sincerely-sofie · 5 months
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A particular type of torment one is very lucky to suffer.
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krakenator · 5 years
CHAPTER 7 aka “Blighterpoop”
SPOILERS are sprinkled around extremely liberally for The Property of Hate
Masterpost here
POV, short of Point of View, is about perspectives. Makes sense for a chapter that’s one big fight and chase scene through a tree
Bruh you can actually see exactly the branch that Hero will spear herself on on the title page. also what looks like a deer head on the direct opposite side of it
We actually see the moment RGB’s color pallet resolves itself into his new Look of the Day. Suit counter = 4
Yo those… those are veins on the tree. Nice hint that this thing is also a heart
Hero singing that Gonzo song from the Muppet movie is not ok
Hewwo? Assowk? OwO
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Mad applause once again to mod for the speechboxes bc goddamn. It sets such a tone for character voice. Assok’s voice is pink tinged with Hero’s orange, since they’re copying Hero’s words- it so very neatly establishes that Assok’s voice is a garbled combination of their own, original pink sound and Hero’s orange cadence. When they parrot RGB is in just a few pages, that pink is mixed with RGB’s white text!
And! Hero’s speechbubble visually cracking alongside her voice! Like, that’s motherfucking genius but also NOT OKAY
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Hero, seeing her first friendly face after having a big argument with TV Dad and seeing Scary Dad wear his skin and eviscerate enemies with extreme prejudice: oh thank god
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I didn’t actually get that Hero was mimicking Negative’s face/eye here until now. Even more interestingly, Assok doesn’t recognize it- Assok’s never met Neggy Boi. This might add substance to the “Negative is a recent development, split from RGB when he was speared by Fears in Ch. 2” school of thought
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That’s just the foreshadowing babey dont worry ‘bout it
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Interestingly, RGB recognizes Assok immediately and is. Very contrite. Lookit that awkward hat fiddling. Gotta wonder who the last Hero before our Hero was. Gotta wonder if it was Assok
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Assok is having too much fun with this. Look at that smirk. That’s a smirk of pure glee. Of mischief and cahoots
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Okay I am. In love with the page composition of 120.
Ey, the first time RGB fiddles with his volume
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That’s… a very specific pose there mod. A hanged man sort of pose. A sacrificial sort of symbolism
Which really just smacks you in the face with a certain reality: RGB is FIT as FUCK in many senses of the word. I’ve already mentioned he STRONK but look. Look at him monkeying around the tree in this chapter. Take it from me that he moves like a rock climber here. Like, a confident one. This pose right here? Goddamn. He’s one of those people that makes the sport look easy damn him
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Would he have muscles if he wasn’t invisible? Will we ever get a glimpse of skin RGB and just get whacked in the eyeballs with an athlete of a man?
I heard RGB has an 8 pack. Heard that he’s shredded
Wow Hero knows some BAD WORDS for a six year old. Who taught this girl to say dumbass?!
Even beyond the hilarity of Assok’s garbled contributions, lookit the colors- not a trace of pink in there. It’s only white and orange, a mixture of RGB and Hero’s namecalling without Assok’s own voice in there and… oh come on. the shapes that make up the speech are white squares and orange circles.
And looking back, Assok repeating Hero words are in orangey-pink circles that gather into a roughly oval-shaped speech, and RGB phrases are in pinkish-white squares that gather into more rectangular shaped speechboxes.
the power of laughter prevails! the argument isn’t over, but they’ve definitely reached a ceasefire
Aaaaand cue the second stabbing! Can’t believe she went a broke her promise to Madras like that
I guess that’s it everyone! Hero’s dead, journey’s over, time to start a new Hero! Thanks for tuning in, see you next time when RGB shows up in my room to take me on a magical adventure where I inevitably end up being turned into, like, an ink creature
New TPoH art challenge, draw your Hero-self after RGB’s gone and fucked it all up
But on that life-saving schism though… going back, we can actually see it opening up over the course of the last 15 or so pages! We first get a look at Hero’s shirt on page 110 when she takes off the Doubtified raincoat. No visible schism
Between pages 110-126 we actually see it re-appear! Super neat!
Check it: page 115: no schism
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page 120: we get our first clear look at Hero’s shirt since climbing the tree and- ah.
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it only seems to get longer and, uh, open-er as their fight continues; here’s page 123 shortly before Hero takes her tumble
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So why did Hero’s schism come back like a bunch of ripped stitches, but RGB’s own stab wound is never seen again? Is it because she got nightmare-gassed on top of the trauma? it is to do with doubts?
RGB hasn’t actually said “I’m sorry” in this chapter that we’ve seen… for Assok to be using it, he’s either used it in the minor timeskip that’s implied between pages 127-128 where RGB has a “I wasn’t attached” breakdown, or Assok heard it when Assok was the Hero… who wants to bet they heard it when their own Hero’s Journey forcibly and tragically ended?
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Y’know, I thought the first go around that RGB was just reassuring himself, but looking closer… he’s petting Assok while Assok cries that they’re sorry. He’s saying it to Assok.
Which isn’t to say that RGB isn’t also feeling horrible, he absolutely is, but realizing that it’s not two characters having two separate meltdowns but RGB comforting Assok while having his own meltdown… that’s some Good Shit right there.
Another note of interest is that there is very little pink in Assok’s cries here; this is almost solely RGB’s voice they’re using, in contrast to another time they’ve used RGB’s voice:
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“what in heavens name are you MADE of?!” sterling stuff, RGB. Sterling stuff. But seriously… this is the second of at least three times Hero’s been noted to be particularly resilient
Additionally, everything is made of Stuff here, not just the trees. Hero didn’t make that statement with a literal intent but… it probably is literal, now
So, the schism opens when Hero experiences, what, anger? Resentment? Or hate perhaps? Also, check out the, like… fear residue she leaves behind in the tree??
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“just this once” lmao ok RGB you keep telling yourself that
He’s siiiinging in the rain
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RGB dips out of panel boundaries constantly but this is a big one.  he breaks the laws of space to point accusingly at Hero’s face from both four inches and 2 meters away
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Whoof, even the MEMORY of Negative glitches the page what fierce. Jeebs you’re gonna give this child nightmares
?? what’s Assok looking a-
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Hold the fu. Hold the fuck on. hold the. That shadow. That’s- is that the butterfly?
I gotta tell ya, I am getting DISTINCT flowey vibes right now.
And thus we conclude Day 3 as the tree begins to thaw... better go find out how that turns out next chapter
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