#Negan literally dragged Rick around on his knees and seemed amused by making Rick cry
tenpintsof-sundrop · 2 months
seeing people shipping Negan and Maggie: excuse me, I have to- (projectile vomiting)
seeing people shipping Negan and Rick: hey, Picasso. I like it
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sourwolf-sterek32 · 6 years
You’re Not Alone Pt. 2 ( Daryl Dixon x Reader )
Summary: The reader and Daryl have started to settle into life at Alexandria, but once the group runs into the Saviours and more specifically Negan, your way of life as you know it will change forever. While the universe seems to be set on pulling you and Daryl apart, how far are you willing to go to get back to each other and make things right?
This series picks up during the Season 6 finale and follows the basic story line up till the Season 8 finale, through yours and Daryl’s eyes. 
(Spoilers for all recent episodes of TWD)
Parings: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Word Count: 3,894
Warnings: Language, violence, mild descriptions of blood and gore, slight references to a miscarriage (this can be a sensitive topic for some, so please do not read if you feel it might upset you, look after yourself guys).
Chapter 3:
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You all waited for sundown before getting out the RV. The guys slowly got Maggie and the mattress out the vehicle while Eugene talked to Rick, you weren't sure what they were saying, but you heard something about building bullets.
A few minutes later Rick, Abraham, Aaron and Sasha were carrying each side of the mattress as you and Carl walked out in front, killing any walker you came across.
"Relax. Just a few more miles." You heard Aaron say as you slammed your knife through the temple of the walker in front of you, glancing back to the group making sure everything was okay before you continued walking. 
Carl slowed down his pace so he could walk next to his dad and you figured he wanted to talk to him so you continued walking a few metres in front, your knife out ready. You zoned out to their conversation, trying to stay focused on clearing a path for Maggie and the others when whistles started echoing throughout the woods around you.
"Go! Go!" You heard Rick shout as they picked up their pace catching up with you as you all rushed through the woods trying to get away from the Saviours.
You pulled your gun out from your belt as you continued to run along side Rick and the others when out of nowhere car lights turned on around you, blinding you for a split second before you realised you were surrounded.
You spun around, your gun aimed up as you tried to find a way out of this shit hole. But there wasn't one. There were people surrounding you from every angle, all holding some type of weapon and that's when you spotted Eugene sitting on the ground on his knees. You glanced over at Rick who looked absolutely terrified and you knew you were screwed. You just hoped like hell that Daryl was away from all this shit, that him and the others had gotten back to Alexandria safe.
"Good. You made it." You heard a familiar voice say and you turned around to find the man with the moustache walk out from behind the RV towards the group. "Welcome to where you're going. We'll take your weapons. Now." He ordered pulling out a gun and aiming it at Carl.
"We can talk about it." Rick said, trying to sound strong, but you knew he was scared. You were terrified. The Saviours outnumbered you six to like 50 and there was absolutely nothing you could do about it. 
"We're done talking. Time to listen." The man responded when suddenly people began taking your guns. You didn't fight when a man took your handgun from you grip, there wasn't any point.
"Okay. Let's get her down and get you all on your knees. Lot's to cover." The man stated walking back around to the front of your group as Saviours began walking towards Maggie.
"Hold up. We got it." Abraham stated glaring at them.
"Sure. Sure." The man replied and you watched helplessly as Rick and Abraham moved Maggie off the mattress and onto her knees. You looked over at Rick who stood back up, leaving Abraham on his knees with Maggie as he looked around his group. "Gonna need you on your knees." The man said again taking a step towards Rick. You dropped to the ground alongside Abraham as you looked over at group watching them all do the same.
"Dwight!" The man shouted catching your attention as you looked up to find a man with blonde hair step forward. That's Dwight. That means Daryl didn't kill him. "Chop-chop."
You watched as Dwight nodded turning towards the back of a van as he opened the door, but you couldn't tell what was inside.
"You got people to meet." Dwight said as he pulled someone out of the van and you froze when you realised it was Daryl. He had a blanket wrapped over his shoulders, but what really caught your attention was all the blood along his shoulder and neck which you hoped wasn't his.
"Daryl?!" You called watching as Dwight pushed him to the ground next to Michonne and Rosita. Hearing your voice, he quickly looked up to find you and your eyes locked with his. He looked shocked and scared as his eyes looked you up and down trying to check for any signs of injury and you saw a glimmer of relief in his eyes when he realised you were unharmed.
"Alright! We got a full boat. Let's meet the man." The Saviour shouted as he took a step back and knocked on the RV door. You watched for a few seconds until the door to the RV opened and a man wearing a leather jacket and holding a baseball bat walk out. He must be Negan.
"Pissing out pants yet? Boy, do I have a feeling we're getting close." Negan commented with a grin as he began walking in front of you all with a shit eating grin on his face and that's when you noticed his bat had barbed wire wrapped around it. "Yep. It's gonna be pee-pee pants city here real soon."
You glared up at him as his eyes landed on you for a few seconds before he focused on another group member. You didn't want to show him that you were scared, that made you vulnerable, you had to act strong.
"Which one of you pricks is the leader?" Negan questioned glancing around the group before one of his men pointed to Rick as Negan walked over to him with a sigh. "Hi. I'm Negan. And I do not appreciate you killing my men. Also, when I sent my people to kill your people for killing my people, you killed more of my people. Not cool. Not cool."
You glanced over at Daryl noticing he was already looking at you and you nodded to him ever so slightly not wanting to draw attention to either of you, but wanting to show him that you were okay. You could tell he wanted to say something to you, but he knew better than to talk right now. You turned back towards Negan who was still standing in front of Rick talking.
"You are so gonna regret crossing me in a few minutes. Yes, you are. You see, Rick, whatever you do, no matter what, you don't mess with the new world order. And the new world order is this, and its really very simple. So, even if you're stupid, which you very well may be, you can understand it. You ready? Here it goes. Pay attention." Negan stated as he took the bat off his shoulder holding it next to Ricks face as you watched holding your breath.
"Give me your shit or I will kill you." Negan ordered with a grin as he took a step back from Rick holding the baseball bat to his side as he began to walk down the line to the rest of the group. "Today was career day. We invested a lot so you would know who I am and what I can do. You work for me now. You have shit, you give it to me. That's your job. Now, I know that is a mighty big nasty pill to swallow, but swallow it you must certainly will." He said, still grinning, but you began to zone out what he was saying. We have to work for him now and give him all our stuff? How will we survive like that? We barley have enough food for everyone at Alexandria and now with yours and Maggies baby, how is the community going to survive?
"You try to stop us and we will knock it down. You understand? What, no answer? You don't really think that you were gonna get through this without being punished, now, did you? I don't want to kill you people. Just want to make that clear from the get-go. I want you to work for me. You can't do that if you're dead now can you? I'm not growing a garden. But you killed my people, a whole damn lot of them. More than I'm comfortable with. And for that you're gonna pay. So, now I'm gonna beat the holy hell outta one of you." Negan said as he looked over at all of you as your heart raced a million miles a minute as you watched him, surely he wasn't going to do this.
"This- this is Lucille, and she is awesome. All this, all this is just so we can pick out which one of you gets the honour." Negan said as he held the bat out in front of him as he walked down the group, eyeing everyone like a lion eyeing its prey.
"You got one of our guns." Negan stated as he walked over towards Carl picking up the handgun from the ground in front of him. "You got a lot of our guns. Shit, kid, lighten up. At least cry a little." He said as he tucked the gun into his belt before his eyes landed on you. Shit, I didn't even do anything, why is he walking towards me?
"Well, hello doll face. You are just stunning!" Negan commented as he knelt down in front of you. You could feel your hands trembling by your side as you closed them into fists to try stop the shaking while you stared at Negan, not giving him the satisfaction of seeing you scared of him. "Man. You are literally the only woman here who's not crying. I dig that, you would fit in well with my other wives."
"I'm married." You muttered, glaring at him as he stood back up in surprise that you spoke to him.
"Well that's a damn same." He replied with his sickening grin before he looked over at the rest of the group as his eyes landed on Maggie.
"Jesus. You look shitty. I should just put you out of your misery right now." Negan stated as he gripped his bat tighter.
"No, don't! Don't." Glen yelled as you saw him run past you towards Negan before Dwight punched him, pinning him to the ground with Daryl's crossbow raised.
"Nope. Nope. Get him back in line." Negan ordered as Dwight dragged Glen back to the end of the line and you looked back Negan who looked both pissed yet amused at the same time as he stared at Glen. "Alright, listen. Don't any of you do that again. I will shit that shit down, no exceptions. First one's free. Its an emotional moment, I get it. Sucks don't it? The moment you realise you don't know shit."
You watched Negan as he went silent for a few seconds, but you could see his eyes scanning backwards and forwards between Rick and Carl. Oh God, he's figured out they are father and son, that's not good.
"This is your kid, right? This is definitely your kid." Negan commented with an amused look.
"Just stop this!" Rick suddenly shouted which was the wrong thing to say as you watched Negan snap around to Rick pointing at him.
"Hey! Do not make me kill the little future serial killer. Don't make it easy on me. I gotta pick somebody. Everybody's at the table waiting for me to order." Negan said as he began walking back down the line again, whistling that same damn whistle as he eyed everyone. You wanted to look over at Daryl, but you feared Negan might see and punish one of you. "I simply cannot decide... I got an idea. Eenie." Negan said as he walked over to Rick holding Lucille in front of his face. He isn't seriously going to do this is he?
"Meenie." The bat got shifted in front of you as you glared up at him, but on the inside you were absolutely terrified. This can't be happening, this isn't happening. He can't do this.
"Miney mo catch a tiger." Negan continued walking up and down the line as he pointed to different members of the group, some keeping their head down avoiding eye contact others lifting their heads to try show their strength which is exactly what Daryl did as you watched in fear before Negan moved the bat away from his face. "By his toe. If he hollers let him go. My mother told me to pick the very best one and you are it." Abraham. No. No. No. He's going to kill Abraham. No!
You wanted to do something to stop this, but you knew there was no point. You were out numbered and outgunned. All you could do was watch in horror as Negan pointed the bat at the man next to you. Could feel tears rising in your eyes and you gave up trying to look strong, he was going to kill Abraham and there was nothing you could do about it. 
"Anybody moves, anybody says anything, cut the boys other eye out and feed it to his father and then we'll start. You can breathe, you can blink, you can cry. Hell, you're all gonna be doing that." Negan said as he lifted the bat up high before slamming it down against Abrahams head. He hit the ground hard, blood now pouring from his face, but he forced himself back up onto his knees as he stared up at Negan.
"Whoa! Taking it like a champ!" Negan shouted as he watched Abraham. You could feel the tears in your eyes building up as you bit your lip to stop yourself from making any noise.
"Suck my nuts." Abraham said causing Negan to grin ever more before he swung the bat again at Abraham. You had to cover your mouth with your hands to muffle the scream that left your lips as you watched the bat coming down again and again and again until his head was literally smashed into pieces on the ground right beside you. You could see Michonne out the corner of your eye next you looking away from Negan and you could hear Sasha and Rosita crying from the other sides of the line.
"Did you hear that? He said, 'Suck my nuts.'" Negan chuckled and you felt a few tears escape your eyes as he slammed his bat down at Abraham a few more times. You flinched after every hit, as some of his blood got splattered against your arm.
"Oh my goodness! Look at this! You guys, look at my dirty girl! Sweetheart lay your eyes on this." Negan said holding the now bloodied baseball bat in front of Rosita's face who stared at it in pure horror and sadness. "Oh damn. Were you... Were you together? That sucks. But if you were, you should know there was a reason for all this. Red- and hell, he was, is, and will ever be red. He just took one or six or seven for the team! So take a damn look." Negan shouted still holding the bat in front of Rosita, but you were most focused on Daryl who kept moving slightly on his knees and you knew he was about to do something.
"Leave her alone!" You suddenly shouted, your voice coming out shaky yet assertive. You glanced over at Daryl who was watching you with wide eyes as he slowly shook his head begging you with his eyes to stop talking. But you had to do something, Negan couldn't do that to Rosita, her and Abraham use to be together and if you didn't speak up, you knew Daryl would have done something and you didn't want Negan's attention on him after what he did to Abraham.
"Excuse me Darling, but I was not talking to you." Negan said as he walked away from Rosita until he was standing in front of you, holding the bat over his shoulder as he stared down at you. "Well damn you're finally crying now. I bet this man meant a lot to you and your group, you have all probably been together for a long time. Take a look at this, Darling." Negan teased as he pointed the bat at you face but you refused to look at it, your eyes staring straight at him ignoring the bat completely.
"Take a damn look!" He shouted causing you to jump, but before you could do anything you saw Daryl spring up from his seated position as he punched Negan in the jaw. You heard Rick mumble something from your left but you were too focused on Daryl, watching as he went to grab Negan again but his men grabbed him, pinning him to the ground as Dwight aimed the crossbow at the back of Daryl's head.
"No!" You screamed as you ran towards Dwight, but someone grabbed you from behind pulling you backwards. Without thinking, you slammed your leg back kicking the man in the groin as he let go of you but before you could try get Dwight away from Daryl someone else grabbed your shoulder and threw you to the ground. You landed on your hands and knees with a heavy thud. You glanced over at Daryl who was watching you with wide eyes, unable to do anything as the men still had him pinned to the ground. Suddenly someone kicked you in stomach causing you to fall to the ground on your side, but that didn't stop the man from kicking you again and again and again. Searing pain erupted through your stomach as you curled in on yourself trying to protect the baby, but it didn't do much against the man's steel cap boots.
"Don't!" Daryl yelled trying to get the man to stop but you knew there was nothing he could do until the man finally stopped, leaving you lying on the ground holding your stomach as tears poured down your face. Your stomach hurt from the kicks you just received, but it was the occasional sharp cramp you'd feel in your abdomen that made you panic.
"No. That? Oh, my! That is a no-no. The whole thing- not one bit of that shit flies here." Negan shouted, but you couldn't see him from where you were laid.
"Do you want me to do it? Right here." You heard Dwight say and you knew he was referring to Daryl. You forced yourself to look up at Daryl who was ignoring Dwight completely as looked at you before Negan grabbed his hair holding his head up slightly.
"No. No, you don't kill that, not until you try a little." Negan answered as the men began dragging Daryl back in line as someone grabbed your arm pulling you back between Michonne and Abrahams body. You were half sitting and half lying on the ground as the cramping in your abdomen got worse causing you to wince as you grabbed your stomach. You could feel Michonne looking down at you in panic and you knew Daryl was doing the same before Negan continued to talk.
"Anyway that's not how it works. Now, I already told you people, first one's free. Then what did I say? I said I would shut that shit down! No exceptions. Now, I don't know what kind of lying assholes you've been dealing with but I am a man of my word. First impressions are important." Negan stated as he walked towards Daryl and your heart dropped. No. Not Daryl don't kill him. Please, no.
"I need you to know me. So back to it." Negan said as lifted the bat up but before he swung it down he turned away from Daryl and bought the bat down against Glen's head. Everyone gasped as you heard Maggie cry. You didn't want to watch but you couldn't look away as Glen slowly sat up again, his face bashed in from the bat as he tried to speak.
"Buddy, you still there? I just don't know. It seems like you're trying to speak, but you just took a hell of a hit. I just popped your skull so hard, your eyeball just popped out, and it is gross as shit!" Negan said as Glen looked over at Maggie and you could feel tears pouring down your cheeks but you didn't care, all you could focus on was Glen. Maybe if you didn't try get Dwight away from Daryl Negan wouldn't be doing this. You shouldn't have tried to fight, Glen is going to die because of it.
"Maggie. I'll find you." Glen stuttered causing her to cry harder.
"Oh, hell. I can see this is hard on you guys. I am sorry. I truly am. But I did say it. No exceptions!" Negan shouted as he swung the bat at Glen to finished the job. You looked away watching Daryl who was staring at Glen, flinching every time the bat connected to his bashed in head.
"Lucille is thirsty. She is a vampire bat." Negan said with a laugh swinging his bat around as he looked over at all of you. "What? Was the joke that bad?"
"I'm gonna kill you." Rick muttered and you glanced over at Rick silently praying for him to shut up, we can't lose him too, we can't lose anymore people.
"Simon what did he have, a knife?" Negan questioned looking somewhere behind you all at one of his men.
"Uh, he had a hatchet. An axe." Simon responded and Negan chuckled before looking back down at Rick.
"Simon's my right-hand man. Having one of those is important. I mean, what do you have left without them? A whole lot of work. Do you have one? Maybe one of these fine people still breathing? Oh. Or did I." Negan said motioning towards his bat as he sighed. "Give me his axe." He ordered taking the axe from Simon before he grabbed Rick by the collar of his shirt pulling him towards the RV. "I'll be right back. Maybe Rick will be with me. And if not, well, we can just turn these people inside out, won't we? I mean the ones that are left."
You watched helplessly as Rick was dragged into the RV by Negan. Your family around you sobbing as they watched the vehicle drive off to God knows where, but you weren't focused on the RV anymore, the cramping in your abdomen getting worse and worse by the minute and you knew something was seriously wrong. You can't lose this baby too, not after all of this.
You bit your lip to stop a groan escaping your lips, the pain increasing as you dropped your head staring at the ground, trying to control your breathing. You could feel the rest of your group watching you, knowing something was wrong but they all knew they couldn't do anything. You winced again unable to stop yourself, your hand still over your stomach as you squeezed your eyes shut from the pain
"Y/N?" Daryl called, his voice dry and broken as you opened your eyes again to find him watching you in panic, his eyes moving from your stomach back to your face.
"Hey! No talking, unless you want someone else to die." Simon's voice shouted causing you to quickly look away from Daryl not wanting someone to hurt him.
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