jewishbarbies · 1 year
There's a growing issue in the OC community I feel about Harry Potter OCs, particularly from the game. People don't want to admit they're participating in a fandom that promotes anti-Semitism and transphobia etc. Yesterday I spoke to a OC creator who repeatedly keeps asking people to submit questions for their Hogwarts Legacy OC despite the overwhelming silence in response because people just don't want to. They refuse to respect that. Then they went and set their friends on me, making posts excusing participating in toxic fandoms and making revenge Harry Potter OC edits that triggered my mutuals because they don't even bother tagging their posts as tw. The original instigator doesn't even bother full stop to tag anything as triggering. I am so sick and tired of people supporting JKR indirectly because they don't want to quit the fandom.
yeah idk how to tell you this but this issue isn’t new. people have been making more and more hp oc’s since jkr was exposed as a transphobe to begin with. hp only really has the fandom it does at this point because of fanfic keeping it alive and supporting it, and then conservatives/dumb leftists who either support it because of the hate toward jkr or think they can buy hp merch and participate in fandom while “separating the art from the artist”, which isn’t possible when the artist wrote her bigotry into the art and still profits from it in every way. you have to just block and unfollow those people because they’re not going to change their minds. it’s hurtful and infuriating but there’s nothing more we can do. just process it how you have to and move on, and continue to advocate against it.
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luckycandydragon · 1 year
I'm embarrassed for YOU Glor
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Just keep proving you're a tampon why don't you
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reality-detective · 8 months
At approximately 12:53 this morning OCFA was dispatched to the historic hangars at the Tustin Air Base.
Units found heavy fire coming from the north hangar and called for a 3rd alarm.
OCFA Copter 2 along with QRF Copter 76 and Helitanker 47 were requested to assist in operations due to the massive size of the structure and imminent threat of collapse.
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ichi-asakura · 1 year
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asirensrage · 1 year
How does it feel to be ocfa's number one enemy??? Come March, we will be raising our arms again 🤳
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How about you don't?
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NASCAR icon Bobby East, 37, is murdered in California
NASCAR star Bobby East, 37, died after being stabbed at a California gas station. Police are looking for Trent William Millsap, 27, who allegedly stabbed the three-time US Auto Club (USAC) champ in the chest while he was fueling up in Westminster on Wednesday. East was transported to a nearby hospital, where he was pronounced dead.
'The victim was found on the ground suffering from a serious stab wound to the chest area,' Westminister Police said in a statement. 'Officers attempted life saving measures until OCFA paramedics arrived and transported the victim to a local trauma center, where the victim succumbed to his injury.' 
Police said Millsap, a transient who frequents the area, is also accused of stabbing another man at the 76 gas station before allegedly attacking East. Officials said Millsap, who has distinct tattoos all over his body, should be considered armed and dangerous. The homeless man also has an outstanding parole warrant.
East was a star in the racing world, capturing three USAC national driving titles and winning the SAC Silver Crown championships in 2004, 2012 and 2013. Born in Torrance, California, East made his home throughout his racing career in Brownsburg, Indiana, according to USAC Racing.
Hitting the scene in 2001, East was seen as a natural on the racetrack given that he's the son of USAC Hall of Fame car builder Bob East. The younger East was not married and did not have any children.
East found his first victory at the USAC National Midgets in 2001, becoming the youngest winner ever at the time at 16, and he was awarded the USAC's Rookie of the Year.
The USAC dubbed him 'the winningest USAC National Midget Rookie in more than a quarter century.'  
He totaled 22 USAC National Midget wins during his career, and raced in 42 NASCAR national competitions between 2005 and 2008. The murder of East took place in Orange County, just south of Los Angeles, which has seen an increase in violent crime this year.
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petnews2day · 2 months
Firefighters helped to save a kitten trapped in a manhole in Santa Ana today
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/PYFGH
Firefighters helped to save a kitten trapped in a manhole in Santa Ana today
Santa Ana – Firefighters at Station 70 got a knock on their door today. They were met by people seeking assistance with a kitten trapped in space below the street, according to the OCFA. The kitten was stuck in a storm drain by Santa Clara and Tustin, below the bus stop. The concerned group […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/PYFGH #CatsNews
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fabioperes · 2 months
Intros de Caricaturas en Vivo - GNX (Dibujos Animados 80's y 90's) PRIMERA PARTE GNX CONTACTOS El Salvador: +503 77903095 [email protected] https://ift.tt/Yt9eWnF Director General: Joshua Rod Productor Ejecutivo: Angie Rod VOCES LÍDERES Gilber Cáceres Joshua Rod Angie Rod (Angie Fashion) Víctor Rodríguez (Sol Nocturno) BANDA ROCK Batería: Alex Cordero Sintetizadores 1: Pablo Orellana Guitarra Eléctrica: José Luis Jiménez Bajo: Guillermo Damas CUERDAS Violín Principal: Azalea Ruano (OCFA) Violines: Carlos Rosales (Fundación ANCALMO), Diana Alvarenga (Fundación ANCALMO), Verónica Urbina (Fundación ANCALMO), Alejandra Rivera (Fundación ANCALMO) VIENTO METAL Corno Francés: Jaime Fuentes Flauta: Ángel Portillo Trompeta: Aníbal Castro Trombón: Jonatan Martinez PERSONAJES Robot: MGLX (Stellar Souls) Ninja: NEON (Luces Visual Poi) (Stellar Souls) Inspector Gadget: Norman Hernández León O: Romeo Iván Hernández Pantro: Luis Aldana Palacios Cheetara: Michelle Kastillo Tigro: William Alberto Mumm Ra (Momia): Roberto Linares Mumm Ra: Douglas Ascencio Mandrilo: Luizmi Aldana Production Manager: Aby Rod Road Manager: Boris Martines Trajes y Accesorios: ANGIE FASHION Body Paint: Jaime Castro Filme durante el 6° aniversario del programa de TV PICANTE SABROSO de El Salvador, Teatro Presidente, 8 de septiembre de 2016, Especial (Temas de Caricaturas) por la Orquesta de Rock Sinfónico formada por músicos cantantes y artistas Salvadoreños desde el julio del 2015, dedicada a los covers de algunos Intros de caricaturas de los 80's y 90's transmitidos en latino-américa. GNX nace con el objetivo de llevar emoción y nostalgia a la generación "X" (personas que nacieron entre los años 1965 a 1995) al recordar sus series y caricaturas favoritas, y en homenaje a grandes compositores, autores, creadores e interpretes Americanos y Latinoamericanos de esa época tales como: Rankin/Bass Animated Entertainmen Bernie Hoffer, Heart (SilverHawks)(Thunder Cats) Intertrack Studios Mexico Ricardo Silva (voz oficial en español de mas de 500 Intros) -(Teddy Ruxpin)Ken Forsse, Andrew Huggett -(Chip and Dale)Walt Disney Animation Studios -(Dragon Ball Z)Akira Toriyama, Shunsuke Kikuchi, Hironobu Kageyama Ray Parker Jr. (Ghostbusters) Mazinger Z D. ALFREDO GARRIDO GARCIA, autor de la letra de Mazinger Z en español (Ichiro Mizuki) Capitán Memo (voz oficial en español) -(Pequeña Lulú) Nippon Animation -(Ulises 31)Jean Chalopin, Nina Wolmark -(He Man) Roger Sweet, Mattel Kevin Eastman, Peter Laird, David Wise (Tortugas Ninja) Jean Chalopin, Andy Heyward, Bruno Bianchi (Inspector Gadget) Johanna Spyri Hoyt Curtin Hanna-Barbera (Heidi) Playlist! Teddy Ruxpin 1:04 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Las Tortugas Ninja) 2:02 Mazinger Z 2:58 Ghostbusters (Los Cazafantasmas) 4:43 Ulises 31 5:57 Pequeña Lulú 9:07 Heidi 10:38 Inspector Gadget 13:03 He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (He-Man y los Amos del Universo) 14:16 Chip n' Dale - Rescue Rangers (Los rescatadores) 16:17 Dragon Ball Z 18:19 Thundercats 20:12 SIlverhawks (Los Halcones Galácticos) 22:35 via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iBwDOBouBo
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stuartbramhall · 6 months
The Amazing Benefits of Dairy Fat
Dr Mercola Story at-a-glance Studies have repeatedly failed to find an association between full-fat dairy and cardiovascular events. Instead, full-fat dairy actually reduces your risk of cardiovascular events and deaths thereof. Dairy products are also associated with lower risks of Type 2 diabetes, liver disease and more Whole-fat dairy contains the odd-chain saturated fats (OCFAs)…
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daughter-of-melpomene · 7 months
Ah, so the bitch used to be a member of OCFA. That explains a lot.
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plaque-memoire · 11 months
Billet spécial n°4 - Les hommages aux agents SNCF
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1ère rangée : Paris Austerlitz (Paris)
2ème rangée : Paris Gare de Lyon (Paris) et Lyon Perrache (Rhône)
3ème rangée : Orléans (Loiret) ; Saint-Etienne Châteaucreux (Loire) ; Oullins (Rhône)
Le 500ème billet de blog est l'occasion d'un nouveau billet spécial. Cette fois-ci, nous n'allons pas rester dans une seule ville française, mais au contraire prendre le train et voyager entre différentes agglomérations.
Véritable institution en France, la SNCF (Société nationale des chemins de fer), officiellement créée en 1937, est une part essentielle de l'identité nationale. La figure du "cheminot" (qui regroupe un grand nombre de métiers liés à l'activité ferroviaire, comme en témoigne la diversité des qualificatifs que l'on peut lire sur certaines de ces plaques commémoratives) est ainsi un élément majeur de l'imaginaire collectif français. Ce sont en effet des générations de Français qui ont, d'une manière ou d'une autre, travaillé au contact des chemins de fer et des trains qui y circulaient. Il est donc naturel de trouver, dans un grand nombre de gares françaises (en particulier dans les grandes villes), des plaques commémoratives en hommage aux cheminots, victimes civiles ou militaires, tombées lors des conflits dans lesquels la France a été impliquée, en particulier les deux Guerres mondiales et la guerre d'Algérie.
Ainsi, pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, les chemins de fer français sont essentiels pour assurer l'acheminement des troupes, le rapatriement des blessés et des prisonniers et l'approvisionnement en armes et en matériel. De nombreux cheminots ont pris part au combat, devenant ainsi des "Poilus" ; et de nombreux autres soldats ont également rejoint les ouvriers des chemins de fer après leur démobilisation (c'est par exemple le cas de Louis de Cazenave, l'un des deux derniers Poilus, mort en 2008, qui était devenu cheminot après la guerre).
L'histoire de la SNCF durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale est plus complexe et nuancée. D'une part, il est indéniable que de nombreux cheminots ont pris part à la Résistance contre l'occupant, notamment au sein du mouvement Résistance-Fer, créé en 1943. Leurs actions comprenaient des actions de renseignement et de sabotage du matériel ferroviaire visant à perturber le fonctionnement des troupes allemandes. D'autre part, toutefois, la contribution de la SNCF aux déportations de milliers de Juifs et autres victimes du régime nazi ne saurait être niée, et il est encore aujourd'hui difficile de faire la part des choses dans les controverses qui opposent ceux qui affirment que les agents de la SNCF ont agi sous la contrainte et ceux qui prétendent que certains ont commis des excès de zèle, par exemple en allant au-delà des exigences allemandes.
La SNCF n'est initialement pas directement présente en Algérie coloniale, les chemins de fer algériens étant gérés par l'Office des chemins de fer algériens (OCFA), une société distincte créée en 1939. La SNCF sera toutefois l'un des principaux actionnaires de la Société nationale des chemins de fer français en Algérie (SNCFA), créée en 1960 en remplacement de l'OCFA. De nombreux cheminots seront mobilisés durant les combats.
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jewishbarbies · 1 year
Justice is served clink clink 🥂🥂🥂
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automaticar · 1 year
OCFA Fire Safety Simulator by JHB Group, Inc..mp4
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truedarkhcld · 1 year
@buckaroo118, @scinglives (because this would happen with one of Ben's kids with Wanda)
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asirensrage · 2 years
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I posted 6,726 times in 2022
That's 4,168 more posts than 2021!
1,793 posts created (27%)
4,933 posts reblogged (73%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,832 of my posts in 2022
Only 13% of my posts had no tags
#lol - 1,218 posts
#other people's ocs - 935 posts
#other people's manips - 480 posts
#asks - 436 posts
#other people's stories - 345 posts
#anon - 234 posts
#my asks answered - 232 posts
#darth caillic - 194 posts
#stop being a dick - 193 posts
#thanks for asking! - 161 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#add in the issues i have were the gov wants me to pay them another 1000 despite the fact my notice only says 1 (which i already paid)
My Top Posts in 2022:
Of course, I want to write! That's why I'm reading a different fic, looking up how to peel tomatoes for dinner, blasting music and playing with my dog while considering having a nap. I'm totally not procrastinating....
102 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
Wrong Number - Dark!Billy Russo Oneshot
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Title: Wrong Number Rating: M Fandom: The Punisher Warnings: Dark!Billy. Stalking. Breaking in. Kidnapping. Summary: When the burner phone rings, Billy expects another job for Rawlins. What he gets is someone calling the wrong number and Billy wants to know who.
Notes: Please READ THE WARNINGS. Happy Friday the 13th! This came to being today when @vixenofcourse and I were talking while at work about having to phone people and calling the wrong number. This was quickly developed to be done to celebrate today lol. I hope you enjoy it.
See the full post
115 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
The Choice
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Title: The Choice Fandom: MCU Rating: M Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader Word count: 1891 Warnings: serial killer!Steve, choking, violence, use of a knife, threats, swearing, implied kidnapping, dark fic! (don't worry, the cat lives)
Summary: Based on the scary story prompts from @darkpromptsyouneveraskedfor. Prompts include: 11) "You're so pretty when you sleep, so peaceful." and 18) 'After a horror marathon, you check under the bed only to find out that you should've looked sooner.'
Horror prompts masterlist
Notes: This is a dark fic. It's violent. There's no redemption in this. The reader is not described in size and/or looks (but does mention wearing a bra). I don't usually write reader fics but this is how this one turned out.
Heed the warnings.
See the full post
176 notes - Posted October 10, 2022
OCFA here 👀 We are so glad your childish smut writing campaign has tailed off. Let this be a lesson now it is over. There is no room for smut on here. There never was. You are an interloper so you still have time to amend your ways. ☝
Good afternoon,
Thank you for contacting asirensrage, newly proclaimed the Totem of Obscenity, Writer of Smutt, Promoter of Unsanitary Behaviour, Enticer of Others and Corrupter of Morals.
We are unable to process your request at this time. Please see the menu for your available options:
Press 1 for the history of fanfic
Press 2 for the article Fandom has a Purity Culture Problem
Press 3 for blocking of this blog and regulating your own experience
Press 4 for coming off of anon and speaking to people like adults
Press 5 if you desire to join others doing their own thing and be offered a place on the totem of obscenity
It is recommended that you proceed through 1-4, if not all options available and leave people alone.
Others are not responsible for your erratic behaviour or your disapproval over their likes, nor should they be subjected to it. If you are unable to control yourself, it is recommended that you take some time offline.
Thank you and have a nice day. *click*
239 notes - Posted March 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Me: Your Honour, I love him.
Judge: He killed people.
Me: Yeah. It was hot and he should do it again.
262 notes - Posted April 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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win-free-iphone8 · 2 years
Firefighters save apartment complex in Lake Forest: OCFA
Firefighters save apartment complex in Lake Forest: OCFA
Firefighters save apartment complex in Lake Forest: OCFA #Firefighters #save #apartment #complex #Lake #Forest #OCFA Welcome to Americanah Blog, here is the new story we have for you today: Click Here To Continue Reading from Source Firefighters were able to limit a blaze to one unit and prevent its spread to other apartments when they responded to a complex in Lake Forest Saturday…
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