#Next session boutta be wild
beanprincess19 · 6 years
Tonight on Syngorn Squad
- Vilya sewing a Kobold doll for Ozgar after Ooph left without a word last session, starting a really sweet and funny Druid/Barbarian friendship 
-Vilya taking the dead kobold Ozgar used for comfort and burning it because it was a legit corpse. 
-Ozgar believing that Vilya wanted a corspe for funsies, leading to real awkward thumbs up
-Ondor reacting to that with a “What the fuck did y’all do while I was gone?”
-Percy, in the night, putting rat poop next to Vilya while she’s sleeping and making a mustache on her face as revenge for last session’s rat battle, only for Vilya to accidentally wipe it off her face and not notice the revenge plot at all. 
-Bi Disaster ™ Vilya telling Zafarett she was hot when she landed from the tree with flames around her 
- The Gang meeting a mysterious dragonborn who challenges Ondor to a one on one battle or 4 hostages die
- Vilya seeing Ondor has 8 hit points left and ruins the plan by lion form jumping into the fray to save him
- The Gang having to run away after the villain disappears with the hostages and them being surrounded by guards, on Pteranodon Vilya’s back 
-Kaya and Percy originally not getting on Vilya’s back and Vilya having to Nat 20 swoop them away by force
-Kaya yelling at Vilya for going against the plan even though it was Vilya’s plan, and Vilya realizing she not only put Percy and Kaya, the two people she loves, in horrible danger but her entire team. 
-Ondor, bloody and bruised, reaching out to Vilya but Vilya running away, hurt and guilty for all the pain she’s caused. 
-Session ending with Vilya sitting by herself in the woods, ashamed, crying, holding the “if I die” letter that Percy gave her, and whispering “What do I do, Dad?”
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dongsooks · 8 years
Dating Bang Yongguk (B.A.P)
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You are so sweet thank you!!! I hope you like it! Let’s hope Yongguk is well and happy and will get fit soon but also take his time with his recovery!
Y'all prolly knew each other by looks and quick greetings
and as Youngjae stated that Yongguk only gets close to people he is interested in I think he'd make some effort to get to know you
but omg he said he can't talk to women
especially when it's about dating because his confidence sinks to 0.0000000001
the 1 in the end being a “hi”
one time he said he liked your outfit and then blushed thinking about it for the rest of the day
but then one magical day your damn laptop broke down while you had some important stuff to do
and you went out to get coffee because you didn't wanna punch a hole into your laptop out of anger
and he saw you and gathered his courage
like ALL OF IT bc again: he can't talk to women
and he was like
”Hey Y/N, are you okay?”
with one of his smiles
and your heart fluttered but then you were like
”My laptop broke down -.-”
and he was like
”Hey I went to Cyber University I could have a look at it..if you want to”
lmao he could have a look at you if he wanted to amirite?
So anyways you agreed and he fixed it and then you offered him a meal and you ate and talked together
and whoops suddenly it was 11 pm and homeboy had places to go and stuff to do
so he got up, ready to leave and you were like
”Hey I owe you”
and he just smoothly was like
”If you give me your number we'd be even ;)”
so cheesy damn Yongguk
but it worked
since the members said he has the habit of constantly thinking of rhymes I imagine this to happen:
”You were my damsel in distress”
stfu yongguk
but other times he'd hit you with dat deep ish
”In our society penalty really just depends on ones salary”
that was you being speechless you were just trying to get a cup of water
you'd often ask him about his tattoos
or just trace them while you two lay in bed
I feel like he'd have trouble expressing his feelings sometimes
and I feel like he would write you songs
one just for you to hear where he'd say everything he usually couldn't
and you would melt
also his 'I love you's would be seldom but when he said them he meant it
and you knew that
he gives his all into music and is very dedicated so you'd probs have to remind him to eat and sleep especially around comeback seasons
and you'd bring him and the members food and drinks
he'd be so thankful
when if comes to kisses he seems like the type to pull you really close
one hand on your neck the other on your butt waist
and he'd hold you like you'd be his everything
you are
well making out tho
ohohohhohoho boi put the seabelts on it's boutta be wild
you on his lap
try to tease him
i dare you
you probaly't walk for the next days oopsie lmao
sometimes when he was feeling funny as heck he would tease you in public
and you'd just glare at him and be like
”I'm gonna pinch your dick off”
but hidden hickeys like on your boobs so when you two change for the day or night
he'd see them and shitgrin to himself
sometimes when he feels like it
or you annoyed him and he wants to have his sweet revenge
in the middle of the act while you won't complain he'll give you a hickey somewhere visible
and it will be summer and you'll have to wear a turtle neck when it's 34 degrees out
and he'll just pass you the deodorant grinning
and you'll be out with friends sweatin like a cow and you're friends will be like
... you k?
you are not
and you just smile and nod
sometimes he would break down and tell you all the thoughts he has and the doubts
and you would comfort him and probs cry with him
hugs with him can be summed up in two words:
Pops bear
Like he’d envelop you in his arms and pull you really close and nuzzle into you
when you two fight he'd remain calm most of the time
it's scary for people to witness
it's contains a lot of annoyed sighs and slightly too harsh movements
if it was your fault you'd have to say sorry
I feel lik he ain't bout that 'When you get mad at a girl apologize for being mad' thing
but if it was his fault he'd say sorry
if both of you were to blame he'd try to talk it out
he is a tol so if you aren’t...
he would tease you
”okay I'm going out now”
and you wanna go in for a kiss
and he just makes himself even taller and is like
when you ready come and get it nananana
also if you ever happen to wear his shirt damn gurl
”look at small you in my big Shirt”
”that's not how you use a tent Y/N??”
”haha look it's a walking shirt wow haha”
damn yongguk you're so funny!
and then you'd just take it off and run around in your underwear
cue needy Yongguk
one time you tried to make his favourite food for him
you failed and he came home earlier than expected and you just stood there looking at him
rice in your hair
ripped nori everywhere
smoked salmon sticking to the table
but he'd appreciate the effort
like so much
and then you'd just shower together and tbh that's a good present too :)
After you move in together you know who is basically moves in with him?
P stands for Pabos
Pabo means idiot in Korean
so before valentines day he'd be like
”anything in peticular you'd like, princess?”
and you just say
”nah as long as it comes from heart idc”
he made his predictions true
he made you chocolate with a picture of you two and gave it to you
you almost cried while you two ate it
damn Bang Yongguk why u gotta be that cute
meeting his family of course
they seem as badass as him so you'd be like
”what if they won't like me? They are so cool and I am not really that cool?”
Spoiler: they love you
first time seeing his twin you'd be like
”yongguk stay on my right so I don't accidentally kiss your brother”
but it gets better with time
it always does
going to the netherlands for vacay because he likes the netherlands
Overall: he would treat you very good you can't complain! He sometimes can't tell you everything that's on his mind so you'd need to give him that freedom. But when it comes down to it he's know you are there for him and vice versa. Hugs with pops. Soft kisses and passionate makeout sessions. Thoughtful moments and exchanges over future goals and dreams at night.
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