#OH! I just realized I could have also made this Shinkenger based!
fortune-maiden · 6 months
AU meme: MDZS is now a toku and the twin jades are the starting henshin heroes.
Send me a potential AU and I’ll tell you five fun facts that would happen in a story.
I admit I was sitting on this one for a while because I was trying very hard not to turn this into a Ryuki AU.
I failed.
So now it's Ryuki based with Toshiki Inoue brand identity shenanigans because I loved them in Agito, Faiz and Donbrothers :D
Ryuki is the Battle Royale one where the Riders are duking it out in order to have their wish granted. I'm going to combine this a bit with Fate/Zero where the end goal is an ultimate power, but this ultimate power is actually EVIL!
(It's the Yin Iron) (pretty sure it was also EVIL in Ryuki but I have not watched all of Ryuki)
LWJ was not supposed to be a Henshin Hero but while investigating a haunting one day because he does that, he spotted his brother and shenanigans ensued resulting in the LXC's transformation belt getting split in two and LWJ is a Hero now! ....but he and LXC are only at half the power they should be individually.
Which for ✨Reasons✨ is still pretty much on par with all of the other riders.
WWX is the favorite to win this Battle Royale. In his hero form, he is the villain to defeat and every time he and LWJ run into each other, it's a death match. In civilian form, he and LWJ actually get along great, neither one knowing the other's identity but both having strong ideals of justice. Their identities get revealed to each other about 2/3rds through and there is much angst.
(WWX also forms the classic 2 guys & a girl Rider trio with WN & WQ)
LWJ owns a motorbike and there will be romantic sunset motorbike rides. And friendship sunset motorbike rides. And angsty sunset motorbike rides.
(The bike's name is Bichen)
NHS is not a powerful hero like his brother was, but he has his guile and is determined to get the ultimate power so he could resurrect his brother. (Sorry Da-ge is dead in this verse. For ✨Reasons✨). He's friends with WWX in their civilian lives. Naturally they don't know each others identities, but he and LWJ do learn each other's identities pretty early on, and help each other out. NHS is very definitely not plotting something!
JGY is also a part of this. He and LXC know each other's identities so he figures out LWJ's identity pretty quickly. He decides not to let on that he knows, but much like LXC & LWJ he is more invested in using his powers for good than fighting other heroes. Honest!
This is as far as I got haha (JC is here somewhere too.... possibly also partaking in the identity hijinks with WWX & LWJ). Also Bonus because you mentioned this in our chat and I loved it:
WWX makes his debut in the story when JZX throws his sister's love letter off a bridge and he jumps down to get it while yelling at JZX. (LWJ witnesses this and thinks WWX is an idiot. But a respectable one!)
hmm would it be fun if the Yin Iron shards are what actually allow everyone to become Toku Heroes...
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