kayzowl · 8 months
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merry oofmas briarrrrr, are you sick of me yet >:D @aliosne @oofurixmas
I immediately latched on to your spies/assassins suggestion as well as kikumomo, so in this AU Kikue and Momoe are competent spies both training up their (currently incompetent) protégées. Momoe and Abe don't know yet that Hanai is Kikue's son... it will be a big third act twist, so shhh, keep it a secret.
Izumi and Mizutani make gadgets and do man-in-the-chair stuff for them back at hq, probably overseen by Shiga because otherwise they would get nothing done, ever. (That is mostly a lie, they are both competent, they just also horse around approximately 110% of the time. maybe sakaeguchi and the rest of the team can also be there with various specializations. hamada did not finish the training so he is an information broker on the outside that they use all the time)
They get a mission to investigate a (short, loud, filterless) star athlete after he shows up a bunch around some longtime enemies and they start wondering if he's a target or a recruit or a third worse thing, and his teammate with horrible social anxiety ends up getting caught up in all the drama, as well. :)
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thedevillord-writes · 5 years
Pandora - Value
"A value is valuable when the value of value is valuable to oneself"
-Dayananda Saraswati
The vibrating of his phone woke him up. At some point, Eisuke fell asleep waiting for Haruka to wake up while holding her hand. He straightened himself and loosened the hand holding Haruka's to reach into the inner pocket of his suit. By the time he got the phone out, the call ended. As he turned the phone on, the screen lit up to show messages from several people and many missed calls from Yumi. As the phone started buzzing again, Eisuke let out a sigh of frustration. He specifically told her to cancel all his appointments for the rest of the day, what could she be calling about?
He looked to Haruka who was still sleeping, taking the towel off her forehead and pressed the back of his hand against it. Although warm, it was significantly cooler than when he first arrived. He leaned forward and planted a kiss on her forehead before pressing the answer button.
"You better have a good reason for calling. And by good, I mean life or death."
"Why are you speaking so softly?"
Not wanting to disturb Haruka, Eisuke whispered into his phone. As if mocking him, Yumi was whispering into the phone on the other end. There were times when Eisuke questioned Haruka's decision on her replacement. Looking over his shoulder, Eisuke let out a sigh and closed his eyes. If he was patient enough to deal with Yumi for the next six months, he would get Haruka back. It did not seem like a bad deal, six months for Haruka.
"Why are you calling?" Eisuke asked, moving further away from Haruka's bed. He was speaking normally, though his volume was still hushed.
"I know you said to cancel everything, and I did. But there's someone here to see you, a Miss Inoue Junko. She refused to leave, saying that she would wait here until you come back."
"I'll be back in half an hour. Get her a cup of tea, Darjeeling."
Ending the call on Yumi, Eisuke walked over to the bed again. If it were up to him, Eisuke would stay here with Haruka for the rest of the night. If she was awake however, Haruka would be telling him to go. One of the reasons why he kept her around was because she always knew the right decision at the right time. It was one of her superpowers. Many times, she saved him from having to make the decision of which client to give up when there was a clash of time. All those times, her decision managed to keep both clients.
Against every fibre of his body, Eisuke decided to leave.
By the time she woke again, it was dark outside.
Turning her head sluggishly, Haruka let out a groan as she glanced to the clock on the wall. Despite the shock of knowing she slept most of the day, she had no energy to deal with the shock. She rolled onto her side and the towel on her forehead fell on her pillow. With a frown, she managed to push herself into a sitting position and picked up the towel. While her memory was a little fuzzy, she clearly remembered she used a fever patch instead because it was the last one and she had to go out for more. As she was recalling her day before her blackout, Yosuke's visit came to mind. Was he the one who took care of her?
At the thought of Yosuke nursing her, Haruka could not help the chuckle. The Yosuke she knew was not the type to take care of others. Or at the very least, he was not fit to take care of others. That childish personality of his would only make matters worse for his patient.
Dismissing the idea, Haruka got out of bed and stretched out her limbs and back. After eight healthy years, she had forgotten what it was like to be ill. This feeling of lethargy and disorientation was not something she missed at all. Dragging herself to the kitchen, she was pouring a glass of water when she noticed a thermos with a sticky note on it. She plucked the note from the thermos, tilting her head slightly as she read it. It seemed she was wrong about Yosuke, and the note was proof.
World's Greatest Secretary,
I know you're amazing at taking care of others but sometimes, you just have to take care of yourself.
This is chicken soup. Don't worry, I didn't make it. I just went downstairs to the convenience store and microwaved a can, ha! Anyway, when you wake, eat the soup and take your medicine.
Get well soon! I can't lose my best girl ;)
Your best guy,
Sagara Yosuke
"Well, well, well. If it isn't the world's busiest secretary."
"It's nice to see you too, Naoko."
"Come here!"
It took her a good week to fully recover from her flu; just in time for her to meet with an old friend. Naoko was a good friend of hers in high school. They were in the same class every year and were sat right next to each other. Naturally, they became close friends. Every lunch time, Naoko would sit at her desk and they would share their bento. After school, Naoko would drag her to the nearby snack shop to buy the newest sweets for her sisters. Naoko was the one who found a job for her when she desperately needed one. They kept in touch after graduation but ever since Haruka started working for Eisuke, she had no time for her friend.
As Naoko pulled her into a hug, Haruka let out a big smile and gladly returned the hug. Seeing her friend was feeling nostalgic yet at the same time, refreshing. Naoko definitely changed a lot since her school days. The cute schoolgirl with a side ponytail was no longer but instead, a woman wearing an off-shoulder blouse and long jeans with long wavy hair dyed golden brown sat opposite her. The bubbly girl was now a charming woman who was already catching the eye of several guys in the café.
"So, how did you manage to convince your boss to let you out?"
"I didn't, because I don't need his permission to be here. I took a leave."
"Just to spend time with me? Oh wow, I am so honoured."
Despite not meeting for years, the two friends hit it off almost immediately. They started by catching up for the past few years then, it was mostly reminiscing their school days together. They were giggling and whispering as if they were two teenage girls once again. This was the type of interaction Haruka missed, where she could just be herself and talk about things that someone else could relate to. Where she did not have to run around, putting out fires (figuratively and literally twice), and dealing with unreasonable individuals.
She missed being able to just sit in a café with a cup of tea and a slice of cake, not with a tablet in her hand while her phone was ringing off the hook because there were more fires for her to put out. She always knew that because of her job, she missed out on a lot in life. She was not there when Haruna's dance club won the championship. She was not there when Haruko was giving her valedictorian speech at her middle school graduation. Listening to Naoko now, she was coming to realise that she missed out on a lot more than she originally thought.
Over the eight years, there had been countless class reunions and school reunions, all of which she never attended. Several of their classmates got married, some to each other. Most of them were parents too. Naoko and Haruka seemed to be one of the few focused on their career instead.
All of a sudden, in the middle of their conversation, Naoko leaned in and grabbed Haruka's hand. The look on her face was the same one back in high school whenever she would get excited, especially when it came to Haruka's love life. Though she only found out after graduation, it seemed like Naoko had a little bet going on with most of their friends to see who Haruka would go out with in the end. She had the exact same look back then as she did now when she found out Haruka went on a date with the basketball captain.
"Don't turn around, but there is a super hot guy staring at you."
"A super hot guy? Really? We're not in high school anymore, Naoko, stop playing around."
"Oh my...! He's coming over! He's coming over!"
In her excitement, Naoko was hitting Haruka's upper arm over and over. Grabbing Naoko's hand to stop her, Haruka looked over her shoulder out of curiosity. The result, however, was more than disappointing. When she felt overworked and needed time to herself, she could take leave from work and be away from Eisuke and the other guys. But when she felt irritated and wanted to get rid of him, he was like a stubborn rash that kept coming back.
Beaming from ear to ear, Yosuke took a seat next to Haruka before looking to Naoko. "Nice to meet you, I'm Sagara Yosuke. You must be Ayasegawa Naoko." Unable to resist his charms, Naoko shook his hand with a smile to match his. "You're as pretty as Haruka said you are," he continued.
"Really? Haruka told you about me?" Naoko asked, turning to her friend. "But you never told me about your super hot boyfriend."
"He is not my boyfriend," Haruka denied. "And he is not super hot. He is a super creepy stalker."
"If I have a stalker as hot as you, I wouldn't mind being stalked."
"And I would love to stalk a woman as pretty as you."
Stuck in between the two, Haruka could not help but feel awkward. Weird was an understatement to describe the exchange between the two. She always knew Naoko was eccentric in her own ways. She would use to come up with dramatic scenarios that were good enough to be written as a romantic drama or a film. She also knew that Yosuke was no simple man. He was complicated in many ways, ridiculous and dramatic in many more. When put together, their eccentricity seemed to have amplified and Haruka just did not have the energy to deal with them.
Rolling her eyes at their conversation, Haruka interrupted by flicking at Yosuke's forehead. While she was used to his random appearances, it did not mean they were any less irritating. He was an omen; nothing good ever came out of his visits.
"First of all, creepy," Haruka said, circling the air between Naoko and Yosuke. "Secondly, I'm trying to spend some time with my friend and you are interrupting. And last but not least, please don't be friends with him. He's really just a creepy guy who has a lot of time on his hands."
"First of all, ouch. Secondly, ouch again," Yosuke grinned. "Last but not least, aren't you supposed to be nice? It's your job, isn't it?"
"I'm on leave, I'm allowed to not be nice."
Now it was Naoko's turn to feel awkward between the two. Since meeting Haruka for the very first time by the gates of their school, she had been known to be a nice person. There was a point where Naoko thought Haruka was simply acting nice for others to like her but she was proven wrong almost immediately. Even in their yearbook, Haruka was voted the kindest. Seeing the way she was acting with Yosuke now, however, she could not help but think there was some kind of connection between them that no one else could understand. Yosuke was bringing out a side of Haruka that even she herself did not know about, most likely.
It was a good thing though. Being her friend for years, Naoko knew Haruka's story. She would never let it show but Naoko knew she always hid her feelings away so others would not worry about. It was a blessing and a curse at the same time. Even after her mother's death, Haruka forced herself to put on a smile every day so everyone at school did not have to worry but Naoko knew she would cry alone in the bathroom stall. Somehow, Yosuke's presence allowed a path for Haruka's feelings to come out without even knowing herself.
"Anyway," Yosuke smiled, turning to face Naoko. The way he looked her in the eye was making her feeling shy. "I'd like to ask to borrow Haruka for the rest of the day, if that's okay. I hate to ruin your plans but there is somewhere important I need to go and Haruka needs to be there."
"You are more than welcomed to take her," Naoko smiled. "Have lots of fun, you two. Haruka needs it."
Begrudgingly, Haruka went with Yosuke. She really did not have a choice because Naoko was adamant about her going with the 'super hottie'. As she got into Yosuke's car, she could not bring herself to be mad at him. She was reminded of when she was ill a week ago and Yosuke was the one who took care of her. Despite every fibre in her body yelling at her to scream at him, she could not bring herself to. She owed him a favour.
They did not speak for the entire car ride; just because she could not be mad at him did not mean that he could not be on the receiving end of a silent treatment. Arriving at a hotel, Yosuke stopped the car just outside the entrance where a valet came running down the steps and greeted Yosuke as he got out of the car. He got something out of the trunk before handing the key over and knocked on the window on her side, beckoning for her to follow. As she got out of the car, she was handed a dress bag and was directed to a bathroom upon entering the hotel.
The scenario was reminding her of Eisuke, how he would used to just bring her a dress without much explanation. And just like Eisuke, it seemed like Yosuke had an eye for dresses for her. She rarely wore purple but the dress Yosuke chose for her was pastel lavender in colour. It hugged her curves perfectly yet did not feel restricting at all. Instead of her cleavage, the dress revealed her back instead. He was considerate enough to have prepared the appropriate bra too.
"You do realise that I took a break from work to get away from all these, don't you?" Haruka asked, her arm hooked onto Yosuke's as they entered the venue together.
"But you are here as my date today," Yosuke corrected. "Just enjoy yourself."
"I highly doubt I would."
Setting down his wine glass on a random table, Eisuke let out a sigh. Such events were ones that he hated the most. Socialising was a big part of the event but it was the one thing that he despised doing. The handshaking, the smiling, and the joking as if they were old friends. It all felt as if he was kissing up to them, and Ichinomiya Eisuke did not need to kiss up to anyone. Except, he had to. A good handful of the people present were those he dealt business with. Another handful was potential clients that he had his eyes on. He had to butter them up, and be buttered up.
Just as he was about to call for Yumi, a couple entering the venue caught his eyes.
He would recognise her anywhere. That long hair of hers that did not need any professional setting yet still bounced with every step she took. The natural aura she emitted that would turn every head the second she stepped into a room. Without a doubt, it was Haruka. What was she doing here? More importantly, what was she doing here with him?
Subconsciously, his feet moved in their direction but someone caught his elbow before he even took two steps. Irritation settled on his face as he turned to see who it was. Right away, Eisuke swapped the frown for a smile. Standing before him was a tall woman, her hair curled and swept to one side neatly. Her dress was a little too tight but it did the perfect job of showing off her cleavage, which every man in their immediate vicinity was appreciating.
"Isn’t it rude to be abandoning your date, Eisuke?"
"You were in the middle of a conversation, seemed rude to disturb you, Miss Inoue."
"I've told you many times to just call me Junko."
Inoue Junko was a model. She started her career at fifteen, modelling for clothes brand but soon moved on to fashion magazines. Her first fashion show was at seventeen where she was the featured model. She starred in so many advertisements that she was known as the Ad Queen. It was almost impossible for her not be to known by anyone in Japan. Eisuke, on the other hand, knew her father better.
"If you’ll excuse me for a moment, Junko."
"Wait a minute." Grabbing Eisuke by the elbow once more, Junko followed his line of sight before letting out a smirk. "Ah, the legendary secretary. I was starting to wonder where she was. Running off to rescue her from all the creepy men?"
"Something like that."
"Before I let you go, let me ask you one thing Eisuke." Junko let go of his elbow though she stood in front of him, blocking his way. "Every other man seemed to be captivated by her. Now I understand, that as men, they tend to think with only one thing. No doubt that secretary of yours has a pretty face, I was charmed by her once too. But the Ichinomiya Eisuke that I know, is not like other men. He doesn't get captivated by a woman simply because she's beautiful and he didn't use his brain. So tell me, what's her value?"
"Her value?"
"Her value. Everyone has a value. To me, that man over there has no value because he wouldn't bring anything to my career, or my future. That man, however, is a director. Now he's valuable. So what's her value? What can she bring to your life?" Junko asked. "Let me answer that for you: nothing. A commoner like her, the answer is always nothing. She can fool others with the expensive dresses, the shoes. She can fool you with her elegance, and willingness to do anything for you. But let's face it, when it comes down to it, she's nothing."
"And what value do you stand at, Junko?"
He was mad.
He was mad, but he could not let it show. It would do him no good to lose his temper here, especially not with Junko and especially, not because of Haruka. A place as public as this, Eisuke was at a disadvantage and Junko knew it. That was why she chose to agitate him here.
"I can't be certain what value I'm worth to you, but I can tell you for sure that I'm far more valuable than she is. Don't forget how you got that casino hotel of yours. Don't forget who my father is. And I'll let you know, anything that everything that I want, I get."
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jokikudistrict · 6 years
Post-Trial City Escape [Arisa, Shu (Tomomi), Uta (Yatagarasu), Jo (Asa), Hideo, Keiichi, Dororou, Akihiko (Noctem), Seishiro, Kimiko, Mirai, Yoshiko]
Following the screen blacking out, there is a few fleeting moments for everyone in attendance to process what they'd just heard. What they'd just seen.
But it is only a brief time, before the familiar mechanical grating sounds begin once more and the floor beneath the students slowly raises the group back up to the surface of the park. The scent of smoke, the uncomfortable heat, the debris of the exploded Karoshi-kuma, all remain relatively untouched from where they'd left it. And with the number of students remaining the same as when they had entered the trial this time, it was truly as if nothing had happened.
The flickering lights and chaos that had consumed the city had, for the moment, ceased. The bots that had been patrolling the streets were still and silent. Looking up toward the countdown clock, it seemed to have resumed a normal speed, but the number that displayed brought them no comfort. 58:37....58:36...58:35...
They were running out of time.
Akihiko had, for the most part, known what to expect with an outcome like this. He knew that the execution would happen and that there was no doubt that they had the right person. He knew he'd never see his fallen classmates or his friends again.
He didn't know if there was even a way to properly escape this place but then Kojima provided them the key. Akihiko didn't know whether or not to feel relieved seeing Ike be destroyed. There was this rotting feeling settling in the pit of his stomach when he saw that unfold. It was only growing and spreading through his bloodstream to every inch of his body.
His own heart pounded away until it felt like it would explode. It almost did as he watched Kojima be executed by robots with the faces of the people he knew and of Hime. He had to lean against his podium, head down as he stared at its surface. Maybe he was trying to commit this all to memory so he'd never forget the extremely bitter sense of victory that lingered in his mouth. Once they were returned it took all of his strength not to break down. He wanted to run out of the city and into the warm embrace of familiarity. He wanted to cling to his family and only friend prior to this incident as he sobbed his heart out. He wanted to forget every bloodstained memory.
But he had a promise to keep.
With his bag of his belongings that he had packed before coming to what he knew would be the final trial secured to his person, Akihiko ran back to the apartments. He didn't hesitate as he ran into the wellness center searching for a warm presence from a cold body.
"Muffin!!!" he shouted. "Muffin we did it, w- we gotta hurry so I can take you home with us!"
Yoshiko felt... Dizzy. Everything happens so much. She just wanted to go back to bed, maybe cuddling Mirai, and sleep this all off. But there was still work to do. Gates to be opened, business to be finished. She expected everyone to swarm to the gates, but instead... Akihiko was running off towards the apartments. Surely he was going to talk to Muffin.
And that gave the drummer an idea.
She kissed Mirai's cheek, promising that she'll be back soon, she started downtown. She should be getting her things from the apartments. She should be making sure she has her clothes, her items, somehow her drum set. But she needed to talk to some bots first.
"Puddle?" she called, opening the bar door. "Puddle, we did it, I... I wanted to thank you."
( tw: swearing )
Watching Kojima get dragged away was probably one of the best images Arisa had seen in her life. As she watched him, she wiggled her fingers in farewell with a grin on her face that didn't fall even during the execution. Hell, she even found herself mentally cheering her departed classmates' android selves on! It hurt seeing Rachele so soon after she had left them, but....it wasn't really Rachele, was it? Could they....Could they be counted as living? It seemed like a philosophical thing that people with beards pondered while drinking wine, and Arisa neither had the brains to do so nor the pallet for adult grape juice.
Either way, she had never been happier to see an old man get beat up. Easily one of the top...twenty moments of her life. Even if it was slightly marred by the fact that Haruna and Alastor were present. And Heloise. Even if it was great hearing her call someone deserving of it pathetic.
Still, she had a few things to pack up. Her cosmetics were expensive, but the pictures left in her apartment were priceless. She figured everyone else could take care of the bots...
Having long since released Dororou from her hold (quite literally seconds after Tomomi had told her to), she glanced at all of her classmates from her position at Megumi's podium. She spoke both to herself and to the person next to her, voice flooded with awe, "We did it....We're going home. Oh my god we're going home. We're going home and we solved this place and everyone outside is still safe oh my god....IDK how we gon' get home since we don't know where we are, but we're gonna. Holy sh-t...."
Tomomi had no response for the brutality they'd just witnessed. There was no punishment more fitting, yet none more difficult and painful to watch. The bots' eerie, uncanny movements sent an uncomfortable chill up their spine. Survivor's guilt flared up and for a little while, they were afraid that their former classmates might turn their ire on the living, on Tomomi, for not preventing this. It was only a small relief that they hadn't. After it was over, they rubbed at their eyes, slowly brought their hands down their face. Was it finished, now? Was it finally done?
They opened their eyes again upon hearing Arisa's voice next to them. "We're going home," They echoed quietly, with a small, weak smile. "You'll get to see Mitsugi again, everyone...Everyone will get to see their loved ones again. It's over..." They kept the bits of cynicism that still burned in the back of their mind squarely to themself.
When they resurfaced, Tomomi kept their eyes on the timer. Not a lot, but maybe just enough to take care of some last orders of business. Noticing the others splitting off already, they noted, "Looks like we'll need to do one last headcount before we exit."
They intended to follow suit nonetheless, but before they started towards the apartments, they turned their attention to Arisa and asked, "Is there anything you need to do before we leave? If there's something sentimental you'd like, and can carry with you, I'd recommend grabbing that now."
"We're going home."
Keiichi rubbed his face with both hands with his eyes wide at the ground. He didn't know what home was exactly. Where was he supposed to go exactly after they'd leave? Everyone had someone or something they were excited to run to, but everything Keiichi had thought he was fighting to survive for was gone, wasn't it? The image of his dad's face-- the mastermind-- looking at him with a proud smile made his eyes sting weirdly.
His eyes flicked upwards, realizing that everyone was rushing out and splitting off. He shook his head, following wordlessly behind the others while watching some rush off to different places with their own missions in mind.
Admittedly, watching everyone sprint off, knowing that pretty soon.. they'll all be released... left a stinging feeling on Kimiko's chest. Everyone here had a chance to get out, go home, and get the help they needed to piece together everything that shattered while in this place, and Kimiko... she didn't know what was to become of her. Of course, she had time to pay, but if no one knew was really happened here--- would there be anything done, really? Her steps were slow, her arms filled with the things she previously placed on her podium.
She was tired, and nothing genuinely felt real, I mean, who goes through something like this? Yawning, she blinks her eyes a few times to refocus her vision. There wasn't anywhere she wanted to be right now, not a single place here grasping her interest long enough to focus on the task of walking there.
Instead, she found a comfortable place to sit o the curb, and chose to wait.. just, wait until everything is all over. Then, she'd see what to do next.
Well. That was a thing.
Air eluded her yet again, wisps of oxygen always seeming to taunt her nostrils— close enough to feel, but not enough to breathe. It always seemed to do that: sending her hunting for breath when panic slimmed her respiratory gateways, when she needed air the most.
Anxiety bristled at the base of her neck, reverberating down her spine and down her wrists, imaginary fingertips entangling themselves with her own. Mirai bit her lip, shuddering slightly as she stood in silence, before steeling her shoulders and standing as tall as a girl her height could.
The show of violence they’d seen was indescribable. Deserved, yet impossible to properly encapsulate in language alone. There was some peace in seeing their fallen classmates say their final piece, and yet...bittersweet all the same.
But above all else lingered the steady realization that home was finally within reach.
Back to her mother, back to her computer, back to a house with one long-untouched room.
Back to everything, yet as a different Mirai.
The rpg developer nodded as Yoshiko took off on some quest, and she folded her hands in front of her.
“...guys? Is there any way we could...take the bots with us?”
Keiichi blinked at Mirai awkwardly.
“Like...Puddle, and Chirp and Cap and Muffin,” she said softly. “Kojima-san too, of course, he’s shaped like a friend...but are they able to leave the city?”
Tomomi's own smile was returned by Arisa's signature thousand watt beam. It was easy to be in a good mood after a brutal execution when the person who had just been beaten to death kind of trapped you in a murder game with kids who were either your age or younger than you and his android who was totally just a better, updated version of him. She knocks her hip gently against their own, "....You'll get to see him, too. I promised we would both get out so you could meet him, yeah? Silly of you to think that changed, y'know." She says and giggles.
She sighs, "Yeah, I hafta grab my photos and the books I got. Probably some other things, too...." She makes a note to grab Heloise's filched diamond. Even if the other girl didn't care about it, it felt wrong to just....leave it here. "I have a spare bag you can use in my room, I think. I can just buy new clothes once we're outta here. I brought, uh, a lot."
Taking a deep breath and putting her hands on her hips, she begins to walk back to the apartment complex, watching the others go their separate ways....Makes you think..., "When we get out....are we all just gonna go our separate ways? It would feel weird to....not see them again, don'tcha think? Mmmm, I wonder. Ah, and....Keiichi....wonder what he's gonna do...." Poor....bot-boy lost his whole family....
As Aki burst into the room, Muffin powered on and looked toward him with a concerned, yet grateful expression.
“You…did…?” It echoed, suddenly beaming out and hurrying toward him to give him a hug, “I’m so proud of you all…! I knew…I knew you could all win…” It was then that the next thing he said processed, “Take me…home? I can…leave?”
It looked around, seeming uncertain of what to expect.
Puddle, meanwhile, had been quietly standing behind the bar as it always was, not expecting to see visitors come through those doors ever again. It looked up in surprise as Yoshiko stepped in, but quickly resumed its calm and aloof persona.
“Well I’ll be damned…had the feeling you kids would pull through.” It chuckled, “Still…you came by to thank me…? Jeez…here I figured you’d make a bee line straight for the doors as soon as you could…what’re you thanking me for?”
They'd almost forgotten they'd be set to meet Arisa's friend. "Ah, that's right. So, we really are square then? Hmm...Guess I'll have to do my best not to disappoint, won't I?" Tomomi laughed a little too, somewhat nervously.
They nodded thoughtfully. "That sounds good, although you'd be better off with the bag than I would. I only need one, maybe two things, that's all." They could leave plenty of things to be destroyed, but too much work was put into that TV for them to just abandon it.
Tomomi was close enough to hear Mirai's question, and they piped up in response, "I should hope so. We're going to need some kind of tangible evidence of this place's existence to bring out with us, something more than just our word. And with what they've done for us..."
They quieted down again, feeling a bit awkward about admitting they'd grown attached to those robots. They kept pace with Arisa, was quick to reply to her questions, "I hope not. I'd like to think everyone could keep looking out for each other, even on the outside, but ultimately it comes down to each individual decision..." Their tone grew more hesitant as they continued, "I...Personally, I'd like to stay in contact with you all...though I would understand completely if no one wanted to, with me. And, Keiichi...I just don't know about him..."
Tomomi quickened their pace into the apartments, feeling more than ready to shuffle on up the stairs past that conversation.
Akihiko wants to cry and smiles at Muffin. He leans against a counter to support his wobbling legs. "Yes! W- We won..." He said, finally calming down a bit. "I... I don't know but I promised, right?" Crap Asa or Tomomi would've been more useful than him.
"So I'll do my best!" He was confident. Or trying to be.
Jo clutches the chip in their hand tightly, sighing quietly. They could go home. They never thought they'd be this excited over it.
"Meet me at the gate when y'all're ready to go," they announce, hopefully before everyone starts running off. Then they turn to Mirai. "I'd like to bring the bots. I don't think anyone here would argue. Of course, the choice is ultimately up to them, I guess."
"Puddle, I... You kept my spirits up!" Yoshiko replied, grinning. Suddenly the tears started, just slowly crawling down her cheeks. "Get it, spirits, you work in a bar, haha........ Anyways, anyways, I wanted... I wanted to see if you can come with us? You don't deserve to be stuck here, none of you four do... I think Akihiko-kun went to Muffin, we can go get Cap and Chirp and... We can go somewhere nicer than here."
There wasn't a lot of time to think. Kojima didn't make it easy to get another word in. They watched silently in horror as Ike's head was knocked clean off. If it were any more graphic, everything in their stomach might have come back up, but the chip was what they focused on. Seeing it getting tossed to Jo, Seishiro only looked to Kojima once more before the metal collar clasped around his neck and dragged him off into the final execution. Only this time...? Seishiro didn't feel an ounce of remorse or guilt. A feeling they were beginning to get good at recognizing bubbled up in their chest, allowing Seishiro to watch as their robotic classmates did away with Kojima.
There was a moment that...Seishiro felt bad. The ending. [email protected] look on his face and the several gunshots to the face was enough for Seishiro to look away. And that was all they wrote. The game was over. Seishiro's legs trembled before their knees buckled from under them. Relief was the first thing they felt with the growing sense of hope that washed over. Seishiro was going to go home, see their moms and finally hug their dad. The thought alone was enough for them to pull themself together. They acted alone in the moment, waiting for the elevator to bring them all back up. Jo's statement was heard, but Seishiro didn't make a move to acknowledge it.
With that, Seishiro took off towards the Cafe where Cap would have been. Bursting through the doors, they don't waste time in tugging at them and motioning towards the door. "C-Cap, we did it, Cap, we gotta go." Their expression was pleading, almost urgent. "I-I'm not leaving you here and we have less than an hour before..." Before something. Seishiro didn't know what though. "B-But we did it..! K-Kojima is dead and we can leave..! P-Please..."
Hideo had more or less shut down long before the execution, as soon as the violence started he'd just curled up and covered his head with his arms, blocking it all out. Maybe it was cowardly, but he just... didn't want any part of this. He just wanted it to be over, he just wanted to go home. And it's really for the best that he didn't witness any of the execution itself, since there's no chance he would've remained conscious through it.
Only when it's all over and the platform jerking and rising back up into the park alerts him to the fact that they're finally, finally being let out does he lower his arms and lift his head, blinking around in tearful confusion as he sees some of his classmates splitting off in different directions. Right... right, they have to go, they have to... He stands up and reaches for Jo and Uta. "Th-the bots, Muffin, Puddle... we sh-should see if we can bring them..."
Her face explodes into red and she laughs nervously, "Y-Yeah....Yeah, ah, sorry about before, ah....why don't we just never mention. Um. That. Ever again. For your sake and mine." She says and rubs the back of her neck, "I'm sure he'll think you're great, though!"
"I'd like if we could do that, too....Obviously, some of us might never get along as well as others might, but....there are some things you go through together and you don't separate after. I think a murder game is one of them. I'd like to stay in contact with you as well. And the others, of course. But, um, def you. I don't see why you always seem so....I don't know, sure? That we don't wanna talk with you after this...Jeez, did I make friends with the two people in this place who thought like that?" Arisa feels a bit of a sting to her heart after remembering Rachele and her own words. Oof..., "But I def wanna stay your friend. If you'll still have me, of course."
Arriving at her room, she walks in and begins to take down her pictures and gently places them in her bag, grabbing the framed picture of Mitsugi and herself off of her dresser and....decides to leave the one of her and her parents. There's....Well. There's really no reason to take it. So, she packs the last of her things including her book on foxes and the two on geometry before stepping out and heading out of the apartment building, just sort of....standing in front of it. It wasn't home, but....it did hold a lot of memories now. Mostly terrible ones. She wouldn't be sad to see it go.
Muffin smiled at Aki, gently patting his head. "You did so well.....y...you all did so well...."
The bot released Akihiko from the hug, rolling backward with a slight wobble and some grating squeak sounds. It looked around the Wellness Center, unclear what exactly it is processing. "I...only left this room once before....and, well...that was brief...do you think....all of us will be okay out there...?"
Puddle listened to Yoshiko, letting out another slightly louder chuckle at the joke. "Man...you humans really are so weird...still making jokes at a time like this, taking time from your escape to look out for things like me...talking about stuff we deserve or don't..." Puddle shook its head, "...somewhere nicer, huh? Sounds like something I could get behind, kid...I'm not technically supposed to leave my post here. No clue if it'll zap me for trying but...well...wouldn't be the first time I've broken protocol, huh?"
The bot set its rag down and looked around the Ashpit Bar, seeming to be reminiscing about its place of residence for what had to have been more than ten years at this point. After a moment, it wheeled out from behind the bar, pulling a cord and flat disc with it, before nodding to the drummer.
"Yeah, sure kid...let's get you all the hell outta here..."
Cap didn't even get a moment to greet Seishiro as they burst into the cafe, before the skater was tugging at its arm and leading it toward the door.
"Wha-! Whoa, you're back! You're okay! You did it!!!" Cap resisted being pulled a little, mainly out of its internal programming as opposed to any sort of desire to stay, "Wait wait wait, you came here for me instead of just leaving? Hun-- you're...that's...you guys are all the sweetest..."
It seemed almost at a loss for words, for once, it reached up with its free hand to touch the sticker on its screen, "I've never had friends like you before...you really think they'll have a place for us out there?"
Jo takes Hideo's hand, nodding. "I think some of the others want to take them, too. We can go check, but since I have the key I don't want to be away from the gate for too long."
"That makes sense... um, is there anything else you wanted to grab before we leave...? From your room or...?" He asks, already starting towards the apartments to check on Muffin.
He welcomes the hug and holds the robot close before letting go. Akihiko, admittedly, hadn't thought that far ahead. "I think... that no matter what, we'll find a way. You all have done so much for us! You gave me that clue, saved our lives countless of times, e- encouraged me to keep going even when I really didn't want to...!" He was already tearing up. What a crybaby.
"Muffin you've saved my life so many times and I wanna save yours too! Without you, there's no way we could've won..."
Seishiro stared at Cap, feeling them resist a little and took that as a sign to cool it on the dragging. Their hands remained though, looking up with wide eyes. What were they saying..? Seishiro shook their head almost immediately. There's a waver in their tone too, suddenly feeling really emotional over all of this. It was like reality hit them completely. "O-Of course...Of course I came back. I-I...I can't..we all can't leave here without you." They swallow any emotion down for the time being and smile brightly. "If there isn't...I'll make sure there is a place in the world for you. I promise you that."
"I don't really have anything." They shake their head. "Just, like, clothes. Those're replaceable."
(tw: swearing)
Uta was suspended in a moment of starstruck awe. They were imprisoned, forced to kill, witness inexcusable and sadistic slaughters from coerced murder, and ultimately recorded to have their likeliness uploaded to robotic bodies. But was it all worth it to hear Otome Ito's voice? Absof-ckingulutely. But, as always, he was brought back to attention with the touch of his significant others. They were on the move already so Uta stumbles along.
"Yeah, uh, we can just go. Whatever you all wanna do I'm fine with." Uta murmurs rather dismissively. They were going home, yeah? That would mean...
"The, um, apartments first then..." Hideo slows down a bit when Uta stumbles, making sure it's easier for him to keep up, but still leads them all in that direction, anxious to check in on Muffin.
Muffin looked up and smiled even brighter as the newcomers stepped in. Its wheel made a grinding sound as the bot hurried over to greet them with a hug (or head pat, as the case may be). 'Y-you did it...!"
Cap smiled at Seishiro's response, fixing up its scarf with a determined nod, "You'd really go out of your way to do all that for me? You really are the sweetest...! How can I say no to something like that...?" The bot looked around the cafe, paused, and wheeled itself back behind the counter to retrieve its charging dock before following Seishiro out.
Seishiro nodded once more, hoping that their little speech was enough to convince them. “I promise.” With their charging dock in hand, Seishiro led the way out of the Cafe. They refused to look back on it like Cap had. There were more melancholy memories associated with the building than Seishiro cared to admit, but... This was it. Taking Caps free hand, they walked towards the Apartments in hopes of seeing others. They did take off without telling anyone where they were headed.
Despite everything, seeing how happy Muffin looks makes Hideo feel better, and he lets go of Jo and Uta just long enough to give the bot a hug. "Y-yeah, we did... you're coming home with us, right?" He glances over at Akihiko too, smiling a bit tiredly when he sees him, oh good someone else was here to look after Muffin as well. "I, um, want to bring the other bots, too... if they want to come..."
Yoshiko grins, practically bouncing. "Rules are made to be broken! But we caught the guy doing all this, so technically, there are no rules anymore... But yeah! Let's go!" When Puddle agrees and comes out from behind the bar, she eagerly runs towards the door, holding it open for the bot. "We're all meeting at the gates, do you know how to get there? I need to grab some things that I left here, then I'll be right back to ya."
Muffin looked from person to person and nodded, "...home..." It seemed thoughtful, "I used to think this room was home, but...I'm happy to go anywhere with all of you...!" Muffin smiled and nodded certainly, "...you care about all of us, too...you're all so kind..."
Puddle followed, hesitating slightly at the threshold before rolling out of the door for the first time. It looked around, taking in the sights of the city in silence. "The gates? Never been outside before, I only ever saw this city through the security feed when I wasn't supposed to check...you might have to point me in the right direction, kid..."
In the apartments, Tomomi went off to their own room. Every space-themed decoration had long stopped being a comfort to them, and they hardly felt bad about not grabbing any of it. However, they did linger in front of the dresser, eyes fixed on the malfunctioning TV head resting atop it. They were sure their friend wouldn't be upset about it in the long run, but he'd done so much with it, they still wanted to preserve it. They held it carefully in their hands, stared down at the vague reflection of their face in the blank, dark screen. That's not right, is it?
They breathed in a deep sigh and held the TV under one arm, while their other hand made its way up to their forehead. They began to run their fingers through their hair, then pulled slowly until it was all completely removed, both the wig and the cap underneath. They tossed it near the bed, not caring where it landed, and reran their fingers through their hair, their real, albeit even messier, dark red hair. They'd already given up hiding before anyway, right? What would anyone care if they added Tomomi Sugawara to the list of the dead?
They nabbed their cape as well, bundled it up with the TV, and left. With a quick stop to the bathroom to splash their face with a little bit of water, they made their way down the stairs and successfully navigated them without tripping over a single one. They stopped at the entrance to the medical office, poked their head in just a bit to see what all the commotion was about.
"Has everyone's favorite robo-friend been successfully acquired? If ol' Muffin over there hasn't been persuaded enough by all of you guys already, I don't know what in this world would work," Shu remarked with a grin.
Akihiko turned around when the others entered so he could wipe his fast. He was crying and had promised himself to try to stop doing that so much so he didn't want the others to see. When he thought he was more settled he turned back and returned Hideo's smile. The demon prince made a mental note to apologize to the three for worrying them during that whole no impulse thing. That proooobably didn't matter to him, but he still felt bad about it. Before he could speak someone else entered.
"Who are-- Tomomi?" he tilted his head to the side a bit staring at the stranger who.... looked kinda like Tomomi and was wearing Tomomi's clothes but... Akihiko glared a bit, moving forward to approach the stranger. He wasn't letting anyone else get hurt. Over his dead body!!
"Explain. Quickly."
This was pure anger fueling his strength but his voice sounded as calm as could be. Jo and Hideo were his friends! He would protect them. And Uta was okay... difficult to get along with but okay so he didn't want to lose that one either!!
All things considered, they really should have expected that kind of reaction, but Shu still couldn't help but take a step back and put their hands up defensively (as best they could) at Akihiko's anger. For a few seconds, they looked surprised, before their expression settled into an apologetic one.
"Those are good instincts, but no need for alarm there, buddy, it's still me. I mean, um, I uh," They laughed, then coughed, then cleared their throat. Mostly they were just trying to think of an easy way to explain themself and found it...difficult.
"I've...said some small untruths in the past, but I'm still very much the person you already know! It's just...Well, Tomomi was a...ah, a false identity. With um, a whole different look, and everything, that doesn't look like my face. I made them up to get into the academy, but I don't see the point in acting like them anymore." They rubbed at the back of their neck, unable to hide how nervous they were in admitting it. "My name is Shubaki Nagui, but uh, you can call me Shu. I'm sorry I never told you before, I really, truly wanted to but, it felt like there was never a good time. I was scared somethin' might happen and, uh...it's all a long story, I'd be glad to explain all of it once we're out of here, if...if you would still want to...know...um..."
"But yes! Are ya getting everything together okay? Everything going well in here? All square?"
Akihiko's shoulders immediately slumped. He wasn't good at staying mad at friends, even when it was slightly okay to do so. So Tomomi was someone older than him and... lying. He truly believed in Tomomi-- "Shu..." It felt odd to say but he looked up and sighed with relief smiling. He probably should've asked more questions but with all the time he spent with them, he figured it'd be too much to lie.
"I- I think I'm kinda relieved because I always thought you were more mature than me," he half joked. "But yes, and we're taking Muffin with us!"
"...wow, a fake identity. Can you imagine the shock on my face now?" Uta said with all the vibrancy and life of a dead cockroach "We can discuss this pleasant surprise once we're out of here."
After waiting a few more than a couple of minutes for Tomomi to join her, Arisa was beginning to grow nervous. Was everything alright? They said they didn't have a lot to get from their room, right? What had held them up? For a little bit, she managed to convince herself to stay put and to simply let them figure out whatever seemed to be the issue, but she really didn't want for something to have happened when she didn't know it so soon after they had won. The danger should be gone, but that didn't mean it felt like it 100%....
Her mind made up, she decided to head back into the apartment building to see if they simply needed help carrying something. She wouldn't want them falling down the stairs, after all....
Commotion caught her attention, though, and so did their voice. Heading over to where the sounds were coming from, she was very, very confused. Very confused. That....That was their voice. And that was their clothing (god knows no one else would ever wear something as.....brave as that. Except Jo, perhaps.). So, where were they? After a bit of serious thinking, she finally decided that eavesdropping would get her some answers. She might have come into the conversation late, but she could pick up the bits and pieces she had missed. Oh. This....This was not what she thought they meant when they said they weren't the person she thought they were.
They meant it literally.
On one hand, this was a pretty serious lie. On the other, she had lied worse before so. She would be a hypocrite. "....You know, just because your fake identity has the complexity of a bowl of water doesn't mean you have to hate on ones with actual depth. Yours was just your godsona. And it wasn't even original."
Hideo is just happy that Muffin is agreeing to come along, and that Akihiko is smiling too. Everything feels a little rushed and erratic right now, but... they're going home. Finally. Home. He glances over at Tomomi - or the Shu formerly known as Tomomi - taking in their new appearance.
"Right, we are... um, I'm going to go make sure the other bots are coming, too." Hideo strangely, or perhaps not so strangely, doesn't seem to have much of a reaction to the reveal. He does give Arisa an odd look, what is she talking about, but then he just pats Muffin on the shoulder and heads for the door again. Gotta go fast! "I-I'm going to check on Puddle and Cap and PSB2-san... um, if anyone doesn't want to come I'll meet you at the gate..."
Akihiko covers his mouth when he laughs. It's the end of this terrible city and some people still have energy to argue. He waves off Hideo and turns back to Muffin. "I can escort you to the gate and wait with you there," he said, hoping the bot would agree to this. "I... probably shouldn't be running around too much. I almost reopened my wounds a few times so... better play it safe," he laughed a little nervously. That no impulse thing almost killed him so many times!
"I'll be glad to see my family and friends again... And even happier that everyone will get to meet them!" He smiles over to Arisa as well. Maybe she and Itsuki could be friends. They'd probably get along, he thinks.
"I wouldn't call an extra layer 'depth'. Then again, you're shallower than a dried puddle, anything can be considered deep." Uta scoffed back before tailing behind Hideo. Now that their lives were in less danger, he could snark just a bit more.
She laughs a bit at Akihiko's words and nods, "Same, dude, I can't wait to get outta here....God, I'm excited...." Her joyful mood is fouled a bit when Uta speaks up (as it almost always is) and she rolls her eyes, moving her hand like a hand puppet, scrunching up her face, and sticking her tongue out and she mocked him, "Blah, blah, blah, my name is Uta Kichiemon and I'm just angry someone insulted the """OC""" I came up with while I was shopping at Hot Topic."
Still, she turns her attention to Shu and smiles, "God, I am so glad that you aren't a teenager. Now, you have an excuse to be so out of touch with teen society! But it's alright, it's still endearing and amusing." She would probably freak out later, but now was a Happy Time.
Muffin seems distressed by the arguing, "G-guys--! Please....y...you all won....you did it-- please don't....hurt each other anymore......."
Shu was relieved it seemed to go down so well with the small group. It gave them hope when some of the people they felt the closest to out of the class didn't look too upset with them. They even snickered a little at Uta's comment. It did feel a little silly when some of the others had just as much of a fake persona as they did.
"Well, as long as you're not seein' fit to turn your back on this decrepit, grizzled, aging old 26 year old windbag..." They (half) joked in Arisa and Akihiko's direction before turning their attention to those remaining, and Muffin. Ah, geez, it never felt good to see Muffin distressed.
"Yeah, gotta second the doc, here. No need get at each other at a time like this..." They paused, thought about what they had to do now. "I'll get out of the way if everything's taken care of in here then. I've got what I need, so I'll just, ah, help out wherever else it might be needed." They turned their attention to Arisa again, thinking they'd follow behind to see if she had other plans, unless they were otherwise needed.
"Sure, sure!" Yoshiko tells Puddle. With both of them out of the bar, Yoshiko is practically hopping towards the gate. She smiles over at Puddle as she approaches. "Here we are!" she says excitedly. "Now we just gotta wait for it to be opened..."
Seishiro entered the apartments with Cap in hand, holding their other bag tightly to their side. There seemed to be people conjugating in front of the wellness center and headed towards there. Stopping dead in their tracks, there’s an odd look on their face when they see this read haired person. “U-Uh...”
Jo looks at Shu. "How old are you?" Thanks
"I'm t...twenty six. Er, like I said, never was a good time to bring that sort of thing up...y'know?"
They also waved to Seishiro and Cap. "Ah, so we've got at least two robots accounted for now, good job."
"T- Twenty-six?!" Akihiko was amazed by this!!
(swearing cw)
"Never was a..." Jo grits their teeth. "No. Any time would've been a good f*ckin' time. Do you not realize how creepy that is? Treating teenagers - children - like they're your peers? Leading them on in letting them treat you that way? When one literally had a crush on you."
They grit their teeth, ball their hands into fists.
No. This was not... it shouldn't be the time, but it needed to be said.
"It's creepy. You're creepy."
Hideo pauses in the hallway, happy to see Seishiro and Cap and starting to wave at them before the conversation behind him recaptures his attention. "Jo..." He turns and reaches a hand out to gently touch one of theirs. "You're not wrong, but... c-come on, let's just go?"
“H-hey, hey, hey, hey...! You’re right. Totally. It’s so creepy, but I’mma need at least two more weeks before I hear/smell another murder, a’ight? So just, uh, c’mon with us.” Uta rearranges however he needs to hold both their hands (or at the very lease, hold one and skim the other, cane dangling) “Please, babe?”
All she does at their reply to her is laugh before fake-gasping and putting her hands on her hips, "Twenty-six!? You're ancient! How did you not crumble to dust during this game, jeez!" She says and beams, "Even if you're an old geezer...you're still, like, basically one of my only close friends. So, as long as you ain't gonna leave this bright eyed, obnoxiously loud, overly dramatic eighteen year old, then def, yeah. I still wanna be your friend."
"I just wanna pick up Chirp. In case no one has yet."
With Jo, though, her hackles raise and she balls her fists, frowning and glaring at them, "Okay, um, well, sweetie since I was the major part of your argument there I can tell you to can it, and leave them alone. They never did anything wrong except bluff about their age and name which, hey, your....Uta did half of that and lied through omission about being a literal murderer so, like.....Hmmmmmm, maybe back off??" Even if this wasn't her battle and she had been told to stop fighting, she'd never followed directions very well.
Muffin still looked from person to person, seeming more and more concerned as the harsh words didn't let up and as some fists were clenched. "P....please---n...no more violence....no more yelling..." The bot tried to reach out to soothe both Jo and Arisa, only turning to be distracted when...another bot was ushered in.
Cap waved enthusiastically as it was ushered into the wellness center, "No wonder you kids didn't drop by all too often, this place is huuuuge! Ah, a few more of my best customers! Hello sweethearts! Sorry I don't have your usual orders with me, but it looks like we're just about out of time here~! I wish I could have brought something to help you celebrate, though..."
Puddle nodded at Yoshiko, still looking around the completely foreign landscape of the city. "Man, wonder what this must've looked like in its heyday...used to be full of workers..."
Seishiro pushed past a few people. Whatever with the hostilities at this point, it could be settled outside when they all got out. Sei doesn’t waste any time in heading towards Muffin and throwing themself at them with a hug, only to see Akihiko and beaming at him brightly.
Great, so this is happening. Hideo feels suddenly, overwhelmingly exhausted. "No, Arisa-san. Jo's right, this is different than just using a fake name. I knew they were hiding something but not... not this, and... I told them things and talked to them in a way I wouldn't have if I'd known how much older they were. This actually makes me really uncomfortable but I don't want to deal with it right now. Too much... too much has happened... I just want to get my friends, the ones who are still alive, and go home."
Hideo doesn't wait for a response, he doesn't want to turn this into an argument or hear Arisa get aggressive and nasty again. Besides, she wanted to pick up Chirp, it would be better if they all focused on things they needed to do.
"Hi Cap, I'm glad you're coming with us." He smiles, albeit shakily, at the other bot, "We'll be right back." And then he leaves the building as quickly as he can while carefully tugging Jo and Uta along with him.
He's gonna head towards the bar first, not knowing Yoshiko already got Puddle.
"!" Muffin eagerly returned Seishiro's hug, giving their back a gentle rub as it did so, "Y-you did it...! I'm....so proud...."
As they arrive at the Ashpit Bar, it is...entirely empty. Looks like Puddle has left, perhaps looking toward the gate you would see the form of the bot waiting with Yoshiko.
"Oh," Hideo is a little surprised but for ease of moving things along he can take a quick look and see Puddle with Yoshiko, which is a relief, he's happy someone already persuaded the bot to come with them. And since Seishiro got Cap and Arisa mentioned getting Chirp... Hideo heads over to the Police/Fire Station quickly to see if PSB2 is still at the front desk. "Hey, PSB2-san... we're all leaving the city now, do you want to come with us?"
The bot stationed behind the counter is silent, except for a whirring sound that indicates it is processing the question. "I must remain at my post, citizen. Does this answer your query to your satisfaction?"
"But..." Hideo looks Distressed, "If you stay then you could... everything is going to be destroyed..."
"Let 'em sink with the ship. Lava. Yeah." Uta sighs "Anyone or anything else you wanna rescue? The refrigerator, maybe?"
Keiichi never moved from his place once everyone had split off. He had taken a seat on the curb, his head in his hands. It looked like he was trying to figure things out for himself, post-escape.
( tw: swearing )
Arisa watches the party leave and scowls. Who did they think they were....!? After a few more seconds, she gets her temper under control and smiles up at....Shu. Shubaki. Not Tomomi but kind of still Tomomi. "I'm gonna go run and get Chirp if you wanna tag along!!" She says and hefts her bag back onto her shoulder and heads to Fujifudo.
Once there, she knocks on the door to the kitchen and opens it only far enough for her to poke her head in, "Knock-knock, Chirp-san!" She cheers, "We won!! We beat the old sh*thead who put this whole thing together and we're going TF home!! Um....please come with us? I don't know what's going to happen to the city, but it's gonna be destroyed....you've helped us so much, you're like part of our effed up little family."
"Your concern is noted, valued citizen. I will examine evacuation protocol if my sensors indicate danger. Does this solve your immediate concerns to your satisfaction?"
As Arisa rushed into the kitchen, the smell of food was remarkably absent. Chirp was standing by the utensils, looking them over rather quietly. It turned to her in surprise as her request was heard.
"I had little doubt you'd do it one way or another. With students as fearless as you, there are few who could compare, hm?" It looked along the counter and sink, all freshly cleaned, "Come with you? You humans...you're inviting me to a family? Here I thought you wouldn't think twice to forget the curmudgeonly old chef while you rush to your homes. But...where would I go? What kitchen can even compare to what I had here? I trust you have something in mind? You wouldn't leave me to rust, would you? I might just blow a circuit if I cannot cook again..."
( tw: swearing )
She smiled at the bot brightly and walked into the kitchen fully, figuring it couldn't brandish its weapons of cooking utensils at her for coming in uninvited. Arisa laughed and waved her hand, "Yeah, we got guts in this class, I can def say that much....But yeah, totally! Ain't we all a family at this point? I mean, I dunno what a real family is actually like, but I can imagine it's something like this....Why would we forget you? It wouldn't be right for us to leave you behind, not when you helped us so much! And made us food which is basically the only way I stayed alive." She says and laughs. "I mean, you can come and cook at my house? My parents ain't home ninety percent of the time, and we have this huge ass kitchen that don't get used since I dunno how to use it....and, uh, I kinda...always order out? But, if you would like, we can do that?"
Akihiko was thoroughly uncomfortable with everything going on. He... didn't care to think about how he spoke to Shu. Sure he might've talked down to them a few times thinking they were younger but there was still... he didn't know, boundaries? He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed.
"Hey, um, Shu-san... whatever your reasoning was, I'm sure it's good... I'm glad you're making it out alive and that we can, you know, get to know the real you better... I mean I guess I get everyone's complaints but, uh, don't let it get you down, okay? I'm sure you didn't mean for any of this to happen the way it did so..." He shrugged, he was doing his best. In any case, Akihiko's nerves pretty much disappeared when he saw Seishiro smile at him. He smiled back at them but now felt self conscious again. Geez, that was another conversation he needed to have when they all managed to escape.
"A- Anyways," he started, turning back to Muffin, "we should go back to the gate... We don't know exactly how this place will go down so I really don't want to be around for it."
"I wouldn't know what the word means, I'm afraid. I've spent the past ten or so years cooking and cleaning by myself, day in and day out. Minus some gaps, of course. You kids are the most company I've had in quite some time, for better or worse..." It said that, giving a cursory glance toward the knives and shaking its head, "You say that offer as if you are prepared to surrender your entire kitchen over to my control. That's quite the offer..."
It seemed to be considering it, at the very least, but the bot finally  crossed two of its arms and nodded.
"Very well. I will accompany you out. My fate from there can be determined." It wheeled its way toward the door, barely giving a second glance back toward its prison as it left to follow Arisa.
Seeing that Aki had smiled back, Seishiro felt better knowing that he was at least okay. For now...Seishiro looked to this red haired character...Tomomi...or rather Shu. That’s what Seishiro was hearing. This situation was getting awkward. Pulling away from Muffin, Seishiro moved towards the door and looked to the rest of their peers. “I-If we’re done here, I don’t think there’s much of a point t-to stick around much longer. W-We should go.”
Yoshiko was talking Puddle's ear... Noise receptors? off about back home, about her music and her concerts and how she wishes she could bring them, but it might be hard... But they could make it work! After a little bit, she blinks. "Oh, I wanted... I wanted to go grab things at the apartments! Please wait, I'll be right back." She took off running to the apartments.
"If... If you're sure..." Hideo says with no less concern, and he squeezes Uta's hand gently, a silent plea to bear with him. "Just don't let yourself be destroyed, okay?"
Smiling, she speaks sincerely, "I guess we're both kinda similar in that way, huh? Alone. I wasn't alone as much as you were, though. I'm sorry y'got trapped here for so long. It sucks...But I hope that our company can make up for it! You'll always have two loud and hungry kids in the house! Athletes eat a lot. Well, my friend and I do, at least." She explains, trying to convince it to come, even if the convincing wasn't necessary. "It is! My parents wouldn't even notice!" Not that they went into the kitchen to notice.
"Awesome!!! Let's get outta here, then!"
Shu leaned against the wall behind them with a somewhat contemplative look. The three had already left before they could really articulate their thoughts, and maybe it was for the better. They didn't need to get defensive and rash now, and they knew it wouldn't be their place to argue, anyway. They nodded to Arisa when she let them know where she was off to, was thinking they might join to go and finally meet Chirp properly, but then Akihiko spoke to them. While they appreciated the support, they shook their head at his words.
"Thank you. I understand it, though - I didn't exactly explain myself fully well, did I? And I did lie this whole time. They've got plenty reason to be mad. Had to figure it wouldn't go all that smoothly. At least nobody'll have to see or deal with this mug going forward."
"You're right though, I definitely didn't anticipate anything turning out the way that it did. I came in to find the evidence to solve a decade old mystery, thinking everyone else was just an obstacle to work around while I focused on my case - N-no offense intended - but now I'm walking out of an even bigger incident alive and having made some friends, even if only temporarily."
"...Listen to me talk and talk, geez. I won't be holding you up no more." Both Seishiro and Akihiko were getting ready to go, and here Shu was rambling on. They started towards the door of the room as well, even took a few steps outside to indicate their readiness.
Muffin looked at Akihiko, then Seishiro, and nodded, "R-right--! To....'home' then....? L...let's go..." It hesitantly began to follow the group's lead out of the door.
Before exiting, Muffin turned its attention to Shu and smiled brightly. "Temporarily? I...I think I would like to always be your friend...if you'd let me..."
PSB2 made an affirmative beep, "Safety protocol will be observed, valued citizen."
"It sounds like I will not be expected to make meals to the scale I was here...we will see how this arrangement works. You humans are baffling to me." Chirp responded almost haughtily, "If this is a sincere offer, then I hope you are prepared to meet my expectations for ingredients and tools."
"I throw a lot of parties, actually. One every week or so. My cheer squad comes over sometimes, too. You'll be cooking large amounts on certain days!" She explains, hoping to placate the bot with the schedule update. "It's as sincere as could be. Name an ingredient or tool and it's yours! I could get you some saffron or just about anything...." She explained as she walked with the bot to the gate, stopping nearby and beginning to rock on her heels. She still had to wait before going any closer.
"Thank you." Hideo reaches out and pats PSB2 on the head very lightly. "Okay... I think I'm ready to go..."
Just as Seishiro was stepping from out of the Wellness Center, they remembered something. The color in their face deepened and they turned around to face the bots and others. “I-I’ll be right back.” That’s when they took off up into the apartments, Seishiro searching their pockets for their keycard to get into their room. How could they forget that. It was a silly thing they wrote but it was important. Stepping into their room, the skater took a good look around. It was...still a mess from weeks ago. They didn’t even wanna know how the floor was doing and moved to their closet. There were a lot of things in there that could be replaced, but the memories still remained.
It was hard knowing they wouldn’t be able to take a lot of this stuff back with them, but... Closing the door, they grab the rabbit sitting on their bed before looking to the top of their dresser and picking up the journal that sat on top. One more entry wouldn’t hurt. Seishiro takes a few minutes to write something down before placing it in their bag and making their way back downstairs.
After departing from Puddle for the moment, Yoshiko ran up the stairs to her apartment. She opened the door, and ran to the dresser. She pulled out her brass knuckles and stared at them. Did she need this still? She wanted to be able to physically protect herself but... But does she really need to fight anymore? After thinking for a few moments, she puts them back in the drawer and shuts it.
She looked around the room, thinking, before grabbing... Some cups of instant ramen. She shoved them into her bag, and quickly left the room. She hurried down the stairs and back to the gate.
After collecting himself a bit over at the cave, Dororou rides the monorail back to the cityscape. He tries to see as much as he can one last time... in spite of everything that went wrong here, it still had its highlights. His trust might have faltered there, but in the end he legitimately cared about the others. He didn't have much to gather from his room, since he lost most of his stuff with the fanny pack, but he managed to put together a bag of some papers, his plushie, and a couple pieces of his clothes - as well as snagging a banana or two for the road eating one there. He makes his way the gate - only to stop to take one final look at the park. The lack of indication of what just unfolded felt really weird to him, (if we ignore the giant crater, heh) it just looked like a normal park. But never mind that, it was in the past now. Back to the gate. As expected he wasn't the first to arrive, so he waved out, a grin on his face as he approached. The tears had dried by now but the stains were faintly visible when he got closer.
"Nyuff, nyuff, nyuff! Hope I didn't keep you all waiting! Though..."
He cuts himself off... he was gonna ask about that one thing but it's probably nothing...
The bots looked at one another, seeming surprised by the similarities they all shared. They took a few brief moments-- to everyone else, it would appear as if they were merely making small beeps, but they were in fact taking that time to finally meet one another.
Finally, Puddle was the first to turn toward the group, "Looks like we've got, ah....everyone here, huh?" It turned to look at the gates, then at the security kiosk, "Guess this is the way to the outside then...you all ready to go?"
Cap spoke up in a chipper-as-ever voice, "I say let's go~! I bet you all can't wait! You've earned this, lovelies, no need for a victory lap here!"
Muffin was next, rolling much more slowly and loudly than the other bots, but still turning to the class with the warmest of smiled, "...I'm...I'm very proud of all of you....w-we should go....I-I think you'll all be happier once we go out there.....and safer, too..."
Chirp was the last to speak up, crossing two of its arms and regarding the class-- most of whom it had never met-- with a quick glance, "Let us be off. I cannot provide for you out there, so I hope none of you feel particularly hungry."
With that, Jo made their way to the security kiosk and tapped away at the keyboard before slipping the key into the slot.
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