#Nearly started crying when this group of guys started recording me I've had such a bad day and did NOT want to see myself on my fyp later
ihaventsleptinweekz · 4 months
Hey folks crazy thought here but someone using sign language does not count as consent to be recorded and posted on tiktok . Let's all stop recording ppl without their permission okay? okay.
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featherssideblog · 2 years
Feathers Reacts: Motorcity - Episode 15 (16) - Julie and the Amazons
There are days where I think to myself, "I'm probably somewhere on the aro/ace spectrum, but I guess there's no need to label myself, though in the past I've identified as bi - and what even is attraction anyways??" blah blah blah.
And then there are days where I melt into a puddle over a cartoon lady with a smoky voice. Send help.
Anyway, here's Julie, here's some Amazons, here's a record of feathers getting ruffled - pun intended.
Episode 15 (16) Thoughts
Welp, somebody is trying to start a gang war! We've got the Duke, the Skylarks, and the Weekend Warriors at the very least. The Skylarks seem reasonable, so I bet they could be convinced of the Burners' innocence. I have no idea about the Weekend Warriors, and the Duke is utterly unpredictable.
Julie is facing down the real challenge - merging your friend groups.
Julie, about Claire: She already feels like she doesn't fit in around here. I want her to feel included. Texas: Whaddya think I was trying to do, LISA?? Yeah, that checks out. I'm afraid Texas's idea of fun is incompatible with Claire's. To be fair, it's incompatible with most people's idea of fun 80% of the time.
Oh look at Claire's reaction to the slow-mo hair swish! <3
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. . . Foxy is 100% flirting with Claire, and Claire is interested. I'm barely reaching for subtext here, this is text.
Sidenote: Foxy got a cherry smoothie to match Claire's order.
Julie, is that jealousy?? Ma'am, my eyes are wide open.
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Oh, now we've skipped straight to moping. Pull yourself together, Jules! Mike "Mom Friend" Chilton has taken notice.
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The Duke's vocal idiosyncrasies bring me such joy - "Hwell then!"
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Out of curiosity I googled selenium sulfate, and while that compound does not appear to exist, selenium sulfide is used in shampoos as a funngicide apparently? And PubChem says there's no flash point data, but it's probably combustible.
Infiltration! Wahoo! Julie would normally be aces at this if she wasn't emotionally compromised by Claire possibly liking Foxy better than her. :)
Texas without the baseball cap and in a suit actually looks pretty undercover to me! So long as he doesn't open his mouth . . .
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Texas: Hey guys! Who's that? Is it Texas - no way! It's a totally super cool spy ninja! Mike, to Chuck and Dutch: Aw really?? YOu guys encouraged this? Dutch, to Chuck: Told you he wouldn't go for it. Mike: We have twenty four hours and this is how you want to spend our time? Texas: YES. YES IT IS. :D Dutch: You know he's just gonna keep going until you let him try. Mike: *exasperated groaning*
Why is Foxy's voice like that. I can't deal with this. What is going on. What is going on. Ahhhhh
Oh look at this frame, I love this. Foxy and Julie are definitely arguing about whether or not Julie can join the Amazons. No, this isn't about Claire at all. What are you talking about?
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Foxy: Alright. But when you lose - and you will - you're gone, got it? HAHAHAHAHA I AM HAVING A TOTALLY NORMAL RESPONSE HERE, WHAT IS GOING ON
Okay, Texas nearly had me crying tears of laughter as he yelled every word of Chuck's panicked instructions into the face of that freaked out Skylark. XD
Weekend Warrior Texas is too close to normal Texas to be a good disguise, I think.
Claire is crushing hard on Foxy. (same?? I think??)
Claire: Why should I believe you??? You lie to people every day! Oh jeez, straight to the heart (ㅠ﹏ㅠ)
Claire: You didn't used to dress like that or talk about cars! Then you met Mike and . . . everything changed. SUBTEXT ALERT SUBTEXT ALERT SUBTEXT ALERT
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And it was the Duke who framed the Burners all along! I should have known.
It's purely because the Duke felt jealous of the attention the Burners were getting?? He's a cat, essentially.
Mike just chased the Duke up the stairs, and upon reaching his throne the Duke sat down and tried to act like nothing was wrong. Have I mentioned that I love the Duke?
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"Private Rat Trap" is probably not the alter-ego that Texas hoped he'd end up with.
Well, well, well. Claire was able to convince Foxy to help. But at the end of the day, Claire is riding home with Julie. :)
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Concluding Thoughts:
Listen. Listen. It's not Foxy's character design. It's her voice, and the things she says with it. I feel like one of those Ghibli characters whose lineart suddenly has short wavelength impulses running along the perimeter of their body. Gah.
ANYWAYS I'm glad Julie and Claire made up. But Julie, dear, I think your attempts to merge your friend group are at least 50% doomed - Claire is a very different person from Texas, with almost no overlapping interests, and Chuck is currently incapable of functioning like a normal human being around her and that probably makes her uncomfortable. On the other hand, Mike is one of the friendliest people on the planet, so at least there's that.
Speaking of Chuck and his crush on Claire: 1. Much as I love you, buddy, learn to take a hint. 2. See step one. 3. Please watch Claire interact with Julie for five minutes, and I think some things will be clarified.
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such-fun · 6 years
Seattle Recap
Okay, so I'm exhausted and everything hurts but I'll try to remember as much as I can about Ace Comic Con this weekend.
Poor Tom Hiddleston was running late on Friday and ended up staying to sign autographs until 12:30 am
The Toms spent Sunday morning in their pajamas watching England in the World Cup on an iPad
Tom Hiddleston knew for two years that Loki would die. Tom Holland doesn’t know anything until they’re literally about to film the scene.
Marvel took Elizabeth Olsen into a windowless van during filming to tell her Wanda would die.
Paul Bettany may have recorded some of Jarvis's lined while naked.
This was Tom Holland's first time traveling to a con without his dad
Multiple girls who were Holland's fans were super disrespectful at the Civil War panel
Sebastian, Anthony and Kevin Smith all weren't having it, and Tom was embarrassed
I talked to Anthony and apologized for how rude they were. He said it wasn't that bad. Then he leaned in and said, "I don't know if you know, but little girls are mean. Ask your boyfriends or dads and they’ll tell you."
When we met Tom Holland for his photo op, my niece started crying. Tom laughed in sympathy. But the best part was afterward. He said how lovely it was to meet us and my niece did her impression of Emma Thompson in Sense and Sensibility when she finds out Hugh Grant isn't married and just went "Aghhaa" lol
I mentioned to Tom Holland that he was the first person who actually made me like Spider-man and he asked me in genuine confusion why I didn't like Spider-man before. The poor boy couldn't fathom a reason.
Sebastian got embarrassed wheny niece mentioned she just watched The Covenant
Tom Hiddleston was such a gentleman. You could tell he was so tired by the end of the weekend.
I told him how I was diagnosed with cancer last year and how I had meeting him ony bucket list but I never thought I'd get the chance. He put his hand to his heart and was just like "Oh my God, thank you" and reached out for me.
My niece, who can barely form words in front of Holland, looked Hiddleston in the eye and just swooned and said "You're gorgeous." He blushed and laughed before thanking her.
Kevin Smith is an absolute doll and gave everyone who came to meet him a big bear hug
Elizabeth Olsen is such a sweetheart
My niece got a hug from Paul Bettany and nearly fainted.
For the group photo, I just walkedup to Hiddleston and Mackie and said "Can I get in between you two?" And they both were like "oh yeah!" My niece once again couldn't use her words and sort of worked her way I between Seb and Holland.
Met a guy at an autograph vendor's booth and damn if they guy wouldnt stop flirting. Like, at first it was funny but after awhile my niece was practically ready to fight him if he didn't lay off.
Holland interrupting Hiddleston's panel was adorable. They're really cute together.
Anthony Mackie gave himself the best intro I've ever heard.
Seattle is beautiful and the people were amazing. The secondary staff, not Ace's people, were awful though. Like one legit made me cry.
But overall it was a great, insane weekend and I'm still over the moon about Tom Hiddleston.
And now for some pictures:
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