#Nearshoring Basics for Software Development
braininventoryusa · 2 months
Nearshore Staff Augmentation Partner: India
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Quick Summary: Staff Augmentation basically means hiring a third party employee or team to look after your work. You can hire them on an hourly basis or as per your needs. The staff augmentation provides an opportunity to choose an expert in your industry at minimal wages. By hiring offshore, you can cut down the operating costs and save the monthly salaries of employees. The process is even more simple, if you consider nearshore staff augmentation. 
What is nearshore staff augmentation? 
Nearshore staff augmentation allows hiring professionals from countries that are geographically close to yours. Unlike searching for talents offshore, this one lets you hire people within your time zone and cultural alignments. For example, if your industry operates in the United States, you may consider hiring staff from American companies or India. The augmented staff work like a part of your own company as they offer flexible working hours and specific skill sets to handle large projects and meet deadlines.  
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5 key benefits of nearshore staff augmentation 
Manage staff shortages- the demands of a large project or too many deadlines can sometimes create a shortage of your available workforce. Joining hands with a nearshore IT team creates a reliable solution, to meet workforce requirements and fill in the skill gap without replacing your in-house team. 
Easy access to talents- Nearshore staff augmentation is a perfect choice if you want to hire permanent candidates. You can hire pre-screened, experienced and highly trained developers to start working on your projects. All this is possible without a series of hectic interviews, background checks etc. 
Cost-effectiveness- Hiring nearshore professionals is a cost-efficient way to grow your business. Since these people are mostly operating in your time zone, there is a flexibility in timings and working hours. Thus saving you some cost while also providing a reliable solution.
No language barriers- Linguistic barriers often disrupt smooth communication between the company and staff. For a successful project execution, a seamless collaboration is essential, and nearshore staff is aware of your native language and cultural preferences. It is relatively easier for them to communicate with your existing team and deeply understand the requirements of the given project. 
Customized team extension- While in-house hiring is only suitable for long term requirements, nearshore augmentation allows you to scale your team as and when needed. Whether your project demands a short term employee, or a long term, you can hire developers at your convenience. Unlike traditional hiring methodologies, this model saves a lot of time and effort. As the professionals are hired on a contract basis, you only have to pay for the signed duration or discontinue services when you no longer need them. 
Examples of companies that opted nearshore staff augmentation 
Uber- When Uber needed to develop and expand its mobile app to accommodate its growing user base, it partnered with a nearshore software development company in Latin America to join its in-house team. The company provided Uber with a set of skilled developers having extensive experience in mobile app development. This set of professionals along with Uber's in-house team launched and successfully developed its mobile app for global expansion within the allotted time and budget. 
Netflix- Netflix needed to develop a decent recommendation algorithm in its website to provide its users with personalized content suggestions. So it partnered with a nearshore company located in the eastern part of Europe to hire its in-house team of skilled professionals and machine learning engineers. 
Airbnb- With the help of a nearshore company in Latin America, Airbnb developed a secure and flexible payment platform to support its global operations. It onboarded software engineers with a proven experience in payment processing. Airbnb needed to complete this task real fast, so that it can penetrate its operations into new countries and continue the growth. 
Why is India a Preferred Nearshore Partner for the US? 
India has numerous universities and colleges to produce a large number of skilled IT professionals who know the latest technologies and are well-equipped to survive in today’s competitive world. 
One of the most significant and valid reasons for US companies to consider India for nearshore staff augmentation is its cost advantage. Hiring an IT professional from India is affordable as compared to hiring them locally or from other countries. Moreover, hiring from India would mean not compromising on quality as well. 
English has been used widely around India so it eliminates the language barrier between India and the USA, also facilitating smooth communication between IT professionals and their US counterparts. 
Many Indian outsourcing companies offer to work according to the timezones of faraway countries, which is an attractive option for US clients to hire professionals from India. 
Hiring nearshore software development companies is a safe and cost-effective approach for US businesses to grow and thrive in the competitive market. By choosing nearby countries like India, any business can benefit from reasonable costs offered and highly talented professionals without sacrificing on communication, and cultural compatibility.  Have doubts regarding IT staff augmentation services? Want to know what can be the most preferable hiring model for you? CONTACT US!
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acquaintsofttech · 5 months
Software Development Outsourcing: Achieving Project Quality
IT software development projects fail for several reasons, but the success stories have something different to say. A well-planned approach to collaborating with a software outsourcing company can help organizations achieve a competitive edge.
Proper management allows the achievement of efficient resource allocation & maximizes production. These are some of the advantages of using software development outsourcing. A thoughtful management plan starts by selecting an outsourcing model. But, as said, so much goes into managing an outsourced software development.
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This article will cover everything you need to know about software development outsourcing. Moreover, we'll also talk about three companies that save millions by using software outsourcing services. Let's get this done.
Before jumping into the case studies, let's first start with the basics & understand what Software Outsourcing is.
What is Software Development Outsourcing?
Software development outsourcing refers to delegating software development work to an external service provider. Instead of handling all software development work in-house, companies are outsourcing them to experts who possess specialized skills.
Why is Outsourcing Software Development important?
Software outsourcing services have become an important part of many businesses. Additionally, it is successful in providing access to cost-cutting, knowledge, and diverse talent which are not accessible otherwise.
By using software development outsourcing companies can tap into a pool of global talent. By, doing this companies can develop quality software products faster as compared with in-house development.
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Moreover, software outsourcing enables organizations to focus on other core activities of business by outsourcing development
Now, let's quickly understand the different types of software development outsourcing.
4 Types of Software Outsourcing
Offshore outsourcing
When organizations are collaborating with a country from a different location or continent it is known as offshore outsourcing. Organizations use this practice to achieve cost-effective software solutions & gain access to a global talent pool.
Nearshore outsourcing
Nearshore outsourcing is when you collaborate with a nearby country located on the same continent. This outsourcing method offers benefits like overlapping working hours, cultural similarity & reduced commuting costs.
Onshore outsourcing
Onshore software outsourcing, also termed domestic outsourcing, involves collaborating with software development companies from the same country. However, it may not provide cost-cutting like an offshore option but is advantageous from all legal compliances. Moreover, it also minimizes language & cultural barriers.
IT Staff Augmentation
IT staff augmentation is a strategy that enables companies to hire remote developers to supplement their existing development teams. These remote developers work alongside the company's in-house developers. IT staff-augmented developers possess highly technical expertise.
Now, let’s understand what are the benefits of Software Outsourcing.
What are the Benefits of Software Development Outsourcing
Software development outsourcing can immensely impact your business. Below are some of its advantages:
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It is cost-efficient
One of the main reasons why companies choose software outsourcing is cost savings. Outsourcing software development to countries with lower costs can lead to significant reductions in development expenses. Additionally, it can also enable saving costs incurred in paying salary, infrastructure & overheads.
Below is an example of how much money you can save by hiring remote developers:
Imagine you need a Laravel Developer. If you are an organization located in the U.S., the average salary of a Laravel developer would be $117,000. But, if you decide to outsource the development to Brazil, the cost would decrease immensely to $54,000.
This allows you to save lots of money which stands at $63,000.
Get access to a wide talent pool
One survey by Daxx showed that 61% of respondents consider access to a larger pool as the primary reason for outsourcing.
Software outsourcing allows businesses to gain access to a global talent pool. This pool of professionals comprises specialized designers, developers & engineers. These experts can help the company deliver a high-quality product faster.
Faster time to market
By using the skills of an outsourcing partner, companies can accelerate their development process. This allows them to bring products to the market faster & enables them to achieve a competitive edge.
Software development outsourcing can help minimize the bottlenecks that occur due to limited resources or skill gaps. Moreover, this enhanced resource capacity will help keep the project on track by preventing any delays.
Outsourcing offers the flexibility of scaling the development team up or down based on the wants & needs. This enables the organizations to cope with the changing needs without tackling the need to pass through a long hiring process.
Moreover, scaling an in-house team to fill specialized skill gaps can be a challenging task. However, software outsourcing minimizes the challenge by enabling an option to hire remote developers from a wide pool of talent.
Shifting your focus on Core activities
Outsourcing software development tasks can free up internal teams to shift their focus toward managing core business activities.
Software development requires an abundance of time & technical expertise. By outsourcing software development, an in-house team can ensure their focus on driving the business forward by performing core job roles.
Mr. John was a quite focused person when we talked about business, being a Founder of Goldman Sachs, he ensures his operation department excels. Recently an idea struck his head & he wanted to get custom software developed to provide more efficient investment backing services to his clients.
Being a seasoned expert in the industry, we thought to outsource this development work to let his team achieve excellence in operations more efficiently than before. To meet his requirements, he reached out to us to get the software solution ready.
Reduced Risk
By using software outsourcing, organizations can reduce the risk associated with technological investments. The outsourcing software service provider would take all the project management & technical responsibilities on their shoulder.
Now, let’s understand a few challenges of Software Development Outsourcing
What are the challenges of Software Development Outsourcing?
Although, software development outsourcing is a cost-effective solution, yet is is not the best fit for all businesses. There are a few challenges surrounding software development outsourcing which are mentioned below:
Communication Barriers
A software development team comprises diverse team members working together from a remote location, which can pose communication barriers. Effective communication is necessary for the success of a project, as mishaps in communication can lead to delays & misunderstandings.
Some communication issues in software development include hurdles like language barriers, time zone differences, etc. But you can overcome the challenges by implementing some strategies.
The first strategy is to build diverse communication channels by using collaboration tools to streamline the communication process. Setting up video conferencing tools, emails & text-based conversations can help minimize the gaps.
The next strategy can be, that organizations can encourage open & transparent communication channels to allow members to share work progress. Moreover by doing this remote members can also seek clarifications about any concerns related to work.
Lastly, providing detailed project documentation, building communication protocols & assigning a communication coordinator can smoothen the information flow.
Quality & Risk Controls
Collaborating with remote development teams can create miscommunication & negligence, especially when you hire a partner with a questionable software outsourcing company.
But, worry not as there are two ways to tackle this concern
Before you move forward towards signing the contract ensure the outsourcing partner builds software keeping the quality standards in mind. Additionally, remember that adopting industry-level coding practices can enhance the quality control process.
By putting quality control at the top, software development teams can deliver reliable & high-quality software solution that meets the client's needs.
The last challenge that organizations face while outsourcing software development is “Intellectual Property Concern”
Intellectual Property Concern
One of the biggest challenges that organizations face while outsourcing software development is “Intellectual Property Concern”. Companies can face IP concerns when sharing their proprietary information & codes with an external service provider.
There are several steps to mitigate the IP concerns caused due to software development outsourcing.
Some of them are mentioned below:
Conduct a thorough Due-diligence
Companies can sign NDAs to establish confidentiality
Lastly, companies can establish restricted access to sensitive information & build encryptions to maintain data privacy.
Now, let’s understand what are the things you should consider before outsourcing a software development project.
9 Things to consider before outsourcing software development
Project Requirements & Complexity
Have you clearly defined the scope & objectives of the project?
It becomes difficult to manage complex development projects, as there might be a chance of miscommunication & a failed execution. But, having a proper plan in place can help both parties understand the project goals & requirements easily.
Consider which type of outsourcing suits you the best
Which outsourcing model fits the best with your project needs?
Decide whether you want to opt for onshore, offshore, or nearshore outsourcing based on the requirements of your project.
All three types have their advantages & drawbacks. Onshore outsourcing might offer smooth communication, while offshore would be more cost-effective. However, the latter one could pose a challenge to time zone differences.
Before, choosing the best fit be clear with your requirements to make a prompt decision.
Search for the right provider
Based on various aspects like industry experience & project success, did you evaluate your outsourcing vendor?
Choosing the outsourcing vendor based on the expertise, track record & cultural compatibility can be a game-changing decision. Moreover, you should look for outsourcing vendors who have experience in your industry to deploy the project successfully. Lastly, ask for the reviews & portfolio to choose the best fit.
Define your budget
What is the budget you allocated for your project? Is there anything you have planned to balance the cost considerations with your budget requirement?
Despite its cost savings as an approach, the companies are required to balance the cost & quality. Moreover, it is vital to understand the financial aspects involved & you should integrate them into your project goals.
Make sure you have a clear understanding of the project’s scope & requirements to define the cost of the project efficiently. Moreover, you should also break down the tasks & deliverables to estimate the cost of the project properly.
Protect your Intellectual property
Have planned any strategy to protect your intellectual property rights & codes?
While hiring a software outsourcing partner make sure to build proper strategies to address the intellectual property rights. Moreover, an organization is responsible for including all the clauses that protect your proprietary information, data & code. Lastly, you should also clarify who will possess the ownership of the developed software & other assets.
Evaluating potential risks & contingencies
Have you forecasted any future uncertainties & risks? If yes, do have a proper plan to address these risks?
Analyze future potential risks & have a contingency plan in place. While identifying risks consider factors like vendor reliability, change in project scope, etc. to build a backup plan.
Establish a communication strategy
Did you forget to build a clear communication plan by not including communication tools & modes of communication?
Build a clear & efficient communication strategy, as regular communication is important to ensure both parties are aligned together. Moreover, both organizations should also decide what communication tools & modes are they going to use. A remote team that possesses the right communication skills is surely going to excel in the competition of the market.
Prioritize Data Security
What are the data security measures the vendor needs to take during the software development outsourcing practice?
Being an organization it is your responsibility to ensure that the outsourcing vendor has robust security measures in place. Moreover, data breaches can have some severe consequences, so discuss the security measures & encryption methods to be used beforehand.
Quality Assurance
Are there quality standards & testing protocols defined? If yes, how will you ensure that the software meets the quality standards?
The last strategy to consider before hiring a software development service is to check for quality assurance. The organization should define proper quality standards & testing procedures.
Moreover, they should also specify what are the criteria that need to be met to achieve the benchmark. Further, they should also define how the issues will be solved if any. Lastly, they should evaluate the software’s progress based on all the aforementioned benchmarks.
Now, let's understand are there any better alternatives to software development outsourcing services?
Software Development Outsourcing Services: Are there any competitive alternatives available?
If you are outsourcing software development because of monetary factors, then it is advisable to choose other alternatives.
For example, hiring remote tech talents will help you minimize the hiring costs & provide access to skilled IT professionals. Furthermore, by choosing IT Staff augmentation, companies can scale their team smoothly.
The decision about choosing the right model for software engineering depends on various factors. Here are a few of them
Outsourcing Developers
Outsourcing software developers can be a suitable option in the below scenarios:
Short-term Projects:
If you have a project with a specific scope & timeline defined, choosing an outsourcing method will be useful. Outsourcing software development provides the right skill sets to make it a go-to choice when hiring developers
Specialized Skills:
You should opt for outsourcing developers when your development team is looking for specialized skill sets that are absent in an in-house team.
Cost savings:
If you aim to achieve cost reduction & avoid overhead costs, choosing a software outsourcing model will be feasible.
Hiring Full-Time Remote Developers
Hiring a full-time remote developer would be beneficial in the following cases:
Long-term projects:
For a development project, that requires constant maintenance & improvements, hiring remote developers will be a viable strategy.
Team Integration:
In case your project requires close collaboration with the existing team, hiring a full-time remote employee is better.
Communication & Collaboration:
When consistent communication & collaboration are important, hiring full remote developers can help build real-time interactions.
Based on the above-mentioned scenarios, a company can decide which model suits their needs when working remotely.
Now, let's understand how Acquaint Softtech has helped its clients achieve a high level of project deliverables.
How Acquaint Softtech Has Helped in Software Development Outsourcing
Acquaint Softtech is a custom software development & IT staff augmentation company that helps clients hire remote developers. Acquaint Softtech provides remote developers at just $15 per hourly rate. Moreover, our team holds 15+ years of experience in custom software solutions.
Let's see how we helped three of our major clients attain a successful project deliverable
Gowd had an idea where they were allowing customers to share their subscriptions or buy a shared subscription. They had a very powerful idea but lacked a team that could help them execute the idea.
That's where we came to their rescue. Our team of developers allowed users to either share their subscriptions or buy a grouped subscription. We designed it to keep various quality checks in mind to ensure it becomes a highly practical marketplace. Moreover, we focused on simplifying its design & building an easy navigating interface.
Read the detailed case study on One-Stop Subscription Sharing Platform
Now, let's see how we helped Great Colorado Homes in meeting their development needs.
Great Colorado Homes
The real estate industry is booming exponentially. Every real estate organization needs a website to stay ahead of the competition. That's why our client Great Colorado Homes reached out to us. The organization had an effective idea that needed a perfect piece of execution.
We helped them develop a custom real estate website that was specially tailored to meet their requirements. We built an appealing interface to give UI/UX a WOW experience. The development was done to simplify the process of buying & selling houses. Moreover, it also offered users a wide range of resources to have a delightful browsing experience,
Read the detailed case study on Expand Your Real Estate Business Online
Wrapping Up!
In the modern tech-led era, face to face interactions has shifted from offline to an online mode. Companies are seen switching their work model from being offline to being completely online. Moreover, organizations are seen building a managed remote developer team to meet the software solution needs.
By using hiring models like software outsourcing & an IT staff augmentation model, organizations are able to hire remote developers. By hiring remote talent organizations are ensuring they get to hire skilled professionals.
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v2softunofficial · 8 months
An Insider's Guide to Application Testing Outsourcing and V2Soft's Solutions
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In the fast-paced world of software development, delivering high-quality applications at speed is paramount. To achieve this, many companies consider application testing outsourcing, a practice where external parties handle the quality assurance processes. But navigating this landscape can be overwhelming. This blog serves as your guiding light, exploring the intricacies of application testing outsourcing, its various forms, and how V2Soft simplifies the process with its tailored solutions.
Understanding the Landscape: What is Application Testing Outsourcing?
Application testing outsourcing involves delegating the testing of your software applications to specialized third-party vendors. These vendors employ skilled testers who execute various test scenarios to identify and address bugs, performance issues, and usability challenges. This approach offers several benefits, including:
Cost-effectiveness: Outsourcing leverages a lower talent cost base in certain regions, saving you resources.
Expertise access: Gain access to specialized testers with specific skills and experience in different platforms and technologies.
Increased efficiency: Free up your internal team to focus on core development tasks while ensuring thorough testing.
Faster time-to-market: Efficient testing by dedicated teams expedites delivery, giving you a competitive edge.
Beyond the Basics: Different Flavors of Application Testing Outsourcing
The world of application testing outsourcing is diverse, encompassing various approaches to cater to specific needs. Here's a breakdown of some key models:
Outsourced testing: This basic model involves delegating specific testing tasks to a vendor, like functional testing or performance testing.
Managed application services: Vendors take complete responsibility for managing your application's health and performance, including testing, monitoring, and maintenance.
Nearshore app testing: Choose vendors geographically closer to your location for improved communication and cultural alignment.
Outsourcing application support: Leverage external expertise for handling user inquiries, bug reports, and other post-deployment support needs.
Application management outsourcing: Vendors handle the entire application lifecycle, from development and testing to deployment and ongoing maintenance.
Which Model Suits You?
The optimal approach depends on your specific needs, budget, and project requirements. Consider factors like:
Project complexity: For complex applications, managed services or full outsourcing might be preferable.
Budget constraints: Nearshore options can offer cost savings while maintaining proximity.
Internal expertise: If your team lacks specific testing skills, full outsourcing might be beneficial.
Control preference: For more control over testing processes, consider outsourced testing or application support.
V2Soft: Your Partner in Streamlined Application Testing Outsourcing
V2Soft understands the complexities of application testing outsourcing and offers a comprehensive suite of solutions to fit your unique needs. With over 17 years of experience, they stand out with:
Dedicated testing teams: V2Soft employs highly skilled and experienced testers across various domains and technologies.
Customizable solutions: They tailor their offerings to your specific project requirements and budget constraints.
Agile and flexible approach: Their processes adapt to your development methodologies, ensuring seamless integration.
Robust quality assurance frameworks: V2Soft leverages industry-standard methodologies and tools to deliver impeccable results.
24/7 support: You can rely on their dedicated support team for any queries or concerns throughout the engagement.
Beyond Testing: V2Soft's Value-Added Services
V2Soft goes beyond basic testing, offering additional services to enhance your application's quality and success:
Performance optimization: Ensure your application performs flawlessly under load with their performance testing expertise.
Security testing: V2Soft helps you identify and address security vulnerabilities before they become threats.
Usability testing: Enhance user experience and satisfaction with their user-centric testing approaches.
Automation testing: Streamline your testing processes with V2Soft's robust automation frameworks.
Conclusion: Making an Informed Decision
Application testing outsourcing offers a potent tool for ensuring application quality and accelerating delivery. By understanding the different models and partnering with a reliable provider like V2Soft, you can reap the benefits of this approach while mitigating potential risks. So, navigate the world of application testing outsourcing confidently with this knowledge and V2Soft by your side. Remember, investing in quality testing today translates to higher user satisfaction, reduced costs, and a competitive edge in the long run.
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elysian-techlabs · 2 years
Benefits of Outsourcing
Outsourcing in general is the practice of using third – party service providers to handle certain business functions and process. In this article, we discuss the benefits of outsourcing and how your company can profit from this method. In the IT industry, companies may choose to outsource the entire IT division functions or specific functions. This may include network services, system analysis, software development, QA testing and etc. In fact, outsourcing has 3 different methods for companies to choose from. The most common type of outsourcing method is “Onshore”. This is where companies outsource to service providers within their country. The second method is “Nearshore” and it’s when companies outsource to neighboring countries or within the same time zone. The third method is “Offshore”. Offshoring is where companies outsource their business functions to more distance countries. Usually with a different time zone. Even though outsourcing has proven to be very advantageous and cost effective solution, companies are still skeptical about this method. Mainly because outsourcing can lead to loss of control over the functions and thus pose a potential business risk.
However, software companies nowadays have evolved to mitigate such transparency issue by utilizing various tools and upgraded software development methods. It’s no surprise that most companies are benefiting through outsourcing. In fact, the global IT outsourcing market was values at USD 318.5 billion in 2020. It’s also expected to reach USD 425.19 billion by 2026 with an annual growing rate of 4.5%.
With these statistics in mind, let’s have a look at some of the benefits of Outsourcing.
Improved focus on the core business activities
One of the main benefits of outsourcing is it allow companies to focus more on building their brand. Companies will have more time and money to focus on marketing, research and development and investment opportunities. Having more time means, they are able to provide higher value added service to their customers. To elaborate more on this, let’s say you own a fashion store. Since your store is performing well, you are now looking to invest in an inventory management system. The work load has become too much and having an automated system would provide easier management of products and orders. In this situation, you could easily hire new employees to develop your system or outsource the project. Getting an internal team would mean that you would have to allocate time to manage the team as well. This may prove to be a problem for you for several reasons. Firstly, you will have to go through the tiresome process of interviewing qualified employees. You will have to set up the infrastructure and manage a team which you may not have experience in managing. This is where outsourcing plays a major role. By outsourcing such requirements to companies who already excel at performing the task that you require, your employees will have more time to improve the core of your business. This will improve efficiency and increase competiveness and also the production can be streamlined while reducing operational costs.
Cost effective
Another reason for outsourcing is the cost savings that it brings to your company. When you outsource, your company is basically paying a variable cost. A pay-what-you-need service. Instead of paying a fixed cost for employees. This not only allow the company to devote more resources to company tasks but also free up capital for investments for other areas of your business. Potential investors will also be pleased to see variable costs for different functions of your company instead of fixed costs. Having room in your cash flow means that the company is flexible and quick to adapt to new ideas. Outsourcing also releases your burden of having to set up the infrastructure or investment in technology. For example, if you require a custom software to be developed, you need to set up workspaces for employees. Also, you will have to purchase new equipment and other equipment for employees to work. Outsourcing eliminates this need as the company you outsource your functions to, will already have the infrastructure set up.
Reduce Labor Costs
It can be very expensive to hire and train IT staff and temporary employees don’t always deliver to your expectations. However, when you outsource to a third-party company you would already have a team trained and ready to work. Not to forget, they will also have the knowledge and experience needed to deliver your software on time. Developing a software require a number of employees to be hired. This include a Business Analyst, a Project Manager, UI/UX Engineer, developers and QA engineers. The number of team members needed to develop the software will depend on the size of the system to be developed. Furthermore, hiring employees also comes with additional expenses such as furniture, electronic devices, laptops, office space and etc. When outsourcing, these fixed costs convert into variable costs. Which means that you only pay for the services you need. This way, as your business picks up or slows down, you gain the staffing flexibility to easily scale your consumption.
Quick implementation of new technology
Outsourcing also allow you to implement new technology solutions within a short period of time. Developing a new solution require a number of staff members. Which means that you will have to hire qualified employees, provide training and set up the workspace for them. This process can sometime take weeks or even months to finalize. Instead, companies are able to quickly implement new solutions by outsourcing their project to a company with a ready-made team. Outsourcing Companies already have the required skilled workers needed to develop your software. From software engineers to project managers and QA testers. They would already have the team you need. This will not only save your time of setting up an internal team but also save you the cost involved.
Provide risk management and continuity
Employee turn-over is a big issue for most companies. When an employee leaves, all the time and money you spent on training walks out the door. High employee turnover can add uncertainty and inconsistency to a business but whereas, outsourcing builds a level of consistency. You won’t have to worry about employees leaving or taking leave for a long time. Your outsourcing team will be responsible for managing the resources allocated to your project. In software projects, it’s important to ensure a low employee turnover to ensure the project is delivered on time. The project timeline will have a great impact if an employee leaves in the middle of the project. Outsourcing companies always have alternative plans for situations when an employee leaves the company. Before every project, the project manager set up a document with alternative solutions to every risk factor they might encounter. This is called the risk management plan document. Through this, the company is able to provide alternative solutions to any issue they might face during the project. Which means that the company is able to continue development even if an employee leaves. 
Benefits of outsourcing, enough to convince you?
Most companies outsource their business functions mainly because it’s cost effective. However, low cost is just one of the benefits of outsourcing. As outlined above, as your business grows, outsourcing offers a number of benefits to your company. It provides an effective way to promote innovation and more time to concentrate on your company services and marketing. Most importantly, it provides a risk free working environment for you. We at Alofa Techlabs, offer software development outsourcing services to companies in various industries. Consider the benefits of outsourcing mentioned above and Get in touch with us to streamline your company IT services.
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Nearshoring Basics for Software Development Globalized markets provide opportunities for thinking outside the box on labor questions — or even outside borders in the form… 48 more words
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dustinwootenne · 6 years
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Nearshoring Basics for Software Development Globalized markets provide opportunities for thinking outside the box on labor questions — or even outside borders in the form… 48 more words
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aracecvliwest · 6 years
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Nearshoring Basics for Software Development Globalized markets provide opportunities for thinking outside the box on labor questions — or even outside borders in the form… 48 more words
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Should You Hire a Software Development Company for Your Project?
With the planet becoming more and more technologically advanced, it's become imperative for businesses to possess a digital presence. this is often why the demand for knowledgeable and adept software developers is on a continuing rise. After all, businesses often lack the in-house capabilities offered by software development firms. Entrepreneurs are constantly looking to rent app development companies that concentrate on the type of project they require.
In this article we'll be covering many aspects of hiring a software development company and why you would like to rent one.
*How to seek out the proper software development company
To start with, let’s cover the struggles faced during the hiring of a software development firm. numerous development firms are present out there, but it's tough finding the proper one. It takes tons of your time to travel through the appealing designs and sales pitches of development firms that claim to be experts in only about everything. One must not get distracted and instead focus to seek out the proper development partner, who won’t treat your software project as just another one.
*Know that software development may be a lot quite just writing code
Software development isn't almost writing an extended line of codes; developers are liable for tons more. When a software development firm is sweet , it'll transcend , crafting a useful product, contributing to style and assisting within the deployment.  Most of the adept and experienced software developers are in high demand, mainly within the mobile app development field. However, later on, many entrepreneurs become frustrated to find out that 60% of mobile coders delivered but five applications, whereas 20% delivered between five and nine.
*Software projects are expensive
Most software projects run over budget, usually by 50% or more. Usually, the value range for a mean project is $15,000 to $150,000, and a mean project takes around 1,000 hours. this will become costly when the typical hourly rate is between $50 and $400. Usually, software development outsourcing is assumed to assist reduce costs, but most development firms offering cheap rates are weak. And thanks to the various goof-ups on their part, the companies find yourself paying quite decided.
*Software outsourcing might fail
In the year 2020, due to a failed software update, a myriad of RBS bank customers did not access their bank accounts, and even the bank couldn’t conduct any transaction for a couple of days. This demonstrates how critical software is. Unfortunately, 25% to 50% of software outsourcing projects tend to fail. the explanations might be many. for instance , business operations might be out of sync with the project requirements or the specifications for the project might be inaccurate. Often the error is that software development firms outline documentation in many pages then hire junior coders to only blindly follow these pages sans any creativity.
What to seem for during a software development agency
There are a couple of basic items to stay in mind before hiring a software development agency. There are a couple of differing types of outsourcing, such as:
1 Onshore software development: These development firms are located within the same country and might even be in your own city.
2 Offshore software development: These development firms are located aboard.
3 Nearshore software development: These are the event firms located in neighbouring countries.
4 Hybrid development outsourcing: These are the projects with onshore management and offshore or nearshore software development teams.
Mainly the onshore development firm offers the simplest quality services, with face-to-face meetings. These are considered an honest fit short-term projects with large budgets. Offshore development, on the opposite hand, benefits firms that have clearly defined projects and are trying to find more of an economical solution.
Frequent communication and shut collaboration is important
It is vital to make sure open lines of communication and shut collaboration. you want to convey your ideas properly and clearly then offer regular supervision. an honest relationship must be maintained with people you're working with. So, see thereto that the event team is hospitable communication. Also once you interact with the team, there are chances of arising with creative solutions & ideas.
 Set defined expectations and communicate them well
There are some ways to code the precise same thing, but entrepreneurs tend to be unaware of that fact. They often believe that a programmer is well-versed with every technology, but that's not true. There are often different tools, frameworks, coding styles and more that different programmers use. For this reason, it's crucial to require care of certain aspects while hiring a software development firm. Choose a corporation with a particular field of experience , sort of a JavaScript development team, as they typically have a unified command of all processes. so as to select the proper technology, it's essential to understand the functionality that you simply expect from your appThis helps in knowing what sort of firm you would like to seem for.
The more prepared and defined your project, the better company selection and hiring are going to be . Your strategy are often defined by asking an issue like: what's the aim of your app? Who will use it? What platforms will it run on? Who are your competitors? What field will it belong to? Accordingly, an inventory of required features are often created then you'll prioritize them. you'll even make an annotated design, outline UX, navigation, user flow and technical requirements.
 Costs may vary
Next, you would like to understand what the value are going to be . If you search on Google what's the value to create a software of an app, you'll find this general answer: “Apps that are developed by top companies may cost somewhere between $500,000 to $1,000,000. Then apps developed by onshore companies may cost somewhere between $150,000 to $450,000. therein case, you'll expect a professionally developed application to cost anywhere from $100,000 to $500,000 and it's bound to take around four to 6 months."
Factors to stay in mind when hiring a software development company
What are the aspects you would like to seem at while hiring a software development firm? Once you sift through the Googled options and private referrals, it's now time to make an inventory of 10 to fifteen firms. Have a glance at their websites for an initial assessment. concentrate to the red flags, like complaints, lawsuits and bad reviews. Then study all the problems and see how those issues were resolved. Following this process, you'll shortlist three to four firms. Then get in-tuned with them and request a quote for your project or idea. Finally, access their communication, expertise area, tech stack, staff questions and therefore the current state of the corporate so as to settle on the one that works best for your business and objectives.
Next comes negotiations and preparing a contract. It can even be a group of contracts, including: a masters service agreement (MSA), a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) and statement of labor (SOW). Ensure to incorporate a non-compete clause and property rights clause within the contract. Also, the payment terms should even be a centre piece of all outsourcing contracts.
Ask the proper questions
Once you've got found the proper software development company, there'll be tons of questions and communication happening , where there might be tons of buzz words and tech terms. there's such a lot to travel through, like people questions, process questions, business questions, schedule questions, also as questions on technology, costs and more. The firm should take you thru their entire development process during a manner that you simply completely know it.
Tips to rent software developers
Here is that the list of belongings you must know of before hiring the developers:
• Define your requirements: What problem is your product getting to solve? what is going to the precise duties of the developers be? What technologies and skills would be used? what proportion budget would be required?
• Create a shortlist: Find a firm that does the sort of labor you would like . as an example , a React software development or JavaScript development firm. Then have a glance at their expertise and client reviews. Narrow them down and leave those that don’t list the clients’ references.
• Time to negotiate: Organize calls, personal meetings or whichever mode of communication works for you determine about their standards, their workflow and costs .
• Follow up: there's no got to rush a choice even when everything seems fine. it's time to verify references, past work, study candidates, think through the budget, team arrangement and other crucial aspects.
• Say "no" if needed: just in case you're not fully satisfied or there are obstacles, then walk off instead of later regret having spent an excellent deal of cash . There are numerous other development agencies out there and you'll find one that most accurately fits your requirements.
*What are the advantages of hiring a software development company?
Focus on long-term client relationships. Huge resources are spent by software development agencies to seek out new customers. Thinking from the financial aspect, it works best for a firm to create trusted relationships with their customers and continue developing projects for them for an extended time. These firms are constantly striving to create a robust reputation, in order that they make the simplest efforts to satisfy their clients and there's a coffee probability of any delays.
In order to compete with the opposite software development agencies, each of the organization follows current trends and implements pioneering technologies, development standards and methodologies. Software development agencies are constantly evolving to take care of a high-level of produced software.
When a software firm is hired, there are variety of individuals involved within the development procedure. Also the wants are documented, along side design elements, mockups and other crucial information. this suggests that albeit the foremost unexpected events occur, the whole procedure won’t be stuck. the event process will continue with the collected data and albeit a development team member leaves midway, they will easily get replaced .
Software development firms are far more responsible compared to freelancers, and that they work their best to deliver high-quality software to all or any of their clients. there's testing happening at every stage of a project lifecycle, which ensures proper internal control of the ultimate product. There are quality analysts within the firm who work on the projects from the beginning . This takes care of the wants gathering stage and completion with the deployment stage. this type of approach is useful in creating user-friendly apps that meet all the wants of your audience .
When a development firm is hired, there's a software development agreement between customer and development company, and this states the quantity of tip that might inherit the possession of software development firm. The agreement even mentions an inventory of deliverables that the event firm is meant to realize for the client. this type of agreement assures that your software would be developed, designed and tested during a stipulated timeframe. this manner there are fewer risks associated here, as compared to once you hire a freelancer.
 Hiring a software development firm will add your favour in every aspect and just in case you're trying to find software development services then get in-tuned to receive the foremost favourable results.
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jeanshesallenberger · 6 years
Nearshoring Basics for Software Development
Globalized markets provide opportunities for thinking outside the box on labor questions — or even outside borders in the form of nearshoring. The past few decades have seen a boom in outsourcing to far away places. It’s been a useful strategy for some companies looking to increase profits by reducing payroll expenses. Other companies want […]
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joannlyfgnch · 6 years
Nearshoring Basics for Software Development
Globalized markets provide opportunities for thinking outside the box on labor questions — or even outside borders in the form of nearshoring. The past few decades have seen a boom in outsourcing to far away places. It’s been a useful strategy for some companies looking to increase profits by reducing payroll expenses. Other companies want […]
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mariaaklnthony · 6 years
Nearshoring Basics for Software Development
Globalized markets provide opportunities for thinking outside the box on labor questions — or even outside borders in the form of nearshoring. The past few decades have seen a boom in outsourcing to far away places. It’s been a useful strategy for some companies looking to increase profits by reducing payroll expenses. Other companies want […]
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waltercostellone · 6 years
Nearshoring Basics for Software Development
Globalized markets provide opportunities for thinking outside the box on labor questions — or even outside borders in the form of nearshoring. The past few decades have seen a boom in outsourcing to far away places. It’s been a useful strategy for some companies looking to increase profits by reducing payroll expenses. Other companies want […]
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pattersondonaldblk5 · 6 years
Nearshoring Basics for Software Development
Globalized markets provide opportunities for thinking outside the box on labor questions — or even outside borders in the form of nearshoring. The past few decades have seen a boom in outsourcing to far away places. It’s been a useful strategy for some companies looking to increase profits by reducing payroll expenses. Other companies want […]
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dustinwootenne · 6 years
Nearshoring Basics for Software Development
Globalized markets provide opportunities for thinking outside the box on labor questions — or even outside borders in the form of nearshoring. The past few decades have seen a boom in outsourcing to far away places. It’s been a useful strategy for some companies looking to increase profits by reducing payroll expenses. Other companies want […]
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aracecvliwest · 6 years
Nearshoring Basics for Software Development
Globalized markets provide opportunities for thinking outside the box on labor questions — or even outside borders in the form of nearshoring. The past few decades have seen a boom in outsourcing to far away places. It’s been a useful strategy for some companies looking to increase profits by reducing payroll expenses. Other companies want […]
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jennajames1988 · 3 years
Outsourcing Software Development The Benefits Of Outsourcing Software Development
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Before we get started you may be asking what outsourcing software development actually means precisely. Outsourcing your software development means that you hire out a team to fulfill your business software requirements from a company that specialises in software development. The requirements are then handed over to specialists who manage it.
What is the process? It's all about choosing the best nearshore outsourcing company, which is the hardest part of the entire process. Select the best one and you'll be rewarded with a golden ticket. If you pick the wrong option outsourcing problems are not uncommon. You must be satisfied with the developer you have selected when outsourcing software development. They'll be developing your software.
Also, you should look for companies with an extensive development experience and a company that's creatively stimulating. Since the new team is likely to spend most of their time in home base, you have to ensure that the company's environment mirrors creativity. If you believed that a nearshore staff augmentation business was just an office full of geeks who work for hours on end and then you're wrong. Developer spaces that are authentically fun and inspiring. Developers can participate in discussions about the latest technologies, collaborate on various projects, and are aided by a group of talented programmers.
There are many other reasons to outsource the development of your business is beneficial for both your business and yourself To help you we've listed some of the most important ones below.
Reduce your expenses
Outsourcing your software development work to experts is an excellent option to save money in the long-term, despite the cost. In the first place, you avoid any internal HR expenses and pay for the work done by the software. Secondly, your operating expenses are basically non-existent. Except for something that's very specific you are going to require the developer to possess (that will not be used elsewhere), you're not going need to figure out. The savings in time are amazing. It is possible to save time by focusing your time on other tasks in your business while software experts concentrate on the software. Your software development partner has the expertise to make sure that your time is used elsewhere.
The right abilities
Outsourcing lets you choose the right set of skills to use with your software. Outsourcing does not just give you the best programming expertise, as well as business analyst skills as well as CTO expertise and agile project management capabilities. It is typically without cost. This means that you have software experts on hand to advise and assist on the development of your software, getting you the best solution fr your business at the end of the day.
Make your mark faster
The outsourcing of your software development lets you to focus on your competitive edge. This can include placement, marketing, or targeting your investments. It also allows you to develop a smoother and more efficient go-to-market plan for your brand new product.
The most up-to-date and innovative technology
You can be confident that nearshore company is constantly researching the most recent technologies available on the market. The developers are constantly studying what's happening in the technology world and finding ways to implement the latest technologies into current and future projects which gives your project an edge and competitive advantage. Software development partners are those who assist you in finding the right technologies for your company and provide you customized solutions.
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