#Newry Mourne and Down
tinacalder · 1 year
Celebration Of Dragons In The Hills As Project Comes To An End
Celebration Of Dragons In The Hills As Project Comes To An End @nmdcouncil @TNLUK #DragonsInTheHills
Over the last three years, the Dragons in the Hills project has sought to discover more about Northern Ireland’s little dragons – our three native amphibians and reptiles: common frog, common lizard and smooth newt. The project, which is led by Amphibian and Reptile Groups of the UK in partnership with Newry, Mourne and Down District Council and The Herpetological Society of Ireland, is now…
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qudachuk · 11 months
Four unions will begin work-to-rule action at Newry, Mourne and Down Council from Monday.
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newswireml · 1 year
Scheme to stimulate seagrass growth#Scheme #stimulate #seagrass #growth
Seagrass is thought to be greater than trees at absorbing carbon A pilot scheme on Strangford Lough is trying to stimulate the growth of seagrass on the seabed by testing alternative mooring systems. Seagrass is a flowering plant able to live in seawater. Its ability to absorb carbon is thought to be greater than that of trees. According to Darren Rice of Newry, Mourne and Down District…
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The Valley of the Roses
This was a fairy tale I wrote 4 years ago, while part of a Narnia rp group. It was a writing prompt based on this picture.
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The picture is by AquaSixio on Deviant Art, and can be found here. The original prompt can be found here. And my original story can be found here. The one below the cut is edited for clarity and hopefully better grammar.
Once upon a time, in a quaint and provincial little town at the base of a tall and treacherous mountain, there lived a young man. This young man was a knight who served his kingdom with bravery and wisdom. He was very much a favorite of the good king and queen, who always took his guidance to heart. This valiant young knight seemed to have the world at his feet. Yet, his heart was heavy and full of melancholy.
For it was while he was away, defending his kingdom from a wicked neighboring land, he received an urgent message that he must return home with haste. Upon arriving back, he found the girl he loved more than his own life had fallen very ill. Determined to do whatever it took to save her, the knight sought out the help of all the best doctors and magic workers in the kingdom. When they failed to heal the girl, he traveled the realm over hoping to find someone who could take the sickness away. None had been able to succeed, and he fell into despair. Every night, he would sit by her bedside with her hand clasped in his. And every night he would promise that all would be well; that he’d heard of yet another doctor or wizard who could work the miracle they so desperately needed. But the girl grew worse with every passing day. Both she and her knight knew that she was dying, but still he refused to give up his search for a cure.
Several months later, the king and queen noticed that their once lighthearted and vibrant friend had changed. No longer did he linger at the palace to talk. No longer did his stories fill the halls with laughter and awe. “We must find the cause for this change, and remedy it at once.” The king and queen decided, and called the knight to them.
Standing in the throne room before them, the knight’s head and shoulders hung heavy with their awful burden. Seeing for themselves the grave turn he’d taken, the king and queen implored him, “Please, o friend, won’t thou tell us the cause of thy suffering so that we may set it right again?”
By this time, however, even the knight was beginning to lose hope that he would ever be able to make his beloved well again. Yet, he was still a noble and good man; with no desire to trouble the king and queen with his woes. It was for this reason he’d never told them before. However, after much pressing and promises that they would do whatever it took to make the problem right, the knight broke down. The trust and loyalty he had so long shown the king and queen, they now gave back to him in abundance.
Tears pouring from his eyes, he confided at last in the king and queen. “The girl I love more than anything is very ill, majesties. I have searched so very long for a cure for her. I’ve brought all the best doctors and magicians in the realm to her, but none can ease her agony. Every day she grows worse and worse, and I fear she will soon die without a cure.”
Moved by his plight, and feeling their own hearts fill with sadness, the good king and queen at last understood. For they knew the girl well, and loved her as dearly as the knight himself. Stunned that he had not come to them sooner, the king and queen told him they might know what would save her life. Renewed by the discovery, the knight pleaded desperately for what they knew. “All know our kingdom is placed at the foot of the mountain,” They told him. “It is said that on the other side of the mountain, there is a valley of great magic, where sky and earth seem separated not. Where the stars shine so bright and so close, that if one were to reach out, they could pluck one right from the heavens. In this marvelous valley, it is said that for every person born in the realm, there grows a rose. The roses are said to be magic and kept safe under domes of sparkling diamond and the clearest glass. To heal her, thou must scale the mountain and go to the valley. Find her rose and remove the dome. Pluck out that which is sick and return with the healthy petals that grow in its place, and if she eats them, she will be saved.”
Hope filling his soul once more, the knight thanked the king and queen and ran out right away to prepare for the journey. He gathered his armor, sword, and shield, for the mountain was fraught with dangers beyond the wildest dreams. Stopping only to tell the girl he would return soon with a cure, he set off on his journey. When passing the castle, the king and queen met him at the gate with a small pouch. “It will help thee on thy way.” They told him. Wishing the knight luck, the king and queen watched him race toward the mountain.
As he reached the base, the knight looked up. How very tall it seemed now! How could he ever reach the top to get to the valley? But he knew he had to try. If he failed, the girl would die, and that was a fate he could not face. Tying the little pouch to the belt on which his sword hung at his waist, the knight began to climb. Slowly and carefully, he made his way up and up toward the top of the mountain. By the time he climbed a quarter of the way up, night had fallen, and knight knew he had to stop until dawn. Thankfully, the ground had leveled some, and he was able to search for a shelter for the night. Moments later, the knight found a cave and was able to build himself a fire.
Just as the knight grew weary and felt his eyes begin to close, a voice called out in anger, “Who is this that invades my cave?” Jumping to his feet with his hand upon his sword, the knight looked around. Much to his surprise, a gnarled little gnome appeared.
“Forgive me, little Gnome.” The knight implored, “I am on my way to the valley of the roses on the other side of the mountain to bring a cure to my beloved, and needed only to rest for the night.”
The gnome was hardly moved by his plea, and the greedy creature began to imagine the sumptuous feast the knight would make; for none who dared enter his cave made it out alive. “Thou have done well to make it thus far, o Knight. But unless thou carries with thee something more valuable than thy own meat, thou shall never see the valley of the roses.”
Knowing that he had nothing with which to offer the gnome, the knight was ready to fight the creature. But then he remembered the pouch. Opening it, the knight found right on the top a piece of meat with a note. ‘This meat has been enchanted by the court wizard so that it will never diminish in its bounty. Use it well.’ Pulling the morsel out, the knight offered it to the gnome. The glutinous creature took the meal and began to eat. Even after several minutes, when he did not run out of meat, the gnome was content and slunk back to his hole in the cavern wall. With the monster at bay, the knight was able to sleep, and he woke as the dawn rose for the next part of his journey.
Up and up the mountain the knight climbed, ever so carefully and slowly. By midday, he found himself half way up the mountain. Allowing himself a moment to rest against a boulder, the knight found himself quite famished. Knowing he had to find food to keep his strength up, he soon found a hallow tree that was full of honey. Helping himself to a few bites, the knight soon felt full. Yet, the moment he stepped away from the tree, a fierce growl rent the air as the earth thundered and quaked. Before the knight was able to run or draw his sword, he found himself facing a terrible black bear; the largest and meanest bear he’d ever set eyes on. “Who is this that steals my gold?” The bear demanded.
“Forgive me, great Bear,” The knight implored. “I am on my way to the valley of the roses on the other side of the mountain to bring a cure to my beloved, and needed only a morsel to satisfy my hunger.”
The bear was hardly moved by his plea, and the greedy creature began to think of his precious golden honey and imagine how long it would take it replace that which the knight had eaten; for none who dared help themselves to his honey made it out alive. “Thou have done well to make it thus far, o Knight. But unless thou carries with thee something more valuable than that gold thou have robbed me of, thou shall never see the valley of the roses.”
Knowing that he had nothing with which to offer the bear, he turned again to his pouch. Opening it, the knight found right on top a plate of ambrosia and a note. ‘This ambrosia came to our kingdom with a merchant from a far off land. It is said that none who catch it’s scent can deny themselves a sample. Use it well.’ Pulling the plate out, and holding his breath, the knight offered it to the bear. The greedy creature took a single sniff, and the moment the smell hit his nose, the bear began to scarf it down. With the monster at bay, the knight was able to slip away unnoticed and catch a moment’s rest for the next part of his journey.
Up and up the mountain the knight climbed, ever so carefully and slowly. By sunset, he found himself three quarters of the way up the mountain. Wiping the sweat from his brow, the knight took notice of how parched he was. Knowing he had to find water lest he faint, he soon found a small river with the clearest running water he’d ever beheld. Cupping his hands, the knight took a sip or two and soon felt his thirst quenched. Yet, the moment he rose, a terrible hissing and splashing rent the air as the river seemed to race with rage. Before the knight could act, he found himself facing an ugly and awful crocodile; the longest and strongest he’d ever set eyes on. “Who is this that drinks of my river?” The crocodile demanded.
“Forgive me, mighty Crocodile,” The Knight implored. “I am on my way to the valley of the roses on the other side of the mountain to bring a cure to my beloved, and needed only a small bit to quench my thirst.”
The crocodile was hardly moved by his plea, and the greedy creature began to lament how there was now even less of the water for himself; for none who dared drink of his river made it out alive. "Thou have done well to make it thus far, o Knight. But unless thou carries with thee something more valuable than my precious water, thou shall never see the valley of the roses.”
Knowing that he had nothing with which to offer the crocodile, he went to the pouch for the third time. Opening it, right on top the knight found a vial of nectar and a note. ‘This nectar is from the best of the castle gardens. Its roses are the sweetest smelling and make the most delicious juices. Use it well.’ Pulling the vial out, the knight offered it to the crocodile. Upon tasting the delectable sugars of the nectar, the crocodile sunk back to the depths of the river, never to be content with mere water again. With the monster at bay, the knight was able to cross the river and prepare for the next part of his journey.
Up and up the mountain the Knight climbed, ever so carefully and slowly. By dark, he found himself at last at the peak. Overjoyed to see the valley below, the knight began to race forward, paying no mind to where his feet did trod. Yet, the moment he reached the edge, a soft and melodious voice filled the air. “Who is this that runs so carelessly and destroys my garden?” The voice demanded.
Turning, the knight found himself face to face with a young woman; the most beautiful he’d ever set eyes on. “Forgive me, my lady,” The knight implored, “I am on my way to the valley of the roses just below to bring a cure to my beloved, and only needed to hurry.”
The lady was hardly moved by his plea, but she was the clever witch who ruled the mountain; the most wicked of all the monsters the knight had met. She had decided to trick the knight into staying with her forever; for none who fell under her spell made it out alive. Pretending at once to pity the knight, the witch invited him inside her house for a glorious feast.
"Thou have done well to make it thus far, o Knight. But thou can hardly press on without first staying the night with me. Unless thou carries with thee something more valuable than thy company and beauty, the valley of the roses shall wait.” She answered, giving him a charming smile that would surely make him forget his quest.
But the knight was true to his word and could not forget his beloved back home. “Thy offer is most kind, Lady.” He said, and turned to his pouch for the last time. “I pray thou will take this gift with my thanks.” Opening it, the Knight found right on top a hand mirror and a note. ‘This mirror was from the queen’s collection. It is enchanted to make the gazer see whatever they wish to see. Use it well.’ Pulling the mirror out, the knight offered it to the witch. Upon seeing her own reflection in the mirror, the witch was put under her own spell and never wanted to behold anything but her lovely face again. With monster at bay, the knight was finally able to descend the mountain and reach the valley of the roses.
When at last the knight reached the valley, he froze in awe. It was just as the king and queen had said. The sky, colored vibrantly with purples, blues, and pinks, seemed to know no bounds. The grass and clouds appeared to touch, and the stars were just a reach away. And as as far as the eye could see, roses lay scattered about under clear domes of glass and diamond. Without a moment to lose, the knight began to search for the rose that was bound to his beloved. Dome after dome he checked. Some roses were just buds not yet in bloom. Others had already begun to wilt. How could he ever find the right one?
After searching for many many hours, at last he knelt before a rose that looked quite odd. Pink and fresh as the rest of the roses in their prime it was, but it seemed to wilt and turn black with death. This had to be it! Before the dome, the knight lifted it, ready to cut away the diseased parts and save his dear girl from certain death. Lifting his sword, he took a deep breath. But then, something began to change. All the parts of the rose that were pink began to turn black with the air! Horrified, he reached out to stop it. The moment his fingers touched the flower, it turned to ash and crumbled. “No! No!” The knight yelled in agony. “My child, I have failed you.”
Knowing that he had not made it in time to save his daughter’s life, the knight laid himself down next to the pile of ash and the dome. Unable to bear the pain of losing his whole world, he never moved again.
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stumbleimg · 5 years
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Doan View
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travel-in-pictures · 6 years
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Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Overlooking Lough Shannagh from Carn Mountain with Doan and Binnian behind it and Slieve Donard to the far left in the background.
by Barrie Lathwell from Northern Ireland 
Source | Google Maps
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etyileiet · 5 years
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Doan View by MourneMountainMan
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tinacalder · 1 year
Local Entrepreneur Sparks Passion For Traditional Craftmanship With His Very Own Blacksmith Workshop
Local Entrepreneur Sparks Passion For Traditional Craftmanship With His Very Own Blacksmith Workshop
A former engineer has turned his passion for traditional craftsmanship into a successful blacksmith business thanks to help from the Go For It programme in association with Newry, Mourne and Down District Council. This project is part funded by Invest Northern Ireland and the European Regional Development Fund under the Investment for Growth and Jobs Northern Ireland (2014-2020) programme. Robert…
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baby-cabana · 3 years
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Hope your have a derpy day, cause Abbie certainly is! (at Newry, Mourne and Down) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQMIvWwpmtz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mapsontheweb · 5 years
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Northern Ireland Local Elections 2019 by largest Party per council.
Red: Democratic Unionist Party (DUP)
Dark Green: Sinn Féin
Light Green: Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP)
Belfast City
North Down and Ards District
Antrim and Newtownabbey District
Lisburn City and Castlereagh District
Newry City, Mourne and Down District
Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon District
Mid and East Antrim District
Causeway Coast and Glens District
Mid-Ulster District
Derry City and Strabane District
Fermanagh and Omagh District
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ramzoozi · 5 years
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All adventures begin when with the unfamiliar, stepping into the unknown, and discovering something new. . #weekendvibes #weekendtraveler #northernireland . @bbctravel @bbcni . . . . . . #itsamazingoutthere #amazingphotohunter #britain #ukpotd #visitbritain #gloriousbritain #unitedkingdom . #unlimitedambassadors #unlimitedsoul #brilliantbritain #topukphoto #ig_uk #ig_britain #goexplore #lovegreatbritain #igersuk #capturingbritain . #vacation #lonelyplanet #sky_brilliance #photooftheday #landscapes #tv_allskies #igglobalclub #insta_crew #fiftyshades_of_nature #folkscenery 🦋 (at Cranfield, Newry, Mourne and Down) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1N4w5HoIKs/?igshid=1bxx98u8ajj5g
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“There's beautiful girls here, oh, never you mind Beautiful shapes Nature never designed Lovely complexions of roses and cream But let me remark with regard to the same That if at those roses you venture to sit The colors might all come away on your lip So I'll wait for the wild rose that's waitin' for me In the place where the dark Mourne sweeps down to the sea... You remember young Davey McClaren, of course But he's over here with the rest of the force I saw him one day as he stood on the strand Stopped all the traffic with a wave of his hand As we were talking of days that are gone The whole town of London stood there to look on But for all his great powers, he's wishful like me To be back where the dark Mourne sweeps down to the sea...”
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travel-in-pictures · 6 years
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Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
I haven't been able to get into the mountains for a few weeks. Ironically I suffered a vertigo attack whilst sitting at my computer doing some post processing. I still have quite a few shots from previous trips though. This is at the point where the path briefly disappears on the way up Slieve Binnian and you have to clamber over the boulders. A good time to pause for a look at Slieve Bearnagh.
by Barrie Lathwell from Northern Ireland 
Source | Google Maps
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socialistworld · 4 years
Ireland North: District council workers vote to fight attacks on pay and conditions
Ireland North: District council workers vote to fight attacks on pay and conditions
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Members of the SIPTU, NIPSA, Unite and GMB trade unions at Newry, Mourne and Down District Council, in Northern Ireland, are preparing for battle. The council have full authority over the pay and terms and […]
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tinacalder · 2 years
Newry, Mourne and Down District Council Chairperson Praises 4C UR Future LIVE Event
Newry, Mourne and Down District Council Chairperson Praises 4C UR Future LIVE Event
4C UR Future, the industry-led social enterprise that aims to empower young people to make better informed decisions about their education pathways and future careers, held a successful pilot 4C UR Future LIVE event at Newry Leisure Centre on June 9, 2022.  The event was attended by Year 9 pupils from Down High School, Our Lady’s Grammar School, Shimna Integrated College, St Joseph’s High School…
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