#Now i see’ We were never meant to be (Deltarune verse ~ Vita)
awakened-harmony · 2 years
It’s time for more verses for Vita that i’ve been meaning to work on.
Deltarune tag: Now i see’ We were never meant to be (Deltarune verse ~ Vita)
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Born and raised in a hyper religious village on the ocean coasts far from the small town of ebott where she now resides, Vita was a well behaved, sweet girl. Known well for her obedience to her parents and their wishes for how they wanted her life to go, she followed this without question for a long time which is why she ended up bethrothed to Orinda once they were both of age and spending a hellishly long time in his clutches as he wasn’t a good person, far from it and all she can do is thank her lucky blessings that she never got pregnant by him, one of his main goals for her after all in his eyes. That was her duty as his wife.
She escaped with the help of a practical stranger named drusil, a visitor to her village, she knew perhaps she shouldn’t have been so trusting but when help was offered. What else could she do but accept? so she did and fled with drusil’s help, Travelling the countryside while doing her best to avoid the pursuits of her family and scorned husband who would not simply accept HIS wife fleeing from him, especially not with another guy. Involving moving a lot and feeling unable to trust anyone, For a time she and drusil were happy, as happy as they could be in their circumstances and they got together. It was never public, always in the quiet private of their own home wherever that might have been at the time.
and though she hadn’t intended it, She got pregnant and though stressed, she was overjoyed, Excited to tell drusil about their child yet she never got the chance. He didn’t come home that night and she was awoken in the morning. Sick with worry by a knock at the door that confirmed her worst fears, he was dead, they didn’t know how, it was always hard to tell with monsters. But the presumption was a robbery gone wrong, she couldn’t mention her real fears but they scared her enough that she spent the next two days packing up what was left of their life together and moving again, As far as she could which is how she ended up in Ebott. Trying to get as far from her old life as possible while grieving the loss of what could have been.
With it, she became one of the reclusive if kind nurses who worked at the small hospital and worked for most of her pregnancy. Inevitably giving birth to her and drusil’s son alone, A bittersweet moment for her despite the ultimate reward of her child. She stuck to ebott as a means of keeping her son in a stable environment, he’s one now and while she’s loosened up a little bit, she’s still wary, shy and on her guard with strangers as she still gets threatening messages from her family and her still technically legal husband who’s been searching for her as a full blown stalker. But she’s trying her best and it’s all she can do.
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