#Occupational Therapy Fort Worth
Occupational Therapy Pelvic Floor
Expert occupational therapy in Granbury at Beelieve Pediatric Therapy. Helping children thrive with personalized care and support. Empowering children for brighter futures.
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Visit for more : https://www.beelievepediatrictherapy.com/occupational-therapy
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advantagehcs · 4 months
Concussion physical therapy near me: Advantage HCS
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Experienced Concussion Rehabilitation in Fort Worth, Texas
Comprehensive Concussion Treatment from Advantage Healthcare Systems
Even though concussions are relatively common—millions of Americans seek treatment for them every year—they are not to be taken lightly. What may seek like a minor bump or blow to the head can have serious consequences, such as brain bleeds, swelling and inflammation, which can affect you for weeks, months or years. The vast majority of people who suffer concussions have a positive result, with more than half recovering fully within a couple of weeks. But it’s critical to get the right type of care and to get it in a timely manner. Concussion physical therapy near me Advantage Healthcare Systems can help.
At Advantage Healthcare Systems, we have helped victims of concussion injury for nearly 40 years, including men and women in Fort Worth. Everything we do is designed to help you return to a fully functioning life. We’ll look closely at your physical, behavioral and emotional condition, assessing your strengths and weaknesses. We work hard to help you maximize your abilities, and will simultaneously work to remediate or minimize your disabilities. We also believe that every patient should develop and implement a thorough plan to improve health and fitness, and minimize the risk of future injury or illness.
Every concussion injury looks just a little different, and every person who suffers a concussion needs a different treatment regimen. That’s why we take a multidisciplinary approach, providing you access to medical doctors, chiropractors, occupational therapists, physical therapists, social workers and counselors, so that we can address all your healthcare needs.
For an appointment, contact us by e-mail or call us toll-free at 1-866-586-1755.
Physical Therapy for Concussions in Fort Worth
In most instances, the prognosis for recovery from a concussion injury is very good, but you need to take the right steps immediately after your accident. Unless you need to go immediately to the emergency room at the hospital, you should schedule an appointment with your primary care physician. Your doctor will diagnose your condition and either prescribe treatment or refer you to a specialist who can address your specific needs, such as a physiatrist or a neurologist.
At Advantage Healthcare Systems, we have primary care physicians on staff who can conduct an initial assessment of concussion or other head injuries. We also have specialists, such as physical and occupational therapists, speech therapists, cognitive skills professionals, and skilled personnel who can help with anger management and other psychological or emotional trauma.
Contact Us in Fort Worth, Texas for Concussion Physical Therapy
To work with medical professionals with extensive experience in concussion injury treatment and rehabilitation, contact Advantage Healthcare online or call our offices toll-free at 1-866-586-1755 to schedule an appointment in our Fort Worth office. Every day you delay puts you at greater risk. Contact us today to maximize your recovery.
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therapy2000s · 1 year
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Occupational, Physical & Speech Therapy Jobs In Fort Worth TX
At Therapy 2000, we are actively looking for people to fill Pediatric Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy & Speech Language Therapy Jobs in Fort Worth TX.
Visit Website: https://www.t2000.com/locations-for-therapist-jobs/therapist-jobs-in-fort-worth-tx/
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richataylor17 · 2 years
Concussion Rehabilitation After TBI
Concussion— traumatic brain injury—or TBI—caused by a bump, blow or jolt to the head or any hit to the body, resulting in the head and brain moving quickly back and forth. Now sudden movement can cause the brain to bounce around or skull twisting, creating chemical changes in the brain, damaging brain cells, and sometimes stretching.
If you fail to observe and notice symptoms after a concussion test, it is best not to wait to seek treatment. If you are like the type to wait it out and see if things get better, it’s recommended not to wait longer than three months. Soon after, it is rare your symptoms will improve, so it makes sense to pursue active concussion rehabilitation and post-concussion syndrome.
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Concussion may get caused by direct trauma to the head, such as a free fall, a blow, or an accident. They can also occur due to rapid-onset headaches, such as whiplash injuries or explosive injuries, as in a war zone.
Many people think that concussion means death or loss of consciousness, but this is not true. According to DFW clinics, people who have a concussion never faint in most cases. In many cases, external symptoms of a head injury, such as bleeding, may be present.
Common Symptoms of concussion
A headache
Visual impairment (dual or blurred vision)
Dizziness or inequality
Nausea or vomiting
Loss of memory
Crying ears
Difficulty concentrating
Sensitivity to light
Loss of smell or taste
Sleep problems
If any of this occurs after a stroke, it’s better to discuss it with a health professional at the DFW clinic.
When to Seek Medical Care
Most people will recover quickly and entirely following the conflict. Some people may have symptoms that last for a few weeks before gradually improving. Get medical help fast if the following conditions persist:
worse headache or slurred speech, weakness, numbness, or decreased communication
Necessary nausea or repeated vomiting
Loss of consciousness
Inability to get up
The symptoms have worsened at any time
Symptoms do not go away after 10-14 days
History of many conflicts
Types of Treatment at Rehabilitation Centers
People often ask questions to concussion Fort Worth about what treatment will help them recover from mTBI (minor traumatic brain injury. To answer those questions, concussion Fort Worth specialists provided a short guide to the seven types of treatment:
Concussion Occupational Therapy
Concussion Vision Therapy
Concussion Music Therapy
Concussion Massage Therapy
Concussion Physical Therapy
Concussion Vestibular Therapy
Concussion Speech Therapy
The treatment you receive as part of your concussion management plan may vary significantly depending on where you go, what type of treatment you get, and how that treatment is provided. As a general rule of thumb, targeted therapies should get delivered at least a few times a week. 
Physical Therapy
Physical Therapists play an essential role in helping confused people improve balance, dizziness, and tolerance of busy areas and reduce symptoms of headaches and headaches.
Once the signs of conflict have developed, you will do strength training to return safely and effectively to the physical needs of your work or school, sports, and leisure activities.
Occupational Therapy
Medical professionals work with depressed people to improve their ability to read and use the computer, concentrate and concentrate on activities, reduce eye fatigue or difficulty, and reduce dizziness due to visual stimulation.
The principles of occupational therapy include re-training the visual system to improve visible symptoms and improve the ability to perform daily tasks. Referral to a qualified vision specialist will get recommended if necessary.
Speech Therapy
Speech Therapists help confused people improve their concentration, memory, and mental speed. 
The purpose of the psychotherapy test is to describe and address any areas of mental disorders that affect working in the classroom, workplace, or during community activities. People affected by the crisis can get taught the use of compensation strategies to control mental states with disabilities.
A concussion is a brain injury that causes a temporary loss of normal brain function. Medically, it may define as a clinical syndrome characterized by rapid changes in brain function, including changes in mood or awareness, resulting in mechanical stress or trauma.
As it turns out, there are many types of treatment you can use during recovery; we described the three here, as well as the many variations in performance. What kind of treatment you need depends entirely on the symptoms you have. A good concussion rehabilitation center or therapist will use a combination of strengths and therapies designed to help you recover rather than just teach you to manage the symptoms of a concussion. Find more information about Concussion at Advantage health system.
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goodwintherapy · 4 years
Goodwin Therapy Specialists
4524 Boat Club Road #180 Fort Worth, TX 76135 United States 817-764-3825 [email protected]
Visit Our Website: https://goodwintherapy.com/ Goodwin Therapy Specialists, formerly Little Red Wagon Pediatric Therapy, was established in 2016 and has since served more than 200 families in the Fort Worth, Texas area. By using a holistic approach when providing speech, feeding, occupational and myofunctional therapy, we aim to determine the root cause of difficulties that a child may be experiencing, rather than treating only the symptoms. Collaborating with parents, and fellow professionals within the practice, allows us to share and teach skills and strategies to help the child be successful at home and flourish in the community. Visit our website or give us a call today to learn more about our philosophy for care and how we can help your family.
Business Hours: Monday to Thursday: 08:00 AM - 05:30 PM. Friday by appointment only
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timegeist · 4 years
A Civilized Coup [A Thought Experiment]
 July 7
Hmmm. If the Secret Service would decide to defend the Constitution, then we could have a Palace Coup, Regime Change, Martial Law, scooping up everybody who has failed to defend the Constitution, restoring national faith in science, and control of the covid-19 pandemic. Just sayin'. Historic.
July 11
The Oath of Office for members of the Secret Service of the United States of America:
“I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”
July 12
2 questions.
1. What does a person have to do in order to become a "domestic enemy of the Constitution"? 2. Have Donald Trump, Mike Pence, William Barr and Mitch McConnell done such things?
Just asking.
July 14
75 years ago, Germany lost a war, and it saved their lives and their culture.
It involved occupation by a civilized army, suspension of democracy for a few years, rounding up all fascist sympathizers, finding a few healthy-minded political leaders, re-writing the Constitution (Grundgesetz), and eventually getting back to elections.
But Germany was in a state of chaos, people had been dying in the millions, and its past had been a human disgrace. The occupation and suspension of voting was totally worth it.
The key of course was the civilized character of the occupying army.
Sounds like a plan to me.
July 16
Question How long will those persons who have sworn an Oath ("before God" ha ha) to "protect and defend the Constitution" allow this chaos to continue, when they could easily end it in a matter of minutes?
 July 18
As long as our appointed protectors and defenders of the Constitution are idle, all the rest is pointless, noisy pissing contests. All. of. it. (Never forget that talk is cheap.)
July 19
Hey! Occupying your own country and locking up all domestic enemies of the Constitution, well, it's a big step, not to be taken lightly.
 July 21
I really do not think that the leadership of democratic forces in America comes close to realizing how destructive Trumpism is.
NPD has an insatiable appetite for destruction. The pain is internal and can never be reached, so the list of external enemies is infinite. While Adolf Hitler was destroying everything real in Europe, he was also seeking relief in bizarre fantasies. There is a museum in southeast Germany that contains the remains of his fantasy railroad. Everything is twice as big as anything real: the tracks, the cars, the stations, everything. Such is NPD. Its irrationality is absolute.
Trumpists do not give one single fuck about the country, its economy or its people They only care about their own personal pain. The only treatment is death or therapy.
America now approaches its date with destiny, as Germany did 80 years ago.
 July 23
Regime change. Here. Now.
 July 23
A clue from Mary Trump.
Almost everybody in the Secret Service and the high command at Fort Bragg has to know by now that Donald Trump is just as sick as Hitler was and is capable of endless destruction. But Institutional Lag will likely keep them from actually killing Trump and Pence until the price has gone much higher than it is now. The Germans lost 600.000 civilians to Allied bombing and a few million military personnel (plus of course the 5 million Jews and the 40 million war casualties.) That was the price of their learning. Ours will most likely be lower in numbers, but still historic.
Such is history.
 July 25
So, a reincarnation of Hitler, and nobody notices it but the people.
 July 26
I would absolutely trust the 82nd Airborne Division over the present fiction of a Federal Government in Washington. The People are now "ruled" by a foreign power. Occupation by a truly civilized military would be a welcome return to the rationality of the U.S. Constitution. [btw, the 82nd could perform regime change in half an hour.) (Nobody is listening to me anyway. So, might as well be completely frank.)
July 27
Hey LMJ, I should have said, "very few are listening." Sorry about that. If the commanders at Ft. Bragg decide that to fulfill their oath of office, they need to remove the domestic enemies of the Constitution in the White House, they could send a thousand well-armed and civilized troops there, or 2, or 3, or 10 (they have 27,000 on base) to do the job. No need even to kill anybody. Just show up and demand that Trump and Pence resign, and round up everybody else for "de-briefing" (as long as that takes). Then detain all members of the Senate who have violated THEIR oaths of office, and proceed with governmental sanity. It's not a question of politics here. It is a question of war, a war of values, the values of the U.S. Constitution vs. the values of completely irrational fear.
 July 28
Remember. A thousand well-armed and civilized troops. Driven by conscience. Could turn this country completely around in a matter of a few hours. Conscience. Conscience. Conscience.
[Actually, 500 would be quite sufficient.]
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reportwire · 2 years
Sunshine Pediatric Day Center Breaks Ground On New Facility In Texas
Sunshine Pediatric Day Center Breaks Ground On New Facility In Texas
Sunshine Pediatric Day Center (Dallas), a special needs daycare center for children with individualized medical needs, broke ground on a new facility in Fort Worth, Texas. The facility will offer clinical care, therapy services, and educational activities and features a physical, occupational, and speech therapy treatment room, quiet room, play areas, and support spaces. Architecture and interior…
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dfwnews · 2 years
H2 Health announces the acquisition of Fort Worth Physical Therapy
H2 Health announces the acquisition of Fort Worth Physical Therapy
Jacksonville, Florida — August 1, 2022 — H2 Health, http://www.h2health.com, a comprehensive rehabilitation provider, announced today the acquisition of Fort Worth Physical Therapy (FWPT), the leading provider of therapy services in the greater Fort Worth, TX market. Founded in 2008, FWPT offers physical therapy, occupational therapy, certified hand therapy, and a comprehensive amputee program…
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Why Choose Beelieve Pediatric Therapy for Pediatric Occupational and Pelvic Floor Therapy
In the realm of pediatric healthcare, finding the right therapy provider is paramount. Parents seek not only expertise but also a nurturing environment where their child can flourish. Beelieve Pediatric Therapy stands out as a beacon of excellence, offering specialized services in pediatric occupational therapy and occupational therapy pelvic floor. Let’s delve into why Beelieve Pediatric Therapy is the top choice for families seeking these crucial therapies.
Pediatric Occupational Therapy at Beelieve is designed to address the unique needs of children, focusing on enhancing their ability to participate in everyday activities. From fine motor skill development to sensory integration and self-care tasks, our skilled therapists provide comprehensive assessments and tailored interventions to promote independence and confidence in children.
At Beelieve, we understand that each child is unique, requiring personalized approaches to therapy. Our team of dedicated professionals is committed to creating individualized treatment plans that cater to the specific needs and goals of each child. Through a combination of evidence-based practices and innovative techniques, we strive to maximize each child’s potential and facilitate their overall development.
In addition to pediatric occupational therapy, Beelieve offers specialized services in occupational therapy for the for the pelvic floor. This area of therapy focuses on addressing pelvic floor dysfunction in children, including issues related to bladder and bowel control, pelvic pain, and toileting difficulties. Our experienced therapists utilize a holistic approach to evaluate and treat pelvic floor issues, working closely with children and their families to achieve optimal outcomes.
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One of the key reasons why families choose Beelieve Pediatric Therapy is our unwavering commitment to providing compassionate and family-centered care. We understand the challenges that families face when navigating the world of pediatric therapy, and we are dedicated to offering support, guidance, and encouragement every step of the way. From the moment you walk through our doors, you become part of the Beelieve’s family, and we are honored to play a role in your child’s journey to success.
At Beelieve Pediatric Therapy, we believe in the power of collaboration. We recognize the importance of working closely with parents, caregivers, and other healthcare professionals to ensure continuity of care and maximize the effectiveness of therapy interventions. Through open communication and partnership, we empower families to be active participants in their child’s therapy journey, fostering a sense of empowerment and advocacy.
Furthermore, Beelieve Pediatric Therapy is known for its warm and inviting clinic environment, designed to create a safe and welcoming space for children and families. Our state-of-the-art facility is equipped with cutting-edge therapeutic tools and equipment, allowing us to deliver high-quality care in a comfortable setting.
In conclusion, Beelieve Pediatric Therapy is the premier choice for pediatric occupational therapy and occupational therapy on the on the pelvic floor. With our team of skilled professionals, personalized approach to therapy, commitment to family-centered care, and welcoming clinic environment, we are dedicated to helping children reach their full potential and thrive in all aspects of life. Choose Beelieve Pediatric Therapy for excellence in pediatric therapy services.
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advantagehcs · 4 months
Pain Management Benbrook Tx – Advantage HCS
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Experienced Chronic Pain Rehabilitation in Fort Worth, Texas
Comprehensive Chronic Pain Treatment from Advantage Healthcare Systems
It is estimated that up to 40% of Americans suffer from chronic pain due to trauma, degenerative diseases, or sickness itself. Nevertheless, it is uncommon for a single therapeutic strategy to effectively manage chronic pain management Benbrook Tx. For the best treatment of chronic pain, a multidisciplinary team that emphasizes mind, body, and spirit care should be consulted. Advantage Healthcare Systems might be able to help.
For more than 40 years, Advantage Healthcare Systems has helped people in Fort Worth, Texas, and Louisiana who suffer from chronic pain and stiffness. We know from experience that even the most basic tasks may become challenging while managing chronic pain. Our goal is to make your life as comfortable and healthy as we can.
Chronic pain can be treated in a variety of ways, and what works for one person may not be the best option for another. We have gathered a wide team of professionals, including doctors, chiropractors, massage therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, social workers, and mental health specialists, to assist us in determining the best course of action for treating your chronic pain.
For an appointment, contact us by e-mail or call us toll-free at 1-866-586-1755.
Effective Solutions for Chronic Pain in Fort Worth
Advantage Healthcare Systems offers a comprehensive range of treatment choices for you to choose from. • Gentle massage: A Licensed Massage Therapist is on hand to help with pain, stress, stiffness, and other issues that could cause or worsen chronic pain.
• Biofeedback: By collecting data on blood pressure, respiration, heart rate, and other physiological processes, we can educate you on how to reduce the occurrence and impact of chronic pain.
• Self-monitoring: We can help you recognize the beginning of an episode of chronic pain and develop strategies to mitigate its impact.
• Visual imagery and self-hypnosis: We'll show you how to use your mind's strength and your ability to visualize in order to focus on anything other than your chronic pain.
• At-home therapies: We'll show you how to use mental and physical exercises that you may perform at home to manage and adapt to chronic pain.
• Emotional control: Managing chronic pain may need you to attend to your mental and emotional health.
Contact Us in Fort Worth, Texas for Chronic Pain Management
To learn more about how Advantage Healthcare may help you manage chronic pain, schedule an appointment at our Fort Worth location or give us a call at 1-866-586-1755. There is a greater risk the longer you wait. To expedite your recuperation, get in contact with us immediately.
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therapy2000s · 2 years
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citydocblog · 5 years
Patient Services at Citydoc Urgent Care.
We're open 7 days a week with extended evening and weekend hours. You can just walk-in or reserve a time using Online Check-In. We have five (5) convenient locations serving Dallas, and Fort Worth.
Allergy Testing
Broken Bones, Sprains, Strains & Joint Injury
Chest, Abdominal & Back Pain
Clinical Trials
Cold/Flu, Bronchitis, Sinus & Ear Infections
Hydration Therapy
Lacerations, Cuts, Scrapes & Stitches
Occupational Medicine
School, Sports & Camp Physicals
Skin infections, MRSA, Abscesses & Insect Bites
Sleep Disorders
Stop Smoking
Travel Medicine & Vaccines
Zika Virus Testing
CityDoc emphasizes the highest quality of care and is accredited by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care. Visit https://citydoc.net/ today.
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queennaenaebee · 7 years
My Testimony
I do believe there is an episode in my life about which you should know. One Sunday during the summer before my fifth grade year, I was sitting in our church sanctuary just after the service had ended. I was talking to my friends when all of a sudden I started having a seizure. Everyone was confused and surprised because I had never had a seizure before. After someone called 911, I was quickly transported to Cook Children's Medical Center in downtown Fort Worth. The emergency room ran the usual tests and then sent me home. But about two weeks before school was to start, I had another seizure at home. This time my parents drove me straight to the hospital. Again, blood tests revealed nothing conclusive. Eventually, one doctor decided to do a spinal tap in order to test my cerebrospinal fluid. We finally discovered that a viral infection had gotten into my brain and I was experiencing complications due to encephalitis. Little did I know how difficult the road ahead of me would become. The hospital would become my home for a while because my case became so severe. In just a couple of weeks, I lost my ability to talk and then to swallow, so a surgeon had to make a fancy hole in my stomach for a feeding tube to keep me alive with liquid feeds. I could not walk or even control my urinating or bowel movements. I literally lost my mind. My stay at the hospital lasted almost seven months. After the months had passed--and still not talking or swallowing--I was sent home to continue recuperating and rehabilitation. It was the Spring of 2007, and my days were filled with rehab sessions with speech, physical, occupational, and cognitive therapists. Throughout that summer, I excelled in my therapy enough to be admitted back to my school. But this time, I was going into the sixth grade as a student in our special education department's community-based instruction (CBI) program. I continued all of my rehab both at school and at Cook Children's. Then in seventh grade, while I was still in CBI, I began taking my math, language arts, science, and elective classes outside of CBI and in regular classes. When my scores for Texas' required year-end standardized tests came in, I passed the reading test and, to the shock of the school administration, I was commended on the math and writing tests. Also in my seventh grade year, I finally got my speech and my ability to swallow back again. Before my eighth grade year began, I found out that while I would remain in the special education program, I no longer needed CBI. All of my classes would be with regular teachers and mainstream students. In high school I began taking honors classes and in the end I took a total of eight honors classes in my high school experience. Ever since my return to school, I and my parents regularly attended Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) meetings with my diagnosticians, teachers, and administrators to discuss my progress and to set out future plans and goals. But my most recent ARD meeting during my junior year was for my dismissal from special ed. Those who attended that meeting had never seen a student be released from the special education program of my school district before. I am thankful and blessed to have a family who continued to believe in my comeback and that I would come back even better than before.
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sworthopedic-blog · 5 years
physical therapy fort worth texas
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SW Ortho is unmatched in Fort Worth, Texas for its contributions ins physical therapy services which means whenever it's needed, a helpful bunch of therapists are always there to ensure that our patients get the relaxing-outcomes for what THE SW-Ortho IS BEST KNOWN FOR.
Southwest Orthopedics is the group of both physical & occupational treatment professionals who are specialized in building innovative, effective plans differentiated according to each patient’s required-requirements.
We believe to strive to serve all patients from Texas and beyond with customized & compassionate hospitality-care.
We are aware when the patient is dealing with long-term aches & soreness, is recovering from surgery, the chronic pain can deform that patient's life.
Thus our focus as a professional-practice is always to shrink pain, provide recovery services, & restoring the normality in the patient's life.
The notable thing in Southwest Orthopedics is that to implement all Orthopedic-Services, we are utilized by having innovative techniques and have the bunch staff who are well trained & well-caring individuals in our industry.
Our staff always strives to make a personalized approach to provide services especially physical-therapy, during spending quality-time with patients to understand what they want.
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Christmas Cards (Post 119) 12-9-19
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I remember a couple decades ago when I ceased to give out Christmas cards. In fact, I stopped almost all my habitual practices that characterized the holiday season.  I think we were living in Fort Wayne and I had noticed that the icicle lights, which I had risked life and limb to hang, had been transformed through a Midwestern freezing rain storm into actual icicles. There was no way that those lights would be electrically safe the next year and I was sick of all the holiday routine of unpacking ornaments and decorations,  installing them, repacking them and finally removing them to storage usually around St Patrick’s Day.   Pam loved Christmas, but I reduced our entire holiday extravaganza down to just the tree, presents, stockings, railing garland and a door wreath – so the neighbors didn’t think we were atheists.
I think that may have been the year that I didn’t send out any Christmas cards and nobody complained.  One of the survival strategies that I learned as a perpetually overworked Surface Warfare Officer was to periodically test the importance of any administrative task by “forgetting” to perform said task.  If no senior officer yelled at me, I assumed the system test was a success and parlayed the time management coup into fifteen extra minutes of daily sleep, bring my total to around four hours.  Anyway, I retired from my annual exercise in perpetuating Hallmark’s corporate profitably at about the same time I ceased and desisted the ladder-work portion of my Christmas preps … until about four years ago.
Something changed in my heart during Pam’s and my struggle to reorient our lives as her battle with cancer raged through different chemo’s, rounds of radiation and endless physical, occupational and speech therapies. She explained that we should be doing more for Catholic Charities as all of them did a very good job for people usually on a shoe-string budget.  Pam thought that the good people who were involved in all the mailings that we were receiving would be quite satisfied with any donations we could make as God was working with them to bring abundant fruit even from our smallest offerings.
I took her words to heart and began to do more whenever we could.  We had plenty of opportunity, as I, after reading a biography of Solanus Casey that Barb, my Mother-In-Law, had given the family, I decided to try out a method to obtain healing for Pam that was related to him. Father Solanus had been a conduit for many miracles worked in Detroit during the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s through the Capuchin charity the Seraphic Mass Society.  I discovered that the Society still had an online presence and hoped that Pam might be cured through the intercession of the Venerable Father Casey. Although Pam was not physically cured, through my online donation I did discover something very fundamental about all Catholic Charities: they share their mailing list and donor rosters. Quite soon I was receiving a vast snowdrift of charitable solicitations from worthy Catholic causes in Stockbridge, MA; Bellville, IL; and somewhere in Alabama as well as Wisconsin.  Happily they did not do any phone solicitations, as the kindly vampires from the Red Cross would have been quite put out to have someone honing in on their gig.  
I actually liked the mail, as I usually don’t get much that is very interesting, but these mailings often included likable trinkets, so upon receipt I carefully stored all the envelopes awaiting inspiration from the Holy Spirit.  By carefully stored, I mean that haphazardly stuffed them into a large recycled gift bag and stored them in the walk-in closet that I had partially converted into a Barbie zone and “dance club” for Natalie.  Periodically, from that point, as friends, family members or people for whom I was otherwise praying had a sick or ill family member I would be reminded of my stockpile of blessings in the closet.  Usually the reminder was receiving another load of cards from the usual Catholic subjects. 
So I began a habit of interceding for people through these organizations.  I liked the economy of sending cards from a Catholic charity because they usually include a Mass stipend of some sort, so I was not only notifying people of my empathy, which can have been done with a Hallmark style card that I tended never to get around to.  A condolence or get well card from a Catholic Charity also let the person know that they were theoretically in my prayers, (more or less I’m not Mother Theresa) which I guess one could also do on Facebook.  Being remembered in a Mass, though, is the highest form or prayer, so I felt good about providing spiritual sustenance from people who actually do it well.  Additionally, I knew that the money I sent will also being spent charitably, another feature not offered by Facebook or Hallmark.  In the system I had adopted from practices as old as the Church, the condolence cards bought from the various charities might put a new pair of shoes on a kid in Africa or it might merely help keep the lights on in an underfunded monastery.  So there was extra grace distributed throughout the Body of Christ whenever I went digging in the Barbie zone for my stockpile of cards.
I also really liked the various trinkets.  I couldn’t in good conscience claim whatever rosary or doodad was enclosed until I had made a donation.  So I looked forward to any opportunity to give to St Bertha the Great’s monastery in upstate Arkansas or whatever organization sent me the most enticingly Catholic Cracker Jack prize.   As each of my donations led to more mailings, the selection was always pretty good. My bag would fill up pretty fast and I would conduct an archaeological excavation pretty frequently.  It all worked:  my friends were getting cards and prayers, the charities were getting money and I was getting a variety of Catholic bric-a-brac that I mostly just stored away as I already had a lifetime’s worth of rosaries, scapulars and prayer cards from my Mother-In-Law and Pam’s grandmother.  I imagine all the Saints and poor souls in purgatory also played a part in the giant lattice of grace that was triggered by the simple need of one of my friends or relatives.
Eventually the bag would fill up and I would have to winnow out my haystack of potential intercessors.   I guess I didn’t know enough sick and dead people to use up the avalanche of material I was receiving, but I always carefully opened up everything I received, because several of the charities were sending sacramentals along with their solicitations.  I felt bad that I couldn’t respond to each solicitation, but I also felt it wasn’t right to pitch all the oils, waters and statuettes into the dustbin.  On several occasions I discovered that charities had mailed me relics of Padre Pio or other saints.  I would rather they had not done that because I am sure that many of the relics do end up in landfills.  Still my meager donations have not, to this point, resulted in any of the charities asking me to sit on their board of directors, so, in the meantime, I try to be careful to see what is enclosed in all the extra packages that I don’t use before I pitch them. 
That is how I ran across the Christmas cards.  We had always used to get Christmas cards from Pam’s grandmother who acquired extra packages at garage sales, flea markets, five-and-dime stores (she was pretty old) and even from kids selling them door to door.  They were of varying quality and sometimes had secular verbiage - I discarded those.  Overall the price was right, so I used the free stockpile throughout the first decade or so of my marriage until I went Grinch-style after the frozen Christmas light episode.
As I was hunting through the bag of mass Catholic mailings, I noticed that many of them were related to a particular holiday or Saint’s day.  If I had missed the novena for the feast of St Andrew, I knew it was safe to pitch that stack of cards as I would surely receive another round of solicitations related to that day about 300 days hence.  So as I was purging the All Saints day layer back about three years ago, I discovered that all my favorite intercessory players were sending me packs of Christmas cards as well.  I considered what I was doing to celebrate Christmas which was the bare minimum passable for the kids not to be permanently scarred.  I considered Pam’s love of Christmas and her instruction to me to give to Catholic Charities in her memory.
So if you happen to receive a card from me from the Society of St Bartholomew or some such please think of Pam smiling at you from heaven.  The cards will generally be Christ related as the secularization of Christmas was one of the things that began to dampen my enthusiasm for the season. Most of all enjoy the cards with the understanding that the lattice of the Body of Christ has been strengthened in some small way in this cold time of year when many poor and others are suffering. Certainly give gifts to each other, but don’t forget all the various Catholic organizations as well.  They do good work.
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Innovative Occupational Therapies for Young Minds in Fort Worth
In the bustling city of Fort Worth, parents often find themselves seeking specialized care for their children, particularly when it comes to pediatric occupational therapy. Recognizing the unique needs of young minds, Beelieve Pediatric Therapy stands as a beacon of hope, offering innovative occupational therapies tailored to nurture and develop children's abilities. With a commitment to excellence and a passion for empowering young individuals, Beelieve Pediatric Therapy brings forth a comprehensive approach to pediatric occupational therapy in Fort Worth.
Pediatric occupational therapy is crucial for children facing challenges in various areas of development, including motor skills, sensory processing, and social interactions.Beelieve Pediatric Therapy understands the importance of early intervention and provides targeted therapies to address these needs effectively. Through personalized treatment plans, children receive the support they need to thrive and reach their full potential.
At Beelieve Pediatric Therapy, we prioritize the well-being of each child, fostering a warm and welcoming environment where they feel comfortable and motivated to participate actively in therapy sessions. Our team of experienced occupational therapists is dedicated to building strong connections with both the children and their families, ensuring holistic support throughout the therapeutic journey.
Located in Fort Worth, Beelieve Pediatric Therapy serves as a trusted resource for families seeking pediatric occupational therapy in the Fort Worth area. Our convenient location allows easy access for families from surrounding neighborhoods, making quality therapy services more accessible to those in need.
One of the key focuses of Beelieve Pediatric Therapy is pediatric occupational therapy in Ft Worth. Through a combination of evidence-based techniques and innovative approaches, we address a wide range of developmental challenges faced by children. From fine motor skills development to sensory integration therapy, our comprehensive services cater to the diverse needs of young minds.
We understand that every child is unique, and our approach to Pediatric Therapy Ft Worth reflects this understanding. Our therapists take the time to assess each child's strengths and areas for improvement, tailoring therapy sessions accordingly. Whether a child requires assistance with handwriting, self-care skills, or social interactions, Believe Pediatric Therapy offers personalized interventions to support their growth and development.
In addition to individual therapy sessions, Believe Pediatric Therapy also provides group therapy opportunities, allowing children to engage with peers in a supportive setting. These group sessions foster social skills, cooperation, and teamwork while addressing specific areas of concern.
Believe Pediatric Therapy is more than just a therapy clinic; it is a community of support for children and their families. We believe in the power of collaboration and work closely with parents and caregivers to ensure continuity of care beyond the therapy sessions. Through education and guidance, we empower families to implement strategies that promote their child's progress and success in daily activities.
In conclusion, Believe Pediatric Therapy offers innovative occupational therapies for young minds in Fort Worth, with a focus on pediatric occupational therapy in Ft Worth and surrounding areas. With a dedicated team of therapists and a commitment to personalized care, Believe Pediatric Therapy is poised to make a difference in the lives of children and families in the community.
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