were told your parents were looking for you, it's why you were so desperate to escape, for them. But they sent you here? On purpose?
"Taeyong," Kun started, with a disappointed tone, "You are kind and thoughtful of Y/N and I praise your loyalty, but we need to think long term. All she's proven so far is that she is hotheaded and rebellious, she will only add to our stress and make more trouble."
"Enough," He leaned into his hand and sighed, "Leave me be for a moment."
"Yes sir." They said in sync, you quickly hid under the stairs as they passed by.
Once they are gone and you hear them settle into their rooms, you emerge. You stand in the doorway for a while, just observing. Eventually you work up the courage to walk over and sit in the chair beside him. He glances at you through his fingers before sitting up straight.
"Did we wake you?" He asked softly.
You shook your head, "I have something to ask you."
"Go ahead," He sighed, grabbing the mug in front of him.
"Why? Why are you so determined to marry me?" You ask.
The moment between you was different that all your other interactions. It was calm, and quiet. The fireplace allowed a soft warm glow, you both spoke softly. For once, it didn't feel like you were cornered and stressed, you felt like you were mutuals.
"I think if some parents are willing to give their child away so easily for some flimsy promise of protection, they don't deserve you. You are full of potential, I thought you'd be better off here. I was willing to put up with your attitude because I knew it must have been stressful adapting here." He explained, looking ahead and taking a sip from the drink.
You lowered your head, your hair covering your face. You didn't know what to think, you were so hurt by your parents. You felt alone and betrayed, but yet Taeyong's presence didn't let you spiral.
You reached out and held his hand with both of yours, "Thank you. I'm sorry for being so ungrateful and difficult. You were looking out for me and stood up for me. I didn't know. I will be better, I promise."
"I don't mind, take your time. I can wait." He smiled.
"Y'know, I guess I don't mind you and your home." You smiled back.
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neodreamzenie · 1 year
Mafia Member j.jh SERIES
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Mafia Member pt. 4
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Wc: 0.4k Warnings: Mention of kidnapping Genre: Angst
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Y/n P.O.V
I was casually staring at the white ceiling, thinking about the most random things, when the door opened, revealing Taeyong and 7 other men. "So, we have a question." He started. "Well, sure, but who are these people?" I replied. "They're other members. Mark, Renjun, Jeno, Haechan, Jaemin, Chenle and our youngest; Jisung." Two of them looked very familiar to you, you just couldn't sort them...
"So, back to what I was saying, we wanted to know if you'd like to join us." Taeyong said. "Wait. So you're kidnapping me, keeping me on this goddamn chair even tying me to it, just to ask me to join you? Did you think those few hours in this stupid chair brain washed me? I know I said that there's no fucking point in living to me, but I didn't mean it in a way of 'Oh let me join your mafia group and practically kill myself'! Are you crazy?" You said, completely dumb founded by that question.
"So, I'm asking you one more time. Will you join us, or not?" He asked, with a complete blank expression, obviously annoyed by your reaction. "What are my alternative options?" You asked, hoping for him to not say die. "You'd probably spend the rest of your life on this chair. At least until you die from starvation and thirst." Renjun stated your one and only option. "Well do I even have a choice? Count me in then." You said, rolling back your eyes in annoyance of how your life became something you never could've imagined it to be.
As soon as Jeno finished releasing you from these ropes, they took you to Taeyong's office with little difficultiesin the beginning, your legs aching. Arriving at the door, they signaled you to go in, so you knocked on the door waiting for Jaehyun to open the door for you. So you walked into the room and sat down on the chair that was across from Taeyong - on the other side of the table - who then told Jaehyun to leave the room.
He proceeded to ask you about your age, date of birth, nationality and about relations to other mafia groups or the police. "I'm 22, born on april 14, 1998 and I don't have anything to do with the police or any other mafioso. Also, I'm chinese." Taeyong wrote down what you said in his laptop, mumbling something, ycouldn't quite understand. "What did you say?" "Uh, nothing."
He then handed me a staple of papers and told to read, sign and bring them back until tomorrow.
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gingrrfrog · 25 days
chapter six is on brother 🫡 on my patreon
thank you so much for waiting, this dang ol' arthirtis do be killing me
for my us folk, happy memorial day! :3c grill me a burger in my honor
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abandoned-anemoia · 1 year
NCT 127 Mafia/Bad Boy/CEO Moodboard
☯ Pairing: NCT 127 x more fem leaning ☯ Genre: I honestly do not know... Some are more mafia themed and some are more the rich CEO vibes... ☯ Warnings: mafia themes, crude language ☯ A/N: Please Let me know if I need to add any warnings! ☯Disclaimer: None of my work represents any of the idols included in any way. This is merely fictional and all based on my opinion as a joke! I have nothing against any of these idols and love them all dearly.
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nctrsn20 · 2 years
08 : Aftermath Of Confessions
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GENRE ― nct as mafia, txt as mafia, college!au
SUMMARY ― It took a week for Natalie to wake-up, causing her loved ones to worry. But as soon as she woke-up, what she wanted had finally come true.
AUTHOR’S NOTE/WARNINGS ― mentioned of stab wounds, blood, mentioned of child-trafficking, slight angst at first but fluff in the end.
previous chapter (chapter 7)
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"I'll call you back, Mum.... Yes, yes I will. Okay!.... I will call you instantly when she wakes up, please mother... Bye." Taeyong ended the call with a loud sigh, exiting his office of 127's residence.
A knowing figure was standing until she saw him.
As soon as he called her, Yelena ran onto his arms, pulling him to her.
He rested his head on her nape, releasing a shaky sigh.
Taeyong immediately called his long-time girlfriend, a few days after Natalie was safely being put in Kun's aid.
And a day after the surgery to stitch her deep wounds, Kun had to call Taeyong, who decided to inform Mark to come – Mark too, because he deserved to know, right after his confession that day.
"..Everything is fine, Taeil hyung and I fixed her broken nose and we stitched her wounds," Kun informed and Taeyong nodded.
"..So now all we have to do is to wait for her to wake up." Kun added, looking towards the leaders. "Days of expectations?" Taeyong asked, eyes frowning towards the Wayv leader.
Mark could only stand behind Taeyong, he is broken, he just wants Natalie to wake up.
"Two days, again it depends on each individual's body." Kun nods slightly, and Taeyong's eyes fall towards the sleeping Natalie – who was at the other side of the clear glass window.
But Natalie wouldn't open her eyes two days after the surgery, which made Taeyong all bothered and crazy that everyone could see him go insane.
Both Mark and Kun had to calm him down saying that she was fine, her blood and heart rate was all normal.
Taeyong was beyond worried that he called his girlfriend.
"It's been nearly a week, Yelena." Taeyong frowns, "I don't know what to do if she―
"Don't say that! Please, don't say that." Yelena harshly cuts him off at first, "Natalie is a strong girl, Tae. She is your sister, one of the Lees'. I thought you said all Lees' are strong." She tried to calm him down, knowing he needed someone by now.
Taeyong nodded slowly, then hearing a soft sigh and Yelena rubbing his back to comfort him. "Everything is going to be okay,”
"Can you stay with me?" Taeyong pulled her arm slightly, "Sleep-over, until she wakes up"
Yelena smiled slightly, before squeezing his cheek. "As you wish, Mr Lee."
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"Thank you," Soobin turned towards the two members of Wayv who let him enter Kun's aiding room.
Nearly a few days had passed, and Soobin was getting better, thanks to the leader of Wayv.
The technology and injections NCT had in-stored were so insane that Soobin himself didn't know most of the drugs had in his body, his body was surprisingly back to normal.
Although his left hand was completely fractured and one of his legs was limping, it wasn't that bad for him.
Speaking of normal, his memories, all of it was back.
Even the events that were years ago had come back, and he started to remember again.
That includes remembering the last words he said to Natalie back in the programme dorm room and the past conversation he made when he reunited with Natalie again.
"You're welcome! You are Natalie's friend! So you are considered our friend too!" Yangyang said with a wide smile.
Soobin can't help but smile sadly, he never had friends – real friends, Natalie was an exception.
"Thanks," Soobin awkwardly smiled and Hendery kind of noticed his awkward self that he nudged onto Yangyang.
"You're being too positive, you are pressuring him!" Hendery apologetically smiled at Soobin as he could only shake his head.
"I had no friends, except for Natalie. She used to be.. until Kingpin happened. Regardless, she is still my friend." Soobin said and there were positive smiles coming from the two Wayv members.
Their feet brought to Natalie's recovery room, and Yangyang was the first one to notice a member in the room.
He could recognize him from the back of his head.
"Mark is in there, hold on." Yangyang knocked on the door, entering the room.
Soobin was watching them from the inside, until he met Mark’s eyes.
The NCT Dream leader was frowning, it looks like Yanyang was convincing him since he finally nodded.
“Soobin, you can come in!” Yangyang called him in, Hendery encouraged the tall boy to enter since he got a green light.
Soobin awkwardly enters the room, but his eyes soon fall towards the platinum haired girl and that’s when his emotions start to get the best of him.
Soobin could already feel his lips trembling.
“I trust you,” Mark said, “...Well I have to, she really cared for you.” Mark gestured towards Natalie, before leaving the tall boy alone in the room.
After knowing he was alone, Soobin finally let out his tears, as he held onto her cold hands.
“...T-thank you, Natalie.” Soobin sobs, “I’m sorry for calling you a brat. I still remember my last words to you and remembering it now, I was a dick.” He confessed with a pout and trembling lips.
“I remember everything now,” Soobin held onto her hand tightly.
“Please wake-up, Nat. Please,” Soobin cried out, putting a strand of her hair behind her ears – his finger brushing through her skin. Even her face feels cold.
Soobin poked her cheek, it was an act of affection between the two of them back when they were so young, back in the programe school.
“Everyone misses you, I miss you”
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A day has passed, and it has been exactly a week now.
“Ow! Watch it, Jeno!”
“Sorry, baby!”
“You nearly tripped my crutches!” Sylvia glared towards the boy, and Jeno instantly pouted. “I said I am sorry…”
Sylvia could only sigh, while pulling onto his hand.
Jaemin on the other hand was eyeing Irina who had bandages on both of her arms.
He was kind of worried, actually he looked like he froze as soon as he found his girlfriend’s friends state, the both of them.
He saw a lot of blood that day, compared to other days with the Dream boys for the missions.
Irina had blood spilled on her hands, both of them, both her blood and the blood of Soobin’s brothers.
Apparently, Irina had taken out two chips of the two boys, while Sylvia took out one.
Jaehyun took out another for the two girls.
It was a red, bloody mess. That’s all Jaemin and Jeno could describe.
The two girls finally saw Natalie and their eyes widened.
Sylvia was trying to hurry but she realised her condition that Jeno helped her.
Irina wasn't able to touch her due to her fingers being bandaged as well as her arms.
“..Come on, Nat.” Irina called out, “...It’s been a week.” She continued.
“You missed a lot of stuff, your new launch of skin care, Mark basically keeping himself shut in his room for a few days, Sylvia finding the crutches a pain in the ass knowing she can’t even walk if she didn’t use it, Jaemin cried by the way, what else…?” Irina basically listed out the things that had happened for the week.
“You kind of forget Taeyong hyung losing the bright colour on his face,” Jeno added and Irina nodded. “Oh yeah! As what he said, your brother… he isn’t doing well.” Irina sighed.
“....And you forgot to tell her about the kids,” Sylvia added this time and Irina gestured to her to explain this time.
“Okay, so, the kids that you had found that day. Taeyong, 127 consiglieres, Kun and Mark had a meeting about them,” Sylvia added with a smile, “Taeyong suggested making an orphanage for the kids that has been sold or abandoned.”
“You don’t have to worry about their well being though. Some of the Elinovas girls wanting to pitch in – Aurora, Katerina, Yelena and Adriana donated sets of clothes, like a lot. Yelena mainly pitches in money, more to their funds and needs, you know like food and all.” Sylvia added proudly, like those girls are business women and she is happy for what they contribute.
“So for now, Kun is in-charge of the orphanage, basically like a dean in our school.” Sylvia added, earning nods of confirmation from the other three.
“...I guess that’s it,” Sylvia frowns, while looking at the others who only shrug.
“Oh yeah, I heard Mark confessed to her.” Sylvia turns to Jeno, he turns towards Jaemin who gives him a frown. “..You should ask Mark himself, he was the one who―
A slight groan was heard from Natalie, and their head instantly snapped towards her – seeing her eyes fluttering slightly, as well as her fingers starting to move.
“Jeno! Jaemin! Call the others, now!”
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Taeyong and Mark were the first one to run to Wayv’s residence – and for the first time, everyones sees the both of them running full speed, well during missions they ran fast but not the usual full speed.
By the time they came to Kun’s aiding room where Natalie is, the two boys were still there along with Sylvia and Irina.
This was the moment for the two girls to leave. “We’ll be waiting outside, we will probably hang out in Wayv’s living room.” Irina excused herself, holding onto Natalie’s which the girl weakly squeezed her hand.
“Thank you again,” Natalie weakly called out.
"..Anything for my bestfriend," She smiled followed by a wink, Jaemin following his girlfriend behind.
“Hey, you,” Sylvia slightly turned towards Natalie with her crutches, “..We will come by time to time, for now have a good rest.” She waved slightly, Natalie watched the four of them leaving.
Natalie’s eyes then moved towards Taeyong and Mark with a weak smile. “Hi.” She softly greeted, seeing Mark’s small smile, turning towards Taeyong.
Taeyong can’t help but look at her in amazement.
He quietly went towards her, and gave her a hug and he might put a bit of pressure on the hug that Natalie winced in pain.
“Sorry, sorry!” Taeyong mumbled and Natalie wanted to sit up but again, she was met with a throbbing pain on her side, causing the two men to go to her side – aiding her to sit up slowly.
Natalie’s eyes met with Mark, and somehow her cheeks turned warmth as soon as his voice echoed through mind.
‘.....I love you so much….’
‘....you’re the first girl I love…...’
The two didn’t realise that both of them were literally staring into each others’ eyes and Taeyong couldn't help but clear his throat, kind of sulky that they forgot that he was there.
Natalie instantly broke eye contact, thanking Mark slightly as he smiled awkwardly.
“You did it, Nat. You took out the chip from Soobin.” Taeyong congratulated and Natalie’s eyes instantly widened. “Soobin.. Soobin!?! What about him?! Is he―
“He is fine," Taeyong cuts her off. "...well his whole left arm was broken according to Kun.. But nonetheless, he is healthy, his memories are back, even the old ones and he is normal.” Taeyong recalled with a slight smile.
“A few days ago, he came here.” Mark added, and Natalie nodded – as long as he is back and he is normal, everything should be fine.
“How is he? But he is Kingpin's… Speaking of Kingpin, did Irina and Sylvia…?” Natalie recalled, frowning deeply as she tried to remember.
“... Irina, plus the help of Mark, erased the information of all the children he abducted. That includes Soobin and his four brothers.” Taeyong gestured to Mark, and Natalie turned towards Mark seeing him smiling slightly.
“....Aside from that, Irina and I kind of altered Soobin’s personal information, as well his other brothers,” Mark said, “..Irina told me about his family history… we just erased Kingpin’s name as his guardian since he is already legal enough to live independently.”
Natalie quickly sighed in relief as she leaned back, her tensed shoulders slumped down comfortably.
“...But that doesn’t mean we caught Kingpin.” Taeyong added, and there was a worried look on her face. “He is… too slippery to kill.”
Sensing Natalie worrying, Mark quickly holds onto her hands to support her – giving her a look that it will be okay.
Although Kingpin was still out there, her eyes started to fill with tears, knowing that everything was over – mainly for Soobin, he didn’t have to suffer again.
Taeyong watches her quietly, probably knowing this is what she wants in the first place.
His phone out of nowhere rang and Taeyong knew who it was, seeing his mother’s name on the screen.
“Well, our birth giver has finally called.” Taeyong showed his phone to Natalie as she could only chuckle while taking his phone, insisting she wants to answer.
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“What did she say?”
Natalie passed the phone to him, “...She was crying, kind of nagging afterwards.” Natalie looks at Taeyong with a shrug, earning a ‘told you so’ look from Taeyong.
“...They are going to come tomorrow, wish me luck. Dad is definitely gonna nag at me.” Natalie sighed, rubbing her temple in frustration.
Taeyong surprisingly looks at her, “Dad nags at you too?”
“Yeah..? Why do you look so surprised?”
“All this while I thought Dad favoured you more than me.. That you can get away from anything.” Taeyong confessed and Natalie scoffed.
“I did get away with other things but this,” Natalie paused, “...I don’t know man.. But Tae, I get nagged too. Just like how they nag at you for ridiculous stuff and them having more expectations just because you are the first born…”
Taeyong’s eyes widened slightly towards the platinum haired girl.
He was surprised she knew.
“...They have expectations of me too.” Natalie muttered, really they do.
Their parents wanted their two children to live up the Lee name, which Natalie thinks it’s just.....
She doesn’t even know what to describe. Show off?
Taeyong warmly smiled at her, holding onto her hand. “..I’m glad we… could relate to each other then.”
Natalie returned him a smile, gripping onto his hand.
Taeyong’s eyes then turned towards Mark who was watching siblings interaction – deciding that maybe he should leave his sister and the boy to have some alone time.
“Now that you are awake, I’ll leave you to Mark then,” Taeyong out of nowhere stood up, “I’ll call Yelena since she wants to see you as soon as you are awake so…”
He walked out of the room, leaving the frowning Natalie and a surprised Mark.
“Well, that was all of a sudden, but okay.” Natalie commented, turning towards Mark with a small smile.
“So, how are you?”
“...Well, other than worrying sick for someone, I’m all good.” Mark jokingly answered and Natalie chuckled softly, knowing he meant herself.
Natalie stared at him for a while, seeing him caught the way she looked at him – instead of looking away, Mark decided to return her gaze.
“Mark, I..” Natalie started softly, “..I can’t believe I am saying this,” She muttered slightly, “..when I blacked out, I kind of heard your voice.” She recalled.
“..You said I was the first girl you love,” Natalie said, her eyes locking with his.
Mark watches her for a while, before leaning towards her - one of his arms supporting his body while the other cupping one of her cheeks as he kisses her.
Natalie’s eyes widened for a second, before leaning against him and she kissed him back. She saw how he looked when he kissed her, though his eyes were closed, he still looked beautiful.
Mark let go of her slowly, “I love you, Natalie.”
“I know,” Natalie winks at him, seeing him looking all shy. “...I love you too, Mark.” Natalie held onto his hand as he scooted neared towards her, sitting on her bed.
Mark quietly caressed her hair, “You know, you told me the day we first became friends and you said you hated your hair colour.”
Natalie sighed, “...Yeah, I still hate it. I wanted to dye it brown or black but my parents didn’t allow it.”
“But you look pretty with platinum blonde though, I have never seen you with dark colours but I’m sure you still look pretty too.” Mark complimented and Natalie slightly pouted.
“You always say that. ‘Pretty’ is your favourite word.”
Mark smirked, “That’s because it’s you. That’s my favourite word for you, pretty.”
Natalie scoffed at him slightly, he sounded like he was flirting.
“So,” Mark called, leaning against her, seeing her smile starting to get wide as he stopped inches away from her face.
Mark glances from her eyes then to her lips, before making it way back.
He was holding himself back from giving her more kisses, already feeling how plump her lips are.
“Natalie, will you be my girlfriend?”
Natalie frowns, and Mark’s expression falls slowly.
‘Don’t tell me she is going to reject me.’
“What kind of question is that?” Natalie pecked a quick kiss on his lips, completely caught Mark off guard.
“Of course I will be your girlfriend, Mark.”
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Due to her huge stab wounds, Kun told Taeyong that Natalie needed more time to heal – hence she had to stay more in Kun’s aiding room.
Mark volunteered to take care of Natalie, and he never fails to show up everyday – although he has missions to handle, but thanks to the Dreamies who told Mark that they are confident to continue without the leader.
Mark supported her whenever she wanted to try to walk, he was being really patient whenever Natalie couldn’t get to stand up properly.
“...Why can’t my legs function!? It’s just my kidney area getting stabbed a few times, it doesn’t even directly link to my legs!” Natalie shouted in annoyance, particularly towards her pair of legs while Mark was holding her closely to prevent her from falling.
“..Nat, calm down.”
“I can’t calm down! I want to walk! I want to continue my normal routine and join you guys! I can’t go on a date with you sooner if I stayed in bed longer!”
Mark’s expression softens, definitely not able to hide his smile although his girlfriend is fuming in frustration.
“We still can go on a date, babe.” Mark said simply, and Natalie turned towards Mark with a deep frown.
“I actually consider this session as a date, actually me visiting you everyday is a date for me.” He said seriously, and Natalie looks at him with a slightly wide eye – then looking away from him as she sighs.
“I’m sorry. I just feel.. frustrated.” Natalie muttered before smiling at him. “..But.. since you said this is a date, do you want to cuddle with me after this walking session?” She winked and Mark let out a shocking scoff followed by a wide smile.
“Hey! I’m supposed to be the one to lead you in this relationship! I’m the guy here!”
Mark whines and Natalie suddenly grabs his arm, somehow pulling him rather roughly – his face stops right in front of hers, smirking at him.
“Who said guys have to be the one to lead, baby?”
Mark had a smile slowly forming on his lips, eyes moving to her lips before moving to her eyes, he really couldn’t resist himself from just kissing her roughly but he knew Natalie was still injured.
So he just softly kissed her on the lips, then tracing her lips with his fingers – he has a thing for how her lips feel like, it was soft and plump.
Clearly the two were having their own moment, like their faces are inches away from each other – Mark holding her close to him, and Natalie having the heart eyes for him that they clearly didn’t notice a few people basically creeping on them.
“Okay, I had enough of basically watching my little—
Lucas slightly pushed Taeyong who was blocking the way. “Ayyy, Mark! Get her!”
“Wooo! My new power couple now!” Hendery cheered, earning a chuckle from Yangyang.
Kun and Winwin gave Mark a knowing look – more like a look where they knew she would like him back, followed by the rest of Wayv members who could only openly smirked at the couple – specifically Ten.
And then came Haechan entering the room with a hamper, “Wow, finally loser. I’m sick of being the ‘yes’ man and in the end you are back to square one.” then came along with Jeno and Jaemin bringing more hampers.
Renjun came to the couple, giving them a soft side hug – the couple didn’t even move, it was as if they were still frozen to what had happened.
“Congrats, Mork.” Chenle pats the leader’s shoulder, followed by Jisung smirking towards the couple while pointing towards the both of them.
When Mark thought that was all of them, then came 127 members with more gifts such as Johnny entering with balloons that had Natalie’s initials, Taeil bringing a teddy bear and Jaehyun looked like he brought cupcakes.
Yuta came in, shooting finger hearts to the stunned couple then giving Mark a proud nod.
Finally Doyoung and Jungwoo entered, smiling towards the couple before Doyoung noticed Natalie and Mark’s expression.
The whole squad was in Kun’s aiding area.
“...Did.. we disturbed your moment?” Doyoung teased and Mark blinked slightly before turning towards Natalie who gave him a slight smile.
They turned towards him with a sarcastic smile.
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next chapter would be the end of this series sadly. :(
previous chapter (chapter 7) ⇋ last chapter (end of series)
[ Hero for Heart : Natalie’s Series, Base On Her Sorrowed Past ]
[ N-127 MOODBOARDS ] - [ N-127’S SOULMATES ]
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midday0nightmares · 1 year
Hey guys.
Wince this blog seems to be more active still. I will use to to shamelessly promote my other blog 😎
I have posted the first chapter of something new I want to start writing, it’s involves my favorites nomin ✨
The link
It’s not as extreme as what i have posted on this blog, but still dramatic and twisted.
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peanutpinet · 5 months
haii! I saw that you request is open. i want to request with mafia!jaehyun x wife!reader. Jaehyun and your brother (johnny) are known have died, killed by their rivals. unknowingly you're having a child years later, and when the other group saw, they wanted to kill both of you.
suprisingly, you were saved by nct and you mad at them being shadows and hide themselves from you for years especially jaehyun and johnny. so, (especially) jaehyun and the others regaining your trust back and want to be a dad in your child live, you're slowly trust him and others again (maybe there's an incident or something that jaehyun almost being killed cause he saved you and/or child(?)). thank you
Back For You - Mafia! Jaehyun x Wife! Fem Reader (ft Older Brother Johnny)
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HAPPY 2024 EVERYONE!! I HOPE THAT EVERYONE HAD A GREAT JANUARY (jokes on me for saying happy new year but posting this at the end of January) I'M SO SORRY FOR BEING MIA BUT I was away for a 2-week holiday which took a lot out of me. Don't worry, I've tried to write a bit and while this isn't my best writing since I'm still trying things, I hope that the anon who requested this and those who are reading will still enjoy it!! Manifesting a better year for everyone!!
A/N: hi anon, thank you for requesting, it means a lot that you like my writing :(( coincidentally, I have been reading a few nct fics about the reader having the neos’ child but the neo never knew that they had a child. I do want to point out that this specific mafia story won’t be included in the mini mafia universe that I’ve made as the timeline doesn’t really match but I will make another Jaehyun mafia fic in the same mafia universe that I’ve created!
Also, to the anon who requested the Johnny & TY mafia, Jisung mafia, thank you guys for being patient but I am going through my requests (actually shocked I have several of requests because I didn't think my writing would be enjoyable without a smut sometimes). Also, also! TY's girl is making an appearance in the next two mafia fics and her name is Kim Eunji because I used this name for my translated version of TY's first mafia fic over on my Wattpad. Okay, onto the story!
Warnings: suggestive, angst, mentions of pregnancy and child birth, gunshots, blood, lil fluff
It took 5 years of trying to heal yourself from your loss. 5 years to finally be able to accept that it was now just you and your son, Yuno together. 5 years since your husband and brother, Jaehyun and Johnny respectively were reported to have died in a car accident. But those 5 years of acceptance and peace were soon ripped in a matter of seconds.
You were just picking up your son from daycare who was one of the last kids there because you had to finish your shift but when you had just arrived, you saw several black SUVs that came from around the corner.
At first you didn’t think much about it because you have never been associated with anything illegal nor have you done anything wrong in your life.
But right when you picked up your son and headed out, there were several men who came out of the SUVs and stopped in front of you and your son.
Instinctively, you held your son tighter to you as one of the men came towards you, mentioning a name that you have not heard in the past 5 years of your life.
“Are you Jung (Y/N), wife of Jung Jaehyun and younger sister of Johnny Suh?” one of the men questioned which made you wrap your arms around your son, your motherly instinct moved him behind you
“And who are you to ask?” you hissed but the man just chuckled until you noticed the other men surrounding you and your son
“We’d just like to ask you several questions about your husband and older brother. So if you would come with us and have a little chat…” the man mentioned, looking at your son. “We wouldn’t want the kid to see something that he wouldn’t want to see, now would we?”
“Mommy…” your son called out to you but you wouldn’t let him come out from behind you
“I don’t know how you know my name, my deceased brother and husband’s name but as far as I know, none of us have any association with people like you. And plus, like I’ve mentioned, my brother and husband are both dead. If there were any debts that they may have, their lawyer would’ve said something to me years ago” you tried your best to sound brave but in reality you feared what may happen to you and your son; especially when some of the men came closer
“You should come while we’re being civil” the man scoffed as he commanded the other men to take out some of their weapons as you shielded your son from the scene he might witness
But somehow, as if your husband has been protecting you even before your marriage, there were other men who came and took down all the men that were surrounding you before they could even do anything to you or your son.
Amongst the men who helped you, there was one with white/silver hair and black tint underneath. He walked past everyone and stood in front of you, his eyes was big but his eyebrows made him have a more strict look.
What he did next was what you didn’t expect. The man kneeled to your son’s level and even called him by his name. “Hey, you must be scared, aren’t you? I’m Taeyong. You can call me uncle Tae. I know your father very well. You have his dimples and eyes but have your mom’s smile. You’re a brave boy like your dad”
“You know Jaehyun?” You asked as Taeyong looked at you, his eyes turned soft and even looked like he was sorry when he stood back up to face you
“I think he and Johnny should be the one to tell you everything. I have no right to get in between family business” Taeyong mentioned while you stood in shock
“W-what do you mean that he and Johnny…” you stuttered but Taeyong continued before you got to finish your sentence. “They’re alive. Both of them. We found them 5 years ago, barely breathing and they were both in a coma for almost a whole year but enough of that, how about I…”
“How do I know that you’re not using them to get to me or something? For all I know you could be working with those people from before or something” you questioned, making Taeyong sigh until you heard the very voices that you thought you would never hear ever again
“(Y/N)!!!” You heard Jaehyun shout and turning around, you saw Jaehyun, your husband and Johnny, your older brother; both of whom you thought were dead were now in front of you
“H-hey, hey” Jaehyun came and held you in his arms, pulling you to his chest as you sobbed whereas Johnny came to hug his nephew
“Sssh, I’m here. I’m so sorry. I’m alive. We’re alive” Jaehyun tried to calm you down but you broke down even more and hit his chest, pushing him away as your tears covered your vision
“How could you! Both of you!!” You screamed at both men who lied to you for the past 5 years. Both men whom you cherished close to you and mourned hard when you heard about their car crash and no bodies were found 5 years ago
“I cried for both of you. I mourned you both. I had to go through pregnancy and birth on my own. I did everything alone for the past 5 years. Y-you both don’t get to just waltz back in as if nothing happened” you cried, even falling to the ground as your son rush to your side, hugging you
“Sweetheart. Little flower” both Jaehyun and Johnny said at the same time, both coming closer but your son stood in front of you
“H-hey lil peach…” Jaehyun uttered, about to kneel down to your son’s height but just like Jaehyun, your son was overly protective of you ever since he was just 2 years old
“Go away” your son shouted as you tried to calm him but he kept on going. “Don’t make my mom cry”
“Lil peach, I’m not gonna…” Jaehyun tried to reach out to his own son but he was rejected. “No!!”
“You made my mom cry! I don’t want mommy to cry anymore!” Your son shouted but you quickly hugged him, calming him down. “Hey, hey. Jeong Yuno, what did mommy teach you?” you mentioned your son’s name, making Jaehyun tear up a bit because you named your son after his name
“Don’t shout at anyone. Don’t shout to your elders, okay? Especially your dad and uncle” you stroke your son’s head who looks at you with the same worried eyes as Jaehyun’s
“I don’t want you to cry anymore mommy. I don’t want you to get hurt. I don’t mommy sad. I want mommy happy” your son mentioned, making both Jaehyun and Johnny’s hearts clench
“Mommy’s not sad. Don’t worry, mommy’s okay” you cooed your son, hugging him close to you as you lift him up
“(Y/n)…” Jaehyun uttered, trying to reach for both you and your son
“Don’t…I, I can’t deal with this. I want to go home” you mentioned, your voice was clearly tired
“It’s not safe for you to go back home” Jaehyun mentioned. “Then where am I supposed to go Jaehyun?!” You argued back, Jaehyun clenching his fists
“We’ll take you back somewhere safe. Somewhere no one can find nor touch either of you. Somewhere I should’ve brought you to a long time ago” Jaehyun mentioned, directing to you one of the cars
“Little flower…” Johnny breathed but you walked past him, carrying your son tightly and protectively in your arms
“Know that I’m only going with you guys for my son’s safety and not because I’ve forgiven either of you just yet” you uttered, going into the car as Taeyong closed it before it went off
“Get some rest. Both of you. You can talk to her tomorrow” Taeyong mentioned, heading to his own car
“Hyung!” Jaehyun called out to Taeyong
“I told you that you both that you should’ve gone back to her back then. I kept my side of the promise and took care of her when you both went on that mission. But you broke your side of the promise to go back to her” Taeyong stated, looking at his two members
“I understand during the first year because you both were brutally injured from the accident but afterwards?” Taeyong reminded. “I don’t mean to butt into your family business but if either of you forgot, your wife and sister was pregnant and about to give birth when you guys were already awake from your coma. Regardless of your reasoning, both of you should’ve gone back to her. Losing two of your loved ones during pregnancy and birth is not easy and the fact that she went through all of that alone makes me respect her so much”
“I suggest you both discuss on your own. I can only do so much by ensuring her safety. You both already lost the past 5 years with her. Don’t lose her as well” Taeyong advised
Throughout the ride back to NCT’s penthouse, both Jaehyun and Johnny discussed how they were going to try and approach you. Johnny saying that he wants to approach you first because he is your only related family member left and he wants to make sure that you know he will always take care of you somehow.
But Jaehyun wanted the three of you to just sit down and talk so none of you misunderstood one another. Both Jaehyun and Johnny kept debating until they reached the room that Taeyong provided for you and your son.
Softly, Jaehyun knocked on the door, worried that he might accidentally wake you and your son but luckily you were still awake and answered the door.
Upon opening the door and seeing Jaehyun and Johnny, your first instinct was to shut it close but knowing both your husband and brother, you might as well talk it out with them and get it over with.
“What do you guys want?” you questioned, your voice coming out strong and rough, your eyes and nose were still red from all the crying
“Can we talk? The three of us. We owe you a full explanation about what happened and everything” Johnny mentioned, hoping that you’d give him and Jaehyun a chance to explain for themselves
“Not in here. I just put Yuno to sleep. He wouldn’t sleep until I fall asleep” you replied and hearing your reply, Jaehyun wanted to hug you and let you know that he never meant to leave you alone but he restrained himself until you finally accepted his apology and allowed him to be back in both you and your son’s life
“Let’s go next door then, it’s my room” Johnny suggested and you nodded in agreement
You came to find out that your room was situated between Johnny and Jaehyun’s room with Johnny being right next door and Jaehyun across your room.
Inside Johnny’s penthouse, you were welcomed with the modern but minimalistic interior with several additions of rare collectables which you knew your brother had been very fond of since young. You took in his entire place until you saw several framed pictures of him, Jaehyun, some of their other friends and even with you framed in the center amongst the other pictures.
“Do you still like your tea with 90% milk and sugar?” Johnny asked, already at the pantry, brewing up your favourite tea for you
“Yea, I can’t have too much caffeine during the night anyways” you replied, accepting the tea from your brother
“So, you guys going to explain yourselves on leaving me for the past 5 years?” you questioned, looking down at your husband and brother who sat across you
To say you were speechless was definitely an understatement because as much as you tried to understand their point of views, you became angrier than before. Ever since your brother was in high school, he had already been in the mafia and as for your husband, Jaehyun officially became apart of it when he almost graduated high school.
Not only were they able to keep this secret life from you for the past 10+ years, but the fact they also hide themselves for the past 5 years all because they were scared to face you when they were still injured just didn’t make sense to you.
“What the fuck do you mean that you were scared to face me?!” you shouted, standing up from the sofa, angry at both your brother and husband
“Flower, we wanted to back to you, I swear. We were just caught up with other things…” Johnny tried to reason. “We were both badly injured and barely able to process anything…”
“But you got back up. You could’ve come to me. Your friends could’ve said something. I want to understand you but I can’t. Do you know how hard it was when I found out I was pregnant but before I could tell either of you, I saw your car crash on the news. I almost lost my baby. I almost lost my son that day too if it weren’t for your mom coming over to visit me early in the morning” you rambled on, making both Johnny and Jaehyun even more guilty
“Does your mom even know, Jaehyun?” you asked but received no answer from him
“I’m leaving” you let out which made both Johnny and Jaehyun immediately stood up, blocking your way
“I mean I’m leaving this room and going back to see my son. I can’t be in the same room with either of you right now” I pointed out, about to head to the door but a hand grabbed my wrist and from the touch, I knew that it was Jaehyun
“(y/n)…dimple…” Jaehyun let out that nickname he used to call me those years ago
The nickname that he gave me because he would always mention how he consider me as his dimple because his dimple is a part of him and he would always consider me as a part of him. I believed it, until he disappeared and reappeared back.
“Don’t call me that, Jeong” I hissed back, tears were threatening to spill again
“I swear I wanted to come back to you. Both me and Johnny. Me especially. I know what we did was horrible towards you and I’m not asking you to forgive and accept us back immediately but I just hope…” Jaehyun sighed. “I hope that you would at least let me into Yuno’s life. Let me be the father and husband I should’ve been all those years that I was gone”
Immediately, you ripped your arm away from Jaehyun and looked at him with anger and frustration. “You both got badly injured during and needed a year to fully recover fine. Your friends/members not coming to tell me anything about you because it’s classified, fined. But not telling your own mother and letting her, me and our son to believe that you were dead is beyond me. I don’t need words, Jeong. Neither does Yuno. All we wanted was for you to be there but you weren’t. You’re basically 5 years too late”
“I know” Jaehyun let out a shaky breath. “I, we, didn’t mean to lie to you and not come back sooner. We wanted to tell you but we were just waiting for the right time because we wanted to protect you long enough until we weren’t heavily involved anymore”
“Protect? Protecting me from those who were against you or protecting yourself from what might happen if you had told me before you disappeared?” you sighed
“You know what hurts more? Not when I lost both of you and almost lost Yuno that day. But the fact that I can’t hate either of you. I want to hate you both but I can’t. Because I know what it feels like growing up without a parent figure. I tried so hard to be that parent figure for Yuno but I could never replace his dad” you said, making Jaehyun more hopeful
“Don’t think that I’ve forgiven either one of you just yet. But I’m not as cruel as you to not see Yuno or try to be the father and uncle he should’ve had since he was born” you opened the door, ready to go back to your son. “I’m saying that you both can try your best to come back to our lives, but I can’t guarantee that either one of us would accept you. You might be the father Jaehyun but I was the one that took care of him the past 5 years and from what you’ve seen, our son doesn’t even consider you his dad even when I’ve told him and showed him pictures of you. Good night, Jaehyun, Johnny”
You left both men to the quiet and chill room with the loud noise of their own thoughts and guilt.
Despite leaving both Jaehyun and Johnny on a bad note, the two accepted your anger and instead, hearing you let out your own emotion fueled them to try their best to do whatever it took to get both you and Yuno’s apology.
The next morning, right when you were about to leave and bring Yuno to daycare, both Jaehyun and Johnny were right in front of your door as you came out with your son.
“Geezus, can you guys not this early in the morning?!” you sighed as your son gripped your hand tighter
“Sorry. We didn’t want to disturb your morning so we waited out here. But we got some breakfast sandwiches for both of you and caramel latte for you” Jaehyun mentioned, handing you the bag which you accepted
“Thanks. If there isn’t anything else, I really need to go and take Yuno to daycare and I also need to go to work” you mentioned, about to walk past both men but they stopped you before you could take another step
“What is it this time?” you asked, raising your eyebrow
“Sorry lil sis, I don’t think you should be going to work anymore” Johnny said, making you scoff. “You might be my older brother but you don’t have the rights to tell me what I can or cannot do”
“Johnny’s right (y/n). Those men the other day know who you are. It would only take time before other people would find you or Yuno and neither me nor Johnny wants that to happen again” Jaehyun replied, looking at you with those damn worried eyes
“If I don’t work then how am I supposed to afford a living?” you argued, challenging both Johnny and Jaehyun
“We’re both here now. We’ll fund everything. Especially me. I’m going to fun for both you and Yuno. I want to be the father that Yuno deserves to have. You can push me or Johnny away as much as you want but we will still try to squeeze ourselves back into both of your lives” Jaehyun mentioned and hearing his tone, you know how stubborn Jaehyun is going to be
Sighing, you agreed to not go to work and let your boss know that you have to quit so suddenly because of a family issue.
“Fine. I won’t go to work. But I’m not going to let my…”
“Our son” Jaehyun mentioned, making you roll your eyes. “Our son not go to school” you finished your sentence while Jaehyun kneeled down to Yuno’s height
“Of course not. I’ll take him to school and wait until his school ends” Jaehyun mentioned, smiling at Yuno, his dimples showing
But when Jaehyun took his hand out, trying to convince Yuno to come with him, Yuno shook his head. “No. I want to go with mommy”
“Lil peach…your mommy and uncle need to have a chat and I want to get to know you more” Jaehyun tried to convince him but Yuno stood his ground, gripping onto your leg
“Hey, hey lil bud” you mumbled, kneeling to your son’s height, holding his small hands in yours. “What did mommy tell you before?”
“Give daddy a chance” both you and Yuno said at the same time, making Jaehyun want to tear up knowing that despite what he did, you still taught your son to give him a chance
“That’s right lil bud. What happened to mommy shouldn’t be the reason for you to not give your daddy a chance. Also, it’s a good way to know if he’s actually making an effort. Plus, mommy needs to talk to uncle Johnny, okay? When you come back, mommy is going to make your favourite food, braised beef with toppokki” you mentioned, Jaehyun almost choked on his saliva hearing his son’s favourite food being the same as his
“Okay mommy” Yuno mumbled, looking over at Jaehyun who still offered his hand and slowly grabbed it
“I promise that I’ll keep him safe” Jaehyun mentioned, standing back up, softly holding his son’s hand
“On scratch on his body or any drop of blood, I will end you, Jeong” you threatened, kissing your son’s cheek as he kissed yours before letting Jaehyun take your son to daycare
Jaehyun’s POV
On the way down to my car, Yuno didn’t say a word and even when we were in the elevator, out of (y/n) and Johnny’s sight, Yuno let go of my hand which confused me.
“Lil peach…” I let out but Yuno’s reply shocked me. “Yuno. That’s my name. Not lil peach. Only mommy gets to call me other names”
“Okay, Yuno. Can you tell me why you let go of my hand?” I asked as the elevator opened to the car park and I directed him to my car
“Because even though mommy says you’re my daddy, you’re not” Yuno mentioned, getting into the car without my help
After closing the door to Yuno’s side, I went into mine and saw that he already put his seatbelt on his own. “Damn, this kid is too smart for a 5-year-old,” I thought to myself as I drove off
“Why would you say that I’m not your daddy?” I asked
“Because you hurt mommy. You made mommy cry” Yuno mentioned. “You might be my daddy but if you hurt mommy, you’re not my daddy. Wait until I grow up and I will be the only guy that mommy needs”
“You should know that without me, you wouldn’t exist. You can try all you want but I will win your mom back and then let’s see who the guy will come out on top” I scoffed, disbelieved at my own son’s words to me
“You can try but you’re no one to mommy. You’re not related by blood unlike me. You don’t know mommy like I do. You don’t know how hard mommy tries to be strong to take care of me. You don’t know that mommy likes to talk about you. You don’t know that mommy talks nice things about you but to me, you still hurt mommy. Especially when you came back” Yuno mentioned, making me grip the steering wheel harder
“H-Has your mommy been seeing someone else? Another guy?” I asked, being selfish and hoping that (y/n) hadn’t seen anyone else
“No. Though lots of guys have been trying to talk to her but when I ask mommy, she always mentions you” Yuno admitted, making me sigh with relief
“I won’t leave you both again. Especially your mom. I love her so much that I want to come back and take care of her. And you” I mentioned, parking by the daycare, looking at Yuno
“Why are you looking at me?” Yuno asked
“Because I need your help” I mentioned
Your apartment - Your POV
After Jaehyun left with Yuno, Johnny wanted to immediately talk but I told him that I wanted to grab several things from my previous apartment. Johnny agreed and he drove us to my old apartment.
“What actually happened since you found out that we were involved in an accident?” Johnny asked, his voice sounded nervous as we walked into my apartment
“Lots of things happened, John. I almost lost Yuno. I had to sell our old house to have enough money to live for a year or so since both of your accounts sacred and I only had the joint account with Jaehyun but even that, somehow, the account was frozen so after Yuno turned 1, I had to look for a job since I didn’t want to burden Jaehyun’s parents who were both already at old age” I explained, recalling one of the most traumatic moments in my life
“I’m sorry sis. We both are, really” Johnny let out
“I was lucky Jaehyun’s parents were still around. We were all sad at what happened to both of you. Did Jaehyun ever go back to his parents?” I asked but Johnny shook his head
“He was scared. We both were. When Taeyong and the others couldn’t find us, they froze our accounts, everything linked to us. Of course not your or his parents’ personal accounts. That’s how your joint account was frozen” Johnny explained
“What could have possibly scared the two of you more than me and Jaehyun’s parents getting angry at both of you?” I questioned, about to blow a fuse at my confusing brother for his reasoning but Johnny sushed me
“What is it now, John…”I let out but we both hear unfamiliar voices
“I thought you said that you saw that clueless bitch and somehow alived brother walking past here just now” an unknown man stated, making you worry and looked at Johnny who looked pissed
“(y/n), go into your room” Johnny looked at me, his hand was by his waist and I could see him holding a gun. “Now”
I didn’t need to be told twice and rushed to my room, locking it and as I was about to get under my bed, I heard a loud gunshot followed by several grunts. Not wanting to listen to all the noise outside, I decided to call the only other person that could manage to calm me down.
“Hello? (Y/N)” Jaehyun’s voice was a bit taken aback that I called him
“Jae…” I let out
“Where are you? Where’s Johnny? What happened?” Jaehyun asked, his voice was worried
“I’m at my old apartment. Johnny…” I was about to reply but heard another gunshot. “Johnny’s outside, there are some people that I don’t know of”
“Dimple…I’m sorry that you have to go through this two days in a row but one things for sure, we won’t let you be alone anymore. Talk to me dimple, tell me how you’re feeling” Jaehyun replied
“How are you so calm? What if something happens to Johnny and…I can’t lose either one of you again” you replied back
“It’s part of our job, dimple and you’re not going to lose either one of us again. What happened 5 years ago is a one time only. It won’t happen again. Me and Johnny will make sure of it” Jaehyun ensured me
“How’s Yuno? Did he cause any problems for you?” I asked, trying to get my mind off what was happening outside
“No problems at all. He just told me some things, that’s all. You really taught him well, didn’t you. He even stood up against his own father for his mom” Jaehyun joked
“That’s because he didn’t know you like I did” I replied
“And how did you know me, hmm?” Jaehyun teased, making me roll my eyes
Luckily, before I have to reply him, I heard Johnny called out to me. “(y/n)? Are you alright in there?”
“Johnny’s calling. I’ll um talk to you later then Jae. Don’t forget about Yuno” I told him but heard giggling. “Don’t worry about him. Go, Johnny’s going to get worried”
Turning off the call, I opened the door and saw Johnny who looked a bit tired but relieved. Immediately, I hugged him as he hugged back. “I’m okay, don’t worry about me. You’re okay, right?”
“I’m okay. W-what happened out there?” I asked but Johnny shook his head
“Nothing you should worry about. Come on. I’ll help you grab the things you need and we can head back” Johnny mentioned
It didn’t take long to take almost all the things because apparently, Johnny had called some of his friends to come and help us bring some of mine and Yuno’s things back to the penthouse.
Arriving back at the penthouse, Johnny and his friends helped me unpack some of my things and during the tidying up, we heard a ring to the door and Johnny opened it to let Jaehyun and Yuno in. Yuno immediately went up to me and I hugged him.
“Did you have a good day today?” I asked as Yuno nodded and took something out of his backpack, which was a drawing
“My teacher told us to draw something that makes us happy and I draw you being happy even if it’s with daddy and uncle” Yuno mentioned and I looked at the drawing he did
It was a simple kids drawing but knowing our history, it meant a lot that Yuno somehow is slowly accepting both Jaehyun and Johnny in his life even though they have been absent in both our lives for the past 5 years.
Sometime during the rest of the day, you and Jaehyun decided to cook together and after dinner, the two of you were doing the dishes together; reminiscing the times you both were in college and cooking in the small tiny dorms whilst Johnny and Yuno were getting to know each other.
“How did you manage to get Yuno to talk to you and actually like you?” you asked, waiting for the water to boil as Jaehyun was leaning on the counter after washing some of the dishes
“I wouldn’t say that he has completely accepted me but we managed to talk. He’s very smart for a 5-year-old” Jaehyun mentioned
“I know. I worry about him. I don’t want him to mature quickly just because of the situation. I want him to have a normal childhood where he’s loved and can have fun for as long as he can” you mentioned, looking over at Yuno who was actually having fun with Johnny
“(Y/N)” Jaehyun called out to me, making me look at him as he grabbed my hands in his; an act that he always did whenever he wanted to talk about something serious
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there for both of you the past 5 years. I’m sorry I was a coward for not going back to both of you sooner and I’m sorry that I can’t turn back time to change all that because I know I would do anything to go back and be with the both of you. Especially you. I should’ve been there to take care of you. I should’ve been there to protect you. I should’ve been there to feel the pain you’ve felt because it was nothing compared to mine” Jaehyun mentioned, kissing the top of your hands, another habit that he likes to do to calm your nerves
“Jae…” you breathed out but Jaehyun didn’t let you continue. “Would you allow me and Johnny back? I know that it’s going to take a lot more to make up for the times we’ve lost but I’m willing to do anything for the both of you and…”
Kiss This time, you were the one that didn’t let Jaehyun continue and landed a soft kiss on his cheek, whilst caressing his jawline with one of your hands.
“You know that I hate all the bullshit talk. You might as well show me how sorry you are” you challenged Jaehyun who felt a sense of relief wash over him
But before you and Jaehyun could continue anything, both Johnny and Yuno came up to both of you. “Umm, sorry to disturb but I’m gonna take the lil guy back to my place” Johnny mentioned and Jaehyun was internally screaming thank you because he finally got to have some alone time with you after 5 years
“Do you need anything or any snacks bub?” you asked your son who just shook his head
“I’m okay, mommy. I wanna play some games with uncle Johnny!” Yuno exclaimed, making you giggle
“Alright. But don’t stay up too late. Go grab your pyjamas and backpack. Johnny, I trust you won’t be irresponsible. He has school tomorrow” you mentioned, looking up at your brother who just shrugged whilst your son rushed to his room
“I won’t. But I’m not so sure about you both so that’s why I’m offering to take care of the lil guy while you both sort things out together” Johnny snickered making you smack his arm while your son comes back, already wearing his backpack
“Bye mommy!!” your son greeted you as you went down to his height and he kissed you on your cheeks
“You behave alright. Don’t trouble uncle Johnny” you reminded as he smiled
“I promise don’t worry” your son replied and he went towards Jaehyun who also kneeled to his height. “Don’t make mommy cry!”
“I won’t lil peach. If she cries it’s because of a movie or something else” Jaehyun mentioned, making you smack his head. “You see. Your mom will kill me before I hurt her anyways”
Shaking his head, your son went over back to you and hugged you before going to grab Johnny’s hands, the two bidding both of you and Jaehyun goodbye.
“I should really get you and him to have more father and son outings before he really rebels against you” you mumbled while Jaehyun went behind you, snaking his arms around your waist, letting his head rest on the crook of your neck, giving it light kisses
“It’s alright. You’ve taught him well enough. He’s looking out for his mom anyways” Jaehyun murmured, sucking on your skin, making you moan as you let your head fall back
“I’ll teach him more though. If you’ll let me. I know that you’re worried but I’m more worried if something were to happen to both of you and I wasn’t around” Jaehyun sighed but you turned around, your hands wrapped around his neck
“I trust you Jae. You maybe a dick for leaving us for 5 years but you promise to make up for it. Then do it. Make up for your lost time with us. Treat us how you’re supposed to treat us those psat 5 years” you challenged him again
Without warning, Jaehyun lifted you up, forcing your legs to wrapped around his waist as he turned you around, making your back hit the wall as he captured your lips to his; one of his hand cupped your jaw, deepening the kiss between you.
When the two of you pull away and looked at each other, the two of you giggle just like when you were in college, sneaking around to make out with each other.
“Shall we continue it here or do you want the bed?” Jaehyun asked but you kissed him instead
“Anywhere Jeong. Just proof to me that you’re not leaving us again. I can’t deal with another loss” you cried but Jaehyun quickly shushed you
“You won’t. I’m promise. I came back for both of you and I’m staying for both of you. I’m sorry, dimple. I’ve missed you too. I’ve missed you so fucking much” Jaehyun kissed your temple, each of your eyes, the tip of your nose and then your lips
Each kiss makes you bring him closer to you as you cried on his chest while he cradles your body. “It’s okay. Let it out” Jaehyun knows that he can make up for all the intimate and sexual needs later and what’s important is to make sure is to tend your needs. Whatever you want or need, Jaehyun will do it.
When you finally relaxed in Jaehyun’s arms, you looked at him again with glossy eyes but to Jaehyun, you’re just as adorable as he remembers. Smiling and flashing his dimples, Jaehyun leaned down to give a softer kiss to your lips but you were the one that craved more.
“Someone’s eager. Bed?” Jaehyun asked but all you could do was nod
Immediately, Jaehyun carried you bridal style just as he did the night of your wedding when Jaehyun carried you to your bedroom.
Because of your motherly sense, you woke up earlier than you would have liked and went to the kitchen, slowly removing Jaehyun’s big arms. When you got to kitchen to make breakfast and check your phone, Johnny already texted you that he already took your son to kindergarten and told you to just rest.
Johnny: I took the kid to kindergarten already. We got some breakfast sandwich along the way and I’m gonna wait for him. You have fun with Jae ;)
You smile as you read the text, not realising that Jaehyun was eyeing you from the corner until you turned to see him leaning towards the wall with only his sweatpants, his chest was still bare from last night’s activities.
“Geezus. Can’t you at least knock. You’re going to make me have a heart attack” you exclaimed, making Jaehyun chuckle as he went next to you, kissing the side of your temple before backhugging you as you attempt to make breakfast
“I wouldn’t dream of it” Jaehyun murmured
The two of you just enjoyed each other’s company whilst making breakfast together until Jaehyun asked you a question that he wanted to ask. “Dimple” Jaehyun called out, making you look at him
“Why didn’t you get mad at me? Why didn’t you make me suffer more and longer? I deserved it you know. 5 years is a long time and not to mention for 9 months you were pregnant and had to raise Yuno on your own with my parents for the next few years. You could’ve made me beg for the next 5 years but you didn’t, why?” Jaehyun asked, making you blink a few times before going to stand in front of him, cupping his jaw in your small hands
“I’m disappointed. Not angry. There’s a difference. I’m still disappointed in you and Johnny but I know that there’s no point in staying angry for too long. Yes, I still don’t fully understand the world you guys are in but I know that it’s not easy at all and you both tried your best to take care of me and Yuno however you can. Let me ask you back. When Yuno turned 3 and I received an email from the bank that our joint account was not frozen anymore, it was you, wasn’t it? When I was struggling to pay the bills and suddenly the landlord said it was all cleared for the next year, it was you, right? When Yuno was sick and there was medicine in the mail, it was from you, wsn’t it?” you asked, and Jaehyun held your hand, rubbing it
“I was a coward. I helped you but I didn’t have the strength to face you. You should hate me” Jaehyun mentioned
“But I don’t because I know that when it comes to family, you would never forget us no matter what. I’m still hurt and need reassurance but I want us to be a family again. Only if you promise to be better” you replied and Jaehyun immediately kisses you
Pulling away for a moment, Jaehyun caresses your face and lets his forehead rest on yours as both your noses touch each other. “I fucking love you, you know that? I promise I’ll be better for you and Yuno. I’m officially back for both of you”
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slytherinshua · 3 months
genre. fluff. tiny bit of angst. mafia au. warnings. descriptions of a stab wound. blood. knives and guns. some profanity. kissing. they kinda argue but very mildly. i researched a little on how to treat wounds but pls don't expect it to be too accurate 😭. pairing. fiancé!jeno x reader. wc. 1.5k. request. no. a/n. so ever since the concept trailers this jeno has been the only thing on my mind I swear 😔 and nursing trope is one of my fav tropes ever so I joined the two together and was very delulu 👍
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“Again?” You asked, less than happy at the sight of the tall man who stood against the doorframe, one hand clutching his side painfully. Lee Jeno always disappeared without warning on another mission only to return, usually injured, for you to patch him up. You had urged him to hire an actual medic for the job, but he refused, saying he didn’t trust anyone but you to get that close to him. That was a few years back when the occasions for it were still rare. You were alarmed at how often he seemed to be going out, and returning with increasingly worse injuries.
Your knowledge and skill with patching up wounds— dagger wounds, bruises and scrapes from physical altercations, hell, even gunshot wounds— was a lot better than years ago. You were confident in your ability to get your fiancé back to health, but you weren’t pleased with how often you had to. No matter how much you pleaded with him to let his body rest, he would more often than not, be out again just hours after you had tended to his bleeding body.
“I’m sorry.” He grumbled out. You would have been shocked by how hoarse his voice had become if this was the first time, but you were all too used to it. Your heart still clenched painfully seeing him in that state.
He could barely walk, blood dripping a little from where his hand pressed tightly to his left side, his face scrunched in pain as laboured irregular breaths left his mouth. 
“Come here. Sit down. Tell me what happened.” You said quietly, already having gotten out the box of medical supplies. You were ready with the bottle of saline already, but it wasn’t anywhere near the top of Jeno’s worries. From the tone of your voice, he could tell you were mad at him. Or maybe it was mostly disappointment? A touch of worry, perhaps.
He made his way towards you, carefully limping towards the bed until he could gently lower himself onto it with his weight supported by the bedframe. He sat still as you gently took off his shirt, eyes assessing the dark red spot that stained the side of his stomach and up his ribcage. You glanced up to his face, and he met your eyes for half a second with a slow breath out.
“Knife. It’s not that deep, I stopped their hand before they could push it in very far.” He whispered, and then shut his eyes tightly when you dabbed a little at the wound with a soft wet cloth soaked in saline.
“Are you staying for long?” You asked, guarding your heart for what his answer would be. You loved Jeno— you loved him more than anything, and you tried to be as selfless as you could regarding him and his job. You never put up a fuss about having to patch him up, and you only ever gently tried to persuade him to be more careful. But it was hard, really hard. You couldn’t help but be hopeful that he might be able to stay for a bit longer with you. You hated how you only seemed to be seeing him to treat his wounds for the past month.
But it only reminded you of how he was by far the most selfless person you knew. 
Countless threats had always been looking for Jeno’s weakness. And you happened to be the most vital one. You were unspeakably precious to him, and unfortunately, his rivals knew that. Of course, he did everything he could to protect you. You trusted him with your life. There was no one else who you would ever trust as much as him. And he had never lost your trust. You had never even had a scratch delivered to you. But the tradeoff of the protection that Jeno made sure you had was his own life being put at risk almost every day.
Every cut, stab, or bruise that littered his fair skin were marks of how determined he was to keep you safe. The least you could do was treat his body in return with your gentle hands, wiping away the blood, wrapping the wounds carefully, and stitching them up when needed.
Jeno answered your question with only a silent nod yes. Although relief filled your body that he wouldn’t be out again immediately, you still focused on the more important task at hand. You could enjoy his company once he wasn’t bleeding.
“Are they still after you?” You rummaged around in the box for the antibiotic ointment, dabbing a bit on your finger before leaning closer to apply it. “This’ll sting.” You muttered as a warning before dabbing the wound as carefully as you could. Jeno tensed up, his fingers bunching up the sheet of the bed as he did his best to stay still.
“Talk to me. It’ll help distract you.” You told him, pausing your application of the antibiotics to rest a hand on his shoulder, providing a small bit of comfort.
“They’re… They’re after you, not me. You know that.” He whispered out as you continued to treat the wound. “They can’t take me by themselves— they’d be fucking stupid to try. I made sure that they won’t bother us for at least a month. I’ll have to talk to Renjun and Donghyuck about our next course of action.” You hummed in understanding, grabbing the roll of gauze next. 
“You need to rest your body, Jeno.” You said quietly. You could tell he was about to protest, so you interrupted quickly, “Doctor’s orders. Don’t pull anymore dumb shit.”
“It’s not dumb shit. It’s to protect you.” He argued back, clenching his jaw.
You sighed, starting to wrap the white cloth around his waist, “I know. But you said yourself that you have a month. At least for a week of that month, you need to rest and recover.” 
Your fiancé seemed unsettled at the thought of a whole week of rest; a week of letting his guard down. It was almost unheard of for him. He knew from experience that as soon as he let himself relax, something unexpected would happen. But maybe you were right. Maybe a week of rest is what he needed.
You secured the wrap tightly, and mumbled out how you were all done. Jeno just stared at you while you cleaned up, soaking up the face he hadn’t gotten a chance to study for the past month. He felt incredibly guilty for how often he had been gone, and even more so for how often he had let you see him like this. He knew you hated it, but you never complained. He didn’t deserve you.
“I love you.” He spoke suddenly, interrupting the cold silence of the room. You shut the metal drawer slowly, back still turned to him as you let a small smile grow on your face. You hadn’t heard those words from him in a while. You turned back to sit down next to him again, your eyes staring into his.
“Won’t you say it back?” He whispered, reaching for your hand; your left hand, the one that adorned that diamond ring he had given you months prior. You let him pull you closer as his right hand enclosed over your left. His fingers felt a bit rough, but they were warm and comfortable. With his left hand on the back of your neck, he gently guided you forward until his lips closed over yours.
You could just barely taste the metallicness of blood from the slight cut to his bottom lip. But you didn’t focus on it, too absorbed in the gentleness of his kiss and how perfectly his lips felt against yours even after years had passed. He pulled away, resting his forehead against yours, his eyes still closed as he caught his breath. 
You pecked his lips again, “I love you too. Always.”
He visibly relaxed at your words and dropped his head to your shoulder. You sighed, threading your fingers through the hair at the bottom of his neck, holding him closely. He shuddered quietly, and you frowned.
“Cold?” Your hand ran up and down his back slowly, feeling goosebumps rise from the chill. You traced one of the many scars that marked him, stopping at the dip of his scapula and muscle. You reached behind your back, feeling around along the mattress for a blanket. You caught hold of it and gently draped it around Jeno. 
You smiled fondly at the way he nestled his head a little closer to the crook of your neck. From his breath, you figured he was already almost asleep. You didn’t want to disturb his sleep, but you knew the position would quickly get uncomfortable, so you shifted his head down to your chest and laid back until you hit the mattress. He didn’t protest at all, but shifted into a comfortable spot in his half-asleep state. With his head on your chest, his arm around your waist, and his legs tangled with yours, you found the new position to be much more promising for getting good sleep.
You pressed a kiss to his forehead and made sure the blanket covered his body before you closed your eyes as well.
↳ nct dream taglist: @kangtaehyunzzz,, @eternalgyu,,
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hyuckieblr · 2 months
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rosietaeyongswife · 2 years
NARCOS | NCT #trailer
GENRE| heist au, mob au, mafia au, crime au, gang au WC| 307 SUMMARY| South Korea wasn’t really scared of drug trafficking. They have other issues around their mind instead of small gangs in Seoul that don’t do much harm. But what if a priest, ex soldier, prisoner, drug dealer, lawyer, rich kid and bored young adult will made the biggest drug imperium in whole Asia? Because, who would though of gang doing their business in church with a priest as a head of whole mess?  TW| drugs trafficking, violence, dark themes, mafia organization, mentions of religion, theme of crime, usage of drugs, crime in overal/ AN| i do not support any kind of themes included in this story. i am against that. i am not trying to offend any religion, i’ll use it just as a theme/background for story. do not use drugs or try anything like that. based on fictional characters and story line. 
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“Ladies, and Gentlemans.” Priest Lee was standing on top of an auditorium. “Here begins the history. As we could never speak up against our Goverment, and we are well aware of their crimes. Of our money getting used as a fuckin tool for nothing! We’ve been stolen from for a years yet no one fuckin cares. It’s time now for revolution. For new movement. If we can not make money in a legal way, then we’ll do it in our way!”
“I can’t fuckin believe it. I’ll make coke in a fuckin church with nuns all over and old assholes.” Jaehyun sighed while nun next to him smiled, because she didn’t understood what he was saying. “And them deaf bitches.”
“We do it for good reasons, tho. Of course, I don’t want to fuck my life but I need money.” 
“Me too. I don’t have much time, but I need a lot of cash for it. I don’t believe in God, but I do believe in Priest Lee.”
“Everyone does. We’re here for good reason.” You smiled at nuns getting next to you just to go after Priest Lee. “No matter how terrible our job is, we have to do it. For our families. Friends. Needs. Us.”
“God may save us.” Taeil prayed quickly, before everyone did handshake. “May God forgive us for what we about to do.”
“We’ll be burning in hell. Even God can’t help us.”
 Priest Lee welcomed new members of his church. People love men with adorable faces, and innocent intentions. 
“Whatever. It doesn’t matter. I am sick of system we live in. We can’t do it anymore. Look at them seniors. They’ve been robbed too. Plus, they aren’t really aware what they put themselfs into.” He giggled like an evil which made your group freeze on spot. “May God save us, Amen!”
©rosietaeyongswife, all rights reserved
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Hi ! Are you open for requests ? If so, could you do something like Mafia!NCT Dream (or whatever unit) reaction to you saving them ? (As a stranger) Please 😊?
✰ 𝕞𝕒𝕗𝕚𝕒!𝕕𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 ✰ | you, a stranger, save his life
     I’m back with another dream mafia reaction, because they’re so much fun to write! I’ve been feeling very inspired to write recently and I’m making the most it. Thank you all for your patience as I work through your long-awaited requests. My mafia writings contain depictions of violence, death, weapons, language, and things of that nature, although none in excess! Chenle’s is hella suggestive btw. These are fairly long, so enjoy~
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     It’s just past lunch time at what could perhaps be called the most beautiful cafe in all the city, but you haven’t found time to grab food yet—business needs to be settled first. You’re lying on your stomach on the roof, watching the people below through a skylight. Sitting behind the counter are all three of your targets, perfectly oblivious to your presence and your partner, Haechan, who is wiring the explosives in the break room this instant. 
     As you scan the cafe’s patrons, one catches your eye. He’s wearing round glasses and headphones, bumping to music only he can hear. He scribbles small lines of words onto a napkin with a blue pen, black hair too short to fall into his eyes. You wonder if it’s poetry or music. Even from this far away, you know he smells good. You frown, pitying him for what’s to come.
     Then you see Haechan peek out of the break room—which is your signal. You know what you’re going to do. Before you shatter the glass of the skylight with the handle of your favorite knife, you double check your line. It’s secure. In the flash of an eye, you’re descending from the ceiling and landing gracefully on the floor of the cafe. Another colleague is firing  rubber bullets to break all the perfectly polished floor-to-ceiling windows. Screams erupt. Under the protection of chaos, you throw a knife into the hearts of each of your targets. They’re your special knives, with your group’s logo engraved in the center. You want to take all the credit for this operation.
     The boy hasn’t even noticed what’s happening, his music is so loud. You walk over to him, realizing that you’re dressed like a Matrix character, and tap his shoulder. He looks up, eyes going wide. 
     “Hey,” you say nonchalantly. “How are you doing today?”
     He makes a face. “Fine? What the hell is going on?”
     “That’s wonderful,” you say, checking your wristwatch. “Look, there’s gonna be in a explosion in about two minutes, so unless you’re prepared to meet whatever god you believe in, you might wanna take that back exit on your left over there, . . .”
     “Mark.” He gathers his belongings with haste. “It’s Mark.”
     You guide him to the back hallway, steering him away from the corpses of your enemies, and removing a card from your pocket. You put it in his hand. “Y/N. That’s my number. Call me about any damages you incurred today for compensation or if you just wanna, you know, talk.” 
     “Right,” he says with furrowed brows. “Thanks, I guess.”
     You open the back door for him, grinning. “Yeah, yeah. No problem. Talk to you later then, I hope?” 
     “Umm, sure. I’m gonna go, you know, so I don’t die. You should, too.”
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     “Hey, duck!”
     The boy in the beanie turns your way, giving you a puzzled expression. “What did you say?”
     “Didn’t you hear me?” You’re yelling across the mall now as you run towards him. So much for not drawing attention to yourself. Luckily, it’s so loud you aren’t sure anyone really notices—or cares. “Fucking duck, dumbass.”
     While his expression doesn’t change from one of sheer bewilderment, he does kneel down enough that only the wind from the throwing star brushes his head. Standing back up reluctantly, he watches as the target runs away, leaving a trail of blood in her wake. 
     You watch her flee with a smug grin. That should send a message, you think.
     “Excuse me?” the boy says. “Can I stand normally now?”
     As you approach him, your eyes narrow and a fire lights in you. “What’s wrong with you? The second someone tells you to duck, you fucking do it. No questions asked. You’re lucky you still have that shiny hair.”
     “What just happened?” he asks. “Did you have something to do with it?”
     You roll your eyes. “The whole throwing star act? Personally, I prefer a simple bullet.” 
     “We need to call the police. Somebody just tried to kill that woman!”
     “Don’t be ridiculous,” you say through a laugh that abruptly fades before your next words. “You need to come with me, though, so you can sign the NDA.”
     “That can’t be legal.” 
     “Oh, no,” you agree, guiding him toward an exit. He tentatively walks with you. “It won’t hold up in court for a second, but if you break it, you know . . .”
     As you move your thumb across your neck in one line, poking your tongue out for dramatic effect, he freezes in place, but seems rather resigned to his fate. “This is so fucked up.”
     “Right? I hate it, too. It’s so bureaucratic! Like, we’re the kind of people who attack enemies in malls, not the kind who make people sign documents.” Throwing an arm around his shoulder, you start walking again. “But if you don’t go, I’ll have to gag you, put you in my backseat, then hold you somewhere until you agree to sign it. And, honestly, I’m kind of hungry so I want to finish this quickly. Are you hungry? We could pick up some food on the way.”
      “Fuck you,” he whispers, packing venom into each syllable. “How long is this gonna take?”
     “Okay, there’s no need to be rude. I did just save your life, babe.”
     He glares at you. “Don’t call me that.”
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     One second Jeno is walking down the street on his way to a convenience store, then you’re pulling on his arm. He stops walking, taking you in. You’re wearing black from head-to-toe. 
     “Hi,” he says. “You pulled?”
     You let go. “Sorry, my name is Y/N. Can you trust me for a sec?”
     “I don’t really know you, but I’m Jeno. Trust you about what?”
     When a gunshot sounds down the street, you reach for his hand and lace your fingers together. You take off so quickly that he almost trips. Then you’re running together. 
     “My friends are looking for someone with pink hair!” you say, urging him to run faster with your hand. “You don’t want to get mixed up with them.”
     You love the humor in his voice. “Do you have a lot of friends with guns?” 
     “Just the normal amount.” After another gunshot that is alarmingly close, you pull him into an alley and push him against a brick wall next to a dumpster. “Can you trust me?”
     “Okay,” he says as you step close to him. Really close. He wonders for an instant if you’re going to kiss him. Then you remove your cap and place it over his head, tucking in the ends of his bright hair. “What are you doing?”
     “Y/N, where the hell did you go this time?” 
     “My friends,” you say. “If they think you’re our guy, they won’t ask questions. Look, I’m sorry, but there’s one thing I have a reputation for that will let their guards down.”
     “And that is?”
     “This.” You put your lips on his, giving this everything that you’ve got because it needs to be convincing. The fierceness with which he kisses you back brings a gasp to your lips. Five minutes ago, you two didn’t even know each other and now you’re . . . doing this. And it’s really good. You don’t even have to pretend anymore as one of your colleagues enters the corner of your vision. 
     “Fucking hell,” she says. “You’re so easily distracted. Come on, we’ve got find him before he gets away. Y/N! I am officially cockblocking you, so come on.”
     You pull away from Jeno, giving her a death stare. “I’ll catch up in a minute. Go.”
     She mutters something underneath her breath then returns to the main street. Turning back to Jeno, you offer him a victory smile filled with mischief. Caught up in the absurdity of it all, he laughs. “I just made out with a stranger. Easily distracted—do you do this often?”
     “Occasionally.” You turn to go. “Thank you for your service, Jeno. I’d wear a hat tomorrow if I were you.”
     “Wait,” he says. “Where can I find you?”
     “I’ll find you. My friends and I are good at that, too. See you around, Jeno.”
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     “Excuse me, sir,” you say, coming behind a young man dressed in expensive clothes standing next to a very expensive car. “Were you about to check into this hotel?”
     He looks you up and down, half impatient and half amused. “Yeah, why?”
     “You’re very handsome and I’d feel bad if anything happened to you there, so take a word of advice and try the Hilton across the street. It’ll save you some money, too, not that it looks like you’re running short on it.”
     “Who are you?” he asks, closing the door of his car. “And that sounded a lot like a threat. If you want money, I can give you some. How much?”
     You rest a hand on your hip. “I have plenty of money, thank you. I’m trying to warn you, not threaten you. I won’t beg you not to be an idiot. The choice is yours. You’re welcome.”
     “You didn’t tell me who you are!” he calls as you walk away. 
     “No one.”
     “Is the J.W. Marriott a dangerous place for me, too, then? I’d prefer that over a Hilton.”
     You grin at him. “Plenty safe, rich boy. Be careful, though, because the gelato is to die for.”
     “Come get some with me,” he says. “My guardian angel. To say thank you for protecting me.”
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     Approximately five minutes after your groups sends an assassin into the safehouse of an adversary, you’re informed by your de facto boss that the assassin has entered the wrong apartment. She doesn’t even have to explain for you to know that you’re expected to remedy the situation—you’re the best damage control in the game. 
     “Any information on whose apartment he did go in, then?” you ask, tying your hair back to get it away from your face. You tighten your shoelaces and put a hand on the belt at your waist, making sure your weapons are still there.
     Your boss frowns at her tablet. “It’s a 21 year-old guy called Na Jaemin.”
     “Is he cute?” When she sends you a disapproving glance, you wave it away. “Kidding. Hopefully he’s alone, or just has a one-night stand in his bed. Hoping he didn’t throw a rager and let everyone he knows crash there. Wish me luck.”
     The lock has already been picked by the hitman, so you open the door quietly and examine your surroundings: no wasted twenty-somethings lying around. It’s perfectly silent without a hint of the assassin anywhere. But he’s here. If he’s in the bedroom, which there only appears to be one of, you’re running out of time. You pick up the pace, risking a floorboard creak or two. 
     He’s hovering over a sleeping man. So Na Jaemin has spent his Friday evening all by himself, then. Because speaking may wake him up, you come up behind the assassin and twist his arms behind his back, trying to pull him from the room silently so you can explain the clumsy mix-up. The sooner he’s in the right place, the better. 
     Catching you by surprise, he spins from your grasp and hits you across the face. It’s loud enough that Jaemin stirs as you stumble back. The hitman moves towards him, grasping a knife. 
     “Damn it,” you whisper, unfolding a metal baton from your belt. “Wrong house, dude. It’s the building over.”
     Jaemin jumps out of bed, reaching for his bedside lamp and raising it like a baseball bat. He’s shirtless. “Who the hell are you? Get out of my house.”
     It’s as if the assassin didn’t even hear you, because he starts to launch the knife at Jaemin. You make the reckless mistake of getting in the way. As the knife cuts into your abdomen, your entire body clenches in pain. 
     The shock stuns the man for a split second—long enough that you hit him across the throat with the baton, knocking him to the ground as he claws at his neck for breath. You can feel the knife inside of you, but you know better than to remove it now. 
     “I said, this is the wrong house.” For good measure, you smack him across the head. He goes all the way down. Clutching the knife handle, you turn to Jaemin breathlessly. “Sorry about that. Wrong address.”
     He’s by your side, having thrown the lamp aside. He looks down at your wound. “I’ll call an ambulance. Here, sit down.”
     “Don’t!” you say. “There’s a trained medic outside. I just need to—“ You double over when a wave of agony hits you, grunting. “—get outside. Please help me.”
     The room starts to spin, but you feel his arms around you. Is he holding you? Then everything fades into darkness. When you awaken, you’re in a bed in your group’s headquarters. Jaemin is staring at you nervously.
     You try to sit up, then groan. He’s by your side in a second. “Don’t try to sit up. You’re okay. I talked to some of your . . . colleagues. You risked your life to save mine, even though I’m a stranger. If you need anything, I’ll be here for you as you recover.”
     “Recover from what? It was just a little . . . oh my God.”
     You both examine the bandages that have mummified your torso. “You had three surgeries. The knife hit your intestines. Let me bring you some water.”
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     Tonight, Chenle is breaking into the main facility of your group in search for a stolen artifact that a posh historical society desperately wants returned—the reward is blinding. He’s made it in deep, near the heart of everything, with little trouble. That is, until you spot him. 
     All of the sudden, the lights go out and he’s swallowed by complete darkness. He stiffens at the sound of someone around him, but he can’t position where. 
     Your mouth is close enough to his ear that it makes him shiver. “You’re the one I like. I spend a lot of time watching you and your friends. If anyone else found you first but me, your head would be going on a podium next to that old vase you’re here for.”
     “I don’t believe I’ve had the honor of knowing you the way you know me, though never fear—I’m already starting to reciprocate your endearing admiration.”
     One of your hands finds its way to his tense shoulder. “Call me Y/N.”
     “Lovely to meet you,” he says, carefully clipping his tone. “What will you do with me now?”
     You click your tongue, still merely inches away from him. “There are so many options. I could take some of your fingers off or we could spend some more time in the dark—in a more comfortable setting, of course. Or I could give you to my friends.”
     “You’re making me blush, Y/N.” There’s undeniable amusement in his tone, whether it’s a farce or not. “You’ll enjoy our time together much more if I’m allowed to keep my fingers, darling.” 
     He lets you pull him down the hallway, which is still dark. “I can arrange that. Maybe I’ll keep you for myself for a little while. I won’t let the others touch that pretty head of yours. How does that sound?”
     “I’m all yours.”
     Maybe Chenle should be more opposed to the idea of being a hostage, but you paint a compelling picture. He knows he’ll be out of here eventually. The next few weeks will not be boring, to say the least. Whatever he’s in for with you, he’s ready. He just hopes you look half as attractive as the sound of your voice against his ear.
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     One every three months, a few of you get together and terrorize the streets of a neighborhood, but it’s all in good fun. You pocket some cash, steal some nice watches, and bruise a few egos. No one takes it too far. 
     You’ve just swiped the pearl necklace of a sour woman when you hear the sound of someone whose robbery is definitely being taken too far. The snaps, cries, and echoes can only be the sound of someone getting beaten. Tucking the pearls into your bag, you approach the scene. 
     “If it isn’t my least favorite person in the entire world breaking our unspoken rule not to kill someone on our nights out,” you say, catching sight of a particularly unbearable member of the group kicking a tall boy with white hair on the ground. “Knock it off.”
     Hardly sparing you a glance, he packs in another kick. The boy cries out. His mouth is bloody. 
     “Come on, leave him alone. You’ve already robbed the poor guy of everything—surely there’s a limit to how much you can harass and beat him. Have some mercy.”
     “Get lost, bitch.”
     You stand your ground. “Are we really going to do this right now? I’ll kick your ass, prick.”
     “Whatever,” he says, getting one final blow in before stepping away. “I’ll just go find someone else. Asshole.”
     “Fucking douche.” Slowly, you come to the boy. He gives you a desperate look of pleading. “It’s gonna be fine. I’ll stay here with you until an ambulance comes, but you have to promise not to rat me out.”
     He nods frantically. “Don’t—don’t go. Please don’t leave me.”
     “I’ll stay,” you say, smoothing his hair back from his forehead to soothe him. You dial for an ambulance. “I’ll stay with you.”
     “Thank—thank you.”
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