#Neta is that a place where he tolerates Warabi's presence but he's still in thin ice
yesyourstalker ยท 10 months
Mahi: sucks. I can't celebrate your birthday I got to close tonight.
Warabi: You can celebrate when you come over! Get some booze and order some pizza. Have a nice quiet birthday and I haven't had one of those in a while. Most of my birthdays have been like these all out parties maybe it's nice to take a small break this time.
Mahi: All right, I'll see you later. Don't get too drunk while I'm gone.
Warabi: not making any promises! Buy...... oh my mom's calling..... Hi Ma-ma!
Ma-ma: hi inkdrp, happy birthday! How's my little boy?
Warabi: I'm great! Thanks for my new yacht!
Ma-ma: That's nice. I'm glad you like it. I hope you're having a good birthday. You're growing up so fast you're 24 now. Just feels like yesterday you used to fit in my hand.
Warabi: yeah
Ma-ma: Yes, well there's a reason why I called you...... Well like I said you are now 24 and in our family 24 is usually the age where we-
Dad- we're cutting you off!
Warabi: WHAT!
Dad: we're cutting you off! You waste too much money and you're spoiled! You need to get a job! a real job and make your own money!
Warabi: I have a job. I'm a musician. I literally-I'm literally in a band!!
Dad: no!! a real job!! Something that builds character, something that involves work and labor and patience!
Warabi: dad! Are you serious!! Why are you doing this to me???
Dad: everyone in our family was cut off at some point and this is your point! You either get a job or we can call you your grandfather and we can enroll you to the military!
Warabi: NO! No! no.. I don't want- I can't. Don't put I can't be in the military....please.
Dad: All right fine then get a job. You're very lucky and privileged that you got to have that decision a lot didn't have a choice in that matter so be grateful!
Warabi: ........ Yes dad...
Dad: Don't give me the attitude!...... And besides, it'll be great for you. My father used to make me wash dishes and wash the uniforms of soldiers.... Blood is very hard to clean out.... But you know what it gave me son?
Warabi: second hand trauma?
Dad: no! it gave me a sense of worth a sense of pride and connection one-on-one connection.
Warabi: I get that feeling when I'm doing my shows. You know looking down at my fans and I have friends who aren't .....as rich as me. I had one living with me once, I feel like that's enough.
Ma-ma: sweetie, I understand that this decision may not seem like a good idea but I feel like this is a great opportunity for you. You can learn new skills and gain connections to people outside of celebrity life....... earn money from hard work. You have a gift inkdrop. You're an artist and I see that and I understand that.... You still need something to fall back on. You understand?
Warabi: yeah. What about my money that I make from diss-pair
Dad: that money is going into a savings account that you are not allowed to access
Warabi: what! Why!
Dad: for your future, you're not going to be young your whole life it can be used to retirement!! You need to save your money! And stop spending it the minute you get it!
Warabi: how will I pay rent!?
Ma-ma: fortunately for you inkdrop we found a nice humble apartment that you can afford once you find a job. Once You find a job You will be moving to that apartment and pay the rent by yourself.
Dad: we should have let him look for it himself
Ma-ma: shimi!! Everything is prepared for you sweetie. We support and love you and we're rooting for you. You're a smart boy. I'm sure you can figure it out on your own.
Dad: why don't you try getting a roommate!? How about ikkon person you're always with?! Why don't you live with him? He's your friend, boyfriend or whatever right?
Warabi: DAD!
Ma-ma: like I said we love and support you sweetie. No matter who you love or sleep with. I just wish....... you could have chosen .....an octoling.
Warabi: mom...Cod....... that's
Ma-ma: I've done it!! I've had many relationships with inklings!! I see no problem with it love is love! But It's .......just you are an Octavio .... it's different-
Warabi: we're not in a relationship!!! Can we please talk about something else?
Ma-ma: we'll talk more about this later. Love you inkdrop. Happy birthday baby
Warabi: thank you ma-ma..... Bye..............*Sigh*....... Hey Mahi..... Sorry for calling you again...... I need to ask you something....
Mahi: yeah, what's up?
Warabi: You think you can get me a job?
Mahi: uhhhh
Mahi belongs to @fish-at-fish-fish-resort
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