#OC-tober 2k17
bekkomi · 7 years
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Day (Failed): Marin Abis
For some context on my ocs: [x]
Marin is Reginald's younger sister who was a formerly a knight. After Marin was corrupted, her brother was ordered to kill her.
Marin is currently deceased and working once again for Ettvald.
She was the one responsible for creating mind controlling flesh buds to create an army for war, along with creating many magic devices and hexes.
Her staff is a copycat meant to be to go on par with one of the original 7 staves. Hers just needs the Gem of Reign, which is located on top of any king’s throne.
In the past, she was a support class despite her potential.
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viciousjay-art · 7 years
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Inktober 2K17 
Day 1 swift I had a very hard time with the first day theme, but skateboards are swift...right? Combined the first day with OCtober, so here is my OC WIlliam a dandy hitman.
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bekkomi · 7 years
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Day (Failed): Reshmi Kaur
For some context on my ocs: [x]
Reshmi formerly worked in the same assassin company as Hien as a seamstress. She used to create specialized uniforms for them.
Reshmi currently works in fashion and hates the models. She calls them all puffy lipped, spoiled brats.
She considered her greatest creations to be Hien and Mirabelle’s wedding dress/tux.
Reshmi have a Reus friend/pet named Mau. Mau can turned to a human form but prefer to say as a cat to be spoiled by Reshmi (and sleep on her projects.)
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bekkomi · 7 years
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Day (Failed): Kizuho Hyakumi
For some context on my ocs: [x]
Kizuho have the ability to clone herself, each with their own personality, and a number marked on their eye.
She have a total of 99 clone-guards on the island, Maryuu.
Her real host body is elsewhere and elderly. Her clones all appear a fourth of her true age, being teen to young adults as it takes more mana to age them to prime.
The boss clone is the only one appears as Kizuho at her prime.
Kizuhos all refer to themselves collectively as “we.”
Her familiar is the demon lantern plant and like all Noroitas, her sword and familiar shares the same name, being “Wandering Eye”/Horo-me.
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bekkomi · 7 years
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Day (Failed): Yijun Tienlong
For some context on my ocs: [x]
Yijun is the current emperor of Yu-Wei.
He rules with an ironfist, but is highly regarded by his people for bringing the continent prosperity through his ruling.
Many agree with his fiscal policies but others does not agree with his civil rulings, much of which are “old fashioned” and extreme.
He is the brother of Lin, and noted to be quite “different” after gaining power.
He seems to adore tournaments and often hosting them.
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bekkomi · 7 years
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Day (Failed): Reginald Abis
For some context on my ocs: [x]
Reginald owns a bar/restaurant in Maryuu that is frequently visited by others. He mostly ends up working outside of the kitchen and leave it to his sous chefs Malak and Stephen.
Reginald was formally a knight for his kingdom. He abandoned it after he was ordered to kill his sister who was destroying the kingdom at the time.
 Reginald is capable of healing others but he have a better method of assisting others in combat.
If you dump in the ocean, he will turn to a merman. He is not pleased when it happens.
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bekkomi · 7 years
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And thus start the suffering of my OC’s life because I’m a dick
Day 8: Kai Mimoto-Shih
For some context on my ocs: [x]
Kai was a student of Kali’s biological father, Kamishi. He worked his teacher and his wife, Mori-Beryl.
Kai was missing for many years after escaping from Scarlet’s massacre of the Yu-Wei court. He escaped with Beryl but they were both caught later and kept prisoners.
He was found with almost all of his memories ripped out and his mind destroyed. He is currently relearning everything.
Kai is currently living with his former teacher’s brother and daughter.
Like all Noroitas, Kai have familiars tattooed on him that share the same name as his swords. They are a pair of koi fish named, Sagawa/Left River and Migi-kawa/Right River.
He seem to retained all muscle memory for combat.
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bekkomi · 7 years
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Day (Failed): "Adam Kestner”
For some context on my ocs: [x]
As a Genus’ creation, Adam isn’t human at all. He was artificially made to be a living doll. Only a handful have knowledge of this.
 Adam is the top student in his class and is only rivaled by Maha.
He is known for running off his mouth unnecessarily causing many disputes in class. Some are backed but most are plain offensive.
He considered Maha flawed, as well as Kali and Grimgore a nuisance.
He was designed under another’s image.
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bekkomi · 7 years
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Day 19: Jett Tay
For some context on my ocs: [x]
Jett is born without forearms and hands, making her unable to use magic as Nohoas heavily rely on their hands for magic and mana circulation.
If Jett was capable of magic, her signature plant would be the holy basil.
Jett is a child of the state. Her mother was forced to surrender her to services.
Jett is a top student and wishes to transfer to one of the academies on Cyphen through scholarships.
She is also extremely fascinated in magic and their combat as it defies many basic laws of physics. Jett became friends with Regulus from it.
Jett is a huge fan of the heros of Novan and Rhea, wishing to be like them. 
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bekkomi · 7 years
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She ripped.
Day 4: Rhea
For some context on my ocs: [x]
Bellators normally bulk up fast and wear the most efficient armors. Rhea on the other hand is is extremely self conscious of her femininity, and chose to wear a skirt and sub par armor instead.
Rhea don’t have any skills sets outside of combat, forcing her to enter many tournaments as her way of income. She is quite successful in arena, becoming quite the an icon for many young female audience.
She is well known to end any matches that don’t peak her interest in one or two punches.
Rhea is currently dating her former party’s support, Aali. They’ve known each long before the party was assembled.
Like most Bellators, Rhea lacks a surname but rumors say that may change.
Rhea is a lot more quirky and awkward than she seems. She doesn’t know what she’s doing in 90% of her social interactions. 
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bekkomi · 7 years
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It’s time to art binge...
Day 6: Marigold Virag “Mab” Pixis
For some context on my ocs: [x]
Mab was formally known as Marigold, a cheerful Fae alchemist. She is now known as a no “bullshit” ruler by many.
Faes have a tradition where two members would be marked and are to fight to the death for the throne. The victor becomes the ruler of the Fae kingdom, taking the name of the queen they represent; Mab/Titania.
Mab does not like the tradition and slowly changing the system where the future queens would not have as much political power.
Mab is the only one who really giggles at Virgil’s puns and at times join in with him. Her friends say it’s because she have a poor taste in humor.
Mab have inherited magic that belonged to each previous “Queen Mabs”. Her favorite is an “energy bomb familiar” named Quark.
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bekkomi · 7 years
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Day 11: Mirabelle Sørensen Kaeda
For some context on my ocs: [x]
Mirabelle is far from a being a decent home maker. Her husband, Hien always end up doing all the chores for her. He doesn’t mind as much.
Mirabelle is EXTREAMLY squeamish when it comes to insects and other pests. She will not be in the same room of the pest at any cost.
As a Glas, Mirabelle is able to copy magic. Her favorite magic allows her to phase through physical attacks.
While crossing paths with Scarlet, Mirabelle was left paralyzed and had to receive tech enhancement to walk again.
It is common for Novans to have tech. augmentations but Mira’s were specifically modified to be a counter to Scarlet, allowing her to enhance her strength, speed, and absorb magic damage. 
Mirabelle’s current occupation is a event planner despite her distaste for formal events.
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bekkomi · 7 years
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Day 13: Katsuo Noroita
For some context on my ocs: [x]
Katsuo was formally in a dungeon raid/conqueror party with Hex, Ennis, and Vermont.
For their spoils, each one took one of the islands they conquered and molded their interest, Katsuo’s being Maryu, for those who seeks refuge.
Katsuo had a son before Virgil who was killed by Ettvald.
Katsuo is currently retired and spends most of his days keeping up with soap operas.
Katsuo’s old family name was Seiten, he was stripped of it after dishonoring them and used the linage’s name as a placeholder.
His sword and familiar’s name is Senkatto (1000 cuts). It shows itself as a large crane, creating a gust of wind that would cut the opponent the same number as his age, capping at 1000.
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bekkomi · 7 years
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Day 10: Hien Van Kaeda
For some context on my ocs: [x]
Hien is married to Mirabelle. He was originally sent by his former organization to assassinate her in hopes of a mutual kill between the two. They found him becoming “too soft.”
Hien have a huge insomnia issue. He ends up staying up and calling his friend Serey all night instead.
Hien’s family name was forced upon after a predecessor have dishonor the court members, stripping the family of their name and status.
Hien was put in a coma for around 30 years from Scarlet.
Nohoas are capable of growing about any plants as long they have the seeds. His signature plant doesn’t require it, being the hoa mai. A touch of it’s petals will mark you and detonate, blowing off most of your body.
 Hien’s magic makes him incapable of being a “proper” support. He have to rely on the use of other plants to help his allies.
Hien deeply regrets all of his “scores”, and convince himself that they were all part of the job.
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bekkomi · 7 years
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Day 20: Regulus La Caille
For some context on my ocs: [x]
Satellars are known to all have a fear of mortality, as they cannot regain mana, leaving them dead if they use all of it. This fear lead to Regulus taking up a sword powered by an external source of magic.
Regulus always have admire combat and love watching tournaments. His parents wishes that he didn’t have such interest and put all of his attention to the family business.
Regulus is also extremely fascinated by Novan technology and their culture of not relying on magic. He ended up becoming great friends with Jett from it.
He is trying to take the entrance exam for one of the knight schools on Verum against his family’s wishes. 
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bekkomi · 7 years
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Day 16: Erin Angelica Heavens
For some context on my ocs: [x]
Erin was the top student of Verum until Riel transferred in years back. She still holds a small grudge against him over it.
Erin comes from a long line of Angel Contractors and knights. They were known to serve many king and queens before large large political changes happened in Elena.
Erin is known to be quite religious, never touch a drop of alcohol and all.
Erin is also known to be easily touched, bawling at many sob stories. She even cried holding a puppy before from how adorable it is. Her team hold tissues at all times because of so.
Just like Riel and Jamilla, she can also speak her boss’s native tongue. In Erin’s case, she learned it all at school, the other learned it locally.
Her contracts are: Seraphim, Arariel, Raziel, Leliel, Cherub, Zaphkiel, Ophaniel
She mainly uses Seraphim.
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