#OBC: played by robin de jesús
pardonmydelays · 11 months
IN THE HEIGHTS countdown: 17 DAYS!
song for today:
it's silly when we get into these crazy hypotheticals you really want some bread? then go ahead create a set of goals and cross 'em off the list as you pursue ‘em and with those ninety-six i know precisely what i'm doin'
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talesandfluff · 7 years
hey hey what are some opinions you have on the olney production of ith? like is there anything special that comes to mind with the actors and how they played off of each other? I love them so muchh
Great question, thanks so much!!!
Pete (Juan Drigo Ricafort): Honestly LOVED his costume and appearance. They did a bit less with his character than in the original and though he didn't lack personality, I felt like he had less material to work with to be as memorable. Very good for what we had.
Usnavi (Robin de Jesús): One of the three reasons I was excited about the show: DID NOT DISAPPOINT. He plays a very soft and self-aware Usnavi, which reminded me a bit of Joseph Morales's Usnavi. Loved him, even though I tend to love jumpier/more nervous Usnavis. Still, excellent! The choreography focused a bit more on him during certain songs than in the original (especially noticeable in 96,000) which I found a pity for the other characters but he was so worth it.
Piragua Guy (Tobias A. Young): Honestly you have to be evil and rotten to be a bad Piragua Guy. Yes he was great!
Abuela Claudia (Rayanne Gonzales): Kind of liked her, she was already an understudy on the first national tour. Not my top favorite Abuela but definitely makes you feel like a warm hug. 
Kevin (Danny Bolero): My second reason to be excited about the production!!!!! Danny was Kevin on the first national tour and he is a GREAT Kevin!!!!! Flawless performance, everything the character is supposed to be. 
Camila (Vilma Gil): Pretty good! Not as good as the best Camilas but you feel the Camila vibe! I liked her. 
Daniela (Natascia Diaz): Daniela is one of the characters (along with Carla and Sonny) where my OBC biases are the strongest so my opinion is always tainted there but I honestly kind of enjoyed Natascia. There's worse Danielas out there. 
Carla (Melissa Victor): A cutie!!!!! She's pretty good, as I say, really good Carlas are very hard to come by but she was completely fine and SO CUTE! She really made the role her own, which I enjoyed.
Sonny (Michael J. Mainwaring): For me there is a line where exaggerating Sonny's traits becomes annoying and Michael often crosses it. I also don't like how he pronounces certain lines (like "96,000"). He's not bad at all, better than many Sonnys, but especially considering he was sharing the stage with the best Sonny in the entire world, he just wasn’t doing it for me. I liked his singing more than his acting. 
Benny (Marquise White): REALLY GOOD SHIT HAPPENING HERE! He completely NAILS the character, confident and funny, teasing without being an ass, soft without beeing a pushover. Just perfect. Really good Benny. 
Vanessa (Linedy Genao): My last reason to be REALLY excited about this production!!!!! My girl had played in On Your Feet! and I was sooooo excited to hear her as Vanessa!!!!!!!! Her voice is from heaven and she looks so PRETTY!!!!! Her face is so round and cute she's like a little baby Vanessa!!!!!! She's definitely a much softer Vanessa than most others but I feel like this isn't really an issue, the dynamics fit well together. Great great chemistry with her Nina, and with Robin.
Nina (Mili Diaz): SHE'S SO GOOD!!!!! She has an INCREDIBLE voice, her acting is very strong, overall she gives us exactly what is enjoyable about Nina's character. Maybe a tad softer than others, but with Robin also a softer Usnavi, Linedy a softer Vanessa, it really fits together. She completes the cast perfectly. The barrio's best. Overall, yeah. Obviously everyone was into this because of Robin and he did not disappoint at all, but I also found myself enjoying other aspects of the production SO MUCH! It was an incredible show. 
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