butterfluffy · 2 years
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“my strange addiction”
⠀⠀ੈ♡˳· kid was never addicted to anything of sort—until you came into his life, the someone he fell in love, and unhealthily addicted to, wanting you all to himself.
⠀⠀➧ fluff? | yandere!e. kid × gn!reader | oneshot
⠀⠀➧ warnings — contains yandere themes, violence, and death/murder (of a minor character.) get out of this fic if you're uncomfortable with these. mistakes and swearing are present too.
⠀⠀➧ requests are closed until further notice!
⠀⠀꒰ 🍨 ꒱ notes: welcome to “my strange addiction,” which is a writing special i made to celebrate this account reaching 500+ followers.
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by continuing, you consent into reading this oneshot fanfic which contains yandere themes, violence, and death/murder. if uncomfortable with these, then please don't read this. also, don't go blaming me, i gave you a warning.
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Falling in love wasn't at Kid's bucket list when he set out to sea—but it's almost funny on how he is right now, sitting across the deck, eyes focused on you, and only you.
He's in love, he definitely is. So fucking in love with you, he's obsessed.
“Hey, Kid. Aren't ya lookin' at Y/n way too much, mhm? Are ya that in love with 'em?” Killer noted with a small chuckle, sitting with his friend who only huffed by his words, eyes still laser focused on you.
“Shuddup, Kil. Anyway..” Eyes finally moving away from you, Kid then looked at the newest member on his crew who was talking with you, all happy while doing so. “The hell's that newbie? Did Y/n recruit them?”
“Oh... Them? Yeah, just last night, when we were about to leave the previous island, they were with Y/n—who asked 'em to join when we were partying on the bar, if I'm correct..” The first mate mutters, voice getting smaller and smaller the instant he had realized what he said to the red haired captain who is now frowning.
Big mistake, and he knows it.
“Oi Kid, you better not think about it—” “Shut it! I'll do whatever the hell I want and you can't do a thing about it!”
Fuming away, Kid then walked towards you and the crewmate you had recruited, eyes burning in anger.
“Ah, Kid! Hey, I forgot to tell you, we have a new member on our cre—BANG! oh my god!” You gasped, eyes widening the instant Kid pulled the trigger, immediately killing the recruit.
“C-Captain, why—why did you kill them!? Oh my, oh no...” You sighed, shaking in panic and fear as Kid averted his eyes back on you.
“I never gave you the permission to recruit anyone, did I?” Your captain grumbles, taking your wrist and effortlessly dragging you with him to his room. “C..Captain..!”
“Captain, Kid, I-I'm sorry, alright? I didn't know that that would upset you..!” You shrieked, being thrown to his desk with such brute force, causing you to wince.
“Upset? Pfft, Y/n, Y/n, darlin'... You're mistaken. I'm not upset..” Kid says with a husky voice, his metallic arm making contact with your neck, giving it a light squeeze before he—
“I'M FUCKING MAD, I'M ANGRY, AND ANNOYED AS FUCK!” He shouts, suddenly adding pressure on your neck, restricting your breathing. “K..Kid, ca...n't breathe!!”
“I... Damn it, I thought you were loyal, to me, Y/n..” Kid mutters, loosening his grip on your neck, letting you breathe in air once again as he spoke. “Y'know, I let you in my crew 'cause you were loyal, and I fuckin' like ya, a lot.”
“..Captain, what...?” Eyes widened by his words, you then looked at Kid in shock, not believing what he was saying.
“Yeah. You heard me, didn't ya? I said I like you, a lot. A real lot to the point that..” Trailing his words, Kid looked at you, a big, devilish grin on his face, sending chills down your spine.
“To the point that I killed, for you. Anyone who had dared get way too close to you are all dead by now! You know, Y/n, my darling, I even fuckin' killed the members of this crew of mine! Hahaha!”
Confessing his crime with a maniacal laughter, you were then left stunned, unable to mutter a single word out, also unable to pinpoint what you're feeling.. Is it anger? Shock? Sadness? Disgust? Joy? Who knows..
“Say, Y/n, do you at least appreciate what I did for you? I killed people for you, you know. That's how much I love you, Y/n..” Approaching you, Kid snickered, lifting your chin up so you can look at him, eye to eye.
“I love you.” He repeats, caressing your cheek that burned red, akin to his hair. “Now, darlin', do ya love me too, mhm?”
Serving silence, you pondered what to answer. Is it a yes? Or a no? It doesn't matter what you answer, because you knew that you're bound to be doomed either way..
“..Answer me, Y/n!” Kid demands, hand slamming loudly on the table, losing his patience with you...
“You better give me a ‘yes,’ or this bullet goes in your fuckin' head.” Pulling out his pistol, Kid aimed it at you, your head, threatening you, dead serious.
“C..Cap... K..Kid.” You stammered, squeezing your eyes shut as you gulped, feeling the firearm pressed firmly on your forehead.
Fear is surfacing in you, yet no answer left your lips. So silently praying, you waited for how things would turn for you, prepared for the worst to come, but—
“Pfft... Heh, hahahahaha!” Kid laughs, dropping the weapon to the floor before he continued, “I knew it, I can't bring myself to kill ya, it'd be such a shame if I were to lose you anyway...”
Smirking, the red head then quickly inched his faced close to yours, giving you a kiss on your lips, whispering, “You're all mine..~”
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© butterfluffy 2022
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147 notes · View notes
djpurple3 · 4 years
If knuckles is an echnidna then the fuck isnt he australian
11 notes · View notes
emeraldwaves · 5 years
Title: A Dragon’s Magic Chapter 17 Pairing:  Kacchako Rating: M   Word Count:  5,423 Summary: Uraraka Ochako has always believed in dragons, though she was constantly told they were long since extinct. Now an adult and professional mage, she’s ready to help her parents as a healer for their village. The last thing she expects is for her beliefs to become a reality, but when a dragon attacks her village, she learns there’s more to magic than she ever could’ve realized. Read on AO3 Thanks to @its-love-u-asshole and @amaisenshi for reading this ahead of time.
Bakugou paced back and forth behind the fire, the flames flickering in front of him as he grumbled under his breath.
"Katsuki," Ochako called out. "You should sit down."
"Can't," he hissed.
The group had decided to camp out on the island. Jirou had taken Kaminari to go yell at him, and Bakugou and Ochako had built their camp a little away from Todoroki and Yaoyorozu to give them some space. Mostly Ochako wanted to keep Bakugou away from Kaminari, since he was just about ready to rip his head off.
They all knew Kaminari wasn't really at fault. His heart had been in the right place, even if he was something of an idiot. Ochako knew the others couldn't bring themselves to fully blame him. Tomorrow, they would see what kind of person Mineta was and hopefully he would give the magic back.
Ochako took in a long breath of air, watching Bakugou pace back and forth. "Please sit with me Katsuki."
"No!" he snapped. "That shithead has been ruining things for weeks now and he didn't even fuckin' think! I'm gonna kill him."
"I'm sure Jirou is handling it just fine," Ochako sighed, her chest feeling tight with frustration. She could tell it was coming from Bakugou. It made her brow twitch, her entire being pulsing with anger.
"Is she? She's probably forgiving him and telling him to not be an idiot again!" he snapped. "I'll kill that tiny rat then! Fuckin' humans... they're so goddamn selfish!" he hissed. "This is why we left in the first place, this is why dragons didn't want anything to do with humans!"
"I-I understand that... I'm not taking his side I'm just asking you to sit down."
"How can you be the only good human out there? Are the rest of your kind this selfish and greedy about everything!?"
Ochako clutched at her chest, taking in a few deep breaths. "N-No... Todoroki has helped us... my parents... my friends... Mirio, Nejire... there are plenty of good humans..." she said. "Unfortunately... there are a lot like Mineta."
"I'll fucking kill him!"
Ochako whined. "Katsuki, please! I'm going to be selfish now... can you sit down?! For my sake?! My whole chest is tight because of you!" Her voice was filled with more anger than usual, the emotions seeping through her tone and her hands trembled by her side.
Bakugou stopped, turning to face her, his red eyes glistening through the flame.
"Alright fine," he hissed, storming next to her to sit down. "Does it really make your chest hurt?" he asked, glancing at her up and down.
She nodded, panting softly. "When you get really angry like that... yeah..." she muttered. "I know you're upset... I don't blame you for it either."
"You shouldn't! This has been the whole goddamn reason for it all. The reason I came to your village, the reason you're banished... it's all because of that little grape shithead!" he snapped.
Ochako chuckled, reaching her hand up to his face. She brushed her fingers over his smooth skin. As much as she missed his scales, she didn't mind how this felt beneath her touch either. "Are those things really things to be mad about?" she asked softly.
"HAH!?" he grunted, wrapping his hand around her wrist. "Of course they are!"
"Really?" she asked, raising her eyebrow at him.
"Yes!" he scoffed.
She gently ran her hand through his hair. "You know... if you hadn't done those things... we never would've met. If you hadn't come to my village... if Kaminari hadn't been stupid about magic... I know you're mad right now, but whatever happens tomorrow, we're not going to leave this island empty handed... and... we'll still have each other right?"
Katsuki was right. Mineta taking the magic... was the reason for all of this, their quest, their time together... and suddenly Ochako wasn't ready for it to be over. What was going to happen to them once this was all over? They were bonded... they were mates... so even if Ochako was human... tomorrow, when everything was over and they could safely return, she was allowed to stay, right?
She swallowed, suddenly dreading the sun rising.
"Oi..." he grunted, pulling her hand to his lips. "what the hell are you doing?"
"W-What do you mean?" she asked quietly, staring at his red eyes.
"My chest," he said. "It feels heavy, like you're in fucking pain and not because I'm angry."
There was a small part of her that was happy he was feeling her emotions and it wasn't just her feeling his anger all the time, but she didn't like that he could tell she wasn't feeling happy.
"It's just... I got sad... thinking about our journey together ending," she whispered. "O-Of course I'm thrilled the dragons are getting their magic back, but... what do we do after?"
"The fuck you mean?" he scoffed, brushing his thumb over her knuckles.
"I mean... after the dragons get their magic back, I don't... I don't know what I'm supposed to do or where I'm supposed to go," she whispered. "I came here with you to help you but after this you won't need me anymore and I-"
He grabbed her cheeks and smashed their lips together, interrupting all of her trains of thought as she fell against his body, leaning in to the kiss. He nibbled on her lower lip, tugging it into his mouth as he sighed. "Shut your damn mouth."
"I-I'm sorry?" she whispered, her breath tickling his lips.
"You're not going anywhere. You're staying with me..." he said. "We have this stupid bond thing and... you're my goddamn mate, where the hell did you think you were going to go!?"
"I-I dunno... I didn't know what you would want after this."
"I want you, idiot," he said, pressing their lips together again. "I don't care what we fucking do, you just better be there with me."
She couldn't help but laugh, a soft chuckle slipping from her lips. "I don't want to leave..." she said. "I always want to be with you..."
"I don't know what gave you the fuckin' impression you wouldn't be with me," he snorted.
"I dunno... I just got scared," she admitted. "I thought about you maybe not ... needing me for anything once the magic is back."
"I told you... dragons mate for life," he snorted, kissing her forehead. "You're mine now, Cheeks. No getting around it."
She smirked. "Well, I guess I'll stay then."
"Good. You better," he said, taking his cape off and swinging it around her. It reminded her of one of the first nights they were together, Bakugou refusing to answer any of her questions. They had come so far since then. Their hearts were connected and she understood him better than she ever anticipated she would. "Besides," he muttered. "My mother will fuckin' kill me if we don't go through the whole mating ceremony."
She felt her cheeks heat up and she turned her gaze up towards him. "C-Ceremony."
"Yeah..." he muttered. "Humans call 'em weddings or whatever..."
She gasped, blinking a few times. "B-Bakugou Katsuki..." she whispered. "Are you asking me to marry you?"
"I already did when we fuckin' mated, idiot," he snapped, folding his arms over his chest.
She could help but giggle. "Oh... well then I guess we've been engaged this whole time?"
"By stupid human standards," he muttered.
She smirked, standing up as she lay his cape down on the ground. She lowered herself down, and pressed her face against the fur lining the hood. It smelled like him, a scent she was so used to now. She knew this night would be different from so many of the nights they had spent together.
He stood up and slowly lowered himself down next to her with a sigh, his large fingers stroking through her hair. "You're a fuckin' idiot," he mumbled.
"I know," she giggled. "But I'm your idiot."
"Lucky me," he snorted, leaning down to kiss her.
"No matter what happens tomorrow... I want you to know I'm ready to fight by your side. I'm always ready to fight for you."
He rolled his eyes. "I know, Cheeks. That's what got you into this whole goddamn mess in the first place."
He wasn't wrong. If she hadn't thrown herself in front of him when the mayor went to kill him, she would never have been banished. Still, she would've wanted to travel with him anyway.
"Well I'm happy I did," she scoffed, puffing out her cheeks.
"Yeah..." he muttered, laying down besides her. "I'm... pretty damn happy you did too," he said, leaning forward to brush his lips against her forehead. "I fuckin' love you."
"I love you too..."
He pulled her close, the fire crackling around them. No matter what happened tomorrow she knew she didn't want to lose this. Never.
Kaminari stood on the bank of the river looking nervous. He was rocking back and forth on his feet and he kept glancing around.
"Fucking Sparky is gonna give us away!" Bakugou hissed, growling through his clenched teeth.
"Shh!" Ochako hushed. "If you keep growling and making noise, you're going to give us away!"
Bakugou groaned and stayed behind the bush. Next to him, Jirou and Yaoyorozu shook their heads.
"Denki is convinced he'll give back the magic once he asks, but... if not... we're prepared to fight, even if it means changing into dragon form," Jirou whispered.
"We're taking back what belongs to us," Yaoyorozu whispered.
"Yes, and Uraraka and I will assist in anyway we can," Todoroki nodded.
The group waited patiently, watching as Kaminari began to pace back and forth. It wasn't surprising he was nervous, not with what he was going to ask. If Mineta didn't agree, it was going to become an ambush and with how much magic the small creature had stolen who knew how strong he was.
It was then, the small, purple haired creature stumbled out from the town. There was a large smile plastered across his face as he trotted happily over the lightning dragon.
"Hello, Kaminari! Do you have more magic for me?" he chuckled. "I have a big date tonight." He rubbed his hands together, and sneaky laugh slipping between his lips. "Girls have been lining up to go out with me! It's incredible!"
"Uh... That's great, Mineta!" Kaminari laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. Ochako could see the way his yellow scales glistened against the shimmering water. "But... we gotta talk about this magic stuff."
The small purple-haired creature froze. "What do you mean? What's there to talk about? You give me magic, I store it and create more to give back to dragons eventually." He narrowed his eyes, looking at his friend.
"Well, that ‘eventually’ has to be now. Things are getting way worse for dragons... my parents, my mate's parents... and a few of my friends all are stuck in dragon form! Please, Mineta... you have to give whatever magic you have back now," Kaminari begged.
Mineta began to shake his head, the purple balls on top shaking with his movement. "K-Kaminari... you know I can't do that! Not after everything! Girls like me now! People in town respect me! I-I need this magic."
"And when... when did you plan on giving back the magic to the dragons..."
"W-When... I... uhm... soon! Really soon! I promise!"
"You've said this every time!" Kaminari muttered.
"B-Because I'm still working on a way that I can keep the magic and you can too!" he said, his tone filled with urgency. "Why are you getting on my case about it now? I thought you were my friend!"
"I wanted to help you, Mineta," Kaminari said. "I-I just... things have gotten out of hand."
"I... I can't... I can't give it back! I can't Kaminari!" he said, his eyes wide with panic.
"Please... don't say that," Kaminari begged.
"You know I can't..."
"I'm gonna kill him," Bakugou growled, pushing through the forest, no longer willing to wait.
"Bakugou!" Todoroki called out, but they fell forward, too late to stop him from barreling through the trees, stumbling onto the river bank.
"I can't believe this fucking shit head!" He snarled, his fingers shifting into claws as he grabbed the purple menace by the collar of his robe, picking him up easily.
"AH!" Mineta screamed, wiggling in Bakugou's grasp, his limbs flailing about. "Please!" he said, twisting and turning around. "W-Who are you!?"
"I'm one of the dragons you've been stealing magic from," he hissed.
"B-But you look fine!" Mineta chuckled softly, still flailing his legs around.
"Yeah, because I have a mate I bonded with," he scoffed. "Look at what you're doing to the rest of us. Jirou! Yaoyorozu!"
With Bakugou's call, the two girls let out a soft sigh, stepping out from behind the trees as well. Yaoyorozu was in the worst shape of all of them, her tail and wings showing as she looked to the ground.
Scales covered most of Jirou's face and arms, her ears pointed and sharp, though her wings and tail were still tucked away.
"Kaminari!" Mineta chuckled. "You didn't tell me dragon women were so hot!"
"Shut it, you disgusting creature. This is what you're doing to our people," Bakugou snarled, his face close to Mineta's. "If you don't give us back our magic right fuckin' now. I will destroy you."
Mineta's lips curled into a smirk, pulling one of his purple balls out of the bag by his side. "Flash!" he yelled, and the ball lit up, a blinding light shining in front of Bakugou's eyes.
"Shit!" Bakugou hissed, stumbling backwards as he let the short creature fall to the ground.
Mineta pushed himself up, pulling out another one of his balls as he pressed it against Kaminari's arm. "Sorry, I can't give these back. I'm so powerful now! People respect me! Girls want me! I can't give that up!"
"Fuckin' tiny rat!" Bakugou hissed.
Kaminari looked down at him, his eyes widening. "What are you-"
"Possession!" Mineta yelled, the purple ball illuminating as magic flowed into Kaminari. "I should have... enough energy to do this..." Mineta grunted, panting as Kaminari jerked forward and then stood in place looking dazed. "He's my dragon now."
"Denki!" Jirou cried out.
"Transform!" Mineta called out, keeping the purple ball held in his hand and Kaminari began to shift into his dragon form. His wings sprouted out from his back, electricity crackling from his fingers and nostrils.
"Oh no..." Yaoyorozu whispered, her eyes turning up towards the sky.
Clouds began to roll in, thunder rumbling through the sky as the sun slowly disappeared, the world growing dark around them.
With a laugh, Mineta climbed onto Kaminari's back, the two of them launching up into the sky, lightning crackling around them, conducting off of Kaminari's wings.
"What's going on?" Todoroki asked.
"Denki... is a lightning dragon," Jirou said. "If he doesn't have control over his own magic, he'll attract a whole storm here! We need to transform now!"
"Ready, Cheeks?" Bakugou asked.
"Mhm..." Ochako said, gripping her staff close to her chest.
"Todoroki, ride on my back," Yaoyorozu said. "I'll do my best to keep you safe."
"I trust you," he whispered.
The two girls and Bakugou stepped forward, letting their wings spread out as they began to transform. Ochako braced herself, holding her staff as a rush of magic came into her body, filling her bloodstream.
Admittedly, there was a part of her that always knew there would be some sort of fight. Something they would have to face, she had only hoped they wouldn't have to... that Mineta would understand what he had done and give back what he had taken.
"Let's do this Uraraka," Todoroki nodded, immediately climbing onto Yaoyorozu's back.
"Yes!" she cried out, rain starting to fall from the darkened clouds above. "Listen!" she cried out, before any of them took off. "Mineta is human and he can't use magic without those strange purple ball things. If you can get that out of his hand, Kaminari shouldn't be under his control anymore!" she explained.
"Right, we'll all aim for Mineta!"
Jirou let out a cry.
'She doesn't want us to hurt Kaminari, but getting Mineta is our number one priority.' Katsuki snapped, a huff slipping through his nostrils.
"Right," Ochako muttered, bracing herself as they took off into the air.
The thunder rumbled around them, lightning crackling against the sky. Rain soaked through Ochako's clothes and hair, water dripping down her face. It made it difficult to see.
"Freeze!" Ochako heard Todoroki call out, ice shooting from his palm, Kaminari and Mineta immediately dodged it, rolling to the side.
"Katsuki," she shouted. "If you can get me closer... if I can touch Kaminari... I can use my gravity magic to send him flying to the ground!" she called out.
Besides them, Jirou let out a deafening roar, the sound vibrating through the air. "A-Ah!" Ochako gasped, covering her ears while she watched Mineta do the same, but he didn't drop the ball from his hands. "Dammit..." Ochako hissed, the wind making it hard to open her eyes.
Magic pulsed against her fingertips as she felt it rush away from her and into Bakugou, the feeling still overwhelming her. She took in a deep breath, letting herself settle and his body began to heat up. He was going to try and shoot fire, but she prayed he didn't hit Kaminari full on.
Jirou let out another roar, sending Kaminari flying backwards this time, but he cried out, electricity shooting back towards her. She was able to push herself up, dodging the round ball of lightning as she tumbled through the sky.
With a flap of her wings, Yaoyorozu sent a large burst of wind their way, while Todoroki held out his hand, shooting fire at the same time as Bakugou had, flames hurling towards Mineta and Kaminari. The two of them rose up, Kaminari building even more energy as he aimed for Jirou again, completely missing.
"Why does he keep aiming for Jirou!?" Ochako cried out. That was Kaminari's mate! The last thing he would want is to hurt her.
'He's not aiming well. Kaminari is an idiot, but he doesn't fight this poorly. He's fighting against the spell.' Bakugou hissed.
"Good," Ochako said. "We have to get closer."
"Freeze!" Todoroki cried out, ice hurtling through the air. It caught on raindrops, freezing them as they fell to the earth, and Yaoyorozu rushed them forward, swinging her tail towards Kaminari. She smacked him in the face with her tail, causing both of them to spin out of control.
"I won’t let you take this magic from me!" Mineta’s squeaky voice echoed through the sky. "I’ll use your friend to defeat all of you!"
Lightning crackled at the tips of Kaminari's wings and he shot the balls of energy directly for Yaoyorozu, hitting her in the chest. Her whole body convulsed as she and Todoroki began to plummet to the earth.
"Todoroki!" Ochako screamed.
'Hold on!' Bakugou yelled, his voice echoing in her mind. He dove down, slipping underneath them as Yaoyorozu landed on his back. Ochako gripped Bakugou's neck, not wanting to fall off, especially when their momentum to the ground picked up.
"Todoroki!? Are you okay?" Ochako called out as Bakugou helped Yaoyorozu steady herself on the ground.
"F-Fine..." he stammered. "Yaoyorozu took most of the hit..."
"Please don't push yourselves, if you can't get back up there... don't. The last thing we need is either of your getting hurt!" she called out.
Up above, Jirou let out another loud cry and Bakugou nodded to the two, pushing off of the ground. They couldn't waste any time and Jirou was up there by herself.
Bakugou shot back up into the air, lightning crackling around them as Kaminari shot a bolt of electricity straight for Jirou. It hit her wing and a cry of pain erupted from her lips, her head tossing backwards as her body awkward floated in the air.
Shaking his head, Kaminari began to wiggle his body, crying out as if in pain. He obviously wasn't pleased at the fact he'd just hurt his mate. He had no control over his attacks while Mineta held the purple ball in his hand, but even with the powerful magic, Kaminari was able to understand what he was doing.
'Fight it, idiot!' Bakugou cried out and Kaminari let out a loud roar in front of them, bucking his back. Mineta went flying into the air, but Kaminari's body jerked backwards, catching the tiny creature before he could fall any further.
There was a pained look in Kaminari's eyes, and Ochako could feel the hesitation in Bakugou's magic. He was building up to shoot fire in Kaminari's direction again, but she could tell he didn't want to hurt his friend. As tough as Bakugou acted, she knew he cared about them... he cared about all the dragons... otherwise, he wouldn't be here.
Suddenly, lightning shot down towards them and Ochako screamed. "Katsuki!" she cried out, gripping at his neck. He dodged just in time, sending a large ball of fire directly at Kaminari.
Using the momentum from the dodge, Bakugou hurled them forward, working to get closer to Kaminari. If Ochako could just touch them...
"FLASH!" Mineta's voice was loud and burst of light shot towards them, causing Ochako to loosen her grip and cover her eyes. Bakugou growled, throwing his neck back as he shook his head back and forth, trying to protect his eyes.
Ochako screamed, trying to cling to Bakugou, but her hands slipped from how wet his scales were, her body falling from his back as she hurtled towards the ground. "Katsuki!" she screamed, and she clutched her staff to her chest. She had to make herself float, she had to use her magic right now.
She tried to focus her mind as the wind rushed by her ears, rain pelting at her skin. Bakugou immediately dove towards her, chasing after her falling body, but she knew he might not make it.
Struggling against the momentum of the wind, she pushed her staff towards her foot. "Float!" she cried out, tapping her foot and then her other foot, desperate for the magic to rush through her body.
Almost immediately her head jerked up, her wet hair slapping against her cheeks as she floated in the air. "Oh... my gosh... I did it..." she breathed to herself, glancing up to the sky. Bakugou soared down, swooping under her as she felt his back press against her feet. For a moment her legs were shaking as she collapsed down against him, clinging to him.
"You have to get me close," she breathed out. She knew she could do it.
Above them, Jirou was charging for Kaminari, despite her wing seeming to tremble every time it flapped.
Below them, there was a loud cry and Yaoyorozu flapped upwards, Todoroki on her back. Ochako was relieved to see them joining the fray again.
"Todoroki!" Ochako called out over the wind. "I need your help!"
"If you and Yaoyorozu can freeze and distract Kaminari, I think Katsuki and I have a way to take him down!" she screamed.
"You got it," Todoroki said and he and Yaoyorozu took off into the sky, heading directly for Kaminari.
"Let's go!" Ochako cried out.
Jirou was flapping her wings tiredly, letting out roar after roar, attempting to propel Kaminari back. Mineta however, had a shell of protective magic around him, unmoving at any of their attacks.
"Dammit!" Ochako snapped, watching as Yaoyorozu and Todoroki pushed forward. If they could just distract him for long enough...
"Fire!" Todoroki called out, holding out his hand as flames burst forward. Mineta didn't look phased until Todoroki immediately held his hand up to shoot ice.
The ice made contact with Kaminari's wing, and he cried out, lightning sparking towards Todoroki and Yaoyorozu. They dodged the attack, and while Kaminari and Mineta seemed to be completely focused on Todoroki's attacks, Bakugou rushed forward.
"Gravity!" Ochako cried out, tapping her staff against Kaminari's neck.
The dragon's eyes widened as he began to tumble to the earth, unable to stop how heavy his body grew with Ochako's magic.
Mineta screamed, his whiny voice echoing against the thunder rolling through the air.
They hit the ground with a large slam and the three dragons immediately flew down to the earth behind him, not wanting to let Mineta get away. They landed and Ochako and Todoroki slid off of Bakugou and Yaoyorozu, steadying themselves on the ground.
Ochako held up her staff and Todoroki held out his hands, prepared to attack. They slowly inched forward, waiting for Mineta to crawl out from on top of Kaminari.
There was a small groan and they saw two purple balls roll away from Kaminari's body. Lunging for it, Ochako grabbed both of them, keeping them out of reach from the tiny creature.
Kaminari let out a roar, rolling onto his stomach as his body lurched forward, convulsing as his wings folded into his back, his tail disappearing. "S-Shit..." he breathed, collapsing to the ground, panting heavily.
"K-Kaminari..." the small, squeaky voice cried out. "W-What are you... doing?! You're supposed to stay transformed!" he yelled as he slowly realized what was happening. "G-Gah!" he gasped, pushing himself up. "Give me back my magic!"
"Your magic!?" Ochako huffed. Bakugou let out the loudest roar she had ever heard from him. "You stole this magic! And you hurt the one person who maybe would've protected you."
Mineta's eyes went wide, glancing at Kaminari's unmoving body.
"My mate is going to kill you," Ochako hummed. Bakugou stepped forward, his large snout nuzzling against her cheek to push her out of the way. "Unless... you give us all the magic you have."
"I-I can't!" Mineta whispered, tears pooling in his eyes. "I can't go back to being a loser again!"
"Because you're such a winner now," Todoroki scoffed, folding his arms over his chest.
"Y-You don't get it! Before, no one would even look at me! But with magic..."
"Then learn it on your own!" Ochako snapped. "It's more impressive if you can do these things yourself as opposed to stealing from others! And if any of the people who act friendly to you now stop when you lose magic, then they weren't worth having around in the first place!"
She stepped forward and Mineta tried to scurry away from her, but he flopped forward, falling on his face. Reaching down, she grabbed his large pouch, dumping the purple balls out. "The dragons need this magic and you will be giving it back."
"No!" he whined, reaching for the bag with tears in his eyes as Ochako turned back around, slinging the bag across her shoulder.
'Let me kill him.' Bakugou snarled, his voice angry in her mind.
Ochako brushed her hand over Bakugou's snout. "No... don't kill him. Be better," she whispered.
Bakugou began to glow, his golden scales disappearing as he morphed down into his human form. "He fuckin' deserves it. Sniveling idiot."
"I'm not saying he doesn't," Ochako whispered, linking her fingers together with Bakugou's. "You're lucky we're letting you live," she hissed. "You hurt countless dragons."
"B-But... but!"
Bakugou growled, reaching down to yank him up by his robe. "If I ever find you near a dragon again, I'll rip your fuckin' face off," he said, tossing him down. "Get out of my sight."
An audible gulp was heard when Mineta pushed himself up, limping away from the group of dragons, tears streaming down his face.
Todoroki pressed his hand against Yaoyorozu's chest, helping her shift back down to her human form. She breathed out, panting heavily as she fell against Todoroki, her arms trembling.
"I want to say he learned his lesson, but I have no idea if he has," Todoroki scoffed.
"Who knows. As long as he stays away from your magic, that's all that matters," Ochako said, letting out a few labored breaths.
"Ochako..." Bakugou muttered, gripping her arms to hold her in place. "You okay?"
"Mhm..." she breathed. "It was... intense... that's for sure." She glanced to Todoroki, watching him place his hand on Jirou, helping her shift back.
The purple haired girl's legs trembled, and she stumbled forward. "Denki..." she breathed.
Kaminari was still sitting on the ground, his head hung low, obviously ashamed of what he had done.
"Denki!" Jirou yelled and she stumbled forward running towards him.
He turned his head, tears pooling his eyes. "K-Kyouka... I-I'm-"
Leaping forward, she wrapped her arms around him. "I love you... I'm so happy you're okay."
"E-Eh!?" he gasped, wincing as her weight fell on top of him. "Y-You are!? I-I mean I love you too but I-..." Tears began to stream down his cheeks. "I-I hurt you... my mate..." he whimpered.
"You didn't... Denki... I know that wasn't you. You're still... you're still an idiot!" she said, laughing softly as tears fell down her cheeks too. "B-But I know... that wasn't you..."
"It was awful," he whispered. "I could see myself attacking you but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop it! I-I'll never forgive myself for hurting you, Kyouka," he whined, crying loudly.
"S-Stop being so dramatic!" she said, lightly hitting her hand against his head. "You're an idiot for trusting him... but he was controlling you..."
"Y-Yeah..." he stammered, wrapping his arms around her. "I-I'm just so glad you're okay.. that you're all okay!" he said, looking to the other group.
"Yeah, no thanks to you, idiot!" Bakugou hissed.
"Katsuki!" Ochako sighed, gently punching his arm. "We know you would've never attacked us on purpose," she said.
"O-Of course not!" Kaminari exclaimed, shaking his head back and forth. "I-I just... I feel like a moron..." he muttered. "I wanted him to give the magic back on his own... I-I never thought..." he muttered.
"I don't think any of us thought he would try and use you," Yaoyorozu said, sighing.
"You're too trusting, Denki," Jirou sighed, stroking her hand through his blond hair.
"Did you... get it all back?" Kaminari asked.
Ochako nodded with a large smile, gently patting down the pouch.
"We should probably release the energy near our island, it'll help it replenish faster," Yaoyorozu said.
"I agree, the closer you are to the current, the easier it is for the energy to find its way back to where it belongs," Todoroki explained.
Slowly Kaminari stood up, clinging to Jirou. "I... I shouldn't even be allowed to go back or use magic anymore."
Bakugou snorted, storming over to him. "Kaminari, you were trying to be a nice idiot, which makes you even more of a fuckin' moron. I'm one step away from murdering you, but no one is going to kick you off of the island for being a dumb ass."
"We'll never let you out of our sight again, but... all will be forgiven," Jirou scoffed. "If you run away, that just makes you a damn coward. I know that's not you."
"N-No..." Kaminari said, letting his head drop. It didn't seem like any of them were keen on punishing their friend, especially after he had been so well intentioned. He wanted to help them, though things had gotten way out of hand. Hopefully, they could reach an agreement of some sort.
"We need to get the magic back as soon as possible. If you all feel you can transform again, we should go back," Todoroki said, glancing at the worn out dragons.
"Yeah, let's get going," Jirou said.
Ochako clutched at the strap of the bag, the magical energy practically humming against her hip. They'd done it. They'd found the magic... and soon the current would be replenished and the dragons could return to their normal lives.
"I can't wait to get off this fuckin' island!" Bakugou hissed.
It had been the adventure of a lifetime, but somehow, Ochako couldn't shake the feeling that a new, different sort of adventure was about to begin. Bakugou wrapped his hand around hers, and she glanced down, smiling when she felt their magic pulsating between them. They had their whole lives ahead of them.
And Ochako couldn't wait.
"Yes," she smiled, looking at Bakugou. "Let's go home."
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