#Obi-Wan who just used Dooku's Ultimate Gold Card to pay for a SPA retreat on Naboo for Anakin: curious! I guess we'll never know
obiwanobi · 2 years
re-reading all the ssk posts and now I need a list of all the things obi-wan tried to buy anakin to get him to overlook the fact that he’s a sith I really truly need it (so far I am convinced there was a pair of concert tickets, a hideously expensive bouquet of flowers, and a newly-built red lightsabre in the style of anakin’s own)
it would be hilarious if Obi-Wan fled to CIS space once the Order realised he was a Sith and turned into another Sep leader, which would be the worst option for the Jedi Order to see another Sith getting away, but fortunately for them the man is too busy being CRUSHED by the fact that Anakin refuses to talk to him to really be bothered by this whole war thing.
So far, Anakin, back on Coruscant, has received:
breakfast from the fanciest restaurant on the planet hand-delivered to his door in the temple. Every morning.
he, of course, rips the note attached to the beautiful flower that comes with it without reading it
(that's a lie he tells Ahsoka: he reads the note. He keeps them at the back of his messier drawer)
a new red lightsaber like you said, but also plans to modify it if Anakin feels like it because Obi-Wan knows how he likes to tweak and improve his weapon
numerous invitations to join him and the dark side
numerous invitations to meet Obi-Wan in neutral space when it failed
numerous promises to buy Anakin a villa in neutral space where they could flee together when it failed
numerous imploring requests to please, my love, my darling, could you at least reply to me? when all of these failed
the most hideous bouquet of flowers that Subira recommended when Obi-Wan asked her opinion and she wanted to see if he was desperate enough to do it when it's clearly the most atrocious arrangement in the galaxy
the most beautiful black tunic Anakin has ever seen, probably made with the skin of an endangered animal and more expansive than half of Padmé's wardrobe, bought on Subira's advice to make amends for the bouquet idea
formal handwritten apology (Obi-Wan doesn't do apologies) about that 'One Time That We Don't Talk About' when he said that podraces were boring
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