#Oc: Holomancer Widget
herald-of-aurene · 3 months
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Widget's visor isnt just to help her sight, it has a bunch of other abilities such as housing a built in console which she is able to store in a bunch of information, a hologram projector, a thermal reader, and a bunch of other things
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herald-of-aurene · 2 months
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Tosses Widget in the pile of asura in big sweaters
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herald-of-aurene · 3 months
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Baby Taimi and Widget working on their infinity ball.
Next, baby Gorrik and Widget talking about bugs
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herald-of-aurene · 4 months
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herald-of-aurene · 2 months
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Ok I've shared this before, but here's Widget's family treeeee
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herald-of-aurene · 3 months
very rough drabble about the disaster ot3
Widget had always loved Taimi, but it was always in a platonic way. Her crush developed slowly and crept up on her and by the time Widget knew it she was in too deep.
With Gorrik on the other hand she met him and instantly fell head over heels for him.
For years she sat with her crush and made no moves out of fear she would lose them, content to just be near them and dream.
And then Gorrik and Taimi started daiting and in Widget's eyes it all fell apart. As expected their dynamic shifted quickly, and Widget was almost pushed out, which of course she understood, she was just their friend and they were dating. But it still hurt her. When she was pulled into that rift with Spite it was the perfect excuse to run and forget about her problems. Widget took to being with the wizards a lot quicker than Spite, but her mentor (who is gonna replace Zojja i think) fussed her over and over for not communicating with them and "I saw how those two looked at you, i'd bet anything that they feel the same as you do." but Widget never listened.
At least, until after chapter 10, and she couldnt last any longer without her golem, W.A.F.F.L.E.S.
Widget was hoping to slip into their lab, grab her golem and equipment, and leave without a word. But when she entered the first thing she saw was a crying and red eyed Taimi who noticed her instantly. She stood up and ran to Widget, both angry and relieved that she had turned up. Taimi walked up to her, punched her in the shoulder, and started screaming at her. "Where were you? Why didn't you say anything? I was terrified! i just turn and you're gone!"
Widget just retreated internally and shrugged, "Why would I? You didn't seem to mind." While Taimi scoffed and fussed her, Widget was grabbing her supplies. When she turned to leave again she saw Gorrik there, face sorrowful and heartbroken.
When they cornered her, she finally broke down and confessed all of her feelings why she left, everything except everthing about the demons and wizards.
And as they processed it, she turned tail and ran.
After all, its easier to deal with anger than sorrow.
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herald-of-aurene · 3 months
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Had an idea of an au where Kuda accepted Zydeco's offer to leave the Inquest with xem.
I like to think she keeps up her dragon studies for a bit before swapping to mist research and eventually becoming a revenant
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herald-of-aurene · 5 days
Kuda and Zydeco had Widget (then named Kudi) at 16, they were terrified, I mean, they had a BABY at sixteen, they were children themselves! They were terrified that they would ruin her, or hurt her or anything! But Zydeco was terrified of something else, xey were terrified of the inquest using her in an experiment. She had been born with her eyes having developed a rare, and ancient trait Xey knew it was irrational, but they were freaking out so much about so many things that they couldn't control, but they could control this.
So xey begged Kuda for the three of them to run away from the inquest, move to Rata Sum, or Thaumanova (Thauma Sum? Rata Thauma?) somewhere away from the inquest, and live a life with their daughter.
But Kuda refused, she was offended, and downright hurt that xey would even suggest leaving the inquest behind. Her father is an overseer of the inquest, and she had dreams of becoming one too! And so what if they poked at Kudi a little, she won't let them go all out on her, but so what?
So, months and months of trying to convince Kuda didn't work, and Zydeco had gotten to the point where xey began to think of alternatives. That was, until one late night, an older inquest member who had somehow heard about Zydeco's fears went up to xem, Kuda, and the babe, and poked a sharp nail at her. "I heard someone was afraid that someone would take an interest in this little rascal here! How selfish... I think id like to take you off of their hands.. pluck out these unique eyes of yours.." and ended it with a harsh cackle.
Though xey knew he was joking, taunting xem for xeir fears, but it was the final straw for xem. After the man left, Zydeco turned to Kuda, and for a final time for them to leave, to protect their daughter, but once again she brushed xem off.
So that night, Zydeco packed up both xeir and Kudi's stuff, and left a note for xeir beloved.
"I can't stand around and wait for you to change you mind, Kuda. I'm sorry, but i'm leaving... and taking Kudi with me. But, its never too late to join us. Please.
If you ever want to join us, trigger this device, it will send a hologram to my golem for us to talk.
The hologram never went off.
(part two)
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herald-of-aurene · 3 months
Though Widget, Taimi, and Gorrik are having a rocky path getting there eventually they will get together
. . .
One day
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herald-of-aurene · 6 months
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Widget's having a GREAT time in Nayos
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herald-of-aurene · 5 days
(Part One)
After Zydeco and Kudi left the inquest, xey headed straight for Thauma Sum. Xey had zero ties there, and would be perfect for a new start for the two of them.
The first think xey did was change Kudi's name, to Widget. Xeir small, premature daughter fit it well. Xey headed for Thauma Sum for both the fact that little people knew xem there, and a specific college. The College of Latrics was filled with healers, those who study genetics, and in general biomedicine. Zydeco was drawn to it, eager to help people heal after making them hurt.
In Thauma Sum, xey were extremely lonely and stressed, with the work of college and raising a preemie born with asthma, but there xey met a young girl named Myxxi. She was brash, aggressive, and very blunt, but Myxxi took a great liking to both Zydeco and Widget, and would regularly follow them around. Suprisingly quickly, she had wormed her way into Zydeco's heart.
Quickly, xey learned that the talkative girl's father was one of xeir professors, he was a kind man and teacher and once he caught wind of the friend his daughter had made was dealing with by xemself, Professor Moss offered them both into their home.
Yinno, Myxxi's mother, ran a bakery on the side of their home after taking a leave from being a aerodynamicist to take care of her twin infant boys. Myxxi, while not a genius, was gifted in learning and taking in information, never being satisfied with what she knew. The family was kind, loving, and quickly adopted the two young asura as members in their own family. With the help of the family, Zydeco was able to become a Thaumageneticist. He studied genetics, and the effect magic had on them. Particularly, those with a natural born gift with it.
Years later, Widget wanted to go to the progeny school that her progenitor went to when xey were young, although xey were reluctant, Widget was determined to go there specifily, and who were xey to deny her. This is what led her to study in Rata Sum, rather than Thauma Sum.
And its what saved her and Myxxi's lives.
When to Thaumanova reactor exploded, Moss, and their two boys didn't make it, horribly being torn from existence, but Yinno and Zydeco were able to make it out. Zydeco was able to heal, but they were blinded permanintly from it, and one of their legs and arms were warped from it.
Sadly, Yinno died shortly after making it to a refuge.
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herald-of-aurene · 9 months
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A lil doodle of what I head canon Widget's Photon Forge looks like
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herald-of-aurene · 3 months
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herald-of-aurene · 4 months
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herald-of-aurene · 2 months
Here are some things in my ocs inventories that i like to keep equipped/in their inventories that represent them and parts of their story, so far this is it but i love adding to thiss
When I put on the legendary necklace, I thought of all the sentimental items for my babies characters that I keep on them
Spite Scorchedearth:
Ash Legion Compass, theyve had this since leaving the Fahrar
Scion-Spike Amulet (This and Prismatic Champion's Regalia represent Spite's scale necklace)
Token of Affection from baby Aurene
Exalted Portal Stone
Athinri Of Twilight:
Wynne's Locket, her past life's locket enchanted to help repress Wynne's memories
Forgotten Seal
i dont have this yet, but Caithe's Remorse will be here too
Mechasmith Widget:
Distinguished Circle of Logic
Early Asura Relief Rubbing
Golem Prototype Ankle Crystal
Firstborn Amaryllis
Lunaria, Circle of the Moon (A gift from Dagda)
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herald-of-aurene · 3 months
Some things about Myxxi that I'm still deciding on but I think I'ma keep
Myxxi has a partner, idk if they're dead but they didn't follow her to the wizard's tower for whatever reason
Myxxi and Zojja were academic rivals, and had a very negative relationship for a while until they took on Taimi and Widget as apprentices and were forced to spend time together and their relationship bettered to the point that they developed a very unspoken bond.
Myxxi's title "professor" isn't random! She actually was a professor at one point! Though she started to do it less once she got Widget as an apprentice
Myxxi has bad resting bitch face and it gives people a very bad impression of her
She had an accident when fighting the Inquest with a device that drained a lot of her life force which gave her grey streaks in her hair, and made her suffer from chronic pain after that. The explosion from the device being destroyed by Zojja and Widget is what gave her her torn up ears
She is most likely going to be my staff savant
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