#Nyneave never shouts
swordofsun · 3 years
Wheel of Time episode 5 - Blood Calls Blood
Here be book spoilers. Just all the book spoilers. I take no responsibility for you being spoiled after this point.
I think I need to break this up via character. Possibly my favorite episode and I didn't expect to even think about throwing out the word favorite without even seeing Siuan or Min. The next three episodes are going to destroy me, I can tell already.
Rand and Matt (and Loial):
Again their story stays a bit simple, but lovely and full of foreshadowing.
Mat is increasingly paranoid which is great, but I wish we got to SEE the dagger a bit more. Like we got to see him clutching it, but it wasn't obviously the dagger.
That scene with Logain huh? They are keeping his Talet of seeing ta'veren it looks like. Seeing both Mat and Rand together must've been a trip.
At least Rand didn't climb any fucking walls here.
Rand picked up a book of Dragon Prophecies! Hell of a thing for an inn to just have on a shelf.
I know the ogre - ogier thing was for rv watchers, but it really gave a shout out to what a nerd Rand is in the books. We've all had that moment where we realize we've only ever read a word and don't actually know how to pronounce it.
Speaking of Loial I'm sad at the lack of ears, but understand the practical application was probably too hard and expensive.
Overall liked Loial, very excited about the humans and wants to make friends
Although a bit odd they kept the "chased through the city" stuff when changing the meeting to Tar Valon. Says a lot about Ogier that they aren't recognized on sight in Tar Valon of all places.
Rand recognized Dragonmount! That is both your birthplace and your grave you little ray of sunshine! I can't wait for the emotional and mental torment to really start destroying him. Not to mention the physical. (I heard Joshua was excited about the box. Can anyone confirm?)
I love that everyone was assuming the previous episode was her first time touching the One Power. Or course they haven't been spending the past month pushing her to break her block, they don't realize she has one!
Nyneave best still have her block. It's fucking important to her character.
Then we get Nyneave telling Rand about Egwene and the break breakbone fever! Her actual first Healing.
Side note I love Moraine's whole everything when Liandrin tried to suggest Nyneave might end up anywhere but the Yellows.
Nyneave's continued distrust of Aes Sedai and how little they are doing to fix that. Nyneave never fully buys into the White Tower propaganda and I love it.
The Warders:
I really liked how much time they spent on Stepin. So important to show the effect of the bond breaking, of a Warder losing their Aes Sedai.
Nyneave spending her time worrying about him and offering what comfort she can. She's been giving him sleeping tea! She told him his pain would never go away when it was exactly what he needed to hear! Such a good and compassionate healer.
I adore the deatb rituals shown. One of my favorite things about New Spring is the hints of actual spirituality RJ put in and the show expanding on that is perfect.
Alanna singing, the candles, arranging the bodies in a motherfucking circle!
"May the last embrace of the mother welcome you home." Don't mind me sobbing.
Everyone in Tar Valon knowing what an empty horse with a backwards boot meant. Such a small detail, but so good.
Warders returning their Aes Sedai's ring is such a good detail. Give them a reason to make it home and try to keep them alive.
The way all the Warders stood in quiet solidarity. I love the bits of Warder culture we got in the books and this adds to it so well.
The discussion about being chosen as a Warder and the honor in it.
How everyone was sad, but not surprised, that Stepin killed himself.
Stepin's funeral! I really like the idea that everyone morns, but one person is choosen to vocalise that grief. It takes the silly single wail we see so often in shows and movies and makes it a group expression of loss.
Moraine and Nyneave reaching for each other. I want them to be uneasy allies.
Between her discussion with Alanna and the funeral scene I think the groundwork for what she does with Lan's bond has been well laid. Especially because she can see how much Lan and Nyneave care for each other already.
Her shared grief with Lan. The pain and loss unique to Aes Sedai and Warders.
Her sexy silence about Siuan. I can't wait for them to finally have some scenes together.
Thought: If we're getting Min in Fal Dara it's likely Moraine has spent time with her before and perhaps been given some of Min's foretelling. Her expression during that talk with Alanna makes me wonder if she doesn't know that she'll be dying before Lan.
Egwene, Perrin, and the Tuatha'an:
I love that we got our first look at Tuatha'an dedication to non-violence at the same time as we got to see how far White Cloaks will go.
Poor Aram just left knocked out on the ground. We'll see you later!
Egwene being Egwene! This is the Eggy we know and love. Core of iron and unbreakable. Her entire discussion with Valda had me internally screaming about future Amyrlin Seats. So good.
Perrin finally told someone about Laila. That was such a good scene. He really needed to hear that it wasn't his fault.
Egwene splitting the threads! So sneaky and great!
Egwene just straight up stabbing Valda. Loved it!
Perrin is a bit more werewolfy then in the books. I like it.
He starting to understand the wolves and realize he's been adopted.
As gruesome as it was I adore the wolves just tearing apart the White Cloak camp. Saving Young Bull and being terrifying.
Are we gonna get Elyas next episode?
This has gone on too long so final thoughts:
I heard they 3D printed a lot of the set for the White Tower and cannot fault them if true. It looks gorgeous and the sort of intricate stonework the books talked about.
Was Alanna eating an apple or a peach? I need some better screencaps because it looked like a peach and I am not okay with that.
Peaches better still be poison. I need that bit of bizarre canon.
Still got penis mountain and vigina island.
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