#Often they'll check you beforehand if you're getting on actually at the border
Another Muppets song on my list to somehow work into MBS: "Movin' Right Along"!! (I know it's a bit late and nobody cares, but I really wanted to do it)
I think this would be a song the kids do some of their Season 2 travel montage to. Not all of it, since there's also plot important stuff that has to happen, but definitely some of it!
Here is the original song, and here is a cover that I also like. (It moves a bit faster)
Some notes: I get that in Season 2 it's kind of tense and serious, what with Mr. Benedict and Number Two kidnapped and the kids running around Europe unsupervised. However. This is a Muppet Movie. People are barely capable of being serious for more than five seconds. Please keep that in mind as this song is very silly.
Constance very begrudgingly says her lines in a slightly sing-song voice, barely differentiable from speaking. In the parts where it lists all of the kids, she is just half-heartedly lip-syncing, or rolling her eyes at the others.
Sticky is trying very hard to keep track of the maps/train schedules this whole time. He is usually the one pointing the direction they should be going/correcting them if they get lost.
Reynie and Kate are the best roadtrip sing-along buddies. Every now and again Reynie will stop singing because he's trying to keep the group on track, but he is also having a lot of fun with Kate.
Kate would be the one driving the car, if that was feasible/what was actually happening. This is a very contextless and unfounded statement but I believe you need it in order to properly visualize their travel dynamic.
Reynie: Movin' right along in search of more clues and good news Kate: With good friends you can't lose This seems to be a habit! Sticky, holding up the train passes: Opportunity knocks once let's reach out and grab it Reynie: (yeah!) Together we'll nab it Kate: We'll hitchhike, bus or yellow cab it! Constance: (Cab it?)
All: Movin' right along Kate & Reynie: Footloose and fancy-free Getting there is half the fun, come share it with me All, with Kate on sound effects: Moving right along (doog-a-doon doog-a-doon) Sticky: We'll learn to share the load Constance: Don't we need a map to keep this show on the road?
Kate: Movin' right along, we've found a life on the highway Reynie: And your way is my way Sticky: So trust my navigation Kate: Mr. B and Number Two, we're coming to find you We're following the clues Constance: It's sad that you still think we're going to get there Reynie: Constance! Constance: You already roped me into the rhyming scheme once, I'm not doing it again
All, with Kate on sound effects: Movin' right along (doog-a-doon doog-a-doon) Tell me, which train now? Sticky, grabbing her arm as she walks toward the wrong one: No, not that one, it's set to visit Moscow
All, with Kate on sound effects, and still thoroughly enjoying it: Movin' right along (doog-a-doon doog-a-doon) Kate, to Reynie and Sticky: You take it, you know best Constance, in the background as the others confer: I still believe this is hopeless
Reynie, trying to move past Constance's snark: Movin' right along we're truly birds of a feather Kate, slinging an arm around his shoulders: We're in this together Sticky, joining in with an upbeat tone: And we know where we're going Reynie: Teamwork got us here, I really think we can do it! Kate: There's no reason to quit! Constance: Unless you count all of the danger Kate: Not helping
Reynie: Movin' right along, Hey, what does that sign say? Sticky: It says we're near the border, there's a customs delay Kate: Moving right along Reynie: (Thanks, Sticky) Footloose and fancy-free Kate: I think we're getting close Sticky: We've made it to Germany!
Together, celebrating that they've made it so far: Movin' right along Movin' right along Movin' right along Movin' right along
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