cheemken · 1 year
Knight you got anything you’d like to share with the class 🎤
Just anything you want to talk about ig
Have some SilkWing stuff bc I just found a completed multi chap fic abt them and I'm going fucking insane omf I'm so NOT getting any work done bc of this fic I swear😭🤣
Anyways hahahah
•they really hid their relationship from everyone for a year and a half, even from the Champions and their family
-idk I just think that maybe Diantha doesn't want their relationship to be public knowledge just yet bc she knows just how the media can get w relationships like this, so she's kinda paranoid
-it only took Iris accidentally calling them mom and dad one time for Dia and Lance to finally open up abt their relationship to the Champions and their family., and ofc Iris was the first one they told it to
-it was fun tho seeing the other Champions try to set them up on dates when they're already dating hahah but still it really surprised them that they were already together
•these two are so trigger happy I want you to know, like if you think Lance commanding Dragonite to Hyper Beam someone is bad wait till you hear abt Diantha's Mega Gardevoir w a Pixilate boosted Hyper Beam
-Lance seeing Dia command Gardevoir to use that move and he's just "Arc, she's so fucking perfect"
-they were fighting like a few evil org grunts in a region to help out its Champion so yeah
-but like then again yeah Diantha hides that side well, but Lance saw it and man he is down horrendous
•they have this kinda vibe ngl
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-yeah they have that vibe hahaha
•omf dyk I actually planned a five plus one fic for them and it's basically just five times Dia said I love you first and the one time Lance said it first and HCMDBXMDBNS
-when will I have the motivation to write that😭
•your honour pls I know Lance would watch Dia's movies when they're not together, and imagines himself as the one there w her instead of that random actor he doesn't care abt hahah
-when they are together tho, and if Lance wanted to watch some of her movies still, she would tell him abt behind the scenes stuff and all the actors and actresses she doesn't like
-"ugh, this scene was such a pain, Carmine just wouldn't shut up how she wanted to have more scenes about her."
"..which one is Carmine again?"
"the pathetic looking one."
"*sighs* the antagonist."
-Lance just gets all the gossip from the set and all the people Diantha hated and how she almost really quit on this one show bc again, shit cast members that think they're all high and mighty w their status when they're all so shit
•look let's be real Lance's insecurities often get the best of him, he didn't have that stable of a support system back then, and he'd just end up brooding somewhere w his thoughts
-one meeting, it became too much for him to handle that he excused himself and he went out to touch grass—
-but fr he was like, crying,, and he was there punching the trees and screaming and the pkmn there actually got a bit scared
-then hey Dia found him yknow. Found him slumped against a tree, he looked so tired, eyes bloodshot, his knuckles were red and bruised. She slowly approached him, kneeling right in front of him, smiling so softly yet her voice carried such concern that he never thought he could hear from anyone.
"there you are.. I've been looking everywhere for you.."
and Lance finally looks up to her, sees her worried look, and god he felt like shit that he's worrying Diantha
"I'm sorry.."
"whatever for?"
Lance then tells her what's bothering him, that he thinks he's really weak, that he really couldn't be the perfect Champion of the Indigo League, that some people still don't see him as a Champion, and he really trauma dumped on her. And by the end of it, Diantha was at his side, wrapping her arms around his torso, pulling him close to her. Lance let's out a dry laugh, leaning in to Diantha, "why.. do you still put up with me..?"
Diantha gave him a smile, soft and gentle as her touch on his cheek, "because I love you." And Lance let out a choked sob, pulling her impossibly closer to him.
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