#Oh Vlad is that worlds version of Ras in case you were curious
dcxdpdabbles · 4 months
Not an ask, I'm just here to say that I love Cave Boy and the possibilities of what happens in a timeline where Bruce passes away — like the one where Thomas becomes Batman and Martha turns into the Joker.
Can you imagine how terrifying Maddie would be as a Joker? And can you imagine the possibility that Jack wouldn't be called Batman, but something related to ghosts because that's what his baby boy got turned into?
Can you imagine the pain they would be in, because they killed their boy, not a mugger?
Because I am, and I really want to write it and give it to you as a present (again, because apparently I'm not stopping at the the first one I did to you about cave boy)
If Maddie were the Joker, the world would burn in a weekend. Jake would pick a name that spoke of his failure in protecting Danny, likely "Vengence" or "Sorrow," or even take up Danny's old hero name, "Phantom" or something like that.
Both are crazy smart, but Jack's goofy and good nature makes him clumsy or careless. I think if he went evil, unlike the timeline where Danny accidentally made Vlad and his mom marry while Jack developed powers, he would become much darker and more focused. He would be Thomas Wayne-Batman all the way.
Jazz, on the other hand? I think she would have lost her entire family. Danny to his death and her parents to their grief. She would vanish, deciding that she can't save them from what is happening, going over to Vlad to train and coming back to put her mom behind bars and her dad out of the mask once and for all.
She would be Jason's Red Hood, angry at her parents for ruining thier lives and low-key blaming them for the death of her brother. But she would also want to protect the civilians from the mess of horror and tyrants Maddie and Jack had inflicted upon them.
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