#No Amnesty for illegal aliens
thejewishlink · 2 years
Schumer Says to Grant Amnesty to Millions of Illegals to Replace Vanishing U.S. Population
Schumer Says to Grant Amnesty to Millions of Illegals to Replace Vanishing U.S. Population
WASHINGTON (Yaakov M / VINnews) — In a chilling video, Senator Chuck Schumer just admitted that he wants to give amnesty to 11 million illegals, because the US population is not “reproducing on its own. ” In other words, Schumer is replacing the traditional American family with illegals (who will no doubt become Democrat voters). It is not a stretch to believe that this has been the Democrat game…
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naturalrights-retard · 3 months
Illegal aliens who have been living in the United States for at least 10 years, or who have relatives that are U.S. citizens, could soon be granted amnesty by President Biden, who worries that these illegals will "suffer" if they have to be deported.
Similar to President Obama's DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program, the Biden regime is quietly, and some say secretly, cooking up a tall order that will allow millions of illegal aliens in America to be granted amnesty and green cards to stay here forever as if they were legal citizens.
As Democrats continue to lose the black and Latino vote, it would appear as though this newfound plan is part of a large-scale effort to secure more left-wing voters by rewarding border invaders with a free stay in the United States.
"Like the Obama administration did in 2012 with the launch of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, Biden administration officials are also examining whether there's an action they could take for a different group of undocumented people who have long resided in the United States, according to the three people familiar with the administration's planning," Politico reported.
"One idea that has been floated among administration officials is opening access to the cancellation of removal program for people who have lived in the U.S. for over 10 years and have citizen or resident relatives who would 'suffer' if they were deported. If specific requirements are met and an immigration judge approves cancellation of removal, a migrant is able to obtain a green card."
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1americanconservative · 5 months
Charlie Kirk
For Democrats to openly admit they could simply slow the flow of illegals to 5,000 a day or 1,825,000 a year — with James Lankford’s help — shows they are openly mocking us.
It’s a troll. They could stop this invasion immediately.
They simply CHOOSE not to do so. They choose not to enforce immigration law. They choose to let this country be inundated with every kind of criminal and charity case from the rest of the planet because they see a long-term political gain from doing so.
They think Republicans are dumb enough to play along — and incredibly, some of them are. Shut down the government.
Do not legitimize this farce.
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The Senate Amnesty Bill is a nightmare. It gives legal status to illegal aliens who have gamed our system and broken our laws. It rolls out the red carpet for 5,000 illegals EVERY DAY, forever. It’s hard enough to stop the far-left’s state-sponsored invasion of our Southern Border, and it’s even harder when you’re pulling Senator Langford’s daggers out of your back. I oppose the Senate Amnesty Deal and will work to see its defeat.
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cultml · 13 days
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opspro2005 · 1 year
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When they start to talk about an amnesty for how we were treated during the covid hoax, when they call parents and white people terrorists, when they open the border to illegal aliens and enemy combatants, when they demonize patriots, and when they steal our tax dollars to line their own pockets, we need to remember and not let these crimes be memory-holed. We’re at war and we need to start acting like it.
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justbeingnamaste · 1 month
Biden called on Congress “to act” in getting amnesty passed, saying, “The right thing to do is to keep pushing forward until we get it done.”
As Breitbart News reported in 2017, a DACA amnesty would open a surge of chain migration — where newly naturalized citizens can bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the United States — ranging from 10 million to 19 million foreign nationals.
A prior Breitbart News analysis found that a DACA amnesty could cost American taxpayers some $115 billion by opening Obamacare rolls to newly legalized illegal aliens. Meanwhile, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has estimated that such an amnesty would cost taxpayers $26 billion....
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..Give me a break. These have been model citizens.
~ Joe Obama Biden
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bighermie · 1 year
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DHS Chief Mayorkas: Obamacare for DACA Illegal Aliens Now, Amnesty Next https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/04/13/dhs-chief-mayorkas-obamacare-for-daca-illegal-aliens-now-amnesty-next/
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darkeagleruins · 2 months
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mightyflamethrower · 6 months
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There have been more than 8 million illegal entries into the United States since Joe Biden was elected president. He appointed Alejandro Mayorkas as Secretary of Homeland Security, whose apparent prime directive was to destroy the southern border.
That task is precisely what Mayorkas has now accomplished. The result is that the border is neither “porous” nor “problematic,” but nonexistent, kaput, vanished—and by design.
In one of the most surreal experiences in the history of the United States, each night Americans see video clips of thousands of foreign nationals crossing the border en masse with complete impunity—as if the entire corpus of federal immigration law has been dynamited.
But by whom? And why?
As millions of citizens watch this travesty, they hear only from Mayorkas, Biden, and his Pravda megaphone, Karin Jean-Pierre, that the border is “secure”—a Baghdad Bob narrative that they know that we know is an utter lie.
Surely, this deliberate effort to destroy an entire border, to invite in millions of unchecked illegal aliens, and to violate oaths to execute faithfully the laws of the land are impeachable offenses for both Biden and Mayorkas. If not, what are?
Stranger still, Americans have no real idea why these revolutionaries are destroying our border.
Are they nineteenth-century anarchists who want to undermine the United States itself? Are they cynical “Demography is Destiny” and “The New Democratic Majority” leftists who need new dependent Democrat constituents to find votes for agendas that most Americans reject?
Do they want to create billions of dollars in new entitlements and subsidies to grow government, hike taxes, and make the upper middle class pay, as Biden puts it, “their fair share?”
Whatever the cause of this nihilism, there are at least 10 ways their open border is insidiously destroying the United States.
Legal immigration
Does legal immigration still exist? Are we still requiring those who would enter the U.S. legally to provide required documents, undergo audits, and complete background checks?
Is not the current policy de facto punishing those who follow the law by tying them up in bureaucratic red tape for years as we reward unlawful behavior by greenlighting amnesties for lawbreakers?
Is the Biden administration’s policy designed to deflect those from South Korea with MDs, or from Mumbai with PhDs, or from Taiwan with MBAs, by putting their applications on a slow, second-track pathway? Is DEI at work in the sense that America does not want here the accomplished who earned degrees and possess vital skills, as if they are thereby condemned as “privileged?”
Does Biden realize that his legacy of inviting in “surging” millions, in contradiction of the law, will soon erode all support for immigration, legal or otherwise?
Lawless US
Does the utter lawlessness at the border contribute to the general coarseness and current mockery of the rule of law in general—an epidemic that plagues our cities with homelessness, smash-and-grabs, car-jackings, and random assaults?
Is the rationale that if you can walk freely past border security guards, who cares whether you ignore a summons, throw away a traffic ticket, or skip reporting some income?
If the first thing a foreign national does is to violate the law by crossing the border without permission, and the second is to reside illegally in the US, and the third is to apply for some sort of food, housing, medical, legal, or educational subsidy, then is that really the type of new resident we desire?
Apparently, what the United States does not want is the immigration model of old, one in which immigrants applied legally, came here lawfully through authorized ports of entry, and were self-supporting upon arrival.
In other words, it may be hard to shake from Biden’s likely 10 million illegal aliens their initial assumption that, 1) in America, the laws do not apply to them and, 2) their new naïve or guilt-ridden hosts, not themselves, are responsible for their welfare.
Cui Bono?
We suspect the Left and employers welcome illegal immigrants; the more en masse and without audit, the better.
But how do millions simply leave their homes, cross international borders, and get waved on to El Norte? What is the mentality of Mexico that facilitates this mass exodus northward from its neighbors and from itself?
Is Mexico a frenemy?
Do we even care that some $60 billion leaves the U.S. as remittances into Mexico, mostly by illegal residents here who are on state and local subsidies to free up their billions of dollars to support people inside Mexico that Mexico City has no intention of helping?
Is such a gargantuan cash outflow, then, Mexican socialist President Obrador’s cynical idea of payback for supposed historical Yanqui sins? Does he think a new, huge expatriate community will continue to lobby for Mexico to do what it pleases on our side of the border? Does illegal immigration warp U.S. foreign policy itself?
Does anyone worry that among the millions moving northward are hundreds of Mexican cartel functionaries loaded with tens of thousands of pounds of dangerous drugs, fentanyl most prominently?
Do we even care that the U.S. is enriching the cartels through its tolerance of drug importation and alien smuggling? With open borders, are we not abetting the annual 100,000 or so deaths of Americans through overdoses, often by the counterfeiting of fentanyl to resemble less toxic illicit drugs and prescription tranquilizers, sedatives, and painkillers?
Is there any other enemy in the world—Russia, China, or Iran—that has helped kill more Americans than the cartels, along with the culpable Mexican government that deflects cartel criminality and violence northward?
Trashing Citizens
Illegal immigration is insidiously diminishing citizenship by equating illegal aliens with, if not making them preferable to, American citizens. Is there anything an illegal alien cannot do in Biden’s America—work in a campaign, vote in some elections, serve in the military, receive government subsidies? Crisscross international borders without a passport?
To put it another way, why did we expel 8,400 US military personnel for the “crime” of passing on the required but experimental mRNA vaccinations (most of the discharged had natural immunity from prior COVID infections), while we let in millions of foreigners without worrying whether any have been vaccinated for anything, much less have had COVID tests?
Why are we forcing every American to recalibrate, at great expense, their identification to a “Real ID” to ensure security within our airline industry while putting tens of thousands of illegal aliens, without any documents, on flights throughout the country?
Does the Biden administration policy translate into something like, ‘We know and therefore don’t trust Americans, so we must apply airline boarding standards to them that we certainly do not need with more reliable and trustworthy illegal and unaudited aliens?’
Why, in bankrupt cities like New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles, where social services are overwhelmed with thousands of needy citizens, are we imploding such facilities with influxes of illegal aliens?
Do we prefer the latter to the former? Does the Biden administration’s message again read something like, ‘We care more about the health status of those south of the border than our own citizen poor in our own inner cities, so please surge on up?’
Who Pays?
At $34 trillion in debt, and with budget deficits normalizing at near $2 trillion a year, where does America find the hundreds of billions, if not eventually trillions of dollars, to welcome in millions of the unaudited—all in need of immediate no-questions-asked entitlements, and for some years on end?
Is California the model, where currently an estimated half of all illegal aliens reside and 27 percent of the resident population was not born in the U.S.?
California, while experiencing hundreds of thousands of new illegal entries and a $70 billion annual budget deficit, just extended free health care services to non-citizens who entered unlawfully. More than half of the state’s births are already paid for through Med-Cal. One-third of Americans living on assistance live in California. A fifth of the population struggles below the poverty line while the state runs up a $70 billion annual deficit with the nation’s highest income taxes and gas taxes and among the highest sales taxes.
No wonder over a quarter-million upper-middle-class taxpayers flee the state each year, unable to endure a 13.3% non-deductible, top state income tax rate on top of the 37% of their income that goes to the IRS.
No wonder there is a catastrophic current 25% drop in California income tax revenues when a single 1% of households pays 50% of all state income taxes—and is stampeding out of state. Is Governor Newsom federalizing California, or spreading the idea that far too privileged Americans owe the poor of the world massive subsidies as a reward for breaking their laws in coming here?
Ending Deterrence?
There are many reasons why foreign thugs are testing the United States—Putin in Ukraine, the Chinese with a spy balloon over our native soil, Hamas by murdering Israelis, Iran’s satellites by rocketing our military installations and ships abroad.
No doubt our woke, manpower-short military that fled from Kabul, leaving a multibillion-dollar trove of weapons, has lost the ability to deter opportunistic belligerents.
The Biden administration’s obsequious courting of Iran, contextualizing Chinese aggression, and announcing our reaction to a Russian invasion of Ukraine would hinge on whether it was “minor” have all eroded deterrence. Now, in circular fashion, President Obrador no longer fears any reaction to millions from his country swarming into the United States, as he had in the past when Trump pressured him to control his side of the border. That he helped to blow up the border with impunity also, in turn, reminds aggressors abroad that a nation too afraid to protect its own sovereignty can hardly defend that of its allies.
The DEI Narrative
We, the hosts, no longer believe in the melting pot. Instead, cultural Marxists divide America into the automatically victimized, by nature of their nonwhite status, versus the victimizers defined by whatever “white” is conveniently classified at the moment.
Class, history, and individual merit matter not so much in this 24/7 effort to reduce everyone to either oppressed or oppressor.
Under this racist binary, 99 percent of illegal aliens—who will be instantly categorized as the so-called nonwhite—will enter the U.S. with innate claims against the majority. Thus, they will become instantly eligible for everything from affirmative action preferences in hiring and admissions (the Supreme Court ruling will be a minor inconvenience for the Left, in the manner of the easily ignored California Prop 209) to race-based targeted equity programs and subsidies.
And the message we send to the illegal immigrant? Certainly not unity, integration, and assimilation. Instead, we emphasize ethnic, racial, religious, and linguistic differences and fuel such divides. Such separatism pays cultural, social, and economic dividends in such a way that assimilation and integration earn rebuke, if not ridicule.
Cruel Irony?
The woke Left defines America as incurably racist. So how could the nonwhite in the millions possibly flee their home countries, where they compose a majority of the population, only to seek out the one country in the world where they are told toxic “white privilege” is unsurpassed?
Did the millions swarming the Rio Grande not listen to the horror stories of Ilhan Omar or Rashida Tlaib? Do they not read the warnings of systemic this and that from Professor Kendi? Have they been briefed on endemic something by Ta-Nehisi Coates? Are they unaware of the messaging from BLM and Antifa? Were they not warned by President Obrador of the Inferno waiting ahead to the north?
None of the millions apparently wished to be diverted to a quite diverse India, or China, a land of mandated equity, or the inclusionary lands of the homogenously Islamic Middle East.
If the amorality of illegal immigration were not so deleterious to Americans, its absurdity would be laughable.
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The fundamental changes being made to America's civilization and culture are irreversible. There is no going back. Our grandchildren will spit on our graves when they realize our politicians sacrificed THEIR prosperity for a few very questionable political points. And they did it with NO mandate from the people. No one ever sat with their coffee in the morning thinking "Gosh, I wish we had a few more hundreds of thousands of Mexicans, Haitians, and Guatemalans."
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Rep. Jim Jordan responds after Biden says he will hire more Dreamers to curb inflation: 'Hire Americans'
Lawrence Richard
Wed, December 21, 2022 at 5:26 AM EST
The Biden administration is looking to employ more migrants in the coming year to help bolster the economy, but a Republican lawmaker suggested President Biden look at hiring another group of people first: Americans.
While unemployment continues to fall in the post-pandemic months, millions of Americans remain unemployed, and Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, took to Twitter Tuesday to call on President Biden and senior administration officials to consider first putting them to work.
"Why not just hire AMERICANS looking for jobs?" the Ohio Republican asked in a tweet, responding to a report of the Biden administration’s new plan.
On Tuesday, Axios reported President Biden was looking to tackle immigration reform in the coming year and to negotiate with a Republican majority in the House of Representatives.
His plan, according to the report, will include the hiring of more so-called "Dreamers," or "lawfully present" recipients of the Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals program or Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act.
These people are eligible for work authorization in the U.S. as they wait for permanent residency.
According to the report, the Biden administration is looking to tackle two problems with one solution: As up to 14,000 migrants are expected to cross the border daily when Title 42 ends, the Biden administration is looking to get them into the workforce to lower inflation.
Immigration reform is "harder in the divided Congress, but it's so clearly necessary in light of what we're seeing in the job market," Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said in a statement to Axios. "The thing that's underpinning inflation still — that’s driving inflation still — is this tight labor market."
"Immigration is a lever," she added. "We're down a million immigrants a year. That's a workforce that we need."
The upcoming Speaker of the House, likely Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., will determine the legislative agenda and will be responsible for taking up immigration reform — or not.
Title 42 is set to expire on Wednesday, Dec. 2
All I want for Christmas is for Keynesians to finally learn that you can't spend your way into prosperity and economic stability
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deblala · 23 hours
Senators Demand Answers Over Backdoor 'Mass Amnesty' for Illegals
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naturalrights-retard · 2 months
With the clock ticking for the 2024 election, many Democrats in the Senate are urgently calling on President Joe Biden to allow millions of illegal aliens currently living in the United States to become citizens straightaway, that way they can all legally vote this fall.
All illegals with no criminal history – besides breaking into the country, of course – should be immediately granted amnesty, 20 U.S. senators claim, because these illegals have a lot to contribute to the country, including casting their votes for Democrats.
Listed among the 20 senators are usual suspects like Sens. John Fetterman (D-Penn.), Michael Bennet (D-Colo.), Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).
The 20 senators crafted a joint letter to Biden explaining all the economic contributions that these millions of illegals will supposedly make once granted citizenship at warp speed.
The letter also contains numerous recommendations for Biden to follow, one of which involves signing an executive order (EO) to allow illegal spouses of U.S. citizens to work during their green card application process, as well as creating a more streamlined process for DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) recipients to gain non-immigrant status.
"Deporting all such individuals – as former President Donald Trump has threatened to do if reelected – would devastate the American economy and destroy American families," the senators further wrote in their letter.
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hudsonmckenzie · 15 days
Get to know more about Immigration and Nationality Act
In 1952, the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) came into effect. The US immigration law frame work was revised and certain laws were consolidated under the INA. Many of the most important aspects of immigration law are contained in the INA, which has undergone numerous revisions throughout the years.
The United States Code (U.S.C.) places restrictions on the INA. The entirety of the US legal system is included in the US Code. The U.S. Code's Title 8 covers "Aliens and Nationality."
A leading US immigration lawyer in the UK claims that by the mid 1960s, there were more calls for reforming US immigration laws, which were partly attributed to the growing power of the civil rights movement. Immigration at the period was based on the national-origins quota system, which had been in place since the 1920s and assigned a quota to each nationality according to its symbol in previous U.S. census data. The civil rights movement's emphasis on treating everyone equally regardless of race or nationality led many to view the quota system as antiquated and biased. Specifically, the quota system was criticized by Greeks, Poles, Portuguese, and Italians—a growing number of whom were seeking entry into the United States—for favoring Northern Europeans over them.
In actual (and with the advantage of hindsight), the bill conceptualized in 1965 indicated an affected break with past immigration policy, and would have an instant and lasting impact. In place of the national-origins quota accommodation, the act enabled for favorites to be made as per the categories, such as relatives of U.S. citizens or permanent residents, those with skills thought useful to the United States or refugees of violence or unrest. Though it eliminated quotas per se, the system did put caps on per-country and total immigration, as well as caps on each category. Similar to the past, family reunion was a big goal, and the new immigration policy would progressively permit entire families to displace themselves from other nations and set their lives in the U.S.
Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, illegal immigration frequently came up in political discourse because immigrants continued to enter the country mostly by land through Mexico and Canada. The Immigration Reform Act of 1986 attempted to address the problem by facilitating better enforcement of immigration laws and expanding opportunities for lawful immigration. Together, the two amnesty programs for illegal aliens included in the statute chose to pardon about 3 million of them. An further example of immigration law is the 1990 Immigration Act, which expanded and modified the 1965 act to increase immigration to 700,000 overall. In order to further increase the diversity of the immigrant flow, the law also allowed for the admittance of immigrants from "underrepresented" nations.
A resurgence of anti-immigrant sentiment coincided with the economic downturn that beset the nation in the early 1990s, particularly among Americans of lower incomes who were seeking employment and immigrants who were willing to accept lower salaries. Congress addressed border enforcement and immigrant use of social assistance in 1996 when it passed the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act. It is imperative for a US immigration lawyer in the UK to consider the same.
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cultml · 9 months
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maddmann8128 · 22 days
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garythingsworld · 24 days
Majority of Likely 2024 Voters Prefer Deporting Illegal Aliens Over Granting Amnesty | The Gateway Pundit | by Cassandra MacDonald
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