hussein-ibrahim-94 · 3 years
Context Clues To Enhance English Vocabulary
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I'm doing an update because I've changed my English learning-by-reading method. This month, I've done a lot of research to figure out how I can improve my English vocabulary without memorizing boring word lists, reading intensively (to enhance vocabulary), or overusing any monolingual dictionary to understand new words. I managed to find a new method to enhance my vocabulary without using any of the techniques above, and it works 100%. When I started learning English, I'd heard that memorizing a lot of word lists helped to learn the language quickly. Honestly, I used to memorize lots and lots of word lists and my English didn't advance. This month, I've decided to do some research in order to find a solution, and I found so many articles and videos talking about how to enhance your English vocabulary without overusing dictionaries or stuff like that. The method is called context clues, and I find it super effective in improving my English vocabulary without looking up each and every word that I encounter while reading. It goes like this: when you're reading something and you encounter an unfamiliar word, just try to guess its meaning from the context. If you can't guess it, skip it, and when you encounter it for a second time that means you have to look it up. Since I started using this method, I've learned a lot of new words, most of them through context clues, and I started to enjoy reading so much because I look up words a lot less than before. I am not qualified to teach you how to use context clues to figure out unfamiliar words' meanings, but I recommend you google it; it's useful! 
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hussein-ibrahim-94 · 3 years
Today, I'm going to take a rest; not going to read anything because I have other things to do. Tomorrow will be a good reading day! 🤩
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hussein-ibrahim-94 · 3 years
Reading in English for a person who's learning English as a second language is very hard, but my passion to read in English lets me remain motivated.
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hussein-ibrahim-94 · 3 years
“If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, don’t worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.”
— Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart
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hussein-ibrahim-94 · 3 years
My New Technique to Enhance My English Vocabulary
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It's been six years now since I started learning English by myself, as I said before. I've done a lot of trial and error. Sometimes, I change the way I learn the language. I believe that reading is the only way to fluency. So, I started reading kids' stories, graded readers, and books. As a person who learns English through self-study, At first I would recommend reading two types of books. Those two types are graded readers and kids' stories. You shouldn't read something more advanced than your level when you start learning a new language. So, both of them are suited to start learning a new language by reading. Nowadays, I use a different method of enhancing my vocabulary by reading. I stopped reading graded readers, and I shifted to reading articles that I'm really interested in; I'm really interested in entrepreneurship, marketing, side hustles, self-improvement, writing, and so on… 
Every day, I try to find an interesting article on Flipboard and I add it to Pocket to read it offline or to use its highlight feature (both of them are useful apps for readers). When I start reading an article, I perform two steps: first I read for pleasure ( I only highlight unfamiliar words), and then I read to enhance my vocabulary. I do this process every day, and though, I had to get used to it. Through this method, I learn a lot of words because I highlight everything that's unfamiliar to me. I will continue doing this technique until I reach a higher level in English, and I'll keep you up to date with my  English-language learning journey. 
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hussein-ibrahim-94 · 3 years
How to Educate Yourself in 2021
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I left school in the third grade due to some circumstances, and when I became a  teenager, I decided to educate myself. In this article, I am going to show you how you can learn anything by yourself. Also, I am going to give you some tips to help you with your learning journey as well. So read and enjoy! 
How to Learn Anything From the Internet
To learn whatever you want, you have to consider the internet as your school. I started learning English by myself a few years ago, and the internet has been my favorite and only teacher for all these years. To get the ball rolling, you have to find the best resources for learning the subject that you want to learn. There are so many resources that I have used over the years of self-education and each one of them has specific features. So, let me tell you about them, as well as how I've used them during my learning journey all these years.
Reading Books and Articles 
I started reading books to learn programming and English. Books are very useful, and they can help you to learn anything on your own. The one obstacle I faced with books was that I couldn't afford to buy them. Later on, I overcame that by finding another resource, which is reading articles. On the internet, you can find so many websites that write articles about a specific subject for free. Yeah! Reading articles is completely free. I read articles about the things that I learn every day. Articles sometimes may be short, but they can be rich with information. If you can afford to buy books, I recommend doing that because books are great to learn about a topic more extensively.
Learning by watching is my second favorite resource, but there are two different resources to learn from videos: 
#1 YouTube: A Free Resource
YouTube is the best resource to learn anything for free. One feature on YouTube I dislike is that sometimes, people use it to promote their business. They typically start by posting a few lessons for free, and eventually, they advertise a paid course or a book.
#2 Udemy and Other Course Platforms
There are lots of websites that have professional courses in whatever field you are interested in. Although they are paid resources, I found them more beneficial. Last year, I took three different English courses on Udemy. They were at a discount, and I didn't want to miss the chance. The best features those platforms have are that they have good feedback, their courses are well organized, and they provide you with some exercises to test your understanding. So, if you can pay a small amount of money to take a course on one of those platforms, you won't regret it.
You Have to Set a Learning Environment 
Once you decide to study anything by yourself, you should have a calm place for learning. I sit in my room every day, and I get rid of everything that can distract me. Don't take your eye off the ball. You should also have friends who have the same interests to study with them because having friends will help you keep motivated. If you can't find anyone around you to study with, you can find a lot of people on social media who are trying to find friends to study with or to share their experiences with.
In sum, you can learn whatever you want, but you have to find the most suitable resources for you. By setting up a nice, calm place for learning, you will focus on your studying and be consistent. Also finding friends online who have the same interests will keep you more motivated to continue your journey.  
Note: English is my Second Language, so sorry if you found any grammar mistakes!
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hussein-ibrahim-94 · 3 years
I have read this article today. 👇🤓 Read it!
Seven post-pandemic marketing strategies for Leeds | Yorkshire Evening Post
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hussein-ibrahim-94 · 3 years
I have finished reading this article. It was so enjoyable and informative!
👇🤓 Read it!
5 steps to adopt new habits and keep them forever
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hussein-ibrahim-94 · 3 years
“There are some people who could hear you speak a thousand words and still not understand you. And there are others who will understand without you even speaking a word.”
— Yasmin Mogahed
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hussein-ibrahim-94 · 3 years
After My Mother's Death
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It has been 15 years since my mother passed away. I was at the age of 12 and I remember that day as if it was today. Many people who came to my home were shocked by my mother's death. She died at the age of 40. She was so beautiful and the only person who loved me so much. After her death, I used to cry for hours because I missed her. Then I started to sit alone all the time. I hated everything in my life! I used to sit all day alone in my room playing Ps1 or at my computer. No one cared about me. I left school and all my friends. The people around me started to claim that I was mentally ill. I spent many years sitting in my room. No one cared about me, not even my friends, even all my family members hated me and used to say that I was mentally ill. They hurt me a lot, and I felt lonely because no one tried to stand with me. Many years passed and I still suffered from my mom's death. I couldn't forget her, and I missed her. When I reached the age of 18 years I decided to go out with my relatives, but sometimes when they got angry at me they would say, 'you are mentally ill.' I hated that and I used to wonder, 'do I have a mental illness? If yes, why do they all treat me unkindly instead of helping me?' Honestly, I hated all the people around me because they all hated me for no reason. Sometimes, I used to hear women talking about me, 'He started to get mentally ill after his mother passed away,' and some of them say 'we don't want our sons to play with him.' I started to accept what other people were saying about me, and I decided to focus on improving myself. I used to have so many hobbies that made me forget my sadness and what other people were saying about me. Sometimes, I said, 'Maybe they are right, and I may have a mental illness,' but I wondered why they didn't try to help me get better and get rid of my mental illness? I couldn't afford to go to a psychiatrist to figure out whether I had a mental illness or not. Then I decided to search on the internet to find a solution for myself. I tried to find people who had the same issue that I had. Then one day, after a lot of searching, I found a therapist who treated people online for free. I wondered why he did that, but I was very happy! He had a video course that talked about how one could treat oneself. I started to watch his course and I used to ask him about my condition, and he was willing to answer my questions. Then he told me, 'Your mental illness is Ocd. You can get better if you follow my course and apply it in your life.' I asked him, 'Why do people treat me unkindly?' He answered, 'Unfortunately, everyone has a mental illness, some people treat them the same even though they need someone to stand with them. Your mental illness is not connected to your mom's death, but It became worse after she died.' I did all the things he told me to do, and I noticed that I was getting better. He taught me to don't care about what others are saying about me. I accepted their words. Until now, 27 years old they still say the same thing but I don't care because I know they are mentally ill and need to go to a psychiatrist.
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hussein-ibrahim-94 · 3 years
How To Learn A New Language At Home
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Learning a new language is more important than you ever thought. In this article, I am going to show you how you can learn a new language on your own at home. So read and enjoy!
The Four Skills of Any Language
Learning languages is getting easier than ever before. There are four skills you have to master if you want to learn whatever language you want. The four skills are: 
1. Reading Skills
Reading is the most important aspect of learning languages. If you want to start learning a new language, you have to figure out what to read. As a beginner, you should read something simple such as kids' stories or Graded Readers. Either of them is good to start learning a language: they are written with simplified language that is easy to understand and they can build your vocabulary. Try to read and don't bother yourself to look up each word. All you need is to focus on the keywords (a keyword is a word that represents the main feature or idea of something). Try to use at first any translator app/website to look up words until you have good vocabulary knowledge then try to use something advanced like a monolingual dictionary.
2. Speaking Skills  
When you start to learn any new language, you have to speak it. Sometimes it would be very difficult to find someone to practice your new language speaking skills with because maybe you live in a country where there are no speakers of it. I have these two solutions:
Making Friends On Social Media
My best way to practice speaking is to make friends on social media. I have a lot of friends on social media who are willing to speak with me to practice my second language speaking skills every day. 
Exchange Languages Apps/Websites 
My favorite solution ever! There are so many apps and websites where there are people who want to learn your language and are willing to help you to learn their languages. You can help them to learn your language and they will do the same thing. You can find those apps or websites on the internet they are called Exchange Languages apps/websites.
3. Listening Skills
Listening skills are important as the previous skills and to improve your listening skills there are two resources that I prefer: 
1. YouTube 
On YouTube, you can watch movies, video games, animations, and vloggers to improve your new language listening skills.
2. Podcasts
One of the best tools to help you to improve your listening skills. Podcasts talk about so many topics. you can download them, and listen to them wherever you go on your smartphone or in your car. 
4. Writing Skills
Writing skills is as important as all the skills that I have mentioned above, and it can be improved by writing every day. I write journals every day or participate in social media posts. When I write journals, I share them on any Exchange  Languages platform to get feedback on my writings, and I noticed my writing skills are getting better than ever before in my second language.
Conclusion: Learning languages requires so much patience and focusing on the four skills of the language: writing, speaking, reading, and listening. When you practice them every day, you'll notice progress in your language.
Note: English is my Second Language, so sorry if you found any grammar mistakes!
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hussein-ibrahim-94 · 3 years
If you own the media, you own the audience. If you own the audience, you own the attention. If you own the attention, you make the money. 👌
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hussein-ibrahim-94 · 3 years
Check it out
Article: What to Do When You Don't Want to Do Anything
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hussein-ibrahim-94 · 3 years
I have just finished reading this article, It was a beneficial article. It explained how to increase the sales in your business. I enjoyed reading it! 🤓
Check it out
Article: 4 Selling Strategies That Will Get You Ahead in Business
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hussein-ibrahim-94 · 3 years
I've just finished reading this article, and I decided to share it with you. It was an informative article!
Check it
How to Become Bilingual When Your Memory Sucks: 5 Flexible Strategies to Beat Defeat
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hussein-ibrahim-94 · 3 years
How To Learn A New Language At Home
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Learning a new language is more important than you ever thought. In this article, I am going to show you how you can learn a new language on your own at home. So read and enjoy!
The Four Skills of Any Language
Learning languages is getting easier than ever before. There are four skills you have to master if you want to learn whatever language you want. The four skills are: 
1. Reading Skills
Reading is the most important aspect of learning languages. If you want to start learning a new language, you have to figure out what to read. As a beginner, you should read something simple such as kids' stories or Graded Readers. Either of them is good to start learning a language: they are written with simplified language that is easy to understand and they can build your vocabulary. Try to read and don't bother yourself to look up each word. All you need is to focus on the keywords (a keyword is a word that represents the main feature or idea of something). Try to use at first any translator app/website to look up words until you have good vocabulary knowledge then try to use something advanced like a monolingual dictionary.
2. Speaking Skills  
When you start to learn any new language, you have to speak it. Sometimes it would be very difficult to find someone to practice your new language speaking skills with because maybe you live in a country where there are no speakers of it. I have these two solutions:
Making Friends On Social Media
My best way to practice speaking is to make friends on social media. I have a lot of friends on social media who are willing to speak with me to practice my second language speaking skills every day. 
Exchange Languages Apps/Websites 
My favorite solution ever! There are so many apps and websites where there are people who want to learn your language and are willing to help you to learn their languages. You can help them to learn your language and they will do the same thing. You can find those apps or websites on the internet they are called Exchange Languages apps/websites.
3. Listening Skills
Listening skills are important as the previous skills and to improve your listening skills there are two resources that I prefer: 
1. YouTube 
On YouTube, you can watch movies, video games, animations, and vloggers to improve your new language listening skills.
2. Podcasts
One of the best tools to help you to improve your listening skills. Podcasts talk about so many topics. you can download them, and listen to them wherever you go on your smartphone or in your car. 
4. Writing Skills
Writing skills is as important as all the skills that I have mentioned above, and it can be improved by writing every day. I write journals every day or participate in social media posts. When I write journals, I share them on any Exchange  Languages platform to get feedback on my writings, and I noticed my writing skills are getting better than ever before in my second language.
Conclusion: Learning languages requires so much patience and focusing on the four skills of the language: writing, speaking, reading, and listening. When you practice them every day, you'll notice progress in your language.
Note: English is my Second Language, so sorry if you found any grammar mistakes!
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hussein-ibrahim-94 · 3 years
“Maybe someday we will be two people meeting again for the first time.”
— Unknown
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