#OWI FTV300 Schoolwork
Story With Feelings
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Image: https://letterboxd.com/film/wild-strawberries/
Wild Strawberries (1957)
Director: Ingmar Bergman
Full Cast:
·         Victor Sjöström
·         Bibi Andersson
·         Ingrid Thulin
·         Gunnar Björnstrand
·         Jullan Kindahl
·         Folke Sundquist
·         Björn Bjelfvenstam
·         Naima Wifstrand
Note, this is not the full cast within the film Wild Strawberries (1957)
Genre: Romace, Drama, Art
Ernst Ingmar Bergman was a director who made over sixty film where he directed, wrote or produced or even all of the above. In a few articles and reviews he is considered to be a very influential filmmaker that achieved “film as art” to a wide variety of audiences. It is also said that he is one of the few directors that had a substantial impact of the films he made in his vision, meaning that he was a man who took the Auteur theory to the next level. Which means that the director does indeed have the most artistic say within a film.
I felt his story. The film Wild Strawberries (1957) spoke in such a calm and even tone. Its ups and downs felt surprisingly effective in other ways than other films achieve. Within this film he uses flash backs and dreams to depict the main character’s thoughts and fears. A life of an old man who wonders the past and question the outcome of his life. Ingmar visualises this beautifully, by making us part of the main character’s visions, but by doing this we not only see the projections of the man’s thoughts but feel with the character.
In one scene the main character sits in a car with his son’s wife, outside three other characters sings to what wonderful man he is, when they stop cheering, he immediately shrugs within the seat and without a word of dialogue, we can assume what he’s thinking. In that particular scene he excludes the world and the main character sits in an empty void.
This film deserves at least a seven out of ten. The director said that no other artistic medium enters our feeling down to the darkest areas as film does, and definitely proves his statement within this film.
   Words: 301
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