#Nikki x Party Phil
axolotlbloddy · 5 months
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I know it's stupid ship, but It's my otp ship and au TwT I really sorry...
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sixxgurl26 · 2 years
~Sleazy Sugar ~ 3 - Tug of War
Pairing: Nikki Sixx x Layla Krane (OC)
Warnings: 18+, language, sexual themes
Word Count: 2.5K+ 
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“Here you go sir, black coffee just as you like, and here are the reports from the Mayfield account you were asking for yesterday, I’ve gone ahead and labeled the different years and categories for you.” My boss, Phil Bring, had flashed a smile as I set this items down for him on his desk before him. “Thank you Miss Krane, you can return to your desk for now, just please let me know if any calls from the accounts call in.” I nodded as I made my exit, releasing sigh of relief as I plopped down on my chair.
I loved my job, I did. Being a receptionist/personal assistant at times to an accountant had great pay, low stress, and for the most part, not much work required other than pulling files and tagging items, as well as the occasional food and coffee run. But it was starting to lose its sparkle to me, and I blame this on Kayla.
Now I know blaming this all on her is a steep accusation, she is my best friend after all, but I was living in heavenly bliss in my own “priss” world as she calls is, before she dragged me off to that damn club. I’ve worked hard at suppressing that damn night in my head, trying to move on like that night from three months ago had never happened, but if I wasn’t careful, thoughts of Nikki’s tongue swiping over my wet, warm slit would flood my mind and I had to immediately find something else to do, usually the most boring and detailed thing I can get my hands on to make my mind work on anything else.
Of course my boss and colleagues have no idea that night happened, I don’t share much of personal life at work, but they have shot me weird glances when I occasionally cross my legs and grab the nearest accounts files I can find to keep myself from going into overdrive. I wasn’t going to admit this to Kayla though, because that would give her wayyy too much satisfaction.
Now for Kayla, she’s been all over that drummer Tommy since that night. Almost any chance she can run off for a show, to a party, a whatever that involves him, she's there. She has tried to pull me along again but I’ve refused, and I never told her I slept with Nikki, though I was sure he had told her himself, he seemed like the type to flaunt that sort of thing to flex his ego. I know he had asked her a few times to get me to come to a show, but I have refused. I turned into someone else in that environment, someone I didn’t recognize and I felt it was better to stay away and just focus on my studies and my work.
I battled with my mind hoping he would just forget me and that night and move on to the next two legged creature he could find, and the thought of hoping he did remember me and want to see me, but I couldn’t figure out which was worse for me to hope and wish on.
My thoughts were zapped away as the desk phone rang, and I collected myself to answer. “Mr. Bring’s office, how can I direct your call?” There was a silence for a moment, before I could hear a light chuckle, almost a muffled sound as I waiting for an answer.
“You sound so posh sugar, so refined, I dig it.”
My eyes widened as I realized who had called the office and started to freak out with what to do. This was my work, my professional work place, I needed to figure something out to get this call to end without him calling back.
“How did you get this phone number sir?” Being in an office with other workers, I couldn’t speak exactly like I wish, like “hang the fuck up or I’m going to personally rip your balls off”.
“Well, Miss, if you are so interested in how, your dear friend Kayla gave it to me. Seems like the messages I was giving her weren’t working so I decided to call you myself and see how I fared that way. Worked pretty good I think.” Of course it was Kayla, who else but Kayla would know and, I'm sorry, be stupid enough to give this number out.
“I’m sorry, you can’t reach me here, I'm unavailable here.” I tried to whisper as low as possible without anyone catching on, so far it was working.
“Maybe sugar isn’t, but how about Layla? Miss Krane? Is she available?” I could hear his smug smile though the phone and rolled my eyes. “Nikki, I need to go, you can’t call me here at work. Please.” I got one eyebrow raised at me as my coworker Brian walked by me to the break room, and I flashed him a smile like everything is normal, face falling as soon as he passed. “Oh I like when you say please. Well, Miss Krane, I won’t call you again here, IF you come to the show tonight at The Whiskey. Fair deal?” Fuck, this was not going to my plan at all. “If I don’t go, you’re going to keep calling, aren’t you?” I sighed in defeat. His chuckle was all I needed for my answer, “Bingo! You got it Miss Krane. See you tonight, come to the back, through the right hand side of the stage at nine.” Before I could retort anything, the line went dead, and I defeatedly placed the phone back.
“Anyone important?” Sarah quipped from across the room. She looked at me with a suspicious look in her eyes, I smiled back at her, running a hand through my hair as I re-collected myself. “Oh no, just a sales call, pesky salesman, they just don’t quit.” Well, I wasn’t completely wrong.
It wasn’t long before I was locking up for the day and running home to pick out an outfit to throw on, but nothing I had was fitting and I wasn’t about to show up looking how I did. I knew it was a long shot hoping Kayla was home, but I made my way there and thankfully, her car was in her driveway.
“Lay! I heard you’re coming tonight! I’m so happy!” Kayla jumped as she hugged the damn life out of me as I entered her home, and I groaned against her, but I accepted it. “News travels fast huh?” She laughed as she let go, closing the door behind me. “Well, Nikki told Tommy and Tommy told me! So I came home for awhile cause I figured you would be heading over.” I cocked my hip out and crossed my arms as I looked at her. “You really figured I’d end up here? How predictable am I Kay?” She pulled my arms from me as she she led me to her closet. “I’m your best friend, I know you. I know you have nothing to wear except that one outfit you wore the one time, I know you aren’t going to repeat the outfit, and I know you aren’t going to show up in work clothes as to not tarnish your new “bad girl” image.” Now I laughed at her and the idea of that. “I’m not trying to be a “bad girl” Kay, I just don’t want to look out of place.” She winked at me as she ruffled through her clothes. “Sure Lay, whatever you say. Whatever you did that first night, it was enough to leave an impression on that bassist. I mean, he has other girls around, but they don’t seem to interest him as much as when he seems to be when he asks me about you.” She was grabbing a few dresses from her closet and handing them to me as she went, me following her along.
“I don’t know if I’m supposed to be flattered or disgusted by that.” She took the dresses from me as she finished, but stopped for a moment and looked straight at me. “Look, its a compliment okay? Its fun, we are having fun, so lighten up.” I huffed as I refused an answer to that, and she weighed her options, before handing one to me. “Okay, this is the one you should wear. It’s going to look perfect with my red heels, you better thank god we were born with the same size in damn near everything.”
The choice of the night was a black, velvet, long sleeve, tight fitting, off the should dress that came above the knees, of course. A Kayla staple. “Really? One slip up and my ass is out!” I exclaimed holding it in front of me to see where it ended. “Yeah, that’s the point. It’s going to look a-mazing on you Lay, and he’s going to lose it when he see’s that. Every man will. Look, you’re not used to the male gaze, I get it. But you’re fucking hot okay, so dress like it.” I had given up, fighting was pointless, so I was shutting off my “reasonable” thoughts and just going along, because lord knows that hasn’t led to trouble before.
It wasn’t long before we were at The Whiskey, whisked inside yet again thanks to Kayla, and headed to the back. The nerves in my stomach were flipping, it had been three months since I had been in this environment and seen him, but here we were. Kayla was gone in a instant when she saw Tommy in the back, and I stood awkwardly, looking for something I wasn’t even sure of.
“There you are, I wasn’t sure if my sugar would actually show tonight or not.” I turned to face the towering bassist, his smile radiating down to me and my knees felt much weaker immediately. Fuck this man is pretty.
“Your sugar huh?” He smiled wrapping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer. “Well, I’m sure as hell not letting any other man touch you in here.” I didn’t fight it, because it simply didn't matter, it was Nikki being Nikki, so I went along with it. We sat down on a vacant couch, the sounds of the band currently on stage filling the room as they waited to go on. “So do you want to tell me why its taken three months to see you again?” He asked, placing a hand now on my thigh, rubbing small circles, causing a heat to form immediately in me. “I was busy, some of us have jobs and don’t sleep all day waiting for a gig.” He chuckled, and threw his hair back to try and move it out of his face. I could remark all day that this man was annoying, egotistic, and narcissistic as fuck, but saying he wasn't sexy and had me, and probably many other girls, burning down under would be a goddamn lie. And that feeling scared the shit out of me.
“You say that now, but one day when I’m making more money than everyone but just playing music and drink Daniels for breakfast and dinner, you won’t feel the same, I promise. This band is going somewhere, I bet my life on it.” The look of determination on his face was new to me, his passion for music was inspirational, I’d give him that. He was as dedicated to his craft as he was to drinking and fucking, so that had to amount for something.
“Well Mr. Sixx, I hope you get there one day.” He smiled, it seemed genuine, for once. “Why thank you, Miss Krane.” I crumpled my face as he said my name like that, and he could tell by it that I didn't like it. “You don’t like Miss Krane?” He asked, leaning in closer. “I mean, you’ve been calling me sugar this whole time, just feels weird. Even my closest friends call me Lay and not even Layla.” There was that smug smile again as he closed the gap between us and gently kissed my exposed shoulder, sending electricity down my back.
“Got it, I’ll just stay with Sugar, the sweetest sugar I’ve tasted.” He whispered to me as he placed soft kisses up my neck, his tongue ever so slightly touching, causing an involuntary moan to leave my lips as I tried to keep myself composed. “I know why you wore this little dress tonight, you fucking tease.” He breathed into my ear, his hand slipping up my dress, brushing up against my core, and I immediately grabbed his hand pulling it down. “Nikki! We cant do that here, there are people everywhere.” My breath hitched, and as anxious as I was to have anyone see, I wanted him to shove his fingers deep in and make me a mess right there on the couch. What the fuck where these thoughts I had around him?
“I love how scared you are of being seen, no one cares sugar, but I’ll stop, for now.” He moved his hand down to my knee and he looked me in the eyes, reassuring he had stopped and I tried to compose myself. “But I just know, I’ve been thinking about what that pretty face looks like as I had my cock buried in you last time, and I look forward to doing that once I get off that stage.”
Before I could respond, his lips had found mine, taking them strongly, his tongue wrapping mine and enveloping me. What felt like after centuries, he pulled away, giving me a wink before standing and grabbing his bass, heading to play their set.
I felt like a mess, I was hot, I was wet, but I felt terrified. I was getting myself in way too deep. This was only the second time I had even been around this scene, around Nikki, and I was already his girl in his eyes? If I didn’t get out now, I was going to be trapped, that man was an addiction and I was going to fall in, and I had to get out now.
I found Kayla watching from the side of the stage, blowing kisses to her drummer, gross. “Hey! Isn’t the show great!” She looked jubilant, but her face fell when she could see the obvious life crisis going on on my face. “I’m sorry, I have to go, tell Nikki I’m sorry, but I can’t be here.”
She tried to tell me something, probably something to beg me to stay, but I was determined and marched out the back doors into the night. I had no idea what I was doing, but I was way in over my head. Who was I trying to be? I’m feeling things I’ve never felt and I’m confused now more than ever on who I really am and what I like.
I felt so sure of what I liked and the lifestyle I wanted to live. But the more I tasted Sixx, the more I wanted it. And I’m not sure whether to fight that feeling, or say fuck it and see how badly this was going to burn.
Next Part
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thatnattyice · 2 years
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                                            RECEPTION DETAILS
“When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.”
RECEPTION INTODUCTIONS:  (Song playing: Love You For A Long Time by Maggie Rogers)
Parents of the Groom: Nikki & Dominic Holland Parents of the Bride: Karen Young & Allen Dyer Bridal Party:
Miley Cyrus escorted by Tom Hardy
Melissa Benoist-Egerton escorted by Anthony Mackie
Sophia Bush escorted by Andrew Garfield
Tessa Thompson escorted by George MacKay
Maisie Williams escorted by Bill Skarsgard
Adelaide Kane-O’Brien escorted by Sebastian Stan
‘Ladies and Gents.... please get up on your feet and give a good shout in celebration of the couple of the night..... Mr. & Mrs. Holland!’
The First Dance Tom and Natalia share together as husband and wife is to the song ‘Speechless’ by Dan & Shay.
Dinner post located here ( x ).
Mingling and music happen, while the couple goes table to table after they are done eating.
Afterward, the couple separates and Natalia’s father Allen takes Tom’s place to have the Father & Daughter Dance to the song ‘I Loved Her First’ by Heartland.
Proceeding them, Tom escorts his mother Nikki out to the dance floor for the Mother & Son Dance to the song ‘You’ll Be In My Heart’ by Phil Collins.
The song ‘Everything’ by Michael Buble is played as all the couples in the room are invited to the dance floor to get the dancing started for the evening.
The playlist for the evening is located here ( x ).
The Matron of Honor (Adelaide) is called up to do the first round of speeches.
The Best Man (Sebastian) follows with his speech.
The Fathers of both the Groom (Dominic) & Bride (Allen) then close out the speeches for the evening. 
Song played: Sugar Sugar by the Archies
The Newlyweds cut the cake!
The post for the cake and desserts will be here ( x ). 
Song played for Bouquet Toss: Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It) by Beyonce
Son played for Garter Toss: Hot In Herr by Nelly
A random generator will pick who catches the bouquet and garter!
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1. Tour Love:
Reader is in a band that tours with The Rolling Stones and hits it off with Keith.
2. Playing Nurse:
Keith gets hurt in a party you’re attending, and calls out for you help.
1. How Classy:
Brian and the reader, a groupie, hook up at a party. (smut)
2. Shopping:
Brian is tired after along day of shopping with his girlfriend.
1. Hazey:
Getting high with him.
2. Mick w/ You:
Mick loves you, simple.
3. Grateful;
Mick is just greatful to have you.
1. Mornings
A sweet morning after a night with Paul.
1. I’d Have You Any Time:
Love making, not detailed.
1. First Time:
Ringo takes the readers virginity.
Phone sex with George...
1. Truth or Dare:
It’s the day after a party and Axl, Slash, Duff and the reader decide to play a fun game of Truth or Dare (Smut).
2. I Think I’m Falling For You: 1 - 2 - 3
i. Reader is Slash’s daughter and she and Duff fuck. (Smut)
ii. After confessing, Duff decides to leave his wife to be with reader and Slash finds out.
iii. Duff and reader go and find Slash, they explain what has happened.
3. Take Care Of You Tonight:
You go down on him and Axl walks in. (smut)
4. Movies and Wine:
You get horny and he’s there for you (smut)
1. Morning Sex:
Sex in the early morning with Mr. Rose. (Smut)
2. Vulnerable:
Axl is overwhelmed about him being sued by Erin, causing him to lock himself in his room.
3. Best Friends:
Reader and Axl are besties and after a bad date they confess.
4. Insecurities:
Current age Axl shows his insecure girlfriend how pretty she is. (smut)
5. Stuck in quaratine (Present day Ax);
Netflix n chill situation.
1. Would you mind me calling you my girlfriend?:
The reader and Izzy like each other but won't admit it, so Duff decides to do something about it.
2. Smoke:
Things get interesting when reader and Izzy go out for a smoke.
3. Matters of the heart (x James Hetfield):
Reader cheats on Izzy with James.
1. Ten Years Ain’t Nothing:
Slash is dating reader, who is ten years younger than him, consoling her after she gets hate.
2.It Only Took Him a Song:
Reader is a musician who collabs with Slash, ending in both of them confessing.
3. Caught:
Reader gives him a handjob while watching a movie with the rest of the band at Axl’s place.(smut)
4. My Michelle:
Slash and the reader are dating, and he teaches her “My Michelle” on guitar, she then plays on stage with Guns n’ Roses, and gets drunk with Slash after the show.
5. Shower Sex:
Sex in the shower with Mr. Hudson. (Smut)
6. I’m Leaving: 1 - 2
i. Slash confessing he’s cheated.
ii. Reader makes up with Slash. (smut)
7. Late At Night:
Slash comes to your house drunk.
8. Backstage:
Reader gets horny after watching Slash onstage. (Smut.)
9. Confort:
Reader has a panic attack and he conforts her.
10. Jealousy:
Slash is jealous of Axl. (smut)
11. Gala Session:
Slash gets fingery under the table. (smut)
12. Unexpected Night:
Reader meets Slash.
1. Hidden: 
Reader is Slashs’ little sister and secretly dating Stevie, but Steven is feeling conflicted about not telling his bestfriend which causes some troubles in their relationship. Takes place in their teenage years.
1. Porn Star Moans:
Slash x Reader x Axl threesome. (smut)
1. Dating Steven Adler...
2. Dating current age Axl Rose...
3. Sex with Axl Rose...
4. Dating a member of Guns n Roses...
1. Sleepless Nights:
Reader gets horny at Tommy’s place and Tommy walks in. (Smut)
2. Dazed 1 - 2
i. Angsty Tommy meets you and feels overwhelmed (in a good way) with how you treat him.
ii. Accepting they just cant be together, drunken sex.
1. Starry Eyes:
Reader finds out Starry Eyes is about her.
2. Overdose:
Reader gets a call from Vince saying Nikki had died.
1. Tour Visit:
The Dirt) Reader visits Mick on tour, fluff, pool scene.
2. Worth Waiting for:
Mick gets nervous and babbles his love confession towards the reader.
1. Drunken Confessions:
Reader is Tommy’s little sister and Vince falls in love.
1. Lap Dance:
Rachel is dared to give the reader a lap dance.
1.Unexpected Visitor:
Baz and Rachel’s sister are secretly dating and he walks in the worst time.
2. I Promised
Scotti’s roommate and best friend is crushing on Baz, but makes a promise not to his bandmembers.
1. Pre Show Meetings:
Reader bumps into Rob right before a show.
1. In The Office:
Janik eats his girlfriend on her office. (Smut)
1. Late Night Walks:
Reader can’t sleep so they go for a night walk.
2. Beach Confessions:
Dave tells the reader how he feels about her.
3. Alone Time:
Their alone time is interrumped by the boys.
1. Early Years:
Teen Bruce sneaks into teen reader’s room at night.
2. Just A Few More Weeks:
He’s away on tour and calls you.
1. All About You:
Steve performes oral on you. (smut)
2. One last time:
They love each other.
1. The Roof:
Jim and the reader stay up until sunrise.
1. You over me:
He’s stressed and reader helps him out.
1. Days Like This:
Kurt and reader have a day off and decide to spend it together.
1. Philthy Phil: 1 - 2
i. Reader hooks up with Phil after meeting in a party.  (smut)
ii. They fall in love, break up, and make up.
1. Rainy Days Are The Best Days:
Phil asks reader to marry him.
1. A Joint And A Brush:
Rick and Reader get high and paint outside.
1. The After Show:
Ozzy meets the reader after a show and they fuck, ending in a relationship. (smut)
2. So Good:
Plotless sex.
1. Drunken State:
Jimmy gets home drunk and the reader takes care of him.
2. Morning Takeover:
Fluff with their son.
1. Kisses:
Making out with him.
1. Sex with Johnny...
1. Welcome Home:
He comes home from tour. (smut)
1. Field Trips:
They get dirty in a field. (smut)
1. Don’t you ever leave me:
Based off on the song.
1. Matters of the heart (x Izzy Stradlin):
Reader cheats on Izzy with James.
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petersasteria · 5 years
Secrets - Haz Osterfield (Part 1)
Pairing: Haz x Holland!Reader
Requested? Nah m8
((This is my second time writing this bc the first one literally disappeared and the first one had 1,000+ words on it sdbfgsdmhfvdfssv i want to fucking cry and now this second one is just filled with stuff that i can remember from the previous one adfvsfdghhgkfskvx))
*This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.*
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3 secrets. You and Haz have kept 3 secrets in your whole time of dating. 
1st secret: Dates.
You and Harrison met way before all the fame. Tom has been trying to set you two up for years, but out of all the failed attempts, there was one successful attempt. Like Tom, you are a famous actress and when you and Tom have been cast in a film together, Tom knew that his plan of setting you two up would be easier. Harrison would visit Tom on set often, seeing as he isn’t working for him anymore and you were able to bond more with him.
One day, he finally grew a pair and asked you out on a date. One date turned into two. Two turned into three. After three dates, he finally asked you to be his girlfriend. You obviously said yes and both of you came into agreement that your relationship would be public when it’s getting serious.
2nd secret: Relationship.
After dating and keeping your relationship a secret from your fans for a year and a half, both of you decided that it would be time to tell them. Your first plan was to announce it on Instagram live, but they didn’t really need to announce it that big so you opted for posting a cute picture of you two instead.
Y/IG/N: just wanted to come clean and tell you guys that i’ve been dating him for a year and a half now and i’ve never been happier i love u bitch
To which Harrison comments with: i ain’t ever gonna stop loving u bitch
hazosterfield: dating this girl for a year and a half now x
And you commented: oof we’ve got a long way to go
And indeed you have.
3rd secret: Engagement.
After being together for three years, Harrison is sure that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you. He asked your parents out for lunch one day with Paddy and Sam tagging along, because they were bored at home. Harrison didn’t mind, though. He loved them.
“So, why’d you invite us for lunch, Harrison?” Nikki asks.
“Um,” Harrison nervously starts, “I just want to ask your permission if I could marry Y/N.”
All of their faces were priceless! Paddy and Sam looked at each other in shock, Nikki had tears streaming down her face, and Dom was smiling.
“Of course you have our approval!” Nikki cheers.
“We don’t imagine anyone else with her, but you. You’re a great guy, Harrison. You treat her well. So, what’re your plans?” Dom says.
After planning for a week, it’s finally the day of the party! The venue is at your parents’ house and Harrison told you that the party is for Paddy, because he did something great at school. You found it odd, because you and your brothers never got parties whenever you’ve accomplished something at school. You figured that your parents only did it to Paddy, because he’s the youngest.
You arrive at the party and start to catch up with Sam and Paddy and your parents since you haven’t seen them in such a long time. Everything was going well until Harrison grabbed a mic and said, “Good evening, everyone! I’m Harrison and I’d like to call my beautiful girlfriend of three years, Y/N, to stand here next to me.”
You looked at your family and they told you to just go with it. You stand next to Harrison and he turns to look at you, “I lied. This party isn’t actually for Paddy. It’s for you, because you’re so great and you’re the most amazing girl I’ve ever met. Your family helped me with this and I want to say thank you to them too.” He smiles.
You look at your family and see that Harry has his camera out and has been filming the whole thing.. y’know for remembrance.
“You’ve made me the happiest man for the past three years and I realized that you’re the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I guess what I’m trying to say is,” he gets down on one knee and you look at him in shock, “will you marry me, Y/N?”
You couldn’t say anything, so all you did was nod. This made Harrison smile as he slipped the ring on your finger. He stands up and pulls you into a passionate kiss.
Everyone was cheering and everyone was congratulating you.
You kept the engagement a secret for 3 months. You agreed that you would tell the fans when it’s time to look for a wedding dress. And when it was time, you told the fans on Instagram live before leaving the house with Nikki, Charlotte, and Phil.
The fans were extremely happy for both of you and they were constantly checking up on both of you and your wedding plans. Obviously, the date of the wedding was a secret and it was personal, but you filled the fans in on some information that could be said in public.
Months later, your special day has arrived and it went smoothly and it was perfect.
Out of all the secrets that you’ve had, Harrison was the best and you’re lucky that you’ve found someone like him to be your partner in crime for the rest of your life.
* * * *
-not proofread-
Reblog if you liked it!
Tagging my mutuals: @sweetdespairbarnes @fanficparker @myblueleatherbag @tommysparker @lcvelyparkers 
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axolotlbloddy · 4 months
Tumii Plushie
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axolotlbloddy · 4 months
Ship name: Tumii ✏️💚💖 🎤
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axolotlbloddy · 6 months
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Sketch :v
He just shy and nervous for her
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axolotlbloddy · 6 months
Love Green... Mii x Mii and Tute x Mii
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I'm not a Fan ship of Luca x Akira but I gift for Fan ship of Luca x Akira
I ship Party Phil x Nikki I really sorry 👉👈💦
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