#Nishida's has him and Majima hitting each other with bats
cryingcow · 4 years
Character Story - Yayoi [RGGO]
I’m gonna stop simping over Zhongli for now and post this XD For our next beautiful lady: the one and only surviving sword mom in the series! :D
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Story: After Terada dies, someone needs to be the Fifth Acting Chairman.
Kashiwagi: “Since Terada got murdered and I got attacked and whoever is the leader now would most likely get killed, I would like your son Daigo to be the Fifth Acting Chairman.”
Yayoi: “. . . You’re not exactly being persuasive here.”
|In 2006, five years after getting arrested for violating the Firearms and Swords Act, Dojima Daigo went to Osaka to take revenge against God Ryuji. Daigo, who was excommunicated from the clan and abandoned by his former friends, devotes himself to a life of drinking alone.|
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Daigo: “Oi . . . I’m out of liquor.”
Waiter: “Y-Yes . . . Here you go.”
Daigo: “. . .”
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Yayoi: “. . . Daigo.”
Daigo: “. . . Why did you come here.”
Yayoi: “Even though everything’s over . . . how long do you plan on living like this? It wasn’t Kiryu who killed that person . . . you already know that. Did Kiryu really leave the Tojo Clan? In that case, you shouldn’t be drinking.”
Daigo: “. . . I don’t know what you’re talking about. Please go home.”
Yayoi: “What did you say . . . ?”
Daigo: “Whatever I’m doing has nothing to do with you.”
Yayoi: “Nothing to do with me . . . ? It’s natural for parents to worry about their son.”
Daigo: “Hmph . . . now it’s just the mother’s side.”
Yayoi: “! . . .”
[Daigo gets up and leaves.}
Yayoi: “Daigo . . . !”
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Yayoi: “. . . Mother’s side.”
Yayoi: (. . . It’s no wonder Daigo says that. Since long ago, I and that person have made Daigo feel very lonely because of the clan . . . Now, I’m not the one who can guide that child. Only Kiryu . . . can do it . . .)
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Malicious Catcher: “Good evening Onee-san! What’s with the wrinkles between your eyebrows~? Is something wrong? Do you want to be surrounded by good-looking guys? Huh?”
Yayoi: “Get lost. I’m in a bad mood right now.”
Malicious Catcher: “Huh? Don’t say that, won’t you join us? Well? Come on!”
Yayoi: “Hmph. . . . Don’t complain if you die.”
{Yayoi presumably stabs the guy several times.}
Malicious Catcher: “Hiiii!! M-Murderer!! She isn’t human! Somebody help~!”
Yayoi: “. . . Tch.”
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Yayoi: (What am I going to do with Daigo . . .)
?: “Guh . . . !”
Yayoi: “Hm . . . ?”
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Kashiwagi: “Haa . . . Haa . . .”
Yayoi: “Kashiwagi . . . ?! Kashiwagi, there’s blood on your arm . . . ! Wait right there, I’ll do first aid. Let’s get you to a hospital quick.”
Kashiwagi: “No, it’s fine now. I’m sorry Neesan . . . guh . . . !”
Yayoi: “. . . What on earth happened?”
Kashiwagi: “I was ambushed earlier.  . . . by a killer from the Omi Alliance.”
Yayoi: “Omi . . . ?!”
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Yayoi: “Someone from the Omi Alliance tried to kill you . . . ? What do you mean?”
Kashiwagi: “. . . Actually, the Fifth Chairman was shot today by someone from the Omi Alliance.”
Yayoi: “Terada . . . ?!”
Kashiwagi: “Yes . . . He was immediately transported by an ambulance, but . . . he died.”
Yayoi: “What’s that . . . ?”
Kashiwagi: “The head family will be happy to have support from you, so I was looking for you with regards that matter. But in the middle of doing that, I was attacked by a hitman, and this is what happened. The Omi is trying to crush us in one go.”
Yayoi: “Is that so . . . so why were you looking for me?”
Kashiwagi: “. . . Neesan, I have something to discuss with you.”
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Man with Kansai Dialect: “Found you, Kashiwagi!”
Kashiwagi: “. . . tch. Did they chase me down?”
Yayoi: “Kashiwagi. Is this the guy who hurt you?”
Kashiwagi: “Yeah . . . he caught me off guard.”
Omi Hitman: “This time I’ll stab you, Acting Captain of the Tojo Clan!”
{Yayoi and Kashiwagi kick their ass.}
Omi Hitman: “Damn it . . . !”
Kazama Family: “Boss!”
Omi Hitman: “. . . tch, are those reinforcements?”
{The hitman runs away.}
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Kazama Family Member A: “Wait!”
Kazama Family member B: “Boss! Are you okay?”
Kashiwagi: “Yeah, they just got my arm. You guys . . . don’t tell anyone about this. I want to avoid making the flames of war even bigger.”
Kazama Family member B: “. . . Yes, boss.”
Kashiwagi: “Let’s go somewhere else, Neesan. We can’t talk here.”
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Bar Master: “Take your time . . .”
Yayoi: “. . . So, Kashiwagi. What’s this story you have to tell me?”
Kashiwagi: “. . . I’ll be straightforward. I would like to ask Daigo to be the Fifth Acting Chairman.”
Yayoi: “Daigo as Acting Chairman . . . ?!”
Kashiwagi: “. . . Yes.”
Yayoi: “You . . . after what happened between Daigo and the Omi . . . ?!”
Kashiwagi: “. . . I am well aware of that. The Fifth Chairman was killed, and even I, acting as the Junior Head, was attacked . . . To be the ‘face’ of the head family now would be like walking up to the execution stand.”
Yayoi: “. . . And knowing that, you want to put it on Daigo’s back . . .”
Kashiwagi: “The Tojo Clan is currently a mess. But the Omi will not wait for us. We need someone to be a monolith as soon as possible. To do that, we need a suitable leader. I’m ashamed to say, but it can’t be me. But Daigo is a vessel that people can rely on. He will surely pull the Tojo Clan together. So, I wanted to talk to you about it first. Please . . . please understand.”
Yayoi: “. . . I understand what you’re saying. Then, I have a suggestion. Will you listen?”
Kashiwagi: “A suggestion . . . ?”
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Kashiwagi: “. . . Neesan, is that really okay?”
Yayoi: “Yeah. I’m not going back on my word.”
Kashiwagi: “. . . Understood.”
Yayoi: “But, can you give me some time?”
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Daigo: “Oi! I’m out of alcohol! Bring more quickly!”
Man in Black Clothes: “C-Customer, if you drink too much . . . !”
{Yayoi and Kashiwagi appear.}
Daigo: “?! . . .”
Daigo: “Why is Kashiwagi-san here?”
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Yayoi: “. . . Daigo. There’s something we want to tell you.”
Daigo: “. . . I don’t want to talk to you.”
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Kashiwagi: “Daigo . . . be careful of how you talk.”
Daigo: “Shut up. I don’t want to get involved with anything anymore-”
{Yayoi slaps Daigo.}
Daigo: “Guh?!”
Kashiwagi: “Ah, Neesan . . . !”
Yayoi: “You don’t need to get involved, Kashiwagi. Club Manager, I’m sorry, but I’m going to rampage. Stand up, Daigo. I’m not saying this to you as a parent. I’m just angry with the idiot who drinks alone at this time.”
Daigo: “. . . What did you call me . . . !”
Yayoi: “Come on, clench your teeth!!”
{Yayoi whoops Daigo’s ass.}
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Daigo: “Guh . . . !”
Yayoi: “You’re an idiot. You’re so drunk you can’t even walk properly.”
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Yayoi: “. . . Daigo, Terada’s dead.”
Daigo: “. . .”
Yayoi: “He was killed by men from the Omi Alliance.  . . . There could be war.”
Daigo: “. . . So what. Are you telling me to go back?”
Yayoi: “. . . I’ve decided to become the Acting Chairman. I came here to tell you that.”
Daigo: “Acting Chairman . . . ?! Are you really saying . . . ?!”
Yayoi: “Yes. I’ll be taking over Terada’s position starting today. I will organize the Tojo Clan.”
Daigo: “What are you thinking?! I don’t think that’s sane . . .”
Yayoi: “Of course I’m aware of the danger. But I have no choice but to do this. So . . .”
Daigo: “You . . . I’m wondering what you can do for the clan.”
Yayoi: “. . . Daigo. I’ve been prepared for all this since I became his wife. Now . . . is the time.”
Daigo: “Guh . . . !!”
Yayoi: “. . . I just came by to say this. Let’s go, Kashiwagi.”
Kashiwagi: “. . . Yes.”
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Yayoi: “. . .”
Kashiwagi: “. . . Is it okay, Neesan? Not to tell Daigo the truth.”
Yayoi: “It’s fine.”
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Yayoi: “Then, I have a suggestion. Will you listen?”
Kashiwagi: “A suggestion . . . ?”
Yayoi: “Yes. The position of Acting Chairman . . . I want to take it on.”
Kashiwagi: “Neesan . . . ?!”
Yayoi: “Am I lacking the power?”
Kashiwagi: “. . . No. The breakthrough of the Dojima Family is only possible with the support of Neesan. Everyone knows that. You have a lot of trust from those at the bottom, and the perfect qualities to stand on top . . . I have no complaints. But . . . is that okay?”
Yayoi: “Like Daigo, I too have the qualities to carry the head family on my back. But for that child . . . he needs time to recover. It’s true that it is the role of parents to help their children.  . . . But I can’t do that. So . . . I want to offer up my life to give him that time. This is what I’ll do as the parent of my child.”
Kashiwagi: “. . . Neesan . . .”
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Kashiwagi: “. . . Awkward people, both Daigo and Neesan.”
Yayoi: “Heh . . . that person was the same. Well, let’s go. Isn’t the head family huge? I need to start deciding future policies soon.  . . . I’m counting on you, Kashiwagi.”
Kashiwagi: “Yes. Your humble servant Kashiwagi will do his best to protect you, Fifth Acting Chairman!”
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