#Neverwinter nights enhanced edition champion of torm
polhbeat · 2 years
Neverwinter nights enhanced edition champion of torm
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The numbers of levels can vary, and the special abilities are available in the first 5 levels, getting better as more levels of CoT are taken. They have modest requirements and can be combined with various classes without huge amounts of sacrifice to meet them.
Conversely, fighters gain paladin-like abilities by playing this prestige class." Taking levels as a champion of Torm will provide some unique feats, but taking full advantage of those bonuses depends on which Ability Scores are emphasized and the basic class the character is started or centered around. Paladins gain some of the fighter's combat abilities by choosing to become a champion of Torm.
The manual describes the class: "Champions of Torm are mighty warriors who dedicate themselves to Torm's cause, defending holy ground, destroying enemies of the church and slaying mythical beasts. Personally that was one of the reasons I looked at the Champion of Torm class originally. However this guide looks at playing the character from the start at level 1, not level 40, and as such these considerations are looking at character maturity around levels 18-25. Of course trying claim the title as "the number one heavy weight" can spark plenty of debate, however there are definitely some solid arguments if favor of Champion of Torm builds being contenders. As for powergaming, there are some definite possibilities of making a Champion of Torm to be one of the best melee machines. Often these can make strong cases against sticking with the same basic class from levels 1 to 20. But by nature CoT are going to be multi-classed and there a few good builds that capitalize on those benefits when making comparisons. When considering a character to primarily be a champion of Torm, one often ends up comparing them to paladins. However any multi- class character needing some extra punch in the melee department can certainly benefit, much like many characters taking tertiary levels in fighter to boost their melee abilities. Their special abilities are geared for dealing out more punishment and increasing survivability. One doesn't obviously equate the CoT as providing a balanced build for the versatility of a solo, do everything adventurer. Let's face it the Champion of Torm just leaves you with the impression of a holy warrior running around in plate armor hacking away at evil while empowered with divine might laying waste to the hordes of evil. The guide also assumes that a player reading it is planning primarily a melee based character. A specific section discusses epic levels and such. It was mostly focused on the character development starting from 1st level going through to about 20th or a little beyond, on the assumption a player will be using the character for any of the NWN campaigns or community designed modules. NEVERWINTER NIGHTS UNOFFICIAL CHAMPION OF TORM CHARACTER BUILD GUIDE For use with Hordes of the Underdark (c)2004 Perrin Miller Version: 1.0 **************************************************** This was written for submission to: *********************************************************************** * * * TABLE OF CONTENTS * * * *********************************************************************** Introduction Champion of Torm Class Description Description Stats and Requirements Special Abilities Bonus Feat List Race Choices Dwarf Elf Gnome Half-elf Half-orc Halfling Human Preferences Ability Scores Weapon Choices Class Combinations Basic Classess Prestige Classes Skills Class Skills Cross-class Skills Feats Champion of Torm Bonus Feats Useful General Feats Optional Feats Feats To Avoid Useful Epic Feats Epic Levels Sample Characters Barbarian/Fighter/Champion of Torm Bard/Red Dragon Disciple/Champion of Torm Cleric/Paladin/Champion of Torm Fighter/Rogue/Champion of Torm Fighter/Weapon Master/Champion of Torm Paladin/Champion of Torm Paladin/Fighter/Champion of Torm Final Thoughts Version History Credits *********************************************************************** * * * INTRODUCTION * * * *********************************************************************** This guide is written to examine the different possibilities of the Champion of Torm (CoT) prestige class for Neverwinter Nights.
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