#OC: Avalynn Knight
tarberrydovah · 9 months
Thank you for the tag @orionlancasterr <3 Since you tagged my skyrim/elder scrolls blog I'll do one from each <3
Name: Briie Storm-Dawn
Nickname: Bri, Dog, the white fang
Gender: female
Star Sign: The Atronach (November)
Height: 5"8
Orientation: Straight
Nationality/Ethnicity: Nord/Reachman (Reachwoman?) Also werewolf.
Fave Fruit: is apple pie a fruit?
Fave Season: Weirdly enough for someone who's never left Skyrim she loves summer.
Fave Flower: Blue Mountain flower (whatever they're irl version may be)
Fave Scent: Fire smoke or dwarven oil.
Coffee, Tea, or HC: Fruit tea.
Average Hours of Sleep: five
Dog or Cat Person: Cat.
Dream Trip: She'd love to see the imperial city one day.
Favorite Fictional Character: The hero of kavatch.
Number of Blankets They Sleep With: three, it gets cold in skyrim.
Random Fact: Got some sort of super strength with her werewolf powers, she can lift Vilkas AND Farkas (Not at the same time, all though she does want to try that)
Fallout OC below the read more
Name: Avalynn Knight.
Nickname: Courier, Ava, Pinkie.
Gender: female
Star Sign: Cancer (July)
Height: 5"3
Orientation: Bisexual.
Nationality/Ethnicity: White, American.
Fave Fruit: Peach.
Fave Season: Fall.
Fave Flower: Swamp Milkweed
Fave Scent: Wet concrete, Laser gun discharge.
Coffee, Tea, or HC: Coffee, or whatever the fallout universe version of a monster is.
Average Hours of Sleep: 3
Dog or Cat Person: Both.
Dream Trip: California.
Favorite Fictional Character: Samwise Gangee.
Number of Blankets They Sleep With: One.
Random Fact: She carries a torn version of the LOTR trilogy with her at all times, Boone once joked that she could always use it as a weapon if she got bored of rereading it.
Tagging: Anyone who see's this and wants to it, tag me if you do <3
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tarberrydovah · 3 years
The House Looses.
My “Canon” ending to New Vegas is the No God No Masters route, so I wrote a thing about Avalynn stopping Mr. House’s plans for the Mojave.
It was eerie in the room where House’s body was still alive after all this time, the air was cold and smelt too fresh, smelt like disinfectant and bleach. 
“Jesus.” Boone let the gasp escape his mouth without really meaning it too “This is House?”
The..man in front of them was barely anything other than the vague shape of something once living, leathery skin pulled tightly over bones, Avalynn had seen ghouls in better shape than this, He looked more like an ancient mummy that she had seen once in a pre-war book. 
He was hooked up to tubes and consouls, all keeping him alive.
Could he be even considered alive? A husk rotting in a stainless steel sarcophagus, barely hanging on to life?
This was the man who had hatched a plan to rid the mojave of the battling armies and squabbling tribes?
This was the man who was responsible for Benny shooting Avalynn in the head and burying her in six feet of sand?  
The screen above the sarcophagus flickered to life, the image of a more...human looking House was staring down at them. 
“You have killed my guards to get this far, Courier.” The title sounded like an insult coming from him, his smooth recorded voice mixed with the wheezing noise of his mortal body. “What do you intend to do?”
Avalynn gripped her 10 mm pistol in her hand 
“The world you want to rebuild is dead, House.” She licks her dry lips, the air in here was drying her out worse than the midday sun out in the desert “It was killed by people like you, People wanting profit and to rule with an iron fist.”
The screen laughs 
“I saved the strip, You savages owe your existence to me.”
“You saved it so you could rule it.” Avalynn snarls “You want to use your damned robots to scare the people living here into following your rules.” 
She clicks back the hammer of her pistol, her thumb on the trigger
“I defeated the NCR and the legion at Hoover dam, And I was helped by the very people you wanted me to wipe out.” She aims the pistol at the husk, hidden behind dirty glass “The Mojave can take care of itself, it doesn’t need armies or robots to keep the peace.”
“You came here to kill me?” House seems angry or as angry as his programming will allow “I was the one who hauled you out of that grave!” 
“You’re the one who put me in it.”
“Benny pulled the trigger! Yet he is still alive!”
“He saw you for the monster you are and had to stop you.” 
She adjusts her aim, her finger depressing the trigger.
“You built your tomb, Now lie in it.”
The gun makes a loud bang, followed by the crashing of glass and the dull thud of a bullet hitting flesh.
The husk slinks forward, blood gushing from a wound right between its hollow eyes. 
The machines keeping him alive for centuries whir to a stop and the green screen flashes the message 
‘Signal lost’ 
“What now?” Boone puts a hand on her shoulder
“We clean this place out...and let Benny take over.”
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