#Oh Yeah F*cking Hot Yeah Ouch Oh Yeah
d05-72314 · 9 months
learned what burnt skin smells like today lads
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skeletonwoman · 7 years
Be Quiet (Remus Lupin)
Request: Can you do prompt 56 and 73 with James? Maybe the reader could be going on a secret date with Remus and James gets suspicious and over protective? Sorry if it's so specific! I won't mind if you do something different, it was just an idea I had 56. “You’re hiding something from me.” 73. “The skirt is supposed to be this short.”
(Another @daphnegreengrass boii)
It’s not a secret date, really, but it is a hella protective James (also a lil bitter) with lots of name dropping and cute Lily Evans moments.
“You’re hiding something from me,” James says, staring at his best friend and you try not to laugh from across the room. Remus doesn’t look up from the cards in his hand.
“Maybe it’s because we’re playing poker,” he counters sedately and James hesitates before shaking his head.
“False. You’re twitchy.” He changes the order of his cards then looks back up at his pale friend. “My divination is working perfectly, and judging by the stars and the moon, you’re not ill.”
“Maybe he has his period,” Peter pipes up, raising the stakes and watching Sirius fold.
“Maybe his mouth tastes like mandrake all the f*cking time,” Sirius hisses and you wrinkle your nose at the thought.
You shouldn’t be eaves dropping, if James catches you he’ll get all whiny and make subtly mean comments until you leave, but you just can’t help it.
“No, it’s none of that,” James says seriously before shaking it off and beaming at Remus. “Ready to lose every sickle you’ve got?”
As the three display their cards, you can see a clear winner. Peters face falls, James is suddenly scowling bigtime and Remus smiles, as calm as a still lake.
Man, do you wanna splash around in the water.
“Still got all my sickles,” he observes and braces for the shove that James pushes him with.
“Come on,” you whine, your gaze glued to the bright green of Remus’s eyes. He’s looking particularly edible like this, his back to the stones and a nervous smile twitching at his lips.
“I- ah… I’m-”
“Leave off, Y/N!” Lily calls from down the corridor, her voice growing closer, “you’re never gonna get a date with Lonely Lupin.”
“But he’s cute and I’ve seen him staring at my legs.” You pout at the redhead and she throws her head back in a laugh. Remus flushes red in front of you and you try not to smirk at the utter adorableness that is a blushing Remus.
“Is that why you’re wearing that?” She nods pointedly to your skirt and you laugh, turning this way and that for her.
“The skirt is supposed to be this short, but it’s not for him. It’s for me. Makes my ass look like an apple.” Lily laughs and you shoot her a cheesy grin. You eye Remus, taking in the way he’s specifically only looking at your face and his slightly daggy clothes, and sigh. They’re not ugly or anything, they’re cute. But something in his image makes it seem like you’re out of his league. “We’d be an adorable couple though. Then he’d get full rights to touching my apple ass.”
“Alright, alright, let him be,” Lily orders, grabbing your hand and dragging you away from him. You sigh as you follow her, but your focus quickly shifts and you’re ready to go all over again.
“So, when’s our date?” You coo, interlacing your fingers with hers and she scoffs, before slinging an arm around your neck and pulling you in to plant a sloppy kiss to your cheek.
“We’ve had our date, baby, I was exhausted within ten minutes.” You frown, only to recall the shopping trip to muggle London and laugh aloud. The memories you made that night… “Exactly, you love rat. And how’s Remus supposed to take you seriously if you’re asking out everyone?”
“I’m keeping my options open! But he’s the main goal. Quiet, bookish and scarred. Everything a girl dreams of.”
“Why… You’re going to hate being with him, why are you even trying?” She eyes you, her curiosity obvious and genuine and you pull from her grip. Waltzing away a step, you pause to gather your thoughts- then plonk onto the bench behind you.
“I like to sit.” You stare at the stone eaves above, unable to look at her while you say this. You’ll chicken out if you do. Merlin, this sounds stupid. “I like the quiet and I love to just sit and read or zone out. You probably do not know this since I am such a wild card. And while I love to sit and be quiet, I also love people and making memories. And when you’re doing that, making memories and the like, people start to question you when you’re just sitting and being quiet.”
“And Remus likes to sit and be quiet.”
“Remus probably loves to sit and be quiet. And I’d love to sit and be quiet with him.” You peek at her and try not to smile when you spot her giant grin. “I also want to meet him in the astronomy tower at 3am and ride him into the sunrise.”
When she throws her head back and laughs again, loud and delighted, you beam.
“He also looks like he’s got a secret dom hiding in him and I’m curious if that’s true,” you tease, squeaking when she smacks your arm. “What! You can’t see it?”
“No!” She gasps, giggling and you scoff, rolling your eyes.
“He’s a soft boy, but you know, soft boys can get hard,” you offer and she squawks, her feet pitter patter dancing on the spot.
“I love being your friend,” she snorts, taking your hand and pulling you to your feet to envelop you in a hug. “And if you can’t sit quietly with Remus, you can sit quietly with me.”
“Aw, baby!”
“I know, I know.”
“She asked me out again.” Remus blushes and Sirius whoops, leaping at James and body slamming him.
“Yes, boy! Get her! She wants you, and I swear if you don’t date her-” He cackles, only to frown when he notices the others aren’t leaping around with him. “I won’t like take her or anything… I’ll just be really unhappy with you.”
“I think you should go out with her,” Peter says, nodding and Remus grimaces. His gaze moves to James who wrinkles his nose.
“She’s… I can’t think of a word that isn’t derogatory and I can’t use those cause I know she’s nice. I know. She’s fleeting, she doesn’t stick with people and our Remus deserves better than to be another notch on her bedpost.”
Sirius laughs, “she hasn’t even got notches on her bed, Marlene checked and told me.”
When the others stare at him, he blushes and waves them off with a muttered excuse about curiosity.
“Look, I think Remus should hold off, if not ignore her completely. She’s hot but is there really any substance there?” James says with a roll of his eyes and Lily smacks him upside the head. “Ouch- Evans! Where did you even come from? And what’d I say about touching the goods?”
“Shut up, ass,” she snaps and he nods once, zipping his lips and winking. Lily rolls her eyes. “Y/N is all substance. James just doesn’t like her because when he asked me out, for the fifth time, she pushed him off the pier. No one knows this because all that substance means she doesn’t embarrass people needlessly. When have you guys ever heard of Y/N making fun of people?”
“Never!” Sirius cheers and Lily shoots him a dead eyed look that has him flushing. “Sorry.”
“And Remus is just nervous because he has to deal with you two gits all the time-” she points between Sirius and James, while winking at Peter, “and it’s exhausting. He assumes she’ll be the same, which while the evidence does point that way, is an unfair assessment.”
“Are you going into law?” Peter asks, a smile lighting up his eyes and Lily pauses, a soft blush dusting her cheeks. “You’re very convincing.”
“We’ll see, Pete.” She smiles, before turning her glare on James and Remus, “don’t judge her unfairly and don’t be a Bitter Betty.”
Sirius attempts a slow clap and Lily smacks his hands down.
“I’m going to dinner and I hope you all think long and hard about what we just discussed.”
“Marlene, stop doubting yourself and just kick her ass already!” You groan, meeting McKinnon's nervous stare head on. “Bellatrix isn’t going to stop dissing you unless you show some substance.”
“She’s a dirty cheat though.” You watch Marlene's eyes dart toward the Slytherin table and you sigh, patting her hand.
“Those aren’t insurmountable odds. And she probably wouldn’t expect you to just pop her one in the nose.” You shrug, grinning and Dorcas giggles quietly at your side.
“Hey, Y/N!” Someone shouts and you wave in the general direction the voice had come from, not looking up, and keeping your gaze steady on Marlene's.
“Pop her one in the nose.” She repeats and you nod once, watching as her eyes move to Dorcas, who reins in her giggles to nod along with you.
You look about the great hall and spot Remus and his group a few seats down, his friends talking animatedly. The bench shifts beside you and Lily blocks your view of the foursome, her red hair much too thick to see through.
“Stop gazing, they’re not worth your time.” She sniffs and starts loading up her plate.
“What do you mean?”
“They were talking about you and it wasn’t kind. It wasn’t really cruel either but it wasn’t positive. Point is, they’re stupid and you can do better. Check out Gideon, now that’s a man.” Your gaze moves to the two red haired twins, zeroing in on the more serious of the pair and you can feel yourself soften. “I know for a fact that he would date you. I overheard him saying so to Fabian.”
“Everyone would date me, Lils, that isn’t very strong evidence to his character,” you scoff and she rolls her eyes.
“Hey- ah, Y/N?”
You blink at the soft voice and peer over your shoulder to see Remus crouched beside you.
“Yeah?” Your voice is very soft and much too delicate and you have to stifle a scowl at the embarrassingness of it all.
“Go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend? Just you and I?”
You’re about to burst out with an acceptance when you hesitate. Hogsmeade is Hogsmeade. At your silence, his cheeks start to get red and you inhale a quick breath and gather your courage.
“Maybe we could stay here? I…” You trail off, unsure how to say that you want to just sit in the library. Just the two of you.
“Here’s fine, here’s great.” He grins and your sigh is all relief. “Saturday, I’ll meet you on the lawn at nine and we can decide then?”
“Sure, sure. Yeah.”
“Great.” He smiles and you can’t help mirroring the expression, the two of you caught in a moment of stillness until Lily purposely elbows you. Hard.
“I better go,” he mumbles, rising and moving back to his group where Sirius wraps him up in a hug and kisses his cheeks.
the last (4/4) of those requests i super nicely did as a favour 
i love remus, he boo
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stick-zac · 7 years
Something from today #101 - #150
Something from today #150 -Walking around a park and I noticed a kid scores a goal- Kid: *looks at me* I scored! Me: Awwww yeah we got the next Ronaldo up in here
Something from today #149 Sister: Can I have some tic-tacs? Me: Sure *Hands her a full box* -50 seconds later- Sister: *Hands me it back* Here you go Me: *notices it’s empty* -_- SIster: :D
Something from today #148 Brother: When did you start your holidays? Me: About a week ago *starts dancing* Brother: …
Something from today #147 Mum: Talking to my sister saying she can come and hang out in my room 2 rooms away* Me: Aww hell naw! *runs to barricade the door* Mum: How did you know? *trying to push open the door*
Something from today #146 Friend: I am so done, I’m out of this group Me: Okay Friend: Don’t you care I’m leaving Me: I do care… that you leave immediately
Something from today #145 Brother: I don’t give a damn Me: Alright then I’m going to take a warhead Brother: What did I say? Me: I don’t give a damn which is what I’m doing right now
Something from today #144 Me: Help me find my headphones Brother: Nope Me: Remember when I found your laptop? Brother: When? Me: 2 weeks ago, when I misplaced it and forgot it Brother: You hiding my laptop and forgeting doesn’t count Me: Yes it does
Something from today #143 Brother: Let’s go out to eat Me: Nah, I’m sleepy *pretends to sleep* Brother: You’re so shifty Me: Then call me sand
Something from today #142 Brother: Here is 20 cents Me: I don’t want it Brother: And I don’t care *sticks out his hand* Me: Take it! *Throws it directly into his fingertips* Brother: Ouch! *walks out* Me: Brother: *Sticks hand back in to flip me off*
Something from today #141 Brother: He reminds me of that one actor Me: Who? Brother: David Bumberpatch?
*My 2 brothers are throwing insults at each other* Brother: You stupid Brother 2: You suck *Brother’s phone gets a message notification* Brother:  Can you check it? Brother 2: Sure Brother: Who sent it? Brother 2: Your girlfriend Brother: What she say? Brother 2: You ugly as hell
Something from today #140 Friend: I forgot to do my work Me: *Starts looking around* Friend: Are you seriously going to do th- Me: I’m so sorry, I can’t find the damn I was suppose to give
Something from today #139 Me: Hey RZ? RZ: Yeah? Me: I was watching Northernlion playing the Binding of Isaac as the Lost and I must say… I’m at a lost for words RZ: What?… Oh wait Me and RZ: Aeeeeeeee
Something from today #138 Me: Where were you? Brother: Outside, excersizing Me: Want to play LBP? Brother: Ohhh I’m suddenly sick, eck Me: -_-
Something from today #137 Friend: So… what do you think of this game? Me: *gives a detailed explanation* But hey, that’s just a theory Me and friend: A game theory!
Something from today #136 Teacher: Mind helping me move some stuff? Me: Sure, what is it? Teacher: The Sport Department got some new gear and I need help counting it Me: Alright Teacher: Alright, first the water bottles, hey, this ones got your name on it Me: How odd *takes it and discretely hides it*
Something from today #135 Me: Annnnnd done Friend: What time is it? Me: 2:50… we just wasted an hour doing 1 task
Something from today #134 *Me and my friends talking about a group project) Friend: I don’t like that idea Me: So? Friend: I want to pass Me: Yeah you can, you can pass through that door and leave
Something from today #133 Me: Guys, we should go out Friends: Yeah! *Walks outside* Me: This is so- MY F*CKING EYES, damn man that sh!t is so bright! Friend: These graphics suck
Something from today #132 Me: Anyway, the Wendigo Friend: It’s pronnounced Wendigo Me: … anyway the chupacabra
Something from today #131 *Me and my brother playing Beyond: Two Souls* Nathan: We don’t know what lies beyond Me: Two souls Brother: Hehe, nice one
Something from today #130 Friend: What does it mean to choose Design Elements from? Me: *Points on the paper where it is in extremely obvious spot* Friend: I’m an idiot Me: No you’re not… you’re a moron :) Friend: Thanks :D
Something from today #129 *Me and my friends have a deal. Friend 1 can’t say Deez Nutz and Friend 2 can’t say Mate or Trust me and I can’t swear. If any of us do we get
punched in the arm* Me: Where is the Grand Canyon located? Friend 1: Deez Nutz Friend 2: *Punches him* sorry mate Me: *Punches Friend 2* You said mate Friend 2: Damn! Me: :D
Something from today #128 Friend: Oh don’t get to upset Me: I can’t help it, I’m very emotional. One time I hit my hand on a tree and I apologized to the tree
Something from today #127 Friend: I watched the Harry Potter film Me: Which one? Friend: The last one Other friend: Which one? Friend: -_- Me and other friend: *fist bump*
Something from today #126 *Friend makes an epic comeback to my friend* Me: *Touching the burnt friend* Ouch man, that burn is still hot!
Something from today #125 Me: Man, it’s raining badly, almost Heavy Rain Friend: Yeah Me: *Makes the you know what I mean face* Friends girlfriend: I don’t get it… Oh wait Heavy Rain Me: Yeah I- Friends girlfriend: The one that takes place in Spring :D Me: …
Something from today #124 Me: So speaking of slowly destroying things, how is your Movie Project coming along? Friend: Hehe
Something from today #123 (Woo) Me: My friend could rock a sweater Friend: No he couldn’t Me: He is wearing one right now Friend: That’s a jumper Me: Hey, is a sweater and jumper the same thing? Him: Yeah Me: Ohhh burn!
Something from today #122 Just realized I forgot yesterday… my bad Me: Where is the Great Pyramid located? Friend: Australia Me and my other friend: …
Something from today #121 *Me and my friend watching Until Dawn* Emily: Understand the palm of my hand b*tch! *Slaps Ashley* Me and my friend: Awwwwwwwww sh!t!
Something from today #120 Friend: Our friend is always late Me: He is so late, he’d be early for tomorrow Friend and me: Aeeeeeee
Something from today #119 Brother: Where is my mouse? Me: Found it Brother: Why was it doing there? Me: I moved it to make room for my laptop Brother: -_- Me: You’re welco Brother: Screw you
Something from today #118 Me: What did you say during your interview? Friend: I said in my spare time I enjoy playing Chess and reading science books Me: Bull f*cking sh!t, you’re the king of bullsh!t! *Me and friend start laughing*
Something from today #117 Mum: And leave your door open Brother: Okay mum, for the millionth time, we won’t forget Me: Wait! Brother: What? Me: You almost closed the door Brother: …
Something from today #116 Friend: What interest you? Me: I get distracted by almost anything… Oh look a tree!
Something from today #115 Friend: Why is your bag so heavy? Me: I carry my ego Friend: … Nice one
Something from today #114 Me: I have one question Friend: Yes? Me: Can you not p!ss me off?
Something from today #113 *Me and my friends got permission to use a room to do some filming for school* Another group of friends: Mrs can we… Me: Oh yeah sorry bout that *holds up teachers note* Another group of friends: Oh… Me: *In my head* Get rekt
Something from today #112 *My friends balloon flies away* Me: Leave it, we’ll grab it *A pop sounds occurs* Me: Nevermind
People: This gate is locked *Tries their hardest* Me: *Walks and simply opens it* People: Oh my god!
Something from today #111 Friend: I got exited Me: Why? Friend: Because I wasn’t doing any work *Another guy enters and talks to friend* Guy and friend: *Start speaking Arabic* Friend: *Turns back to me* To contarary belief, I was doing my work Guy and friend: *Continue talkng in Arabic*
Something from today #110 Friend: I don’t like puns
-1 Year Later-
Other friend: Uno what time it is *We’re playing Uno* Friend: Aeeeee *Does the Fonz* Friend and Other friend: *Both look at me* Me: -_- *walks off*
Something from today #109 Me: Okay sis, when we go into his room, we’ll both say You Stink! *Me and my sister bust in* Me and my sis: You Stink! Brother: Really? Her? That’s dog Me and my sis: *fist bump*
Something from today #108 *In class, teachers talking about the car Beatle* Me: What’s your favourite Beatle Teacher: John Lenon… Ahhh I see, clever Me: Hehe
Something from today #107 Brother: Yo mama fat! Me: No she isn’t. Mum are you fat? Mum: Yo mama fat! Me and my brother: …
Something from today #106 Me: I got one question Friend: Yeah? Me: Why do you always wear your beanie? Friend: *Walking away* Shhhhhhhhhhh
*I’m walking, total oblivious* Friend: *Running past me* it’s BECAUSE I DON’T LIKE my hair….
Something from today #105 *My friend’s nickname is Oreo* Me: Hey Oreo, want an oreo? Friend: HAHAHAHAHA! Me: *In my head* My work here is done
Something from today #104 Friend: First I use Facebook, Email, MySpace, MSN and then can-on-line Me: Well I hand write my letter, hand it to a guy who delivers it on horseback to a mountain goat who gives a signal  to an underground village who delivers it to the man Me and Friend: Hahahahaha, hehe, he
Something from today #103 Brother: Get off the PS3 Me: You ain’t gonna do anything Brother: *Procceds to grab a pillow and bashes my head in* Me: Ow what the hell? I didn’t do anything! Brother: Oh really!?
Something from today #102 *Little sister is around me* Me: *Gets killed by an enemy in a game* A$$hole Sister: Apshole Me: Oh no…
Something from today #101 *Me and my friend playing FNAF 4, my friend is wearing the head phones* Me: Okay I’m going to play a sound, is this loud *Plays it at 20* Friend: It’s low Me: Okay *turns it up to 30* Friend: Bit too low Me: *Turns to 35* Friend: Hmm Me: *Up to 90* Friend: *Jumps in shock* F*ck you! Me: :D
@infinityonmeme @jlukeayy
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