#Nothing but time and money to do something meaningful and Alex bought a fucking farm and underpaid farm hands. I stay mad!
It’s pretty fucked how if you’re from a stereotypically privilege profile of any kind, you just aren’t allowed to be anything but that. All because a bunch of cunty white men of decades past were exactly that and their fucking legacy still runs rampant. Now any old person, no matter if they’re a victim of any kind, can’t be just that. What the fuck are you supposed to do if you’re accused of something you didn’t do? Oh, sorry I’m privileged so I have to cop it and allow for people so spread lies? The only judicial system we have is fucked and corrupt and any move on your part just makes you look evil as you said. Perpetual bullshit circle of life that’s never going to get better because as a whole, humans suck.
You got me in the last half. The reality though is that we consistently see privileged motherfuckers not doing nearly enough which is why we continue to generously rag on them. I do it to ATL all the fucking time because they are exactly the kind of people we need to see not just being loud about issues when it’s popular but actually fucking care by putting dollars and/or bodies on the line for change. And not having any verifiable proof of the second one makes them look like entitled fucks using a bad system with no reason to question if they’re doing it begrudgingly. But they didn’t and don’t and won’t so they look like pricks.
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