#Nerine Vilatoir
laonii · 5 years
Prompt #11: Snuff
“...It’s all gone, Revti.” Nerine pressed her face into her chocobo’s beak, as he trilled softly at the contact. They were still coated in soot, dirt and sand, saddle haphazardly strapped to Revti’s back, and both trembling. They could still smell the smoke and cereleum in the air, and on the horizon she could still see the ruins of Rabanastre aglow with flame. Nerine had, somehow, gotten out astride Revti, though it had been closer than she would like to admit.
And she had seen no sign of Hatia on the way.
Another home lost.
Another sister gone.
“...What am I supposed to do...?”
A whir above broke her from her misery, and she scanned the skies, eyes wild. An Airship. She threw sand onto her campfire, snuffing it out, before dragging Revti with her, and cowering under the trees of the oasis. She wasn’t taking the risk of more mortars.
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