dakotafoxart 2 years
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Happy birthday ranboo! :D馃挍
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red-might-be-dead 4 months
ranboo should be allowed to kill their twitter fanbase maybe
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mooity 3 years
my twt timeline discussing c!Tommy's mental health: ''he's been through so much trauma omg'' ''he is obviously struggling and needs therapy'' ''I can't believe Ranboo raised his voice at him omfg'' ''you can hear how traumatised he is'' ''its understandable that he lashes out, he has been through a lot''
my twt timeline discussing c!Wilbur's mental health: ''ew he's even more crazy now'' ''I can see he's already back to be being manipulative'' ''why is he complaining about how he felt in pogtopia, does he not know how bad he makes people feel?'' ''listen to how crazy he sounds''
like, I don't know if It's just because I sympathise more with Wilbur due to my own mental health struggles being similar to those his character portrayed (paranoia and depression) but I really don't like the way some people are talking about the Wilbur now that he is back. They always seem to go so easy on characters with more acceptable mental health struggles than those with the messy ones. this is gonna be a long one btw.
first of all, stop calling characters with mentally illnesses that you can't romanticise crazy and insane. Just stop it.
also, it's fully possible to unknowingly manipulate someone or to say something manipulative without meaning to be, especially when you suffer from mental health issues such as paranoia. Still harmful but the distinction should be made.
Anyways , l want to make two things clear:
Wilbur soot is undeniably a villain in the story at this time. I think he is definitely a tragic character and nowhere near as bad as some people make out but he has still done some absolutely awful things.
Tommy has most certainly got trauma and mental health issues of his own that should definitely be discussed by the fandom. and he has undeniably got massive amounts of trauma as a result of Wilbur's actions.
However, I do think a lot of these people that are trying to highlight and sympathise with tommy's trauma completely erase all complexity and depth to Wilbur's character and reduce him to ''evil crazy dude'' and often erase Wilbur's own trauma in order to further vilify him.
Wilbur did cause a lot of harm and trauma but he also has his own trauma that shouldn't just be erased because he is a villain. He very obviously suffered from extreme paranoia and straight up yelled about how he wanted to die during the time of the pogtopia arc. A lot of his so called manipulative actions are done more out of fear and paranoia than him wanting to cause harm to people. They still harmed plenty of people but it wasn't just will being a horrible person.
He literally straight up said that pogtopia was the worst point in his life and that he was extremely suicidal but people are completely ignoring that and talking about how he hurt other people during this time. Lots of people seem to have the view that he can't complain about he felt during that time because he was harming others during that time but I think it should be viewed more as an explanation for his actions. Wilbur got to a point that he was so depressed and so paranoid that he started to believe everyone was against him, that he could trust no one, that everything good was gone and started to hurt others as a result of this. He wasn't really in touch with reality. He wasn't really hurting these people on purpose but he saw no other way to get out of the hell he was living. Maybe he didn't even really know the pain he caused. I certainly don't think he is to blame for everyone's trauma like tommy said he was, though I fully understand tommy's viewpoint and greatly sympathise with him.
And the fact that people have literally just heard Wilbur talk about him being suicidal and then immediately gone to Twitter to talk about how they want all the characters to tell him how he鈥檚 such an evil person really says a lot.
Wilbur needed help. Wilbur still needs help.
Wilbur has done some bad things but he isn't evil. He's just ill.
If you watch the earlier streams back, you can see that Wilbur is a good man that slowly got sicker and sicker as time went on.
He is not really an evil character, he's a tragic one.
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