#OH and that baby audrey ii in their garden at the end. what the fuck is up with that
carneflower13 · 2 years
god i wish little shop of horrors had a sequel..... it’d probably be terrible, but id probably love it anyway
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thedogwhoisachair · 3 years
Tell me about the they [Liz]
Alright so!!!
This au starts off as a normal post theatrical au for me, ya know Mushnik comes out the smoke "omg omg omg omg seymour wtf was that oh you have a wife now? That's cool i think. Maybe. Anyways let's rebuild this motherfucking shop"
Then, ya know, end of the film there's that tiny plant, presumably one of Twoey's pods that followed them to their new home. But you see, in this the pod is basically still some baby. Their species can have many differences between themselves, including what they look like, and how they were created. But like, Twoey hadn't any time to think about that, so the plant is a blank slate. Spends their time trying to take on a new form, based on the ones surrounding them. Which can change.
Seymour's out in their garden, getting better at being around plants again, when he hears a vague crying. Like some sort of baby. It sounds close.
He looks around, and, eventually sees them. A pod. One of Twoey's. Alone. Seemed to have followed them, who knows how it survived. Its alone.
Seymour picks it up and takes it inside.
Walks to the living room n alerts Audrey of his presence. Then shows her the kid.
Audrey takes the baby from him, Seymour looks like he's about to cry himself. She holds this kid, just. Some toddler-like being, without any family. Without anything. It's probably been there for a while, surviving on the things around it.
If they don't take the kid as their own, nobody else will. And they'd been thinking about having children recently anyways.
So that's what they did.
Liz develops a more human body (though still one of the species, ya know? Yall have seen the design) n gets to exist.
They even get to go to school, which does kind of suck.
After no luck of getting in place anything for Lizzie in primary/elementary school, Seymour n Audrey just homeschool the kid. Sometimes when they're busy Liz stays round Mushnik's n the new and improved florists n yeah!!
Though, uh. Mushnik wasn't told that the kid was one of Twoey's, so he was in for a surprise. Still weirdly great with the kid tho, they tend to make photo albums together which Liz sometimes takes home n continues with Seymour.
Eventually, they try again with school as primary would've ended for them n they'd go on to whatever the school after that is for you (for me it's secondary so ill just call it that)
And this time, Lizzie gets a friend!!!! I haven't thought of a name yet i don't think (though maybe i have but can't remember idk) but they became besties with liz!!!
The friend happens to have a special interest in space n also comes from Skid Row lol, which means they own a lot of magazines from when Twoey was around.
Though at first they don't make the connection of liz and twoey, until they have an at first completely unrelated question.
"You know what, I don't even know your last name. What- what is it?"
"oh, I have two- Fulquard-Krelborn."
"Krelborn?? Like Seymour Krelborn??"
"Yeah, do you know my dad or something-?"
So Liz goes back home that day confused as all fuck. Was their dad a celebrity or something??? How did they not know that???
Seymour n Audrey swore to never talk about the twoey incident in front of the kids (thank you pearl for that idea) so when Liz asks how the hell their friend can be a fan of Seymour, they're met with Seymour physically wincing and Audrey staring at Liz, wide-eyed.
Let's just say that it was an awkward conversation, to say the least.
The friend starts to sometimes come round their house, which the first time is met with a very excited squeal after seeing Seymour, even if he is curled up in a ball eating a trifle and wrapped up in blankets and surrounded by pillow pets.
Liz just watches this whole thing, before their friend turns to them and says "Wait... Are you like. One of the Audrey's II's kids?"
So poor Lizzie has to awkwardly explain that while Seymour is physically wincing again while still eating that trifle.
So Lizzie gets to do all that, livin life. Being fucken cool. Moral of the story adopt a dead alien plant that tried to eat your dad's kid!
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