#Not applicable currently on 99.6
axisindia2023 · 1 year
Cable lugs & their types: Which one is the right one?
Cable lugs are an essential component of any electrical system, used to connect cables to electrical equipment and other wires. They come in various types, each designed for specific applications and requirements. Copper cable lugs are one of the most common in electrical systems.
In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at cable lugs and their styles and help you choose the right one for your application.
What are Cable Lugs?
Cable lugs are metal connectors attached to the ends of cables to connect them to other wires or electrical equipment, typically made of copper, aluminum, or brass, which are good conductors of electricity and can handle high current levels.
Copper cable lugs are an ideal choice for electrical connections.
Types of Cable Lugs
1) Copper Lugs: Copper lugs are ideal in large gauge applications for power draw or grounding. The wire can be soldered or crimped to each copper lug. One end of the copper lug takes the cable by soldering, welding, or crimping, depending on the type of lug used. The other end of the copper lug is secured to a matching termination or connection point by a bolt, screw, or spring clip.
2) Aluminium Lugs: Aluminium lugs are manufactured from the solid aluminium rod using high conductivity (99.6% pure) aluminium. The lugs are forged from solid material and are suitable for outdoor use (as the palm ends are sealed).  The Aluminium Lugs are supplied with jointing compounds in the barrels and sealed with an end cap. We have a list of standard sizes but can manufacture according to the requirement. Crimping takes place with hex dies and usual aluminium cable preparation.
3) Bimetallic Lugs: Axis bimetallic lugs made of Friction welding establish the highest quality connection between the copper palm and the Aluminum barrel.
Bimetallic Lugs are used in Solar Plants to connect aluminium conductors to copper busbars in a range of electrical applications such as control panels, switchgear, and combiner boxes.
Choosing the Right Cable Lug
Choosing the right cable lug depends on several factors, such as the cable size and type, the electrical equipment connected, and the environmental conditions of the application.
Here are a few key considerations to keep in mind when selecting the appropriate cable lug for your application:
Cable size and type: Make sure to choose a cable lug designed to fit the size and type of used cable. Using the correct cable lug size or kind can result in a good connection preventing electrical hazards.
Voltage and current rating: Choose a cable lug that is rated to handle the voltage and current of your electrical system. Using a cable lug with a lower rating can result in overheating and damage to the equipment, while using a cable lug with a higher rating may be unnecessary and increase the cost.
Material: The material of the cable lug should be selected based on the environmental conditions of the application. For example, if the application is corrosive, a copper cable lug may be the preferred choice.
Installation method: Consider the installation method of the cable lug, as this can impact the ease and reliability of the connection. Crimped cable lugs are generally quicker and easier to install than soldered ones but may be less reliable in specific applications.
Standards compliance: Ensure that the cable lug you choose complies with applicable industry standards. Axis Lugs are UL & cUl approved and have corrosion-resistant tin plating.
Cable lugs are essential to any electrical system, and choosing the right one for your application is crucial to ensuring a reliable and safe connection.
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mcatmemoranda · 4 years
Subjective: Patient without complaints. Denies nausea or vomiting, dizziness, lightheadedness, fever, chills, and abdominal pain. Pt. tolerating sips of clears, has been OOBTC. Objective: Gen: A&Ox3, NAD VS: T= 99.6, BP 120/80, HR 80, RR 12, O2 Sat.=98% I/O: 500/300 over 4 hours, I=400 D51/3NS@100cc/hr, 100 PO / O=300cc urine HEENT: sclerae anicteric, conjunctivae pink, mucous membranes moist Neck: no JVD Lungs: CTA B/L, no wheezes/ronchi/rales Heart: S1S2 RRR, no M/R/G Abdomen: normal active bowel sounds, soft, NT/ND, no rebound/guarding/rigidity, dressings clean/dry/intact Extremities: warm, capillary refill less than 2 sec, 2+ distal pulses, no clubbing/cyanosis/edema Labs: Meds: Cefoxitin d#1, 1g IV q8 Demerol 75mg IM q4h prn pain until 2/9 4pm Vistaril 25mg IM q4h prn pain with Demerol until 2/9 4pm Tylenol #3 1tab PO q6h prn pain Compazine 10mg IM q8h prn nausea, may give two doses only Assessment: 42 year old female POD#0 s/p laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis, stable, afebrile, on Cefoxitin d#1. Plan: -transfer to regular room
-continue cefoxitin 1g IV q8h
-continue D51/3NS@100cc/hr
-continue demerol, vistaril, T#3 prn
-advance diet as tolerated
The sample note outlined above takes only a few minutes to write but that should not belie its importance. Many people will read your notes and rely on them as sources of information from nurses, to covering doctors, to consultants, to attendings. Notes are not a mere secretarial exercise, they are an important communications link and provide an impetus for you to evaluate your patients and consider their future care. That said, the postoperative note need not be exhaustive, rather it should focus on the most pertinent issues related to your patient, their disease process, and the procedure they underwent.
The subjective portion should note any patient complaints (which should later be addressed in the plan) and should elicit relevant information. After a cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis you should be concerned about subjective fever or chills, which may indicate persistent infection, excessive abdominal pain which may indicate intraabdominal hemorrhage or bile peritonitis, and dizziness or lightheadedness which may indicate hypovolemia. While none of these complaints would be diagnostic, eliciting them allows you to address the concerns of the patient and helps direct your attention when you review the objective data. The patient's ability to sit in a chair and tolerate PO intake will impact your plan for early mobilization and advancement of diet and should thus be noted.
The objective portion of the postoperative note should include a focused physical exam, vital signs, intake and output, lab results, and a clear list of the medications the patient is taking. The physical exam should always include a review of mental status, cardiopulmonary status (lungs, heart, peripheral perfusion or edema, JVD), and incisions and drains (where applicable). After abdominal surgery a careful abdominal exam should be performed and other signs or symptoms relevant to the case at hand should be noted. For example, after biliary tract surgery the presence or absence of jaundice should be noted. Vitals, I+Os, and lab results are obviously valuable in the identification or exclusion of postoperative complications such as bleeding or persistent infection while a medication list is invaluable to any covering or consulting physicians.
The assessment and plan should include a formulation of the current status of the patient and an outline of the next steps in treatment. The postoperative note does not need to address long-term plans for the patient; these are made on rounds and elucidated in daily progress notes. The post-operative check should assess for postoperative complications and allow any necessary adjustments to be made in a timely fashion. The accompanying note should express the evaluation and adjustments clearly and succinctly.
Source: http://d3tfb844wwci5y.cloudfront.net/assets/chole/html/h16.html
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damiencordle · 5 years
Amazon, Google, AI and us: Are we too close for comfort?
Beyond facial recognition, we're giving smart devices and platforms our intimate biometric details.
Computers aren't just getting smarter, they're studying us more closely too. Whether it's in the name of public safety, fraud protection or simple convenience, we're feeding AI systems details that identify us and track our comings and goings.
Equipped with electronic ears, eyes and brains, a sea of devices now monitor human activity and characteristics. The list includes everything from smart speakers, laptops and phones, to even doorbells and locks. You may not have noticed this trend, but it's real, and growing.
CNET has spent the last two weeks documenting the current state of facial recognition technology, but that's just one method of gathering data directly from your person. Here are a few examples of how other biometric technologies have seeped into the fabric of daily life, and where things could go next.  
Fingerprint readers everywhere
Devices that can read, capture and match fingerprints to specific individuals have been with us for decades. In 1969, the FBI began looking at ways computers could help facilitate fingerprint identification.
Back then the idea was to free as many FBI staff members as possible from this tedious, labor-intensive task. By 1975 the Bureau's efforts, aided by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, led to a functional fingerprint scanner prototypebased on capacitive sensors.
Now fast forward to 2013. That's when biometrics truly became mainstream, designed for consumer convenience, not only serious crime fighting. That year Apple integrated its Touch ID fingerprint reader into the iPhone 6, 6 Plus, and 5S. It also placed the security system in its new iPad models.
Since then both Google and Microsoft have launched similar identification solutions. Examples include Pixel Imprint for Google's Pixel phones, and Windows Hello available on Microsoft Surface laptops and tablets. Other device makers have adopted fingerprint reader technology as well. On this list of high-end handsets are the Motorola G7, OnePlus 6T, Samsung Galaxy S10, and Sony's Xperia XZ3.
All these phones, save the OnePlus 6T and Galaxy S10, use capacitive readers. They harness the same principle that the FBI did to build its early fingerprint scanner. Capacitors in the scanner measure fingertips for slight differences in electrical conductivity. The scanner then forms a finger ridge pattern from these differences.
The OnePlus 6T is quite different. Its sensor is optical, essentially a tiny camera that takes photos of fingertips. Since it creates flat, 2D images, this reader is relatively easy to fool. Not so with the Galaxy S10's ultrasonic sensor.
The S10 actively pings your finger with sound waves when it's touched, These waves bounce off skin and back to the reader for analysis. With that data, it constructs a detailed 3D image that's tougher to duplicate or spoof.    
They know your voice
The smart speaker's rise in popularity is undeniable. The number of US smart speaker users is expected to swell to 76.5 million by 2020. According to eMarketer, that's up from 16 million in 2016, a compounded annual growth rate of 47.9%.
Amazon's Echo products with Alexa onboard still represent the lion's share of these gadgets. Google Assistant though is in hot pursuit. And as the companies compete for market share, the capabilities of both voice assistants has steadily increased.
hese speakers don't just listen out for your spoken commands. They can recognize, and distinguish between the voices of individual home members. That enables them to deliver personalized responses and results to match specific people.
It's a neat trick that comes in handy when you want a rundown of your personal schedule, tasks, shopping lists and so on. For this to work, you'll need to train these systems. And that means providing them with numerous voice samples. The audio snippets then find their way to remote servers for comparison, identification, fast retrieval and storage.
The eyes can't lie
Like fingerprint readers and voice recognition, iris-scanning technology has slowly crept into ordinary life. The iris, the pigmented area of the eye outside the pupil, is unique from person to person. Even individuals with the same genetic makeup -- identical twins, for instance -- will exhibit distinct iris patterns dissimilar from each other. That makes the allure of this identity confirmation technique strong.
The potentially high speed and accuracy of iris scans is also compelling. A typical scanning system consists of a digital video camera, a low-energy infrared light emitter, plus hardware and software processing.
The scanner emits an invisible IR light beam that illuminates the iris briefly. The system records the iris colors and other unique features. It then breaks the pattern down into a 256 byte code. An unknown individual's iris code is compared with a database of enrolled codes. The entire scanning, matching and recognizing process takes just a few seconds.
Some consumer devices have included iris-scanning features for years. Samsung chose Qualcomm's 3D Sonic fingerprint reader for the Galaxy S10, but the Samsung Galaxy S7, S8 and S9 phones all shipped with iris-based identification systems.
In 2017, Qualcomm entered a license agreement with iris-based authentication company Eyelock. That could be a sign this access control method will soon find a home on Qualcomm mobile processors and platforms.
Two hearts don't beat as one
Basic heart rate monitors have been a standard feature of fitness trackers and smartwatches for years. A few new devices such as the Apple Watch 4, take things a step further. Instead of merely recording heart rate, they also can take electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) readings. This enhanced data allows the trackers to sense your heart rhythm.
EKG data is useful for many reasons. The first is greater awareness of heart health. Armed with these upgraded sensors, wearable devices can detect and alert you of potentially dangerous situations. That includes abnormal or irregular heart rhythm and even atrial fibrillation.
Another way heart rhythm is useful is its potential for biometric identification. According to company Bionym, each person's heart rhythm and EKG characteristics are unique. Bionym says that's a result of differences in heart size, position, shape, muscle conductivity and so forth. The Nymi band, a watch-sized wearable device, is Bionym's heart rhythm authentication solution.
Bionym envisions the Nymi to serve as an ultra secure biometric key. Each Nymi is linked to only one individual user and their unique EKG identification profile. Worn by its owner, the Nymi is designed to offer authorized access for registered individuals only.
Potential applications include controlling entry to sensitive office and laboratory facilities, along with tools, equipment and digital accounts. At the moment the Nymi appears targeted at enterprise customers, though it's conceivable products like the Apple Watch 4 might one day offer similar features to ordinary consumers.
Following your footsteps
It's easy to see how physical features like fingerprints can identify individuals, but what about the way you walk? Researchers at Shinshu University in Tokida, Japan have examined exactly that.
They paid close attention to the way the foot makes contact with the ground while walking. Specifically they observed the timing of heel-strike, roll to forefoot and the final push off of the toes. They also recorded pressure levels exerted by the foot during the process.
Ultimately the scientists found that these dynamic foot pressure patterns were unique to specific individuals. In fact, they were able to identify particular people using the technique with an accuracy rate of 99.6%.
Wearable technology company Motiv plans to take gait recognition out of the realm of pure research. Its $199 Motiv Ring is packed with numerous sensors to measure physical activity and biometric data. It tracks the steps you take, heart rate, and sleep time. Motiv also touts the Ring as a frictionless security device, one that provides 24/7 authentication for online accounts and transactions.
Most interesting though, is the Ring's WalkID feature. It uses the device's internal accelerometer to figure out your individual gait, and determine whether you're the person actually wearing the Ring. Currently the function remains in experimental beta. That said, it's open to all Motiv Ring owners to give it a spin.  
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awesomechrisharry · 3 years
Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic Market (2021-2026) | Latest COVID19 Impact Analysis | Know About Brand Players: MARUWA, Ortech Advanced Ceramics, Kyocera, Anaren
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"The global Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic industry better, the study provides balanced information along with historical and forecast data. The study offers a detailed overview of the important factors projected to drive the increase in demand for Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic. This research also includes a thorough overview of the possibilities along with the latest trends seen in the target market."
The global Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic market is expected to surge at a steady CAGR in the coming years, states the latest Report Acquire Market Research report. The report begins with the market summary, Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic trade chain structure, former and current market size in conjunction with Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic business opportunities in coming back years, an increase in technological innovation, offer demand and lack, numerous drivers and restraining factors pull the industry setting. The study on the market is looked at from the futuristic development perspectiv. The publication offers an insightful take on the historical data of the market and the milestones it has achieved. The report also includes an assessment of current market trends and dynamics, which helps in mapping the trajectory of the global Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic market. Analysts have used Porter’s five forces analysis and SWOT analysis to explain the various elements of the market in absolute detail. Furthermore, it also studies the socio-economic factors, political changes, and environmental norms that are likely to affect the global Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic market.
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It outlines recent market dynamics, development over the last decade, and upcoming opportunities for the business. In-depth information about the growth, developments, and industry policies and regulations implemented in each of the geographical regions is presented in the analysis. The study also includes information on the funds developed by various organisations and industries.
Top Key Players Profiled in this report are:
MARUWA, Ortech Advanced Ceramics, Kyocera, Anaren, CeramTec, Rogers Germany, Chaozhou Three-Circle, CoorsTek, Nikko, ICP TECHNOLOGY, Leatec Fine Ceramics
Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic Market Segmentation:
By Product Type
96% Alumina Ceramic Substrates, 99.6% Alumina Ceramic Substrates, 99.9% Alumina Ceramic Substrates
By Application
Power Electronics, Electronic Packaging, Hybrid Microelectronics, Multi-Chip Modules, Others
Report Highlights:
Comprehensive overview of regional and global markets.
Shifting market dynamics in the global Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic market.
In-depth segmentation of market.
Detailed growth prospects and future trends in the global Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic market.
Historical, recent, and estimated market size in terms of value and volume.
Recent and future industry trends as well as developments.
Competitive scenario of Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic market.
Strategies of major key players and products offered by them.
Potential as well as niche segments, geographical regions offering promising growth.
A impartial perspective on Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic market performance.
Must-have insights for market players to sustain and improve their Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic market footprint.
Get 30% Discount on this Report @ https://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/discount-request/376474/
Geographically, the Global Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic Market is designed for the following Regional Markets:
North America (USA, Canada and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia etc.)
Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, and South Africa)
Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic Market Analysis Report Forecast 2021-2026
If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as per your requirements.
For More Information, Inquire @ http://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/enquire-before/376474
The content of the study subjects, includes a total of 14 chapters:
Chapter 1 describes Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic product/service scope, market overview, market opportunities, market driving force, and market risks.
Chapter 2 profiles the top manufacturers of Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic market, with product pricing, sales, revenue and global market share of Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic.
Chapter 3 analyses the Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic competitive situation, sales, revenue. The global Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic market shares of top manufacturers are analyzed emphatically by landscape contrast.
Chapter 4 showcases the Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic breakdown data at the regional level, to discuss the sales, revenue, and growth by regions.
Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 emphasize the sales data at the country level, with sales, revenue, and market share for key countries in the world.
Chapter 10 and 11 explain the segments by sales under type and application, with market shares and growth rate under each category.
Chapter 12 depicts Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic market forecasts by region, type, and application, with sales and revenue projections, from 2019 to 2026.
Chapter 13 and 14 describe Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic sales channel, distributors, customers, research findings and conclusion, appendix, and other data sources.
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lakhancdi · 4 years
A new business intelligence report released by Contrive Datum Insight with the title Global Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic Market 2020 by Manufacturers, Type and Application, forecast to 2027 is designed with an objective to provide a micro-level analysis of the market. The report offers a comprehensive study of the current state expected at the major drivers, market strategies, and key vendors’ growth. The report presents energetic visions to conclude and study the market size, market hopes, and competitive surroundings. The research also focuses on the important achievements of the market, Research & Development, and regional growth of the leading competitors operating in the market. The current trends of the global Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic market in conjunction with the geographical landscape of this vertical have also been included in this report.
The Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic market was valued at xx Million US$ in 2019 and is projected to reach xx Million US$ by 2027, at a CAGR of xx% during the forecast period. In this study, 2019 has been considered as the base year and 2020 to 2027
Different leading key players have been profiled to get better insights into the businesses. It offers detailed elaboration on different top-level industries which are functioning in global regions. It includes informative data such as company overview, contact information, and some significant strategies followed by key players.
The Top Key Players include: MARUWA, Anaren, Rogers Germany, Kyocera, Nikko, CoorsTek, CeramTec, Ortech Advanced Ceramics, ICP TECHNOLOGY, Chaozhou Three-Circle, Leatec Fine Ceramics
The global Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic market is the professional and accurate study of various business perspectives such as major key players, key geographies, divers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges. This global research report has been aggregated on the basis of various market segments and sub-segments associated with the global market.
Global Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic Market Key Segments:
On the Basis of Type: 96% Alumina Ceramic Substrates, 99.6% Alumina Ceramic Substrates, 99.9% Alumina Ceramic Substrates
On the Basis of Application: Power Electronics, Electronic Packaging, Hybrid Microelectronics, Multi-Chip Modules, Others
On the Basis of Region:
 North America  Europe  Asia-Pacific  Latin America  Middle East and Africa (MEA)
Research Snapshot:
 Historic Period: 2014 - 2018  Base Year: 2019  Forecast Period: 2020-2027
Geographically, the global Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic market has been analyzed in various regions such as North America, Latin America, Middle East, Asia-Pacific, Africa, Europe, and India. The global Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic region is dominating this market in the upcoming future.
The study objectives of global market research report:
 To analyze the global Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic market on the basis of several business verticals such as drivers, restraints, and opportunities  It offers detailed elaboration on the global competitive landscape  To get an informative data of various leading key industries functioning across the global regions  It offers qualitative and quantitative analysis of the global Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic market  It offers all-inclusive information of global market along with its features, applications, challenges, threats, and opportunities
The major key questions addressed through this innovative research report:
 What are the major challenges in front of the global Alumina Ceramic Substrates in Electronic market?
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aluminum-supplier · 4 years
Classification of aluminum plates
. 1000 series represents 1050 1060 1070 1000 series aluminum plates are also called pure aluminum plates. Among all series, the 1000 series belongs to the series with the most aluminum content. The purity can reach more than 99.00%. Because it does not contain other technical elements, the production process is relatively simple and the price is relatively cheap. It is currently the most commonly used series in conventional industries. The 1050 and 1060 series are currently mostly circulating on the market. The minimum aluminum content of the 1000 series aluminum plate is determined according to the last two Arabic numerals. For example, the last two Arabic numerals of the 1050 series are 50. According to the international brand naming principle, the aluminum content must reach 99.5% or more to be a qualified product. my country's aluminum alloy technical standard (gB/T3880-2006) also clearly stipulates that the aluminum content of 1050 reaches 99.5%. Similarly, the aluminum content of 1060 series aluminum plates must reach 99.6% or more.
Two 2000 series aluminum plates represent 2A16 (LY16) 2A06 (LY6) 2000 series aluminum plates are characterized by higher hardness, of which the copper content is the highest, about 3-5%. 2000 series aluminum plates are aviation aluminum materials, which are not often used in conventional industries. At present, there are few factories producing 2000 series aluminum plates in my country. The quality cannot be compared with foreign countries. Currently imported aluminum plates are mainly provided by South Korean and German manufacturers. With the development of my country's aerospace industry, the production technology of 2000 series aluminum plates will be further improved.
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Three 3000 series aluminum plates represent 3003 3003 3A21. It can also be called anti-rust aluminum plate. my country's 3000 series aluminum plate production technology is relatively excellent. The 3000 series aluminum plate is made of manganese as the main component. The content is between 1.0-1.5. It is a series with better anti-rust function. It is commonly used in humid environments such as air conditioners, refrigerators, and undercars. The price is higher than the 1000 series. It is a more commonly used alloy series.
Four 4000 series aluminum plates The representative is 4A01 4000 series aluminum plates belong to the series with higher silicon content. Usually the silicon content is between 4.5-6.0%. It belongs to construction materials, mechanical parts, forging materials, welding materials; low melting point, good corrosion resistance Product description: It has the characteristics of heat resistance and wear resistance
5. The 5000 series represents the 5052.5005.5083.5A05 series. The 5000 series aluminum plate belongs to the more commonly used alloy aluminum plate series, the main element is magnesium, and the magnesium content is between 3-5%. It can also be called aluminum-magnesium alloy. The main features are low density, high tensile strength and high elongation. In the same area, the weight of aluminum-magnesium alloy is lower than other series. Therefore, it is commonly used in aviation, such as aircraft fuel tanks. It is also widely used in conventional industries. The processing technology is continuous casting and rolling, which belongs to the hot-rolled aluminum plate series, so it can be used for oxidation deep processing. In my country, the 5000 series aluminum plate is one of the more mature aluminum plate series.
Six 6000 series represents 6061 mainly containing magnesium and silicon, so the advantages of 4000 series and 5000 series are concentrated. 6061 is a cold-treated aluminum forging product, suitable for applications with high requirements for corrosion resistance and oxidation. Good workability, excellent interface characteristics, easy coating and good processability. It can be used on low-pressure weapons and aircraft joints. The general characteristics of 6061: excellent interface characteristics, easy coating, high strength, good workability, and strong corrosion resistance. Typical uses of 6061 aluminum: aircraft parts, camera parts, couplers, ship parts and hardware, electronic parts and joints, decorative or various hardware, hinge heads, magnetic heads, brake pistons, hydraulic pistons, electrical accessories, valves and valve parts .
Seven 7000 series represents 7075 mainly containing zinc. It also belongs to the aviation series. It is an aluminum-magnesium-zinc-copper alloy and a heat-treatable alloy. It is a super hard aluminum alloy with good wear resistance. 7075 aluminum plate is stress-relieved and will not deform or warp after processing. All super super The thick 7075 aluminum plate is all ultrasonically detected, which can ensure no blisters and impurities. The 7075 aluminum plate has high thermal conductivity, which can shorten the molding time and improve work efficiency. The main feature is that the hardness 7075 is a high-hardness, high-strength aluminum alloy, which is often used in the manufacture of aircraft structures and futures. It requires the manufacture of high-stress structural parts and molds with high strength and strong corrosion resistance. At present, it basically relies on imports, and my country's production technology needs to be improved.
Eight 8000 series The more commonly used 8011 belongs to other series. In my memory, the aluminum plate whose main function is to make bottle caps is also used for radiators, most of which are aluminum foil. Not very commonly used. The Nine 9000 series is a spare series. The technology is so advanced now. In order to cope with the emergence of aluminum plates containing other alloy elements, the International Aluminum Strip Federation has specifically indicated that the 9000 series is a spare series, waiting for another new variety to appear to fill the gap of the 9000 series .
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princesss418 · 5 years
How To Get Rid Of Head Lice: 11 Home Remedies That Really Work
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Just the thought of lice makes most people shiver. Head lice are teeny tiny parasites that live on the scalp and hair shafts where they dine on blood. Nearly ten million school children are diagnosed with lice each year. Lice can be contracted by coming in contact with an infected person through play, sports, school or wearing clothing of someone who has the parasite. You can even get head lice by lying on bedding that an infected person was lying on. It is thought that poor hygiene precipitates a lice infestation which can quickly spread, especially in school and camp situations.
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If your head itches and you see tiny red bumps on your scalp, it is a pretty good indication that you have head lice. You may have excessive itching, irritation behind the ears, itching above the neck and a ticklish feeling on scalp and dandruff from constant itching.
Because they reproduce so quickly, it is very difficult to get rid of lice. There are a number of kits and products on the market that can eradicate the lice but they are also loaded with chemicals. The main ingredient in all of these shampoos and kits is permethrin – a very dangerous and toxic substance that should never be placed near the scalp – especially a child’s scalp. RID lice shampoo, a popular product, contains this nasty ingredient. Permethrin is a pyrethroid insecticide that contains synthetic chemicals derived from natural chemicals found in chrysanthemums. Currently, there are over 3,500 commercial products containing this chemical. Animal studies demonstrate that pyrethroids cause immune, neurological, and reproductive damage. Canadian research also suggests that pyrethroids may cause associated behavior problems in kids. A 2014 study of lice samples from the US and Canada. Researchers found that 99.6 percent of the pesky insects had developed gene mutations making them resistant to common over the counter lice shampoos. Fortunately, there are also nontoxic, home remedies that are equally as effective and don’t leave a chemical residue. Here are some you can try:
1. COMB, COMB, AND COMB Combing your hair with a very fine-toothed comb or a lice comb will remove lice but it must be done carefully and meticulously. For best results follow this method to kills lice: Divide the hair into sections and comb each section individually After each stroke through the hair rinse the comb in a bowl of vinegar. This step should not be skipped or the lice will reattach to the hair follicles. Take your time, this is not a quick process. The more careful you are the better results you will have.  2. GARLIC Lice are not fond of the strong aroma that garlic puts off and the fact that it can suffocate them makes this a highly effective home remedy. Grind ten cloves of garlic into a paste and mix in three teaspoons of lime juice. Apply the mixture directly to the scalp. Be sure to cover all the scalp. Leave the treatment on for thirty minutes and rinse with hot water. The strong fragrance of garlic can suffocate lice, ultimately killing them. 3. HOT AIR There are a number of devices that blow hot air that kills head lice. TheLouseBsuter is an effective product that, when tested, killed nearly 100 percent of lice eggs and 80% of hatched lice. The device is somewhat cooler than a standard blow dryer and is sold to nurses, schools, hospitals, in addition to “lice salons” that specialize in non-toxic lice removal. The journal Pediatrics noted the following, “Our findings demonstrate that one 30-minute application of hot air has the potential to eradicate head lice infestations. In summary, hot air is an effective, safe treatment and one to which lice are unlikely to evolve resistance.” If you do not have a LouseBuster, you can use a regular hair dryer. Astudypublished in the journal American Family Physician found that hair dryers have a 47.2 percent success in eradicating lice, and a 47.5 percent success rate in decreasing egg hatch rate. To be effective, you need to repeat this method several times to get rid of the lice entirely. 4. MAYONNAISE Not only is Mayonnaise is an excellent natural conditioner and natural hair straightener but also a great way to suffocate head lice. The treatment involves the following steps: Apply mayonnaise liberally to your hair and cover with a plastic bag or shower cap Let the mayonnaise set on hair for six hours Shampoo your hair as usual and blow dry (the heat kills the lice also) Comb through your hair using a nit comb Repeat this procedure once a week for two months 5. SALT Salt desiccates lice and eventually kills them. Here is how to do it: Combine a quarter cup of sea salt with a quarter cup of vinegar Spray the solution on your hair and leave it for 2 hours Wash as usual and condition 6. WHITE VINEGAR White vinegar is such a versatile, non-toxic substance and is even effective on eradicating head lice. Mix equal parts vinegar and water and pour over hair. Comb hair thoroughly. 7. ORANGE JUICE Lice detect the acidity of orange juice. Apply 100% pure orange juice to your head and scalp. Put on a shower cap and leave for 30-40 minutes. Comb through with a nit comb and rinse with warm water. Follow with your usual shampoo and conditioner and comb again. 8. ALCOHOL Getting lice drunk is a great way to send them packing. Pour any cheap liquor with a high alcohol content over your head – even rubbing alcohol will work. Shampoo and rinse as usual and comb through your hair thoroughly with a lice comb. 9. LISTERINE Using Listerine to kill lice is one of the cheapest and oldest known home remedies for getting rid of lice. Soak your hair completely in the mouthwash and put a shower cap for about four hours and shampoo as usual and comb. 10. NEEM Neem and neem oil contains an insecticidal ingredient known as azadirachtin which is a powerful natural insecticide which interferes with the reproduction and growth of head lice. It constricts the swallowing capability of lice which starves them to death. Lice hate the strong aroma of neem oil which will help soothe itching and redness caused by the lice. As an added bonus, neem adds moisture and shine to hair. Both the leaves and neem oil are useful for treating head lice. Here are a few methods to try: Neem Leaf Rinse: Put a handful of neem leaves in 3 cups of water and boil until the liquid turns green Remove from the oven and strain, let cool. Shampoo and condition your hair as usual and follow with a neem rinse. Repeat the rinse 3 times. Neem Leaf Paste: Make a paste by grinding the neem leaves Apply the paste on the scalp and leave for 30 minutes Shampoo as usual Repeat the process 3 times a week for two weeks Neem Powder: Crush dried neem leaves into a fine powder (you can also purchase neem powder) Combine the powder and equal parts water to make a thick paste Apply the paste to your scalp and through hair and let it set for one hour Wash hair as you would normally Repeat the process once a week for up to four weeks Neem Oil Shampoo: Add pure neem oil to your normal shampoo (preferably a natural shampoo) and mix well Use this shampoo several times a week for a month Neem Oil and Coconut Oil: Mix six drops of pure neem oil into a few tablespoons of coconut oil Massage the mixture well into your scalp and let it set for an hour Rinse it off with shampoo and water Repeat this process at least twice a week for a month 11. ESSENTIAL OILS Essential oils are extracted from plants through steam distillation or cold pressing. Oils are loaded with therapeutic properties many of which can help destroy a lice infestation. In a 2012 study, researchers found that a 1% concentration of tea tree oil killed almost 100% of head lice in a 30 minute period. A 2% concentration halted 50% of egg hatch after 4 days. Other oils that are effective against head lice include ylang-ylang,rosemary and lavender are also great options. To use essential oils to kill head lice, mix 20 drops of oil in your regular bottle of shampoo and shampoo as usual. Rinse with apple cider vinegar for added lice killing power. Need any of these essential oils? The best place to purchase them is from Plant Therapy here.
Follow these tips to avoid getting lice in the first place: Do not share your personal items such as bed sheets, combs, clothes, and towels – especially with someone who has lice Wash clothes and sheets of people with lice in hot water and an enzyme based detergent. Keep your hair clean Avoid head to head contact with anyone Do not share hats with anyone Keep your hair tied up when participating in outdoor activities Comb your hair with a fine-tooth comb Blow dry your hair Soak brushed and combs overnight in white vinegar at least once a month Read the full article
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Aluminum type of aluminum PCB
Regarding aluminum PCB, there are different types of aluminum used for aluminum-based printed circuit board laminates, a brief introduction is as follows,
There are three main types of commonly used metal aluminum bases, namely 1000 series, 5000 series and 6000 series. The basic characteristics of these three series of aluminum bases are as follows:
1050, 1060, and 1070 are typical types of the 1000 series.
The 1000 series is also called pure aluminum base, which is the purest of all series, and the purity can reach more than 99.00%. Because the series does not contain other technical elements, the production process is simple and the price is relatively cheap. It is the most commonly used series in conventional industries. Today, 1050 and 1060 are the most widely used on the market. 1000 series aluminum bases determine the minimum aluminum content range according to the last two digits, such as 1050 series, the last two digits are 50. According to the international brand naming principle, the aluminum content must be greater than 99.5%, if less than 99.5%, it is not qualified. The Chinese standard (GB / T3880-2006) clearly states that 1050 must reach 99.5% aluminum content. As with the 1060 series, the aluminum content must be higher than 99.6%.
5000 series includes 5052, 5005, 5083, and 5A05 series.
The 5000 series belongs to the commonly used alloy aluminum-based series, the main element is magnesium, about 3% to 5% of the magnesium element, so it is also called aluminum and magnesium alloy. The main features are low density, high tensile strength and high elongation. In the same area, the weight of aluminum-magnesium alloy is lighter than other series, which is why it is often used in the aviation field (such as aircraft fuel tanks). It is also widely used in other conventional industries. This processing technology belongs to hot-rolled aluminum-based products, so it can be oxidized. Currently, the 5052 is the most widely used in the 5000 series.
6061 belongs to 6000 series, which mainly contains two elements of magnesium and silicon.
6061 is a cold treatment of aluminum products, suitable for anti-corrosion and anti-oxidation requirements. General characteristics of 6061: excellent interface characteristics, easy to coat, high strength, good processability and strong corrosion resistance. Typical applications of 6061 aluminum base: aircraft parts, camera parts, couplers, marine accessories and metals, electronic parts and connectors, etc.
According to the technology, the aluminum / aluminum PCB board can be classified: HASL aluminum PCB, OSP aluminum PCB, silver-plated aluminum PCB, immersion gold aluminum plate, etc. According to the use, aluminum PCBs can be classified: street light aluminum plates, LED aluminum plates, LB aluminum plates, COB aluminum plates, packaging aluminum plates, power supply aluminum plates, automotive aluminum plates, etc.
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paper1125 · 4 years
Aluminum type of aluminum PCB
Regarding aluminum PCB, there are different types of aluminum used for aluminum-based printed circuit board laminates, a brief introduction is as follows,
There are three main types of commonly used metal aluminum bases, namely 1000 series, 5000 series and 6000 series. The basic characteristics of these three series of aluminum bases are as follows:
1050, 1060, and 1070 are typical types of the 1000 series.
The 1000 series is also called pure aluminum base, which is the purest of all series, and the purity can reach more than 99.00%. Because the series does not contain other technical elements, the production process is simple and the price is relatively cheap. It is the most commonly used series in conventional industries. Today, 1050 and 1060 are the most widely used on the market. 1000 series aluminum bases determine the minimum aluminum content range according to the last two digits, such as 1050 series, the last two digits are 50. According to the international brand naming principle, the aluminum content must be greater than 99.5%, if less than 99.5%, it is not qualified. The Chinese standard (GB / T3880-2006) clearly states that 1050 must reach 99.5% aluminum content. As with the 1060 series, the aluminum content must be higher than 99.6%.
5000 series includes 5052, 5005, 5083, and 5A05 series.
The 5000 series belongs to the commonly used alloy aluminum-based series, the main element is magnesium, about 3% to 5% of the magnesium element, so it is also called aluminum and magnesium alloy. The main features are low density, high tensile strength and high elongation. In the same area, the weight of aluminum-magnesium alloy is lighter than other series, which is why it is often used in the aviation field (such as aircraft fuel tanks). It is also widely used in other conventional industries. This processing technology belongs to hot-rolled aluminum-based products, so it can be oxidized. Currently, the 5052 is the most widely used in the 5000 series.
6061 belongs to 6000 series, which mainly contains two elements of magnesium and silicon.
6061 is a cold treatment of aluminum products, suitable for anti-corrosion and anti-oxidation requirements. General characteristics of 6061: excellent interface characteristics, easy to coat, high strength, good processability and strong corrosion resistance. Typical applications of 6061 aluminum base: aircraft parts, camera parts, couplers, marine accessories and metals, electronic parts and connectors, etc.
According to the technology, the aluminum / aluminum PCB board can be classified: HASL aluminum PCB, OSP aluminum PCB, silver-plated aluminum PCB, immersion gold aluminum plate, etc. According to the use, aluminum PCBs can be classified: street light aluminum plates, LED aluminum plates, LB aluminum plates, COB aluminum plates, packaging aluminum plates, power supply aluminum plates, automotive aluminum plates, etc.
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littlecat0520 · 4 years
Aluminum type of aluminum PCB
Regarding aluminum PCB, there are different types of aluminum used for aluminum-based printed circuit board laminates, a brief introduction is as follows,
There are three main types of commonly used metal aluminum bases, namely 1000 series, 5000 series and 6000 series. The basic characteristics of these three series of aluminum bases are as follows:
1050, 1060, and 1070 are typical types of the 1000 series.
The 1000 series is also called pure aluminum base, which is the purest of all series, and the purity can reach more than 99.00%. Because the series does not contain other technical elements, the production process is simple and the price is relatively cheap. It is the most commonly used series in conventional industries. Today, 1050 and 1060 are the most widely used on the market. 1000 series aluminum bases determine the minimum aluminum content range according to the last two digits, such as 1050 series, the last two digits are 50. According to the international brand naming principle, the aluminum content must be greater than 99.5%, if less than 99.5%, it is not qualified. The Chinese standard (GB / T3880-2006) clearly states that 1050 must reach 99.5% aluminum content. As with the 1060 series, the aluminum content must be higher than 99.6%.
5000 series includes 5052, 5005, 5083, and 5A05 series.
The 5000 series belongs to the commonly used alloy aluminum-based series, the main element is magnesium, about 3% to 5% of the magnesium element, so it is also called aluminum and magnesium alloy. The main features are low density, high tensile strength and high elongation. In the same area, the weight of aluminum-magnesium alloy is lighter than other series, which is why it is often used in the aviation field (such as aircraft fuel tanks). It is also widely used in other conventional industries. This processing technology belongs to hot-rolled aluminum-based products, so it can be oxidized. Currently, the 5052 is the most widely used in the 5000 series.
6061 belongs to 6000 series, which mainly contains two elements of magnesium and silicon.
6061 is a cold treatment of aluminum products, suitable for anti-corrosion and anti-oxidation requirements. General characteristics of 6061: excellent interface characteristics, easy to coat, high strength, good processability and strong corrosion resistance. Typical applications of 6061 aluminum base: aircraft parts, camera parts, couplers, marine accessories and metals, electronic parts and connectors, etc.
According to the technology, the aluminum / aluminum PCB board can be classified: HASL aluminum PCB, OSP aluminum PCB, silver-plated aluminum PCB, immersion gold aluminum plate, etc. According to the use, aluminum PCBs can be classified: street light aluminum plates, LED aluminum plates, LB aluminum plates, COB aluminum plates, packaging aluminum plates, power supply aluminum plates, automotive aluminum plates, etc.
0 notes
cat0620 · 4 years
Aluminum type of aluminum PCB
Regarding aluminum PCB, there are different types of aluminum used for aluminum-based printed circuit board laminates, a brief introduction is as follows,
There are three main types of commonly used metal aluminum bases, namely 1000 series, 5000 series and 6000 series. The basic characteristics of these three series of aluminum bases are as follows:
1050, 1060, and 1070 are typical types of the 1000 series.
The 1000 series is also called pure aluminum base, which is the purest of all series, and the purity can reach more than 99.00%. Because the series does not contain other technical elements, the production process is simple and the price is relatively cheap. It is the most commonly used series in conventional industries. Today, 1050 and 1060 are the most widely used on the market. 1000 series aluminum bases determine the minimum aluminum content range according to the last two digits, such as 1050 series, the last two digits are 50. According to the international brand naming principle, the aluminum content must be greater than 99.5%, if less than 99.5%, it is not qualified. The Chinese standard (GB / T3880-2006) clearly states that 1050 must reach 99.5% aluminum content. As with the 1060 series, the aluminum content must be higher than 99.6%.
5000 series includes 5052, 5005, 5083, and 5A05 series.
The 5000 series belongs to the commonly used alloy aluminum-based series, the main element is magnesium, about 3% to 5% of the magnesium element, so it is also called aluminum and magnesium alloy. The main features are low density, high tensile strength and high elongation. In the same area, the weight of aluminum-magnesium alloy is lighter than other series, which is why it is often used in the aviation field (such as aircraft fuel tanks). It is also widely used in other conventional industries. This processing technology belongs to hot-rolled aluminum-based products, so it can be oxidized. Currently, the 5052 is the most widely used in the 5000 series.
6061 belongs to 6000 series, which mainly contains two elements of magnesium and silicon.
6061 is a cold treatment of aluminum products, suitable for anti-corrosion and anti-oxidation requirements. General characteristics of 6061: excellent interface characteristics, easy to coat, high strength, good processability and strong corrosion resistance. Typical applications of 6061 aluminum base: aircraft parts, camera parts, couplers, marine accessories and metals, electronic parts and connectors, etc.
According to the technology, the aluminum / aluminum PCB board can be classified: HASL aluminum PCB, OSP aluminum PCB, silver-plated aluminum PCB, immersion gold aluminum plate, etc. According to the use, aluminum PCBs can be classified: street light aluminum plates, LED aluminum plates, LB aluminum plates, COB aluminum plates, packaging aluminum plates, power supply aluminum plates, automotive aluminum plates, etc.
0 notes
sere22world · 4 years
Aluminum type of aluminum PCB
Regarding aluminum PCB, there are different types of aluminum used for aluminum-based printed circuit board laminates, a brief introduction is as follows,
There are three main types of commonly used metal aluminum bases, namely 1000 series, 5000 series and 6000 series. The basic characteristics of these three series of aluminum bases are as follows:
1050, 1060, and 1070 are typical types of the 1000 series.
The 1000 series is also called pure aluminum base, which is the purest of all series, and the purity can reach more than 99.00%. Because the series does not contain other technical elements, the production process is simple and the price is relatively cheap. It is the most commonly used series in conventional industries. Today, 1050 and 1060 are the most widely used on the market. 1000 series aluminum bases determine the minimum aluminum content range according to the last two digits, such as 1050 series, the last two digits are 50. According to the international brand naming principle, the aluminum content must be greater than 99.5%, if less than 99.5%, it is not qualified. The Chinese standard (GB / T3880-2006) clearly states that 1050 must reach 99.5% aluminum content. As with the 1060 series, the aluminum content must be higher than 99.6%.
5000 series includes 5052, 5005, 5083, and 5A05 series.
The 5000 series belongs to the commonly used alloy aluminum-based series, the main element is magnesium, about 3% to 5% of the magnesium element, so it is also called aluminum and magnesium alloy. The main features are low density, high tensile strength and high elongation. In the same area, the weight of aluminum-magnesium alloy is lighter than other series, which is why it is often used in the aviation field (such as aircraft fuel tanks). It is also widely used in other conventional industries. This processing technology belongs to hot-rolled aluminum-based products, so it can be oxidized. Currently, the 5052 is the most widely used in the 5000 series.
6061 belongs to 6000 series, which mainly contains two elements of magnesium and silicon.
6061 is a cold treatment of aluminum products, suitable for anti-corrosion and anti-oxidation requirements. General characteristics of 6061: excellent interface characteristics, easy to coat, high strength, good processability and strong corrosion resistance. Typical applications of 6061 aluminum base: aircraft parts, camera parts, couplers, marine accessories and metals, electronic parts and connectors, etc.
According to the technology, the aluminum / aluminum PCB board can be classified: HASL aluminum PCB, OSP aluminum PCB, silver-plated aluminum PCB, immersion gold aluminum plate, etc. According to the use, aluminum PCBs can be classified: street light aluminum plates, LED aluminum plates, LB aluminum plates, COB aluminum plates, packaging aluminum plates, power supply aluminum plates, automotive aluminum plates, etc.
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Global Lithium Carbonate Market 2019 - 99%-99.5% Purity, 99.6%-99.9% Purity
Global Lithium Carbonate  market size 2019 IoT Fleet Management Value (USD Million) for historical period (2015 – 2018) and projected years (2019 – 2025)
The Global Lithium Carbonate market research reports provide a rough idea about the different factors and trends affecting the development chart of the global market. A change in the impact of government policies and regulations on the operations in the Global Lithium Carbonate  market is also mentioned to offer a holistic summary of the future outlook of the market. It presents refined growth on forecasts for the Global Lithium Carbonate   market on the basis of reliable info and comprises in-depth data related to the prevailing dynamics of the market. In addition to this, the report also contains the major players      SQM ,  Albemarle ,  FMC ,  Orocobre ,  Galaxy Resources ,  Simbol Mining ,  Sentient ,  Nordic Mining ,  Tibet Mineral Development Co., Ltd. ,  Western Mining Co., Ltd. ,  Business , ,  in the Global Lithium Carbonate  market.
The Global Lithium Carbonate  market report also offers a forward-looking viewpoint on various aspects restraining or driving the growth of market. Further, the report includes the Market Research Trade (MRT) market’s computed expected CAGR based on past and present records regarding the Global Lithium Carbonate  market. The Global Lithium Carbonate  market report offers pin-point analysis for altering competitive dynamics. It assists in knowing the major product sections and their future.
Request for PDF Copy of Report Sample @ http://www.marketresearchtrade.com/report/global-lithium-carbonate-market-2018-industry-overview-sales.html#Request_Sample
The Global Lithium Carbonate  market report examines the market based on market segments by application      Li-Ion Batteries ,  Glass and Ceramics ,  Medical ,  Lubricants ,  Metallurgy , , Production  and major geographies (geographies) along with present trends in the market. The report has data of Global Lithium Carbonate  market that includes a huge number of reputed organizations, vendors, firms, & manufacturer in the industry and can offer a detailed outline of the overall players who have a huge role to play in terms of revenue, demands, share, and sales via their reliable services, post-sale processes, and products.
Table of Content Major Points:
1 Global Lithium Carbonate  MARKET OVERVIEW, SEGMENTATION AND INTRODUCTION 1.1 Product Overview and Scope 1.2 Segment by Type 1.3 Production and CAGR (%) Comparison by Type (Product Category)(2013-2025) 1.4 Segment by Application 1.5 Market by Region (2013-2025)
2.1 Capacity, Production and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018) 2.2 Revenue and Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018) 2.3 Average Price by Manufacturers (2013-2018) 2.4 Manufacturing Base Distribution, Sales Area and Product Type
Inquire for customization of this Report @ http://www.marketresearchtrade.com/report/global-lithium-carbonate-market-2018-industry-overview-sales.html#Buying_Inquiry
The report is a detailed study of growth drivers, restraints, market segments by Products      99%-99.5% Purity ,  99.6%-99.9% Purity ,  Above 99.9% Purity ,  and current trends along with forecast trends. It comprises detailed profiles of leading market players, analysis of recent developments in tech, and unique model analysis. It offers market projections for the years to come. The report also comprises a review of macro and micro aspects important for the new entrants and current market players along with detailed analysis of the value chain along with manufacture analysis, size, supply, and production.
In conclusion, it is a deep research report on Worldwide Global Lithium Carbonate  Industry. right here, we explicit our thank you for the aid and help from Global Lithium Carbonate  Industry chain related technical professionals and marketing engineers at some stage in Research Group’s survey and interviews.
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shimclinic · 5 years
New Test Becomes the First Reliable Mycoplasma Genitalium Detection Opportunity
Mycoplasma genitalium is the name of an STI-causing bacterium. Until recently, there was no reliable way to test for its presence. Luckily, science advances all the time and the first effective and accurate Mycoplasma genitalium test is already here.
New STD Test on the Market
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the US announced that it has allowed the marketing of a new STI test that can accurately detect the presence of the bacterium in the human body.
This is the first test that the FDA has authorized for the identification of this STI-causing microorganism.
Mycoplasma genitalium is the smallest bacterium out of all STI-causing agents. It was identified for the first time in 1980, which makes it a relative newcomer to the field of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The World Health Organization (WHO) declared it an emerging health concern only in 2015.
Currently, the FDA has approved three test applications by different pharmaceutical companies. One of the tests, developed by an Australian company, is also capable of detecting the specific bacterium strain and determining if it is resistant to any forms of antibiotic treatment.
To prove the effectiveness of the test, researchers worked with over 12,000 specimens and compared the results to three different research assays. Through testing, it was established that the products developed by the pharmaceutical companies were anywhere between 77.8 and 99.6 per cent effective.
The risk of false positives was much lower. In the absence of the bacterium, the tests produced anywhere between 97.8 and 99.6 per cent accurate results.
The Importance of Studying the Tiny STI Culprit
Having the ability to positively identify Mycoplasma genitalium is very important for the treatment of reproductive, urinary and fertility issues.
Mycoplasma genitalium doesn’t always cause symptoms, which means that numerous people could have it without realising. Whenever the symptoms manifest themselves, they could include watery discharge, a burning sensation during urination, painful sex for women, vaginal bleeding and pelvic area pain.
These symptoms overlap with the ways in which many STIs manifest themselves. Misdiagnosis is possible, which often contributes to the selection of an infective treatment.
Many people suffer from urogenital infections that don’t have a specific causing agent medics can identify. In such instances, people are prescribed antibiotics until the infection subsides. Through better Mycoplasma genitalium identification options, doctors would become capable of offering more tailored and reliable treatment options.
According to current estimates, the bacterium causes anywhere between 15 and 30 percent of the recurrent urogenital infections in men and approximately 30 percent of cervical inflammation cases in women.
Some studies also suggest that untreated infections increase the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease development and infertility.
Women infected with Mycoplasma genitalium could also be at a higher risk of pregnancy complications and birth complications. Still, the evidence isn’t strong enough to establish a link.
The new FDA-approved tests could change that and even provide new options for the treatment of inexplicable infertility. Reproductive experts rarely look at Mycoplasma genitalium as the cause of problems right now. FDA-approved tests make it more likely for clinicians to explore this avenue and suggest an effective antibiotic treatment in the case of a positive test.
Because it hasn’t been studied effectively so far, the infection with Mycoplasma genitalium is not fully understood yet.
Researchers believe that it has many of the risk factors that are common for conditions like chlamydia and gonorrhoea. People who have numerous sexual partners and who engage in unsafe sex without a condom are at an increased risk of suffering a Mycoplasma genitalium infection.
The Importance of Safe Sex and Regular Testing
The fact that medical research is moving forward doesn’t mean you should abdicate from personal responsibility when it comes to your reproductive health.
Abstinence and safe sex are still vitally important to protect yourself from common sexually transmitted infections. If you are sexually active, you should get in the habit of going for STD testing in Singapore at least once per year. People who belong to high risk groups like sex workers and those who have multiple sexual partners should get tested more often for STDs as well as get tested for HIV. This group should also consider HIV prevention treatments available like HIV PEP and HIV PrEP.
STD tests are reliable, easy to administer and capable of producing fast, accurate results.
You have multiple testing options to choose among in Singapore.
Shim Clinic is a STD clinic that offers full and comprehensive STD testing options. When you come to Shim Clinic, you’ll also benefit from a private and confidential consultation with an experienced professional who’ll answer your questions and suggest the best course of action in the event of a positive result.
Contact us today if you have questions about our STD testing options or visit Shim Clinic every day of the week during our work hours:
Monday to Friday: 9 am to 3 pm, 7 pm to 11 pm Saturday & Sunday: 7 pm to 11 pm Public Holidays: Closed
Original content here: https://www.shimclinic.com/blog/new-test-becomes-the-first-reliable-mycoplasma-genitalium-detention-opportunity
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ashwinigongale-blog · 5 years
Global Powdery High-Purity Vanadium Pentoxide Market Trend, Marketing Channels, Major Industry Participants, Strategies  and Forecast To 2024
A new research report data added to the Market.biz titled Global Powdery High-Purity Vanadium Pentoxide Market gives a proper understanding of the industry and it also predicts current market trends and future market trends. The report presents a detailed picture of the market by way of study, synthesis, and addition of data from multiple sources. Global Powdery High-Purity Vanadium Pentoxide market analyses the report based on customer demand, supply and demand status, competitive market scenario and industry policies.
Here, you can avail Sample Copy for Global Powdery High-Purity Vanadium Pentoxide Market Report
The Powdery High-Purity Vanadium Pentoxide market report presents the overall structure of the market like the major market players based on the company profile, sales revenue, the business tactics used in the global Powdery High-Purity Vanadium Pentoxide market which will help the emerging market segments in making vital business decisions. Also, the report discusses business plans, sales and profit, market stations and market volume, raw material suppliers, and buyers demand information and distribution ratio.
Competitive landscape
The competitive landscape segment in the report relies on the current as well as the potential of the leading market players in the industry. It offers the in-depth company profiles, that may stay active in predestined decades, combined with company profile, product launches, product market, and gross margin, financial details, key advancements, business short-term and long-term marketing, and advertising strategies and SWOT analysis of these competitive firms.
Powdery High-Purity Vanadium Pentoxide Market: Top Companies
Hunan Hanrui
Liaoyang Hengye
Ironstone Resources
Huifeng Energy
Suzhou Donghua Fangui
HBIS Group
 Market Segmentation
The report provides global market segmentation based on the product type, end-users, and region. In the additional section, the report includes market division study over the significant geographies of the world such as North America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, South America, The Middle East & Africa and the rest of the world. The report covers worldwide statistic which is focused on the global market.
Powdery High-Purity Vanadium Pentoxide Product types Outlook:
 Powdery High-Purity Vanadium Pentoxide Applications Outlook:
Vanadium Cell
 Geographically, the key segments of the market are:
North America
The Middle East & Africa
South America
Make an Inquiry to Get Global Powdery High-Purity Vanadium Pentoxide report as your requirement
Global Powdery High-Purity Vanadium Pentoxide Market Report mainly covers the following significant points:
1. An outlook of the Powdery High-Purity Vanadium Pentoxide industry;
2. Market Competitive Landscape;
3. Top Players Company Profiles;
4. Analysis of the product types of Powdery High-Purity Vanadium Pentoxide;
5. Analysis of the Applications/End-Users of Powdery High-Purity Vanadium Pentoxide;
From the conclusion of this study, all the answers to the queries will be well guided as it focuses on analytical research and mainly includes qualitative and quantitative analysis. this analyzed report can give an in-depth summary of upcoming and ongoing which leads to market development on a global scale.
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chottolatte-blog1 · 5 years
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