#Nutriost and physiotherapy
poohstuffs · 2 years
Health And Fitness
“Happiness begins with good health”
Health and fitness are important aspects of one's life. It refers to maintaining a lifestyle without any diseases. With a disciplined routine an individual can live a healthy life. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away". 
Staying healthy is necessary to cope up with the fast-moving world. To carry out their responsibilities effectively and to grow every day, one has to be healthy and fit. Being sick brings a lot of restrictions on one's life.
Basic ways to stay healthy are -:
a. Maintaining a balanced diet.
b. Inculcating healthy habits like yoga, swimming, cycling and GYM.
  c. Reduction in screen time.
d .Relaxing and reducing stress.
e. Balancing work and life.
f. Development of hobbies like reading books and gardening. These practices are therapeutic.
g. Getting proper sleep.
4. A healthy and Physical fitness to a person gives them the confidence to lead a life and it also makes them smart in many ways.
5. In Yoga, meditation plays an important role in keeping the mind healthy as when we do deep inhalation, the amount of oxygen taken increases which is supplied to the brain and other parts of the body and the body works more precisely.
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 A healthy diet plan is important to support and strengthen your immune system. Nutrients Yeast such as proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, fibers, fats, minerals, and water must be an essential part of your life to maintain a healthy immune system and strengthen your body. Consistent eating healthy food may provide you a healthy body. Follow these healthy eating tips:
Eat local produce Increase your intake of locally available and seasonal fruits, vegetables, and whole grains near your region and reduce your intake of processed foods.
Explore traditional foods you don’t have to find ingredients to eat healthy. You can choose simple but nutritious Indian grains that include jowar, bajra, ragi, etc. as a part of your daily diet.
Eat a variety of food You must include a mix of wholegrains like wheat, maize and rice, legumes like lentils and beans, and plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables in your diet. Choose unprocessed foods as much as possible.
Limit your salt intake You can Limit your salt intake atleast 5 grams a day.
Eat moderate healthy fats in moderation Replace butter with healthier fats like olive, soy, sunflower or corn oil when cooking. Avoid baked and fried foods that contain fats
Limit sugar intake Limit intake of sweets and sugary drinks such as fizzy drinks, fruit juices, energy and sports drinks, flavored milk drinks. You use, honey, jaggery, dates, and raisins to sweeten you desserts instead of refined sugar.
. Stay hydrated Drinking enough water can help to improve your body weight loss and help to Flushes out Toxins, improve skin color and maintain regularity.
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7. GYM-:
Gym plays an important role in our life as it is very attractive and helpful process for those who want to weight loss and weight gaining in less time. In gym you will get lot of good facilities like cardio, strength training, functional training, free weight, pro-shop, group fitness shop, steam, nutrionist.
I have had an overall excellent experience in SK-27Gym.as when I started I was feeling very nervous that how can I reduce my weight and how I will boost my confidence which I was linking behind. I really enjoyed the fitness days that, not only helped me stay physically but mentally stronger.    Sk-27 GYM provides a lot of good facilities to people like Cardio Training, Weight Lifting Bar, functional training, pro-shop, a group fitness studio (Zumba), steam, Nutritionist & Physiotherapy, etc.  
  As past 2 years this topic is in trend due to Covid-19 all are look for better immunity
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought this world to a Pause. The impact of this pandemic is massive, and the only strategy to stop the rapid spread of the disease is to follow social distancing. They imposed lockdown, resulting in the closure of business activities, public places, Gyms and activity centers, and overall social life, has hampered many aspects of the lives of people including routine fitness activities of many people, which has resulted in various psychological issues and serious fitness and health concerns. I aimed at understanding the unique experiences of fitness during the period of lockdown due to COVID-19. This blog also help to explore the ways in which you can do exercises and fitness activities at home which help them to deal with psychological issues and physical health consequences.
However, there was a gradual increase in positive self-perception and motivation to overcome their dependence on gym and fitness equipment and to continue n fitness exercises at home. Participants also tended to play music as a tool while working out. The regular fitness workout at home during the lockdown greatly helped them to overcome psychological issues and fitness concern
Thank you -:
At last I will finish with a great slogan
“The pain you suffer today is the sign of tomorrow’s victory”.
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