#Occupied France/French Resistance Hosie
uncleasad · 9 days
Towards the beginning of the week, I once again nearly started writing the Occupied France/French Resistance Hosie fic (I kept debating the opening; my current thought is Hope in a British bomber crossing the Channel at night to drop her into Occupied France. I think my initial idea for the opening was Josie finding Hope stuck in a tree after she had parachuted in).
For the past few days, though, my brain has been fixated on trying to create a fic based on/inspired by @trihedaburden’s Hosie: I'll settle for the ghost of you edit…
In either case, though, my brain (and also body) is mostly too exhausted to do anything productive 😢
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uncleasad · 2 years
I’ve got to stop catching episodes of Hogan’s Heroes on MeTV, because every time I do, it makes me want to start writing my Occupied France/French Resistance Hosie idea, and right now I can’t even find time in a week to write on anything I have already started writing!
(Similarly, I caught Gladiator the other night while sorting and packing figs, and it brought my Carthaginian princess-cum-gladiator Hope idea back into the churning pot of my brain….)
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uncleasad · 1 month
I am this close to starting to write the Occupied France/French Resistance Hosie fic…I thought about it while mowing the grass this evening.
(Those 17 other fics currently in-progress? Eh…)
Either that, or the next installment of Meet the Parents (if only I could find my notes…)
Except right now I’m too tired to do anything but crash, so…
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uncleasad · 3 years
Randomly thought of a plot point in an episode of Hogan’s Heroes while in the shower tonight, and by the time I finished, I had a setup for another Hosie fic I’d love to write (but which is also probably beyond my ability):
Josette Saltzman is an Anglo-French (or Franco-American) housewife in Nazi-occupied northern France, worried about keeping her drunk of a father out of trouble. Unbeknownst to Josie, her twin Elizabeth and said twin’s husband Sebastian are members of the French Resistance. What happens when Josie stumbles upon her sister’s British commando contact, Hope Mikaelson? Can Josie keep her family and this intriguing new woman safe during the tumult of war…when own her husband is notorious French Nazi Landon Kirby?
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