#Nocturne Blade (Mihawk)
ikkaku-of-heart · 1 month
💛 The vampire ball brainrot is so strong that I legit had a dream last night about vampire Mihawk deciding that Zoro's not getting strong enough to defeat him fast enough and he's getting impatient. So he wrecked the little cottage he and Ikkaku built together and kidnapped her as motivation for Zoro to defeat him, and he actually ends up biting Ikkaku in front of him to make it clear he's serious.
This stupid dream has been burned into my mind since I woke up and will not leave me alone! I don't know what's up with my brain lately but I just need to scream at someone about this.
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ikkaku-of-heart · 1 year
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Ok, so headcanon - Law and Shachi are the ones who initially taught her how to use the sword as a basic weapon because every pirate should know the basics. Per chatting with @goshiikkuburcdo​, Mihawk gave her some additional lessons during the time Law was a warlord because her stubbornness amused him. But she still rarely went with swords as her main weapon
Then Zou happened, and half the Straw Hats ended up traveling with the Hearts to Wano. And along the way Ikkaku, desperate to become stronger for Law so he’d trust her and the crew to help him in future battles, asks Zoro to train her.
And that’s how she learns two-sword style.
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ikkaku-of-heart · 5 months
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"On one hand, I totally believe that Mihawk doesn't have any biological kids because unlike most men at sea, he's capable of keeping it in his pants. Plus, it is pretty hard to imagine him with a baby."
A mischievous smirk crossed her face. "But it's not impossible. Guess we'll know for sure if the baby starts swinging a sword around and being an introverted, goth misanthrope."
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ikkaku-of-heart · 6 days
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@goshiikkuburcdo asked: 📱 Send 📱 to see how my muse has yours in their phone!
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Contact: The Count (Ah-Ah-Ah) Ringtone: Vampire - People in Planes Image:
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ikkaku-of-heart · 8 months
Masquerade Starter for @goshiikkuburcdo
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Most women wouldn't be bold enough to walk up to the World's Greatest Swordsman, drink in hand and an exasperated look on her face. But then again, Ikkaku wasn't a normal woman. Or at least, her relationship with Mihawk wasn't that of most women. An odd companionship that had started during Law's shichibukai days had grown familiar and almost familial, with the engineer earning far more tolerance and even some affection than most others could even dream.
"I know you're not the party type, but are you really planning on standing in the corner all night, glaring at everyone? Isn't this supposed to be your party?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at Mihawk. Though, it was mostly in jest. If she had to guess, this whole shindig wasn't Mihawk's idea, even if it was being hosted in his castle by the organization he was surely leading, because there was no way the likes of Buggy the Clown was actually calling the shots, right?
Shaking her head, she knocked back the rest of her drink. The clown was actually part of why she came over in the first place. "And let me guess; you're going to glare at everyone who asks you to dance, right?" Ikkaku continued, rolling her eyes. "I hate to tell you this, but your clever plan isn't working the way you're hoping. Mostly because your 'boss' is making claims that you can't dance. And for reasons I'm still not convinced aren't eldritch powers, people seem to believe the words that come out of his mouth."
An idea popped into the engineer's head, and a smirk pulled at her lips as she held out her hand. "I think you should prove him wrong, and wouldn't you know it? My dance card has an opening." Ikkaku's voice dropped low to ensure only Mihawk would hear. "You'd be doing me a solid, too; Hawkins is here, and you're one of maybe five men he won't try to kill for being near me. And the only one of those five that I actually like. So, may I have this dance? Please?"
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ikkaku-of-heart · 11 months
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“I’ve got plenty of good role models! I just didn’t realize when I agreed to some swordsmanship lessons I’d be signing adoption papers. You do this often, Mihawk?”
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ikkaku-of-heart · 1 month
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@aamaranthiine asked: How many shots would it take for Mihawk, hmm? (3some maybe? o3o LOL) Send “How many shots would it take for you to sleep with ___ ?” questions for my muse’s response! (Always Accepting!)
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"For Mihawk?" This one had her thinking. "Well, he does have that hot vampire aesthetic going, so he could easily pass for a character from one of my smutty novels. Alright, three shots, and that's mostly so I have an excuse to fall back on if it turns out I'm not his type." A threesome she'd probably need at least four or five lol.
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ikkaku-of-heart · 4 months
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"Awwww but Mihawk! You could use them as training dummies! Get yourself a Doflamingo sculpture, a Buggy sculpture, maybe a few other people that piss you off..."
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ikkaku-of-heart · 4 months
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Ikkaku is making a pair of shirts that have "You don't wear shirts with this deep a v-neck and suck at sex" printed on them and is giving one to Law and one to Mihawk. For reasons (mostly making Shanks jealous lol).
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ikkaku-of-heart · 4 months
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@goshiikkuburcdo asked:😏 (solely for the chaos) send me  ‘ 😏 ’  and my muse will honestly answer the following q’s: (Still Accepting!)
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How physically attracted they are to your muse: "Gods, you have one wet dream about a guy...fine. We'll pretend he hasn't basically adopted me. He's a 10/10 on the attractiveness scale." She refuses to answer if that refers to her being attracted to him.
How romantically attracted they are to your muse: "0/10."
How often they would like to have sex with yours: "I imagine it mostly when I'm feeling neglected and horny, so not that often."
Where they would most likely have sex with yours: "If we banged, I figure it would be in the library or on the training grounds."
Whether they think yours would be  “good”  in bed: "I mean, Shanks has to keep coming back for a reason, right? So, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt."
What titles / nicknames my muse would like to call yours during sex: "I'd call you 'Daddy' or 'Count' just to piss you off."
Up to 3 kinks they would like to explore with yours  ( with consent of course ): "Biting and knifeplay. Alright, fine, and bloodplay. Happy?"
What sort of sex they’d prefer to have with yours  ( slow & sensual, quickie, etc. ): "With you, I imagine we'd be drunk or hyped up from a fight. So spontaneous and inebriated."
What type of relationship my muse would like to form with yours. ( typical couple, friends with benefits, etc. ): "Listen this is already weird so I'm gonna take the L and just help myself to Mihawk's wine cellar. He owes me for this."
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ikkaku-of-heart · 1 year
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“I will gladly build a muzzle that will fit over any and every nose size and also gag the subject. Pretty sure doing such a good deed qualifies me for godhood, right? Or at least sainthood.”
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ikkaku-of-heart · 8 months
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@goshiikkuburcdo asked: 🔥 send me a 🔥 and i'll tell you one thing my muse finds attractive about yours (Still Accepting!)
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"Hands down, your sense of style. I mean, there are too many pirates out there who just don't understand the importance of having an aesthetic, but by the Old Ones, you do! The hat, the dramatic coat with no shirt, the hat, the cross necklace that's actually a knife, the hat...yeah, the hat's a big part of it."
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ikkaku-of-heart · 8 months
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@waxgentleman asked: *Cleaning the eyes with a fancy napkin.* Oh—Milady Ikkaku. To be considered that? oh my—my oh my!! my eyes are filling with tears, ga ne! Really? I—I—! One moment. Snif snif! Okay okay! Y—You think that high of me, ga ne? I should revise my opinion on you! That's truly a honor!! Boss's butler? Snif sniif sniif
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Ikkaku blinked. Then blinked again, only this time more slowly, utterly bemused. Yes, she'd called Mr. 3 Mihawk's butler a few times, but she hadn't expected this kind of reaction.
"Are...are you crying?" she asked, tilting her head to the side, peering at the wax user. By the Creator Turtle, he was! It was utterly befuddling. Ikkaku couldn't really say she'd meant it as a compliment, though she supposed she couldn't really say it was an insult, either. It had been meant solely to sass the World's Greatest Swordsman, who for whatever reason seemed to put up with her cheekiness (and enjoy it when it was directed at other people). A way to point out that, despite his antisocial behavior and solitary lifestyle, he'd somehow managed to attract yet another person to his side, this one especially devoted to serving him.
Welp. Different strokes for different folks, it seemed. If being referred as Mihawks' bulter made him happy, Ikkaku saw no reason not to keep calling him that. Not that she'd been planning to stop in the first place. And she did enjoy being called "Milady Ikkaku."
More importantly, keeping him happy and giving him a high opinion of her might just keep the former assassin from kidnapping her or something someday at the behest of a certain obsessed Magician he'd become buddies with. Because she'd definitely prefer Mr. 3 be devoted to Mihawk over Hawkins.
Patting Mr. 3's shoulder, Ikkaku grinned a bit awkwardly. "Hey, you do a good job looking after Mihawk. You've earned it. Keep up the great work! He might not always admit it, but I know he appreciates your efforts deep down." Well, maybe not, but if Mihawk didn't like it, his "butler" likely would have been cut to pieces or thrown into the sea a long time ago. So, he clearly didn't dislike having Mr. 3 at his beck and call. And really, that was all that mattered.
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ikkaku-of-heart · 8 months
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Regardless of anything Mihawk or Mr. 3 say, Ikkaku will always consider him Mihawk's butler.
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ikkaku-of-heart · 1 year
It will never not be funny to me how grumpy, dark characters end up drawn to Ikkaku. She’s not even trying to endear herself to them most of the time. They just go “I’ve only known this sunshine, sassy grease monkey for a day and a half but if anything were to ever happen to her I would kill everyone on the island and then myself.”
The only problem is the potential custody battle between Law and Mihawk.
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ikkaku-of-heart · 10 months
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@goshiikkuburcdo​ asked: Dracule Mihawk
Drop your Muse’s name in my inbox and I’ll reveal my Muse’s opinion of them... (Still Accepting!)
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Most admirable quality: “Your patience. I mean, you spent how many years as a warlord dealing with the likes of Joker, the Marines, and Buggy? Buddha's got nothing on you.” Most attractive physical feature: “Gotta be honest, the piercing eyes are pretty damn attractive.” Most annoying habit: “Does leaving scars on my boyfriend count? Because you’ve done that at least twice now. That’s definitely becoming an annoying habit.” Something they would like to do with them: “I...wouldn’t say no to some sword training, actually. I’ve been getting more into it as of late. I also would be totally down for wine and book club.”
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