#OMG this would've fr fixed EVERYTHING
Jason's lack of backstory is easily bc we got introduced to him as an amnesiac tbh. New characters like Leo immediately had past flashbacks within a few pages into his POV about his mom and Tia callida. Now I'm just realising how different it would've been if SON was published first with everyone mentioning the mysterious perfect, Jason Grace, and included a few "leader Jason" flashbacks from reyna, or just general childhood flashbacks of how he refused to join the prestigious first cohort and joined the twelfth instead to bring glory to it, while defending the unpopular kids from getting bullied, when he led the battle of mount orthrys and killed krios, and THEN we got to meet him in TLH. Where he's all clueless and silly, nothing like how "heroic" he's described by Reyna and others, he'd be unaware of how much ppl look up to him in a camp that's miles away, and noble he actually is, while we know it. It would make him more endearing to read about since we know everyone knows him as the mighty golden boy.
He'd even be considered stronger if rick has done this, to the point that even the brick jokes wouldn't affect the reputation against Jason's power. Since we got to SEE his fighter moments in flashbacks. So we KNOW he's a tough guy.
Gosh that would've fixed everything. Ppl would've loved him.
And the majority of the readers only hated Jason bc he was introduced so randomly, making ppl wonder where Percy was, causing nobody to care about the new protagonist, so by releasing SON first, that would've been solved as well, since we'd know where Percy is, and would gain curiosity as to what's going on at camp half blood with this mysterious new boy as a camper. Making us interested in Jason, I feel like the audience would've gotten much better reactions to this as well, and the Thalia being Jason's sister revelation would've been even more epic.
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causenessus · 1 month
HI HI HI HI NESS IM BACKKFJFKSMSOS so first of all tumblr hates me why is that the FOURTH ask of mine u answered that i wasnt notified of should i just die
anyways im eating lunch rn
healthy girl era did not work out i took a 6 hour (?) nap yesterday so!!
trying again today
today the teacher told us her old students were too non che lent (nonchalant!!) so they failed the exam (wat.)
and my friend wanted to laugh about it w me but i wasnt looking so she yeeted my OTHER friends eraser at me
but it
it hit (near?) the teacher..
she was sooo mad omfg
giggling i hate her
like basically i answer all her questions out of spite now like YEAH BRO I KNOW THIS ALR😕😕
Also i swear i dif this math problem right but the teacher said it was wrong (wat.) and my friend did it too and we got the same answer (wat.)
i wrote fanfiction at school ☝️😎 it has already been digitalised but like i DID write it
and tjen my friend read an original short story (? 1.2k words) i wrote which was basically me projecting and she almost cried so like Uh
dude i love talking so much u have no idea actually
n e ways..
i was watching american psycho last night but i got distracted..😭 ALSO IM SO EXCITED ABT ONICS LIKE EUSHEPSHAPSJXOSKAJDKAAKKDKD
>tries 2 normal
U SHOULD NOT DIE!!! TUMBLR SHOULD DIE HOW DARE THEY!!! i am so confused at like what is happening at tumblr hq 😭😭 like there are problems that need to be solved!!!! and i feel like they should be pretty simple to fix!!! but instead they're like "NO LET'S MAKE TAGGING USERS GO BLUE AND COMMENTS UGLY"
but anyway!! i hope your lunch was good!! AND A SIX HOUR NAP SOUNDS AMAZING AND JUST AS PRODUCTIVE AS WORKING OUT!! it's hard to balance everything so definitely don't stress too much about it!! you have your whole life ahead of you to like do something like working out so not doing it one day is totally okay!! (yk?? i hope that made sense and i'm sorry i hope it's okay to say that 😭)
also math teachers love to like??? tell u ur wrong and then not explain how to correctly do something??? so i think u should just blame them for everything!! that sounds fair <3
I'VE ALSO WRITTEN FANFICTION AT SCHOOL LMAOOO i remember being on my computer during french class and my guy was just so boring i pulled out the doc and started writing but LUCKILY it was like an oc fic so it wasn't as scary to write as a x reader UNLIKE WHEN I WAS MAKING TONIC PFPS AND MY DOCUMENT WAS LITERALLY CALLED LIKE yn & atsumu and for some reason all of my friends wanted to COME UP FROM BEHIND ME AND HUG ME!! OR LOOK AT MY SCREEN!! and i was just 😃😃😃 but i have no shame so oh well
THANK U LINA!!! I WOULD LOVE FOR U TO BE MY HITMAN <33 I MAY NEED ONE JUST TO GET THRU SCHOOL BC MY HALLS FR ARE SCARY SOMETIMES YK?? like too many scary girls who look me up and down in their little crop tops and shorts and nike air forces and are like "why are u wearing pants in the summer" BC I CAN?? AND I DON'T LIKE SHOWING THAT MUCH SKIN THANK U?? (sorry this probably makes no sense i think my brain has short circuited today </33) BUT I'M DOING ALR!!! i'm stressed about my theatre duties starting up very very soon 😭😭 but i'll let u know how that goes once they start!!! I HOPE YOU'RE DOING WELL TODAY!!! AND EAT SOMETHING GOOD <33
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IVE BEEN SILENTLY STALKING IN THE BACKGROUND FOR A FEW DAYS AND OMFG NEWEST CHAPTER!?!?! MEGS YOU JUST FUCKED IT ALL UP!! YOU JUST FIXED IT AND YOU PULL THIS SHIT!! Y/N FORGET ABOUT E LET HER FORGET HIM AND PUT YOURSELF (MEGS) IN E's PLACE!!! YOU CONFESSED TO BEING HIM ONCE DON'T DO IT AGAIN!!! ESPECIALLY WHEN SHE'S JUST REALIZING HER FEELINGS!! Y/N is so me it takes me so long to admit to myself and others that I have feelings or am in love</33 I am constantly putting blame on Y/N friends or megs but fr I can't in good consciousness put the blame on Y/N because she does everything I would! That'd be hypocritical of me when I'd do the same things she did! And really in this smau no one is better than anyone else😾😾 Y/N's friends are pushy and I would've snapped on them a long time ago! And Y/N well she's just a bitch but I think for a good reason and you've made her differently(omg she's not like other girls😻😻) she's a bitch she doesn't cry at every minor inconvenience like some Y/Ns! We need more toxic!reader, bitchy!reader, manipulative!reader, we just need more bad person Y/Ns! She's toxic and it's so real! Sometimes you have to be toxic and that's something that ppl don't wanna bring up or mention! But I'm just ranting now I can't remember what I was saying😿😿😿 but ig rant over??? I'll probably remember later<333 remember I'm lurking in the shadows!<333😻😻😻🙏🙏🙏😽😽😽💕💕💕💕💙💙💙💙
yeah tbh i understand megumi but at the same time i just. wouldnt. do that. after it didn’t work the first time. like ermmm…. maybe just take it to the grave probably.
SHES NOT LIKE OTHER GIRLS LFMAOAOAOOA my yns may not be pushovers but dear god are they fucking stupid like all of them. the stupidity is contagious idfk
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heliosoll · 2 years
🌊🌌! hello!! your pixie hollow dr made me want to rewatch tinkerbell aka my favorite movies when i was little and omg i fell in love with it all over again😢. i genuinely cannot tell if you’ve talked about it or not cause i feel like i saw a post about it and now i can’t find it… anyway here’s some questions; answer any u feel like!<3
when did you arrive at ur dr?
how long did u stay?
what’s ur funniest memory?
did you follow the plot of the movies and/or books?
who was ur fav girl?
did everything feel rly big or did it feel normal?
have you found lost things? if so what was the oddest/ur fav/funniest/confusing? (any)
did you like tinkerbell when she was in her first three movies? cause whew chile i didn’t realize how much i would hate her till she matured…
what’s your favorite part of being a fairy?
have you been to the mainland?
what’s your favorite season to change?
have you met queen clarion? (what was she like)
did everyone fr wear only one color for their jobs??💀
were there the really stupid jobs like the laundry fairies?
were u there when you first were “born” and the talent picking thing?
if applicable, how was the neverbeast? (my fav movie)
how inconvenient was pixie dust and the whole wing situation in general…
what’d your house look like? if im remembering, different talent fairies lived in different places in the movies.
how big is pixie hollow?
how many fairies are there? (estimate?)
is working fr all there is to do?
what’s the food like?
tysm for taking your time to read this!!! i feel like this was an interrogation.. sorry!
i wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH👏👏. ur post and sexyandhedonistic’s self concept helped me tf out of my rut and my self concept has improved and i’m so happy with my imagination and secure with my life rn… i’ve been ignoring all circumstances and literally laughing at them cause i know it’ll work out for me so thank y’all😔🫶🫶🫶🫶
Omg hi!! Yes, I did talk about it a little here!
I arrived about half a year before Tink! I stayed for a couple of years actually :) I wanted to get through the major movies and what I remembered from the books so I was there for a while!
Funniest memory... oh gosh I'm not sure... There was this one time when a new water talent fairy (her name was Cordelia! very cute and nice) had some trouble getting into the flow of things (hah) and she ended up completely soaking Rosetta hahah She made us all walk until her wings dried and she wouldn't come near the river for weeks after that 😭
My DR mostly followed the movies and occasionally had things from the books! Like all the book fairies that weren't in the movies were there and I remember specific book/comic plots (like the art contest with Bess, Rani's entire story {very sad :(}, and the issue with Silvermist and the "cursed" ladybug).
When I was a kid in my CR, I believe my absolute favorite was Silvermist! But I know I liked all of them too :) In my DR, I was closest to Sil and Iridessa!
Things felt big!! It probably would've felt normal to me if I scripted out my memories but I didn't do that with this DR so everything felt very big. It was kinda scary at first ngl!! It def took some adjusting to feel normal there (after a while it gets better and it does start to feel more normal).
I occasionally looked for lost things with Tink! Grossest thing was a condom (i didn't explain it to her...) and the coolest thing was a knife that was in surprisingly good condition!
Tink never bothered me that much! There were definitely times (especially when she first got there) that I got worried about her or annoyed with her actions but it was never that bad. And since I knew she would fix everything and act nicer, we were pretty chill! Tinkerbell wasn't the first fairy that had trouble adjusting to her talent so it wasn't a big deal with other fairies either :)
Favorite part of being a fairy... honestly? Probably flying! I know that seems like a basic answer but I love flying hahah
I have been to the Mainland! We actually went over there for every season change so I got pretty used to it :) And speaking of changing seasons!! My favorite was winter to spring and summer to autumn!
I have met Queen Clarion :) She's very nice! She feels... warm? I don't really know how to describe it but when you're talking to her it feels like talking to a mother figure (in a good way). She's just very nice and calming to be around :)
We didn't wear one color per se... but your talent almost gives you preferences? That was actually one of the things that everyone talked about (we all had different theories). You absolutely could wear widely different colors but it always feels unnatural when you do it (fairies with talents that didn't correspond with nature felt much more freedom). My theory is that it's some form of ingrained camouflage...
YES there were stupid talents 💀 It was highly discouraged to make fun of fairies for their talents (it's not like we can choose) but it definitely happened. Some of the nature talent fairies were also really mean to fairies who didn't have nature related talents :( which wasn't cool, i'd recommend scripting that out because they can get really nasty 😭
"were u there when you first were “born” and the talent picking thing?" I'm not sure what you mean by this tbh!! I did go through the talent thing (got water) though!
The Neverbeast is adorable 🥺 I was much chiller with him since I remembered the movie but I'll be honest seeing him up close for the first time was a little scary! He's very big compared to us 💀 I also changed the reality a little cause I didn't want him to go to sleep forever (or for the next 1,000 years) :( So instead, Gruff woke up every year! It only happened once a year (the storm thing happened every 1,000 years though), near summertime usually and it was always a big celebration!! All the fairies love Gruff :')
Pixie dust can be super inconvenient if you do a lot of flying, which like... most fairies do but whatever. I did script that it was a lot better in my DR though! So usually one bag of pixie dust can last for an entire week instead of just one day. I also scripted that we typically had an abundance of pixie dust so we never had to deal with running out and only rationed to make things fair!
I based my home on that one lotus home in the game! The inside was inspired by a couple of different pictures I found on Pinterest. My house was on top of a lake 🤭
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Pixie Hollow itself is pretty big (in comparison to us at least) and covers a very wide area. However, that's mostly due to each season having a section! If the entire place was condensed, it'd probably be equatable to a small town. But because everything is so separated it feels more like a big city!
How many fairies... oh goodness.... In just Pixie Hollow, I'd say there are around 2,000 fairies at any given time (sometimes that decreases/increases depending on what's going on in the human world).
Working is definitely not the only thing to do hahah There are a lot of random shops and places to eat. Tons of outside/sports activities to do (park-like areas as well) and even theatres! My DR had this one place that was kind of like an amusement park? But yeah, our work/life balance was actually pretty good! The most challenging part was the schedule since when we worked was based on nature and not like... specific hours. Some fairies were luckier in that regard, but some weren't so lucky (some of the light fairies worked really late hours due to fireflies).
The food is amazing!! Def one of the best parts about living in Pixie Hollow. The cooking and baking talent fairies are literally phenomenal. They get so creative and since everything is super fresh, all the food tastes good. Like I don't think I had a single meal there that was bad? Any food that goes bad just gets used as fertilizer so we never felt like we had to use it. It literally felt like eating at a 5 star restaurant every day!! Def recommend shifting there 😌
And don't worry! I don't mind the questions hahah If anything, they help me reminisce about my DRs :)
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otp-holic · 3 years
My Thought On Why Steve And Bucky Are Soulmates, Why Steve's Ending Doesn't Make Sense, Why Peggy And Steve Doesn't Work, And What I Think Sam Is Thinking About.
Why Steve and  Bucky are soulmates:
1. one cant exist without the other
-when they were kids, had bucky not been there, steve is probably dead (from being sick or from an alley fight)
-if bucky wasn't captured in azanno, steve probably is in some uso tour and continue to be like that
-if steve wasn't captain america, bucky wouldnt have fallen from the train and turn into the winter soldier
2. theyve been separated 5 (or more) times, but always found their way to each other
-bucky was drafted and taken by hydra, steve became captain america and saved him
-bucky became the winter soldier, found steve, regained a tiny bit of his memory, preventing the winter soldier into killing steve and left to fix his memories
-bucharest, steve found bucky again in his little apartment
-got separated again by bucky going into cryo, but meeting again after cryo
-the snap, pretty self-explanatory
Why Steve's ending doesn't make sense:
1. after all he and bucky been through, now that bucky is fine, he won't just leave him
2. steve probably blames himself for bucky suffering from hydra, he won't just stay there and do nothing with peggy knowing hydra is torturing bucky
3. it just doesnt make sense
Why Steve and Peggy just doesnt work:
1. peggy literally told steve to move on "the world has changed, none of us can go back, all we can do is our best, and sometimes the best that we can do is to start over"
2. the steve i know will be proud of peggy, happy that she moved on and started a family, had a happy life. knowing that, steve won't just take that away from peggy
3. peggy had a happy life, if steve told peggy about bucky and everything else that happened, peggy would tell steve to go to bucky and take care of him, peggy isnt that selfish. something like "the world gave you another chance, take it", something like that
4. but like fr tho, if you found a way to time travel, would you go back to someone you kissed once for like 10 years ago, while knowing that someone very important to you is suffering so much?
What I think Sam is thinking about:
1. how confused do you think sam is for steve leaving bucky, he helped steve do so many things to keep bucky safe, even being a criminal, just for steve to leave him
-sam witnessed steve saying, "even when i had nothing i had bucky"
-sam knows steve didn't fight against a brainwashed soldier knowing it was bucky
-sam witnessed steve go against soooo many people (including tony) just to keep bucky safe
2. if sam and steve talked before him leaving, there would be a pretty good chance of steve not staying in the past
More reasons why Steve and Bucky makes sense:
1. "I'm with you till the end of the line"
-something like "till death do us apart". but like, they found each other even after death
2. "Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky"
-there was a point in time where all steve had was bucky
3. "I knew him"
-one word was all it took for bucky to remember at least a little bit of him
-same goes for "im with you till the end of the line"  for breaking 70-90 (idk) years of brainwash and programming
4. steve killing himself shortly after bucky died
-the plane, he could've jumped. he would've survive that
5. steve doing everything it takes to save bucky
-pretty self-explanatory
6. "but you're keeping the outfit right"
-thats pretty gay of bucky yk. steve's outfit were tights
7. do i need to mention the ever so loving looks they give each other
8. it just makes sense
and that would be all 😌
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I’m ready to riot over this today, OMG. Thank you for sending all those very ordered thoughts!!!!! I mean… it was in the text but since our society is Stuck in (no pun) heteronormativity…..
We would embrace fandom. Thanks for sending this!!!
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f1nalboys · 3 years
ignore alll of the spelling mistakes heheh im not even bothering to fix them)
alright so first off let me say i LOVED this movie!!!!! the theater we went to was empty save for me my mom and my sister so it was fun being able to talk to my sister about what was going on lol (i am a MAJOR movie talker im not even sorry)
the actors and actresses were fucking amazing, especially the one for Tara, Amber, Mindy, Chad, and Sam. i loved how well they worked together and how they tied in the old cast.
MINDY AND CHAD <333333 literal loves of my life right there especially fucking mindy oh my GOD and them being randys neice and nephew??? and them bringing back Heather Matarazzo!!!
speaking of, the randy shrine <333 how they never forgot him and talked about him throughout the movie, how they dedicated a movie room to him :,) i especially loved the little painting they had of him GAH i wish mindy and chad had been able to meet him :((((
amber as the villian was great! she was so unhinged she really channeled her stu in the last 20 minutes.
deweys death like BRO it was heartbreaking and hurt to watch but it was done so well!!!! and what a fucking way to go too, and the 'it's an honor' line... CHILLS
i liked what they used billy for and how they didn't overload us with his cgi version like i half expected them too
the three girlbosses sidney gale and sam at the end <3333
SPEAKING OF SAM! what a fucking final girl! her killing richie was so cathartic i swear
mentioning mindy again GOD shes the loml im gonna write for her there i said it >:) i loved her relationship with chad they were so funny together and such siblings. i really loved the callback to when dewey was being put into the ambulance in the first one when he does a thumbs up :,)
interesting that this is the first movie in the franchise to do a fire kill too!!!! like yeah, scream 3 had the house blow up but that's not technically a fire kill mhm
there were lots of fun call backs to the original first two (and the third one <3 mark kincaid and sidney are married and im both of their mistress) and some twists on iconic lines like the scene in scream 1 where randy is telling jamie to turn around while ghostface is behind him and mindy is telling uncle randy to turn around :,) gah
i loved how gorey this one was, especially the opening scene omg!!!! a little eh on the cgi blood but i'll let it slide bc there were so many moments where i fucking cringed (the ankle breaking scene in particular)
OMG and the finale being in stus house!!!!!!! fucking iconic
honestly i hate to say it but i found the reasoning behind the killing a little....idk flat? i like the concept of toxic fan culture and everything but idk something about it just made me go hmmm
some of the lines were so cringey OMGGGG like some of the call backs were so well done and other ones were like.... just so on the nose it made me melt into my chair
some of the character decisions man.... especially in the fucking hospital with dewey made me want to scream. his actions made sense because hes a king but when he was getting attacked no one fucking helped him???? god.
both amber and richie being the killers was really predictable tbh but i still liked them being the killers so its alright. and ambers performance in particular really sold it for me (i also found richie so funny omlllll)
still a little iffy on the cgi billy. i know de-aging is hard so this isn't really that bothersome to me but there were some parts of him talking where i was like thats skeet with the tik tok beauty filter on fr
the few mentions of stu :( i wish he had a bit more to do with it
all in all i loved this movie and it was a very faithful and great sequel! i really hope they do another one following sam and the twins though, i think the ending really opened up doors for more killers, y'know? I also think it would've been cool if the twins HAD been the killers! like, imagine that; randys neice and nephew are sick of him not getting recognition for his bravery and his sacrifice so they kill to bring his legacy back in a way (or something like that)
ANYWAYS if i had to give it a rating, i'd do 9/10!!! and it's a high 9, there was only just those few things i didn't like
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