#Nifty crossed 18 thousand
rnewsworld · 3 years
शेयर बाजार: सेंसेक्स 169 अंक बढ़त के साथ खुला, 60,407 का लेवल टच किया, निफ्टी 18 हजार के पार
शेयर बाजार: सेंसेक्स 169 अंक बढ़त के साथ खुला, 60,407 का लेवल टच किया, निफ्टी 18 हजार के पार
Hindi News Business Sensex Opened With A Gain Of 169 Points, Touched The Level Of 60,407, Nifty Crossed 18 Thousand, Share Market, मुंबईएक घंटा पहले कॉपी लिंक कल सेंसेक्स 831 अंकों (1.40%) की बढ़त के साथ 60,138 पर बंद हुआ था। इसी के साथ निफ्टी 258 पॉइंट्स (1.46%) की बढ़त के साथ 17,929 पर बंद हुआ था हफ्ते के दूसरे दिन शेयर बाजार में तेजी है। बॉम्बे स्टॉक एक्सचेंज (BSE) का सेंसेक्स आज 169 अंक तेजी…
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athibanhindi · 3 years
तेजी के साथ खुला बाजार, सेंसेक्स में 160 अंक की बढ़त, निफ्टी 18 हजार के पार | Opening bell: Sensex up 160 points, Nifty crosses 18 thousand
तेजी के साथ खुला बाजार, सेंसेक्स में 160 अंक की बढ़त, निफ्टी 18 हजार के पार | Opening bell: Sensex up 160 points, Nifty crosses 18 thousand
डिजिटल डेस्क, मुंबई। देश का शेयर बाजार कारोबारी सप्ताह के दूसरे दिन (11 जनवरी 2022, मंगलवार) तेजी के साथ खुला। इस दौरान सेंसेक्स और निफ्टी दोनों ही हरे निशान पर रहे। बंबई स्टॉक एक्सचेंज (BSE) के 30 शेयरों पर आधारित संवेदी सूचकांक सेंसेक्स 162 अंकों की बढ़त के साथ 60,558 के स्तर पर खुला।   वहीं नेशनल स्टॉक एक्सचेंज (NSE) के 50 शेयरों पर आधारित संवेदी निफ्टी 46 अंकों की बढ़त के साथ 18,049 के स्तर…
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I know I’ve been gone for a while. I also know that good blog posts don’t start off that way. But I’m a rule-breaker so deal with it.
Anyway, lots of stuff has been going on. I still don’t have my own working computer, which is the main reason I’ve been gone. I’m using my dad’s because I just can’t handle not writing anymore. I know I have to fill you in on the past thousand years (I got married?!), but for now we’re just going to act like there hasn’t been a giant gap and dive right in to the here and now.
I turned 29 on March 19th. Not usually a big deal. Typically, people freak out when they turn 30. But I’ve never done things typically. So I realized that I’m fine with the firsts that come with change — I’m always down to try new things; the issue I have is letting go of the lasts. Therefore, since 29 is the last year of my 20s, it’s difficult for me.
But I put that freak out to good use.
I’ve already been getting out and about and exploring and experiencing more in the past year than usual. But I decided to go big this year. First, I dubbed it my “year of experiences” — in which I would try my hardest to get out there and experience life instead of remaining uninterested and bed-ridden. Then it quickly changed to my “yes year” — meaning I would say yes to anything and everything people invited me to or even mentioned. From there, I decided there were things I wanted to do so the whole thing turned into a sort of bucket list. But a Before 30 Bucket List. Along with going with the flow and having fun experiences that come my way, there’s a list of about 80 things (and growing) that I’m trying my damnedest to accomplish by my next birthday. Which means I have until March 18th, 2018 to do a shitton of stuff.
I made this list in part by Googling those dumb articles about “30 Things to Accomplish Before you Turn 30” and incorporating some of their ideas into my own. It was a funny adventure, however, because when you think about it how many people really think to look at those lists in their late teens or early 20s? I’m guessing most people don’t really hunker down about being successful in their 30s until they’re close to 30, so some of the lists cracked me up. One of them had “Travel Alone,” “Have A Baby,” “Live Abroad,” and “Buy A House”. All on the same list. Sorry, but only superheroes can pull off all that shit in a year. I did add one of those things to my personal list, though, so it wasn’t a total loss.
I’ve already knocked out a few items, and those posts are in the works. I plan to keep you updated on all of the list shenanigans, and I’m keeping track of the random stuff that happens to come along but isn’t on the list so I can give you a wrap-up at the end of the year (MY Year, not the Calendar Year). But first I simply wanted to introduce to you the idea, and prepare you for the posts to come.
So here is my list. Many things are vague and I allow wiggle room. You’ll find out what I mean by that in upcoming posts of things I’ve achieved.
1. Rock Out At A Concert / See One Of Your Favorite Artists Live in Concert 2. Go To A Brewery 3. Meet Favorite Author 4. Attend A Big Sports Event 5. Unplug For A Full Day 6. Try A New Sport 7. Girls’ Getaway 8. Learn To Play An Instrument 9. Improve Wine Knowledge 10. Learn Family History 11. Learn To Gamble 12. Learn To Cook 13. Visit A New American City 14. Have Portrait Taken 15. Read Classic Novel About Women, By A Woman 16. Go Skinny Dipping 17. Throw A Dinner Party 18. Test Drive Dream Car 19. Sing Karaoke 20. Skydive 21. Climb A Mountain 22. Learn To Bartend 23. Scuba Dive 24. Learn A New Language 25. Go Camping 26. Volunteer 27. Go Whitewater Rafting 28. Apply For Dream Job 29. Go Hiking 30. Learn Astronomy 31. Stop Drinking Soda Altogether 32. Ride A Roller Coaster 33. Learn To Dance 34. Dive With Sharks 35. Start Workout Routine 36. Get Organized 37. Stop Smoking 38. Read A History Book 39. Build A Computer 40. Fire A Gun 41. Write A Letter To Yourself (Now, At 29) As If You’re 39 42. Eat Healthier 43. Get A Passport 44. Go To New York City For New Year’s Eve 45. Take A How-To Class 46. Write A Book 47. Read A Classic Book 48. Watch A Classic Movie 49. Make A New Family Tradition 50. Learn A DIY Craft 51. See A Broadway Show 52. Ride A Motorcycle 53. Go Fishing 54. Invest 55. Buy A High-End Name Brand (i.e. Expensive) Bag or Pair Of Shoes 56. Go To The Ellen Show (This one’s crossed out because I was a little too excited when I initially made the list and upon further investigating found out there’s no way I’ll be able to acquire tickets and afford to travel to California this year. So I’m planning on replacing it with the next one I come up with.) 57. Buy A Round For The House 58. Go To Vegas 59. Visit A Famous Fictional Location 60. Visit A Rock Icon Location 61. Rent A Vacation House With Friends 62. Throw A Fundraiser 63. Travel Alone 64. Go To A Music Festival 65. Party In A Big City 66. Walk For Charity 67. Eat At A Famous Restaurant 68. Eat Something Unusual 69. Watch A Meteor Shower 70. Ride A Mechanical Bull 71. Get Lost On Purpose In An Unfamiliar Place 72. Bake A Cheesecake 73. Explore All Of Central Park 74. Go Horseback Riding 75. March In An LGBT Pride Parade 76. Go Skiing / Snowboarding 77. Go To A Tattoo Convention 78. Bring Son To Storybook Land 79. Get A Job 80. Zipline
So there you have it. I even bought a nifty “Bucket List Journal” so I can keep track of everything.
I know it’s a lot to take on. And I know some things are probably not going to happen. But I’m going to do my best to try to at least attempt them all within the next year. Or, technically, 11 months, 1 week, and 1 day.
Also, I have already done many things on this list throughout my life. But once you put it all down on paper and in front of you, you realize how little you do the fun things anymore and how much time has passed since your last adventure, so these are simply all the things I’d like to accomplish while I’m 29 — no more, no less.
Also also I’m not doing them in order so you’ll be seeing random numbers throughout the next 11 months, 1 week, and 1 day.
Do you have a bucket list? Do you want to do mine with me? Do you have any advice or ideas for new goals? Let ‘er rip in the comments!
(p.s. thank you for sticking with me throughout my ridiculousness.)
(p.p.s. I met Jenny Lawson aka The Bloggess but technically that happened four days before I turned 29 so it’s not part of the list, I just wanted to tell you how excited I am about it, and let you know that I’ll write about it soon.)
#Before30BucketList Hey. So. I know I've been gone for a while. I also know that good blog posts don't start off that way.
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