#Oc: benjiro awagi ~ ☆
bloodmage-art · 3 years
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Quick sketch of my oc's (Benjiro) squad uwu He loves them all sm
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bloodmage-fanfic · 3 years
Ship : Oc x Kakashi Hatake Word count : 776 Trigger Warnings : NONE
“What are you doing?”
Those were the first words that left Benjiro’s mouth as he opened the doors to the Hatake household. Kakashi had been gone on a mission for a week, the day of his return Ben was determined to beat him home to prepare his favourite meal and clean up a bit for the other man. However, it seemed Kakashi had made it back before Ben could, and he was laying face first on the floor.
Kakashi turned his head, resting the side of his face on the cold floor to glance at the source of the voice, giving a smirk as he did. “Resting.”
His reply made Benjiro roll his eyes hard. He slipped his sandals off leaving them at the door, his feet lightly patting across the floor as he walked toward the other. Setting the bag of groceries he had brought with him next to Kakashi he crouched down, balancing on his toes with a loud snort. He pressed a kiss into his fingers before gently pressing them onto Kakashi’s cheek.
“You’d think your bed or the couch or any other place than the floor would be more comfy.” The raven haired man laughed, letting his fingers linger on Kakashi’s face. “How was the mission?”
Kakashi managed a shrug on the floor, his eye closing at the touch of his partner’s fingers on his skin. “Rough, but nothing I can’t handle.” It was true, the enemy had been one that gave the poor tired man a run for his money but, even with the sore body it left him with, it really was no challenge for him.
Ben nodded in response, letting the two bask in silence for a few moments. Letting his fingers gently caress across Kakashi’s face, gently pulling the dark blue mask so he could get more skin contact. He let out a quiet sigh as he leaned down, pressing an actual kiss onto the others cheek before he stood, resting his hands on his hips.
“Alright, big guy, you continue to do your seal thing on the floor. I’ll cook you some hot soup.” He was just about to step away before Kakashi gently reached out, grabbing Benjiro’s ankle.
“Wait,” He said, picking his head up slightly and opening his eye to gawk at his partner. “Can you do me a favour first?”
“Yes of course.” The man said, glancing down. “What’s up?”
“Sit on my back.”
“Sit on your…” Ben trailed off, frowning slightly at the request. “Won’t that just… hurt more than you hurt now?”
The silver haired man shook his head in response, giving a light chuckle to Ben’s confusion. Ever since he had gotten home he just wanted someone to sit on his back. Pakkun was too light. Bull was far too heavy. Ben would be the perfect weight to get the crack out of his back that he needed.
“Just do it. Sit on my back. It’ll help, promise.”
While he was sceptical, Ben shook his head slightly. “Alright, but if this ends up hurting a lot more than you think it is I don’t wanna hear about it.”
Carefully Ben kneeled back down, lowering himself gently onto Kakashi’s back. The second that Ben’s weight was placed on Kakashi’s spine it gave a nice and loud crack, making Kakashi give a sigh of utter relief. Ben’s face scrunched up slightly, the sound making him slightly sick to the stomach.
“Ew…” He muttered under his breath, making Kakashi give out a laugh that shook Ben slightly. “I felt that in my ass, which isn’t exactly what I want to be feeling in my ass, Kakashi.”
“Do you want to be feeling anything in your ass?” Kakashi asked, resting his head on top of his crossed arms.
Again Ben couldn’t help but roll his eyes, though now his lips slowly cracked into a grin as he lost his composure. Kakashi couldn’t help but smile back at the grin he loved. Ben let himself slide off the man’s back and sat his butt onto the cold, hard floor. He twisted himself around, looking down at the other man, gently reaching over to run a hand through his messy grey hair. When he was done he gave Kakashi a gentle pat on his cheek before he hopped up, grabbing his bag as he did. “I missed you. A lot.” Ben said, before he started to head into the kitchen. “I brought something special for the dogs too! So you better get them here!”
Kakashi couldn’t help but let out a chuckle, watching as Ben made his way through the archway into the kitchen. “Missed you too.”
This was my first ever fanfic that I've ever wrote ldksfjlks I hope u like it and my silly OC 🥺🥺
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shinobimagpie · 2 years
Bet. Ben and Tayu, modern setting let's GO <3 (Obvi platonic, okay love u)
"You are SO bad at this my dude!" Tayuya cackles, holding out a hand for the money that Ben - still cursing at the tv - slaps into her hand. "I'm gonna get the next one!" Ben declares with a huff and another swig from his hard cider, settling back into the couch as the next costumed singer steps out onto the stage, bopping up to the microphone in a massive sparkly bee outfit. Tayuya smirks and flicks another piece of popcorn into her mouth, eyeing the growing stack of five-dollar bills on her arm of the couch. "If you're sure, man. But maybe next time we shouldn't tape the whole season to watch as a marathon..."
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iamonlybutaneel · 3 years
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Board for my Naruto oc ✨
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effeminateboyninja · 2 years
Oh we can ask for ocs.... u know what I want.... benjiro awagi....
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your oc is practically canon in my head now, I love him and Nori and Ben are bff endgame 😌
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bloodmage-art · 3 years
1. Show your most recent wip
4. Favourite things to draw?
Hi Kyu bb uwu 1. Most recent WIP - A cringey Kakashi x Oc efjlsdfjsld
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4. Favourite things to draw? My ocs 100%!! uwu
Thank u for the ask ~ <33
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bloodmage-fanfic · 3 years
Sick Day
Ship : Oc x Kakashi Hatake Word count : 898 Trigger Warnings : Mention of throwing up
“Well, Mister ‘It’s not cold enough for an actual jacket’, how are you feeling?”
The jonin perched himself upon the open window, glancing around the small room. A few stray clothes lay abandoned on the floor next to the clothes basket, a few plates sat on the side table of the bed, he was definitely sick. Kakashi slipped down from the window, his sandals making a satisfying clack as they made contact with the hardwood floor. As if he had just entered through the door, as any other person would have done, he slipped his shoes off leaving them under the window. His feet lightly patting against the cool floor as he made his way over to the bed where a lump of blankets lay. He lowered himself gently onto the side of the bed, reaching over to carefully lift a few blankets.
He revealed a clammy, pale Benjiro with his dark bangs stuck to his forehead with sweat. He looked less than happy as his black eyes trailed up to the one who had taken his warm prison from him.
“I’m… fine.” He muttered, his voice painfully hoarse as he spoke.
“Mm, right,” Kakashi said, slipping off a glove to press the back of his hand into Ben’s forehead. “You sound like you’ve been swallowing kunai all day.”
The comment earned him an eye roll. Kakashi couldn’t help but snort, shaking his head slightly. Even before Kakashi’s skin met Ben’s he could feel the heat that radiated off of him. Fine his ass. He pulled his hand back slightly, gently moving it down Ben’s face to cradle his cheek, letting his thumb rub against the hot skin.
“You realize you’re a terrible liar, yeah?”
“I am not.” Ben protested, letting his eyes close with the touch. “...Okay maybe I feel a little shitty.”
“Mhm. ‘A little’.”
He tossed his glove aside onto the side table, the second joining not long after. He shrugged off the bag that was on his back, opening it to start digging through it. Slowly he started to take out items. Medicine he had grabbed from Sakura on the way over, a little container full of soup (not made by him but… he could lie), a few sleeves of crackers, and a thermometer. He placed each thing on the bed carefully as he removed them from the bag, glancing back at Ben noticing his face turn up slightly at the sight of medicine.
“I know, but it tastes better than the food pills Sakura normally makes.” Kakashi grabbed the bottle, popping it open with ease. Boy, it sure did smell like bad grape flavoured medicine and he was thankful his mask hid the disgust that came to his face. He carefully poured a cap full before offering to the other man.
Ben stared at the purple liquid, making no effort to take it from Kakashi. “Can I at least… have a chaser? So I don’t throw up?”
“I suppose I can grant you that much.” Kakashi pushed himself up from the bed, and within a few moments had a glass of water in his hand. He again offered the other the shot of medicine and sitting up, he took it in his hand with utter disgust on his face. Ben took in a deep, long breath, before he put the cap to his lips and shot the medicine back and down his throat. He choked out a cough, grabbing the glass of water from Kakashi and starting to chug it down. It only took a few seconds for the liquid to be gone, leaving Ben with a sour look on his face.
“You call that better than her food pills? I think they’re pretty fuckin’ equal on the disgusting scale.”
“Well, I was really just assuming. I wasn’t about to try it before giving it to you.”
Ben let himself fall back into the pillows of his bed, muttering swears out under his breath. Maybe, just maybe, he should have listened to his partner when he had recommended a coat the other day so he could have avoided this. But it really didn’t feel like it was 0 degrees outside. He let out a sigh, hugging his arms under the pillow his head rested on. He watched as Kakashi recapped the medicine and set it on the side table with his abandoned gloves.
“You realize you’re probably gonna catch my ick if you stay here, right?”
Kakashi let himself shrug in response, reaching up to pull his mask down under his chin. “I think I’ll be fine, I have a good immune system.”
“Riiiight. I’ll be using that against you when you get sick too.”
Kakashi smirked, moving everything he had just put in the bed to the side table. He shrugged off his flak vest, letting it fall to the ground before crawling into the bed himself wrapping his arms tightly around the other. Ben wriggled around until he was comfortable, and when he was Kakashi pressed a kiss into his forehead.
“Y’know I know you didn’t make that soup, right?”
“Ma, it was worth a shot.” Kakashi grinned, pressing another quick kiss into Ben’s forehead. “Get some more rest.”
Ben smiled, nuzzling his head into Kakashi’s neck before he closed his eyes letting himself slowly fall back to sleep.
Kakashi was in fact sick the next day.
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iamonlybutaneel · 3 years
Benjiro 'Ben' Awagi
name ➔ Benjiro Awagi! My friends tend to call me Ben though.
are you single ➔ No.
are you happy ➔ For the most part.
are you angry ➔ Nothing to be angry about.
are your parents still married ➔ Yes.
birthplace ➔ Konoha.
hair color ➔ Black.
eye color ➔ Black.
birthday ➔ December 1st.
mood ➔ Fine.
gender ➔ Male.
summer or winter ➔ Winter. I like the cold.
morning or afternoon ➔ Afternoon.
are you in love ➔ Yes.
do you believe in love at first sight ➔ No. I think it's just a fairytale.
who ended your last relationship ➔ Ah... me? I think? Sounds like something I'd do in my past.
have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ Many.
are you afraid of commitments ➔ Nope.
have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ Yes.
have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ I don't think so.
have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ Yes.
love or lust ➔ Both.
lemonade or iced tea ➔ Iced tea.
cats or dogs ➔ Birds. :)
a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ A few best friends.
wild night out or romantic night in ➔ Romantic night! I have enough wild ones out.
day or night ➔ Day.
been caught sneaking out ➔ Yes.
fallen down/up the stairs ➔ Yes.
wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ Yes.
wanted to disappear ➔ Yes. :)
smile or eyes ➔ Smile.
shorter or taller ➔ It doesn’t matter.
intelligence or attraction ➔ Both!
hook-up or relationship ➔ Relationship now. But I did use to like hook-up's a lot.
do you and your family get along ➔ Yeah! I have a great relationship with my parents and my sister!
would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ Not at all.
have you ever ran away from home ➔ No.
have you ever gotten kicked out➔ No, I think my mom would sob if she even attempted it.
do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ Nope.
do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ Yes.
who is your best friend ➔ Nori, Kaz, and my sister. :)
who knows everything about you ➔ Nori and my sister.
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bloodmage-art · 3 years
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An oldie from August but a goodie
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