magicmindless · 1 year
now i can't stop imagining whiff with a tiny dog now!!! he needs a tiny dog!!
He deserves one so much!
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thequimmqueen · 1 year
finally got over my writers block so i am starting a quimm fic ...
WHERE DO YOU PLAN TO GONNA POST IT?? also!! Take your time with it so you don't stress out!! I'm sure it'll be great!!
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chiropterrors · 1 year
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papas-milferia · 1 year
hi it’s me again!! love how you mentioned Quinn looks slightly goth—good bc that was intentional AHAHA I sprinkle a little bit of it into everyone I draw >:)
OH HELL YEAH! my mom is goth and all of her friends are so her hairstyle instantly reminded me of the whole 'adult who is goth but also has to work a 9-5 office job'.
also i hope you dont mind that i called her a cat girl
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uvienova · 6 months
Life Series as Birds
I had the oddest sudden fixation to do some “light” bird research and determine that if each member of the Life Series was depicted as an avian, what bird would they depict. (may become a thread of changes)
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So Grian is almost unanimously depicted as a Parrot, more specifically a Scarlet Macaw due to Season 7 “Pesky Bird”. As well as the birds sassy additude.
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Same as Grian, possibly even more, Jimmy is commonly depicted as a Canary due to the Canary in a Coal Mine.
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For Mumbo, I felt like the Northern Cardinal would be a nice fit due to its vibrant red and black coloring. Cardinals are also symbols of loyalty and devotion, rather fitting for someone who tends to be loyal to his allies. Cardinals are also often associated with passed loved ones visiting relatives in the form of Cardinals, which would fit seeing as Mumbo is usually one of the first out of the series.
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Tango was actually the last one I chose, due to this, and an attempt to give each member a different bird, it was difficult. After some further research, I decided on the Whistling Kite for the reason that it's nicknamed one of Australia's "Firebirds" for their use of fire to catch prey.
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Believe it or not, Impulse was actually the member who inspired it. Out of curiosity, I looked up Arizona's national bird and the Cactus Wren popped up and I could envision Impulse as a Cactus Wren with the browns and golden yellow with a nice touch of white.
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As evident above, my first idea was looking up national birds. Despite being a small bird, The shade of grey that Canada’s national bird, the Grey Jay, has is similar to Etho’s minecraft skin hair color. Grey Jay's are also seen as a good omen, similarly to how people seem to gravitate towards Etho almost like hes a good omen or a good luck charm.
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No matter all the birds I looked into, my brain kept saying Skizz for a Blue Jay. Blue Jays are associated with joy, happiness, along with some mischief, however, I would like to confess that I have yet to watch Skizz's pov of any of the seasons so i'm not as familiar with his personality as i am the others so if this choice seems uncharacteristic I apologize, but just imagine fanon Skizz with dashing sky blue wings.
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Originally I was going to put Lizzie as a hummingbird because they are pollinators, small, and adorable. However, hummingbirds are green and im a sucker from “Small” Smallishbeans Joel. Not to mention how hummingbirds can sometimes be hostile with one another alot like how Joel tends to targets everyone regardless of who it is.
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For Lizzie I decided a parakeet was a good choice for Lizzie because they're small, cute, and colorful. Parakeets are also very social and affectionate birds with lots of personality alot like how Lizzie is.
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Parakeet was originally what I chose for Scott, but then I learned about Kenya’s national bird, the gorgeous Lilac-Breasted Roller which is perfect for Scott as it reminds me of his Empires Chromia outfit and all the beautiful things he creates. I mean LOOK AT IT!
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For BigB, I decided to bestow him with my states bird, the Eastern Bluebird. Bluebirds represent joy, happiness, and luck. The Blue and orangish brown coat reminds me of Big B’s color palette of a blue sweater with a brown cookie on it. 
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Cleo has high Great Horned Owl vibes and you can’t convince me otherwise. Symbols of protection and not tolerating deception. GH Owls are also super intimidating in their size and appearance, fitting for the cutthroat Cleo.
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During all of this, I almost gave up on the opportunity for Martyn as a Woodpecker. No need for further explanation, but I'll give you the symbolism: Optimism, new opportunities, and creativity which matches Martyn. (Edit: IVE JUST BEEN INFORMED THAT THE WOODPECKER IS ALSO ASSOCIATED WITH MARS SO YAH)
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Ironically enough, I decided Gem would make a good Barn Owl, their white coat and owls being a figure of wisdom reminded me of Gem's Empires Season 1 as well as her enjoyment of birch. Barn Owls are also good hunters to it fits her like a glove
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I wouldn't give up the opportunity to choose a hawk for Mr. GoodTimesWithScar.The Hawk I chose is the Cooper's Hawk. But really I chose a random Washington state hawk that I thought suited Scar.
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For our favorite crazy Aussie, only Australia's national bird will do. I believe the Emu suits Pearl well because one, its national bird, and two, Emus are one of the dorkiest kinds of birds and have a lot of personality (and thievery skills). 
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For Ren, I almost went with the Peacock, but couldn't invision Ren as a Peacock, so instead of going the Royalty Route, I went the pun route. Ren…….as a Wren. A Musician Wren, Fitting for the Theater Nerd of the Life Series, no take backs.
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For Bdubs, I went with the Orchard Oriole, A small bird that builds with, you guessed it, MOSS!
I might add on or talk about members as other birds and yah
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star-shine-s · 1 year
Would anyone like to listen to be drop silly PL headcannons to cope with my breakup
Cough @iamjojoswife @mimi-multifandom @oddest-wren @gourmetweeddogs @earthdragon360 cough
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lightna312 · 1 year
Mousse Flipline has cat vibes to me
(@oddest-wren told me I had to post this)
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mimi-multifandom · 1 year
heyy imma change my url to mimi-multifandom
@m-pincushionman @maznanangy @oddest-wren
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cassieuncaged · 1 year
Oddest place they’d have sex?
Favourite positions?
Dom/top? Sub/bottom? Any switches?
for the throuple :D
nsft beneath the cut!
Oddest place they’d have sex?
Wren is pretty vanilla but Rick and Bianca have done the do just about anywhere. The craziest place they all got involved was after dark in a parking lot on the hood of Rick's jet black Ferrari.
Favourite positions?
There's a lot of variety though anything that has either of the women on top is a favorite.
Dom/top? Sub/bottom? Any switches?
Wren is a definitive bottom while the other two are switches
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magicmindless · 10 months
mossy mossy and pumpkin :>
Hehe thanks
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thequimmqueen · 8 months
hi Fran, totally get your frustration over Quimm—I think the people who want them together (or to stay together, or get back together, etc) are a bit out-numbered xP … it can be disheartening!! So I totally get you, and sorry to hear it’s making you feel bad )):
But remember, the ship means a lot to a lot of people, and I’d even say it’s one of the backbones of fanon in this fandom—so I don’t think Quimm is going anywhere, at least!! I respect whatever people wanna ship or interpret them as, but I agree it would be nice if more ppl were loud about them as we are 🙈
Hi- I'm really, really sorry that it took ages for me to answer your asks -again- but I felt like I needed the right mindset to answer this one properly, otherwise, I would have behaved very negatively.
(Which I did in the first poll's results... I'm also very sorry about that. You guys really don't need me being passive-aggressive over stuff like this.)
But, Yes, it IS disheartening. It is disheartening to see so few people genuinely like them as a pairing and it kills me that I get so sad about it because I don't have the right to worry so much over what others like- I should KNOW AT THIS POINT- BUT-
It's so.. painful, still. Especially when you're me and you have a history of getting harassed or arguing with people over opinions on this ship & the other one I hate so much. People I thought I got along with, no less.
But, I cannot deny, that's true. Quimm, for better or for worse, has been popular for being one of the few character duos that are directly connected through flipdecks, and seem to have unfinished business going on. (that's not something Timm and Cecilia have haha) There are also many who favored it before I even set foot in this community, and deep down I still hope they like it because a lot of what I've written and drawn is also inspired by them, the people who were obsessed with it before I took the torch myself.
And well, even if I have posted less and less with them, that doesn't mean that I have stopped thinking of them, or Flipline in general. There are days when I can go for hours talking and discussing headcanons, Quimm ideas, and other stuff without a care in the world. But I just, don't feel confident enough to share it here, but instead to friends only.
I would love to find a new place to do that in, to share my art, and headcanons, and place all the cheesy, dorky, made-with-love art and content for these two that I can make.
Because, haha, they still have my heart and they aren't giving it back anytime soon.
And yes, I also want there to be more people that like the ship... which is actually funny because just when I was having this crisis I met a new person who has also recently asked me my opinion on their own ideas for them two. It's funny how the universe works sometimes.
Maybe there aren't many people right now, and maybe it'll be long until we can settle a stable little group (though I know there's still a few people who like it) But I do know I want to share the art and stuff that I make of them, at least to those who care.
and I know that there are indeed, people who care. I'm so sorry I didn't remember before.
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chiropterrors · 1 year
(original ask game)
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papas-milferia · 1 year
your tags on the rb's of my quinn x timm art are sending me. they're hilarious, just need you to know i see them, go off
For a moment I thought you were coming into my inbox to shoot me like a lame horse for saying heinous things but I'm glad you actually enjoy my horrible words instead
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kunaigirl · 1 year
oddest-wren said: “anon's just jealous and bitchless...keep doing you, i always thought your style is super cool :)”
Aww thanks!!! That means a lot! ;u;
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star-shine-s · 1 year
He did a doodle :) [DTIYS]
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spookyboywhump · 3 years
what are some weird things or situations nicholas/whumper cain have found wren doing or in?
Note: Some of these are weirder than others but the boy has to make do with the situation at hand. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with things like stimming and what not even if other’s perceive it as “weird”
On more than one occasion Cain has watched Wren pacing back and forth, murmuring to himself while rhythmically shaking his hands. He told him to knock it off because “it was creepy”. Wren sat down and stayed quiet but he kept up the hand shaking, which Cain chose to ignore.
Wren had a bad sensory overload episode at Nicholas’ house and completely of his own volition he crawled into one of the fancy dog kennel/end tables Nicholas has. He finds small spaces like that comforting and it was the only thing he could think, to curl up inside with his hands over his ears. They chose to leave him alone- possibly influenced by Zander growling when they tried to get closer to him.
Again with the chewing. Cain had gotten Wren a hoodie and he noticed pretty soon he was constantly chewing on one of the strings, or on the wrist of one of the sleeves. He thought the kid was just so hungry he was getting desperate so the boys got fed that night-
Sometimes Wren gets overwhelmed and he starts tripping over his words big time, leading to him repeating one word several times like a broken record, ex: “I’m-I’m suh-sorry sir, I-I-I-I-I-I-“ and so on, it takes him a moment to get back on track and it genuinely concerns Cain so whenever he starts doing that (Wren calls it “skipping”) he puts his hands on his shoulders and starts telling him to shut up and breathe
Honestly there’s probably several more, Wren is very peculiar to most other people and while Cain is often more snappy about it, him and Zander also very quickly get used to it and learn to live with it
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