#OC Broco Zopu
masterjedilenawrites ยท 1 year
Oh my god yay I have a couple of Star Wars OCs
One of them is is named Broco Zopu he is an alien (still not sure what race he is yet)
He was around during the clone wars he was a jedi him an Anakin kinda joined the jedis around the same time maybe a year apart in the beginning both Broco and Anakin didn't like each other due not only personality wise but also how they were being taught by their masters they had different opinions on a lot of things and different ways of doing things Broco was jealous of Anakin for how skilled he was as a jedi while Anakin was envious of how the Jedi masters respected Broco and held high praise but as soon as the clone wars rolled around both Broco and Anakin became generals in the front lines slowly their rivalry turned more playful until they eventually became bestfriends and learned to admire each other
Broco was then called back to the temple he was assign to protect Padme as they feared there would be another assassination attempt (Broco is aware Anakin and Padme are married)
During that time he spent with Padme he started to fall in love with her and truly cared for her maybe she even started to feel the same way
They both felt guilty for even having romantic thoughts about each other knowing it would hurt Anakin
I'm not sure if your OC is a jedi I hope they are because Broco would go to them and just rant about Anakin and Padme and I just imagin your OC like ๐Ÿ˜’ while drinking coffee
Not the same anon ๐Ÿ’š -
Oooh, what an interesting dynamic you created there! Because like, what a tough spot Broco is in, to have worked through this rivals to friends situation with Anakin, to have gained his trust and legitimately care for him now, only to then fall for his wife and potentially ruin all that? And especially if Padme might feel the same? What does Broco do? Choose friendship and hurt the woman he loves, or choose love and betray his best friend? Some juicy but angsty story possibilities there lol
Thank you for introducing your character to me!! ๐Ÿ™‚
I don't have any Jedi OCs... yet. I have a clone unit (with a civilian medic character), and I've been thinking I'll probably need to have a Jedi assigned to lead them, but I'm just not sure what kind of character I want to envision for that. Maybe someone with a good head on their shoulders, who may have trained under Mace Windu, is just a really solid leader but isn't always taken seriously because they're still new to everything? Orrrr someone who is reclusive, spends most of their time just meditating, but if a mission ever goes sideways or a battle really drags, then they'll jump in and save the day? IDK, I like both directions and can't make up my mind ๐Ÿ˜‚
Does your Jedi lead any specific clone units? Ohh, and he survive Order 66?? ๐Ÿ‘€
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