#Oba Weglein
asimfamilystory · 5 months
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Little Oba has turned into quite a handsome young toddler. His traits are Athletic and Light Sleeper. The look on his face already tells his parents that he is going to be into everything that he can reach at this age.
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asimfamilystory · 5 months
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TWINS...one boy and one girl. Neither parent had been expecting that, throwing all their plans out the window as they bring home their TWO new bundles of joy. Even upon leaving the hospital Don is still in complete shock as they had been planning for only one child. Both parents quickly will use some more of their savings to remodel the nursery to hold their surprise little bundle of joy but now both are a little worried they maybe stretched a little thin with 3 infants and one toddler in the house.
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Meet little Oaklynn, the Weglein's first daughter! She has her daddy's red hair as well and Don can't help but hope she'll become Daddy's little princess!
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And their newest son Oba has entered the world too!
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asimfamilystory · 4 months
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Don plays a game of foosball before work, hoping to be completely relaxed for a long day of work. Don loves his job but can't deny that it can be stressful at times.
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Oba plays a video game while waiting for school to start. Obedience watches and talks to her brother as he plays and Obama wants to spend some time practicing on the guitar as it was the best way for her to relax even though it would clash with the sound of the video game that was being played.
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Obert's birthday comes and he grows up into a child. His traits are: Insane, Genius and Angler.
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Obedience reaches her teenage years just as well. She has the traits of: Loner, Couch Potato, Friendly and Charismatic. She prefers being by herself, but if she likes you she can be a great friend.
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Don had gotten home from work when he received a text message from his oldest son, Oakes, that he was going to be a grandfather. His son had gotten married to a young woman named Blair Wainwright. They had chosen the name Ted for their son.
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Don's garden struggles a bit on Monday, two of his plants having died before he could tend to them when he got home. When he has time he'll go to the store and purchase a water sprinkler to help out.
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Oberon's birthday comes around and he has aged into a teenager. His traits are: Loser, Insane, Absent-Minded and Vegetarian. Following in his sisters steps in giving up meat for a more plant based diet.
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While the family is back together for Oberon's birthday party, Obert challenges Oakes to a game of chess, having been practicing and hoping to beat/impress his brother.
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After defeating his big brother in a game of chess, Obert asks if Oakes would be willing to help him with his homework. Obert looks up to his big brother a lot, thinking that he must know a lot since he has moved out and started living his own life. Oakes sits down and gladly helps Obert out with his homework before he has to leave and go home to his own family.
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Obelia ages into a teenager during the night. Her traits are: Vegetarian, Insane, Couch Potato and Ambitious. Obelia enjoys dressing up as nicely as she can.
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Obert asks his dad for help with homework the next day, which Don is more than happy to do.
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Don is awoken with a new text message from his second eldest, Oakley. Learning that he was a grandfather once more as Oakley and his wife Tamara Donner and a daughter named Sheena. Don is still a young adult himself and finds it surprising that he is already a grandfather and he is feeling a little older now that he has two grandchildren.
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Don enjoys a warm day out at the park, wanting to get out of the house and relax a little, and reads a book on his tablet with the beauty of the park around him. Being outside is one of his favorite activities, which is sometimes he wonders why some of his children ended up hating the outdoors.
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asimfamilystory · 4 months
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Oakes and Oaklynn get into a car they rented, Oakes having texted Oakley at work, the new address and the three of them were off to live their very own lives.
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Don invites his friend Dustin over, unaware that the other had tried asking Erin out on a date, and offers to train his friend as Dustin had commented on needing to work out more for his health, to which Don was more than excited to offer up his training help due to his military career demanding a lot of athletic training so it makes sense that he offers the same training to anyone who wants it.
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Don takes Dustin out for a jog in training, stopping to catch up with Monika Sekemoto having met her at the last back to school night.
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Don has taken to his gardening as the fruits were beginning to bloom and become harvestable. Don becoming incredibly proud of what he's produced.
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Being on a gardening kick Don head's out into Sunset Valley and begins looking for seeds to plant in his garden, hoping that he could produce some more beautiful looking plants. One of his neighbors had told him about there being a money tree seed that existed, and although he doesn't quite believe it doesn't hurt to look too!
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Erin's birthday happens with less fanfare than her children's, entering her elder stage quietly and with dignity. She had just achieved her own dream of becoming an astronaut not too long ago and thus didn't really get to enjoy it as her younger husband is, but she isn't ready to retire and wants to work as long as she can before she is forced to resigned.
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Don heads to a local fishing lake that had some wild plants growing around it that were harvestable and Don helps himself, wanting to improve his skill and add more vegetables to his garden as he was enjoying the gardening quite a bit.
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Oba being athletic, like both his parents, takes what free time he has and works out in the personal gym that his parents had. It allows him to think and get out any pent up feelings that he was having, especially since he struggled in school and he felt the only time he was doing right was whenever he was working out or doing anything with his hands. Oba wants to either join the military, like his parents and older sister Oaklynn, or become an athlete even though he knows Oakley hates it.
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Don meets Dustin's wife, Iliana, when he is over visiting Dustin one afternoon.
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While Don was visiting his friend and talking with Iliana their roommate, Zelda Sw0rd, went into labor which had gotten everyone caught by surprise, especially her husband Cycl0ne who had just gotten home from work. Don figured that while Zelda was in labor it would be the best time for him to come home as he would just be getting in the way of the soon-to-be parents. Don did learn later that Zelda had a baby boy named Arthur.
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Making dinner for his family, Don has to remember to make vegetarian version of dishes for his daughter; Obelia.
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asimfamilystory · 4 months
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Don decides he wants to take up the hobby of gardening. After buying some planters and seeds he starts the first steps towards gardening. It is not only a relaxing hobby that allows him to be outside, where he feels more at peace, it would allow him to grow food for his family to help cut down on the grocery bill that comes with feeding 11 sims.
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With so many sims living under one roof there's no doubt that things are going to wear down and break. The kitchen sink eventually being the culprit. Oberon, dressed in his best as he enjoys looking fancy, is receiving a lesson from his dad in how to fix the sink. Don has never had to hire a repairman for anything and wants his children to know that they could fix things too with patience and a little knowledge in how to be handy.
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Making breakfast for his family once more, Don enjoys taking care of them while they are preparing for either work or school. Since he only works one day a week it seems only fair that he does a majority of the housework, with the exception of Monday and the part of Tuesday where he is sleeping, of course. It seems that no one else in the house argues with that.
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When everyone's gone Oakley takes care of his baby brother Obert. Being the only adult home on Mondays allows him clear his mind and try and figure out a plan for his own future.
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Oba takes his time to help his sisters, Obedience and Obelia, with their homework as he remembers many a night struggling with it...even though he still struggles a bit in highschool.
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After coming home from work Don still had things around the house that needed to be done but there was no way he had enough energy to get the things done so he imagined a quick nap would give him enough energy to finish up tidying the house before he could go to actual sleep. Don didn't even bother to change into more comfortable clothes before laying down.
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Oakley informs his mom he'll be moving out with Oakes and Oaklynn.
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Oaklynn's birthday came but it was more than just a celebration of her entering adulthood. Oaklynn had been talking to her older brothers about all three of them moving out and into a place together, that way it would be split between the three of them and Oakley could get out of the house and quit his job and pursue what he really wanted. Darlene Bunch had also come over to wish her friend a happy birthday.
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Oaklynn ages up into an adult, ready to experience the world of Sunset Valley. Her traits are: Childish, Good, Genius, Couch Potato and Loves the Outdoors. Her Lifetime Wish is Chess Legend.
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Oakes makes the phone call that would allow him, Oakley and Oaklynn to move out, finalizing an agreement for a small home for the three of them. As much as he knew he had a good childhood it was time for him to start living on his own, kind of. It was also important that Oakley got out from under the pressure of their father so he could pursue his own dreams. Oakes knows his dad means well but that's why they needed to go now before their relationship suffered.
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asimfamilystory · 4 months
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Oaklynn sit's down to play with her little sister, Obelia, trying to teach her how to play 'Twinkle Twinkle' on her toy.
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Oba's birthday was like none of his siblings, as Oba had leaned over his cake to blow out the candles his clothes caught fire, causing the young boy to run around in a panic, rushing to the shower to quickly put himself out.
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Despite his birthday cake catching him on fire, Oba grows up into a fine looking young man. His traits are: Athletic, Can't Stand Art, Light Sleeper and Computer Whiz. Oba is already certain nothing more exciting then catching fire could happen to him.
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With Oaklynn being childish, despite her age, she finds enjoyment in the toys she played with when she was younger. Oaklynn figures that as long as she is quiet, she can sneak into her sisters room and play with the toy's in the toy chest. The key is remaining quiet so that her sister doesn't go and tell their parents Oaklynn is disturbing her!
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Oakes starts his first day as a Podium Polisher (Political). Given he's spending his day cleaning he goes for comfort.
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asimfamilystory · 4 months
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Oakley is celebrating his birthday with what family could gather. His Dad was at work and his younger siblings were either too busy playing or napping in their cribs but Oakley is incredibly excited to be entering a new stage of life today!
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Oakley's traits are: Heavy Sleeper, Excitable, Neurotic and developed Hates the Outdoors.
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Obama's birthday comes around again, and the young lady starts developing her personality and style a little more. Her traits are Hates the Outdoors, Virtuoso and Easily Impressed. This most likely developed due to her close relationship with her sister; Oaklynn.
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Oberon's birthday is the next to come up. To everyone's surprise Oberon's hair is blonde! After some discussion between each other Don and Erin come to the conclusion that the blonde hair is a gene that one, or both, of them were carrying and simply had been passed on to their son. Oberon's traits are: Absent-Minded and Insane. Although he stands out from his other siblings he shares his mom's nose and his dad's eyes.
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While Don has breakfast he helps Oba with his late homework.
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Oaklynn takes her time before school to practice playing chess. Unlike her siblings that enjoy playing video games she finds a game of chess as something much more enjoyable and it helps keep her mind sharp. She even is working with her teacher to start a chess club in her school.
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Oberon is happy to play with his blocks, unaware of his house being up and getting ready for going to school and work. Oberon has shown that he enjoys building things, often trying to set up his toys into a unique little town, as if playing out a story inside his head, which his parents encourage to have his imagination grow.
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Oaklynn's birthday comes around and she is incredibly excited to become a teenager and start high school, hoping the homework is a tad bit more challenging this time around.
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Oaklynn has grown into a teenager and is completely ready for the life of high school. Oaklynn's traits are Genius, Good, Couch Potato and Childish. Although she is incredibly smart and could easily handle the schoolwork Oaklynn is not as mature as most girls her age, finding it more enjoyable to play with her younger siblings and collecting gems and such that she could find around town and showing them off to her siblings and parents.
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Don takes Oba out that evening to teach him how to toss a football back and forth, though Oba isn't quite enjoying it as much as his older brother, Oakes had enjoyed. He was a little more afraid of how fast and hard his dad had thrown it.
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Once the older children were off at school Don took some time to play with Obelia, helping improve her musical skills as well as keep her entertained.
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asimfamilystory · 4 months
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The three Weglein children sit down to do homework together, the boys glad that their younger sister enjoyed school work and was willing to help tutor them.
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Oakes birthday comes around and his family gathers around to celebrate. Oakes ponders what he wants to wish for as he was entering his teenage years, hoping that he could be just as popular in high school as he was now.
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Oakes ages up into quite the young man. His traits are now: Good, Party Animal, Insane and a Mooch. If Oakes is going to be the most popular kid in school he was going to make sure he looked the part.
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A few days later it was also Oba's birthday. His siblings were at school at that point so he was celebrating it with his parents, though at that age Don and Erin were at least glad that he wasn't interested in having other's there as much as he was just blowing out the candles on his cake and having the attention of both of his parents at the same time. Though there's nothing wrong with having all the cake he could want too.
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Oba has developed the traits of: Light Sleeper, Athletic and Can't Stand Art.
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If elementary school work was difficult Oakes found himself struggling with high school work too, though this time he decided he was better off asking his dad for help than hoping that his little sister was incredibly smart enough to figure it out. Don is more than happy to help his son, having enjoyed school a lot when he was Oakes age and helps him to better understand the school work since Don understood his son learns a little differently than others.
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Obelia also ages up a few days later, a toddler who has a tendency to enjoy napping more than doing anything else. Her traits are Insane and Couch Potato. Erin decides it's easier to tend to her daughter's hair as she puts it up into a ponytail to make it more manageable as her daughter just likes sleeping, catching her playing is quite the rare treat.
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asimfamilystory · 4 months
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Obedience's birthday comes around, although she doesn't find as much enjoyment with it as her siblings do. Obedience traits are Loner, Couch Potato and Friendly. She isn't quite as excited for school as her other siblings had been.
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Once more Oba find's himself trying to finish his homework during breakfast, Don helping between bites and Obama watching.
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Obert's birthday comes around as well, Don loves all of his children but there is a strong connection between Obert and Don and the founder of gen 1 has found his heir, his youngest son had a promise of carrying on the family lineage.
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Obert has aged up into a toddler, (wearing a design by @simlicious ) and has the traits of Insane and Genius. Obert is the gen 2 heir for the Weglein family. A handsome young boy who will be continuing the family legacy once he is an adult. For now he has a lot to learn as a toddler, has his future is already decided just how he gets there is up to fate. Perhaps he will be a blessing to his family or bring chaos, we shall see!
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Don and Obert immediately begin working on learning to talk.
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After spending time learning to talk, taking a break for food and potty training, Obert begins to play with the block puzzle. The youngest Weglein child is now beginning to explore his world and begin to understand it, much like his siblings before him and looking quite cute while doing it!
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asimfamilystory · 4 months
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Even after working for an entire day Don wanted to prepare breakfast for his sleeping family, so when they awoke there would be pancakes waiting for them!
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Obelia's birthday comes around, far less exciting than Oba's birthday but given that his birthday ended with firefighter's coming that was probably a good thing for the Weglein family. It's at this age that Obelia decides that she wants to become a vegetarian, to which her parents respect her decision. Obelia's traits are: Insane, Couch Potato and Vegetarian. The rest of her birthday goes off without any fires that day!
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Don, Erin and their two eldest children sit down to enjoy some birthday cake from Obelia's birthday party.
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Recently Don has gotten interested in chess and invites over a ranked chess opponent named Dustin Langerak, to which Don wins the game while forming a new friendship.
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Don introduces Dustin to his youngest sons; Oberon and Obert. Dustin can't help but comment how much Obert looks like Don. Obert is surprised when Dustin picks him up and Don comments that Dustin is a natural. Dustin tells Don he wants a family one day, he just hasn't found the perfect woman for himself yet.
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Oakley has aged into a young adult himself. His traits are: Hates the Outdoors, Excitable, Heavy Sleeper, Neurotic and Neat. His lifetime wish is to become a Chess Legend.
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Oakley sits down to play chess with his dad, wanting to start preparing himself for playing chess professionally. However his dad had other plans, spending the entire session telling Oakley he needed to find a more stable job, convincing his son that joining the sports career was for him, that he needed to exercise his mind AND body.
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This morning is Oakley's first day of work. He isn't happy about it as he doesn't want this job, but as long as he lived there he had to go.
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Oakley begins working out, he did have to agree with one thing his dad said, that he needed to take care of his body and his mind. As soon as he can afford to move out he plans on quitting the job and dedicating his time to playing chess professionally.
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While his second oldest is, reluctantly, preparing for his job that Don had...encouraged...Oakley to take, Don himself was reading a book to improve his logic as he had taken interest in playing chess competitively himself. Don's argument though was that he worked a good paying job and only needed to go in one day a week so he had plenty of time to compete and support his family.
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While out reading Don runs into Dustin and the two of them hang out. Dustin dares Don to go and start a fight with a random Sim and Don agrees, going towards Victoria Andrews, who had been minding her own business, and just started slapping her silly.
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However a fight does break out, but not between Don and Victoria but between Jared Frio and Christopher Steel, to which Jared wins quite easily.
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Obama's birthday party comes as well. Her traits are: Easily Impressed, Virtuoso, Hates the Outdoors and No Sense of Humor. She is already annoyed with her younger siblings.
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