evviejo · 5 months
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vreenak · 2 months
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STAR TREK: The Next Generation | The Chase, 6x20.
Gul Ocett [4/?]
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sarahwatchesthings · 1 year
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Visiting Klingon flirts with Data
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TNG 6x20 The Chase and 7x15 Lower Decks thoughts (rewatching, so possible future spoilers for DS9 too)
I’ve temporarily paused my DS9 re-watch after 2x20 Maquis Part 1 to go through all the Cardassian episodes in TNG to get a better picture of the build up: 4x12, 5x03, 6x10, 6x11, 6x20 and 7x15.
6x20 The Chase
Admittedly, I skipped the first half of this because as I skimmed through the plot on Memory Alpha, there was no mention of Cardassians until later on XD
Lady Captain Cardassian! I feel like they're pretty rare, it's sas I'm so excited by this
Tfw there's a looong pause... and you're watching it on 1.5x speed. Just how long was that pause in normal time?!
Living for the Klingon-Cardassian banter
Data just THRASHING that Klingon. I love him so much
The Klingon is so INTO Data - this is flirting, right?
"You are attempting to bribe me." "Not at all." "You suggested a plan that would work to your advantage, one that I would be capable of executing. You then implied a reward. Clearly you were."
I think Nu'Daq might be my new favourite one-off character
Cardassian treachery! Gotta love it
Federation smarts! Gotta love it XD
"I will go with you" but imma be salty about it
Just wondering why I hadn't seen Miles about since season 4, then realised that, of course, he's on DS9 XD Doh!
Romulans from nowhere :o
I do like the plan to answer the long-standing why-is-everyone-humanoid question
>> Thinking about the word humanoid the other day, do you think the other species hear their own word through the UT? Kingonoid and Romuloid or so forth.
Haha they disagree, so much for coming together in fellowship and companionship
Romulan ending <3 "Perhaps, one day." "One day."
7x15 Lower Decks
Deanna and Riker are just nice
Love the Vulcan
Bajor mention!
Very professional, waiter, to spill the beans lilke that!
I do love this episode, and seeing the command from the outside
I hope their friendship isn't ruined by promotion. They seem very sweet
Having said that, I suddenly have a horrible feeling Sita dies in this episode
Beverly is so lovely
Lost. Puppy. What?
Awwwwwkward. "They both get a lot of snow." Love how Riker just seems amused.
Yeah, this episode is great, only getting to see what one of the lower decks see
Did he also think Wesley should have been expelled?
I love this Vulcan. And I love Geordie, but his frustration with Taurik is pretty amusing
I'm a fan of this poker juxtaposition scene - interesting that they've broken away from just the lower decks characters.
Hah, okay, Lavelle does annoy Riker
Lol "You and Lavelle are a lot alike." "What? We're not at all alike." "You're bluffing."
I really love this Ben guy. Inclusion of a civilian just being friends with whoever is super cute
Okay, Worf is actually being pretty good here? I find myself liking him in this episode.
Ohhhh "I wanted to make sure that you got a fair chance to redeem yourself", that makes far more sense - no wonder I felt he was a little out of character in the first scene with her, he was acting.
"I didn't realise she would be so young."
The feels. She's so excited and proud and knowing what happens... it hurts.
Oh, the promotion. I'm tearing up. This episode is making me FEEL
Ben, you are great. Nice job moving Worf.
Amazing how this episode is so moving when you barely know the characters. I loved the premise, and I love the execution of it. (Though damn you for killing off Sito.)
Again, we see a helpful Cardassian, but get the overall impression Cardassia is still a threat.
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ao3feed-ds9 · 8 months
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filmjunky-99 · 2 years
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s t a r t r e k t h e n e x t g e n e r a t i o n created by gene roddenberry The Chase [s6ep20]
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quarkmonger · 3 years
Data winning the B'aht Qul challenge with Nu'Daq is a favorite moment. Like he couldn't even be bothered to mimic any human emotional reaction in winning so effectively. Dude just wants to sit and work on his padd in peace.
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spockvarietyhour · 8 years
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spockvarietyhour · 8 years
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I love these two, Nu’Daq is a Klingon caricarture, full of bluster and hot temper while Ocett has a pretty interesting voice, like schoolmarm.
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