#Oh dear I'm a mall walker
trivialbob · 5 months
I'm happy over a simple shirt I bought yesterday.
Feeling a need to walk, but tired of being cold, I went to the Mall of America. Some say it's about a mile to walk one loop inside the mall. After I strolled all three main levels my Garmin came up with 2.6 miles. It's a little wonky using the GPS indoors, so I'm not making any guarantees.
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People watching is excellent. This has got to be the most diverse place in Minnesota. I heard English, Spanish, Arabic, Russian (?), Japanese, and more. People are in all shapes, sizes, political persuasions, gender identities, colors, attitudes, and manner of dress. The huge mall is next to the airport, and Minnesota doesn't charge sales tax on clothes, so I've heard the place gets plenty of out of state shoppers.
Does your bingo card have an ex football player with purple hair? Wait, is that the ex football player with purple hair in a wheelchair or the ex football player with purple hair shuffling along in a silky track suit? How about a cute young mom with three adorable children? Well, yes, but do you want the one with three girls, or three boys, or two girls and one boy? Because they are all there.
I like that I didn't see any of those silly, virtue signalling signs declaring All Are Welcome Here or We Respect All People. Those signs are not necessary because it just happens. All these different people all got along without placards telling them to.
Sure, I wanted to holler at a parent with a triple stroller (filled with three adorable children, two boys and one girl - BINGO!). She had stopped in the middle of a busy hallway to read her phone, causing chaos like Prius dawdling in the left lane of a busy highway.
But I wiggled around them quietly, as did other walkers and shoppers, and went on my way. Also I really can't complain because 25 years ago I was a parent with a double stroller (reasonably looking dad, two boys), taking winter walks there with my young kids. Surely I had been in someone's way.
At Old Navy I decided to go inside. Prices at my once-beloved LL Bean have exited my comfort zone. I also wasn't pleased with the quality of the last three items I purchased there. Eddie Bauer prices are high too ($85 for jeans? Please!) but EB at least has perennial steep discounts. Though I rarely shop Old Navy, I've always had a good experience there.
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This long-sleeve tech shirt was marked at $22 (not bad) and just $11.50 (whoo hoo!) after the always-available Old Navy sale price. It was sort of a two-for-one in that I love how it looks and feels AND I didn't spend much money. I'll be back.
All my other tech shirts are from races. They're comfortable for exercising or sleeping on cold nights, but I'm not a fan of the graphics on some of them. Displaying "2016 Twin Cities Marathon" is okay with me, but I don't care for the word "Finisher" on the shirts. It looks odd to me, no better than "Participant" or "I did this." At least that one didn't have "Finished in 16,422nd Place."
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avatarrecom · 10 months
Love is strong, love lives on
Pairing: Recom Ja x human!reader
Warnings: Loss of spouse, grief, hurt/no comfort.
Word count: 1634
A/N: Part 2?
It was pretty hard being deployed to the place where your husband, the love of your life, died. Killed by the savage Na'vi. Your dear husband, Ja, was a medic in the Marines. You yourself are a Marine, but also a trauma surgeon. That's how you met, in medical school. 
He accidentally poured hot coffee on you while you were trying to study at your favorite cafe. As a result, your blouse - and parts of your textbooks - were ruined. Ja must have apologized a hundred times. You thought he was charming, so you agreed when he asked for your number so he could take you to the mall later in the week and buy you a new blouse. When you met him at the cafe, he gave you flowers. You insisted he didn't have to buy you a new blouse, but he wouldn't hear of it. The next time you met in the cafe, he brought you your favorite chocolate, the next time he brought you a mixtape. "People used to bring a mixtape for someone they like," he winked. Ja was always the romantic one out of the two of you.
When he proposed to you, he claimed it was fate. You laughed when he said that and said the idea of fate was ridiculous. He gave you a grin and asked if that meant you didn't want to marry him. You laughed and threw your arms around his neck. "Sure I want to marry you, but that doesn't mean it's fate." "Oh yeah?" What is it then?" he asked as he slipped the ring on your finger. "You, my dear, are simply extremely lucky to have met me." Do you smile after which you kiss your fiancée. "Oh you mean when I accidentally threw hot coffee on you?" He pulls you closer to him. "Yes," you confirm. "When you ruined my favorite brand new blouse." "Hey! I bought you a new blouse," Ja pouts. You just smile.
You think back bitterly on the happy memory as you walk out of your transport, your bag over your shoulder and your oxygen mask tight on your face. Sixteen years. That's how long your husband has been dead. And you still miss him every day. When you got word that he was dead, you felt numb. Your older sister, your only living family, was there for you all the time. It was a blessing and a curse. She held you when you burst into tears because you missed him so much. But she tried to get you back into dating too early.
"Hey, watch out!" someone calls. You are startled from your thoughts and look around confused. Then a hand grabs your upper arm and pulls you back abruptly. Then a truck drives by at an insanely high speed, right over the spot where you just stood. You stumble and try to regain your balance. Somewhere in your brain you register two giant blue figures. "Asshole!" a rough female voice yells after the truck. You freeze in shock as you take a closer look at the two figures.
Two humanoid creatures are standing in front of you. They are at least twice your height, with dark blue skin, a tail and something that looks like cat ears. "Hey, you okay?" asks the same voice. You look at the creature on the left. You can clearly see that it is a woman, with a mohawk and arms covered in colorful tattoos. "Yeah," you reply warily "what an asshole." The other creature, also a woman, with cornrows and a bandanna over her cat ears, laughs out loud. "Yeah, get used to it, one day here and you'll have enough testosterone for the rest of your life." You smile awkwardly. "I thought the Avatar program was suspended," you think to yourself.
"I'm Walker," the woman with the cornrows holds out her hand. "Y/N," you introduce yourself. "That's Zdinarsk," Walker points to the woman with the mohawk. "Call me Z-dog or Z," she says. "Nice to meet you," you grin.
"Newbie huh?" asks Walker. You nod. "You don't look happy to be here," Z-dog observes. "Most people are happy to be off a dying planet," she adds. "Yeah well, my husband died on this rock," you share. "So not really happy to be here." "Shit, that sucks," Walker says. "What kind of work did they bring you here for?" she asks. "I'm a Marine and a trauma surgeon." you answer. "Ah, our kind of people!" exclaims Z-dog. "Where do you need to go?" "Uhm..." you grab your datapad to look up the information. "Building F." Walker hums, "Come on, we'll show you where it is." She walks away, with Z on her tail (literally) and you quickly follow the two of them.
The two blue women adjust their pace to your short human legs. "Not to pry or anything," you start. "But I thought the Avatar program was suspended?" "That's right." Answer Walker. "But you are Avatars, aren't you?" Walker shakes her head, "similar idea, but different project." "We’re Recoms," adds Z. You look confused between the two women. "We were human once, but died 16 years ago on our last tour," Walker explains. "The RDA put our brains and memories on a fancy USB, grew these Na'vi bodies, and plugged the USB into this body." "Shit," you say, trying not to think about Ja. Z-dog laughs out loud, "say that."
"How many of you are there?" you ask curiously. "Twelve, the two of us are the only women and the rest are men," Walker said. "Don't you miss your families? I mean, it's not like you can go back to Earth and visit them." Both women shrug. "We've made peace with it," says Z-dog. "And by the way, none of us told our families that we rose from the dead," Walker added. "What?" you ask in surprise. "Why not?" You hear two sighs. "We talked about it with the whole team," Walker said. "One of our guys was even married, but everyone agreed that we wouldn't contact our families." You raise an eyebrow in surprise. "Our families think we're dead, hopefully they've already made peace with it," Z-dog continues. "It would be emotionally debilitating to suddenly learn that your loved one is alive again, especially since we can't go back to Earth, and the chances of our families getting here are incredibly slim."
You nod in realization and think of how you yourself would feel if it were Ja, and you could never come to Pandora. "Yeah, that would be jarring," you admit. "What about your guy who's married? Is he the only one who's married? What does he think about it?" "Yeah, he's the only one who has a wife, and pretty much the same, he says he hopes his wife has moved on with her life and is happy," Walker replies. Z dog scoffs. "Sure, you didn't hear him when we were at the base bar a week ago," she points to Walker. "He looked like a beaten puppy and moaned about missing his wife." "You mean a beaten kitten," you joke. The two look at you both confused and offended. "Your ears look like cat ears and you have a tail," you explain. "That makes you cats, not dogs." "I hate cats," Z-dog sneered. "You can't trust them," "What does that mean," you and Walker laugh.
The discussion of dogs versus cats continues for the rest of the walk to Building F. "Here we are," says Walker. "Hey it's time for dinner, why don't you join us?" suggests Z-dog. "Yeah, we could use another female friend," Walker adds. You nod in agreement, glad you already know at least two people on base. "Yeah, sure, I'll just dump my stuff."
Walker and Z-dog wait impatiently for you to finish. "Hurry up, the guys will eat all the good food if we wait too long," Walker warns. You quickly walk out of your room and follow the two female recoms.
The cafeteria is almost full when you walk in. The crowd automatically disperses to let Walker and Z-dog through. On the other side of the cafeteria you see more tall blue figures. In a flash you see one of the recoms. "He looks like Ja," you think sadly to yourself. It's not strange seeing your dead husband. If you allow yourself to drown in your grief too much, you see him everywhere. You shake off the thought, and join Walker and Z in line.
When all three of you have your food, you walk to a table in the corner of the cafeteria, where the other recoms you just saw are sitting. "Hey guys, this is Y/N," Walker introduces you. "You give everyone a short smile before you sit down with your new friends. You receive several smiles, nods and greetings. Except from one of the men. The man in the cap looks at his plate and plays with his food. His cap makes sure you can't see his face You shrug your shoulders, "We apparently have a small child in our midst," you think to yourself.
"This is the colonel," Walker says, nodding to the man at the head of the table. The colonel gives you a look and nods his head in greeting. Walker goes through everyone at the table. You meet the colonel, Lyle, Mansk, Prager, Lopez, Brown and Fike. "And this is our resident grump," Walker scoffs as she introduces the recom with the cap. She gets a middle finger in response, but he still doesn't look up. "Rude," you think to yourself. "I can see that," you laugh awkwardly.
Immediately his head shoots up. "Y/N?!" he says incredulously. You study his face and your eyes widen in shock. "Ja?!"
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ivedonestranger · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Titans (Animated Series) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dick Grayson/Raven, Koriand'r/Garfield Logan, Jinx/Victor Stone Characters: Robin (DCU), Raven (DCU), Koriand'r (DCU), Garfield Logan, Jinx (DCU), Victor Stone, Kitten Walker Additional Tags: Domestic Fluff, Bad Decisions, Secret Relationship, Team as Family Series: Part 1 of RobRae Week 2019 Summary:
There was a plan, though stupid, and it didn't work.
Prompt #1 "I worry about you" for RobRae Week 2019!
My first entry to RobRae Week 2019! You can read it on either AO3, FF.net or under the cut!
FF.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13254786/1/The-Brilliant-Plan AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18384164
"You know, I worry about you."
Robin had landed his last roundhouse kick on the training bag when his friend Raven spoke the words. She had been silent for more of the training, sitting cross-legged on the floor watching him train. He scooped up the towel that was on the floor and pressed it against his sweating face.
"I'm sorry?"
"I worry about you," Raven continued rolling on to her back and tilting her head back to look at him. "You train so hard all the time and have no fun."
Robin cocked an eyebrow looking at his friend who had decided to stay behind when the rest had decided to go to the mall. Robin was glad because Cyborg had been yelling at Beast Boy for losing one of his pieces of technology. Robin did not know which but he really did not care. Initially, she had planned to check out the new bookstore that had come to Jump City but at the last moment changed her mind. She had been sitting there watching him since.
"I have fun," Robin answered bending over and grabbing his gym bag, fishing around for his sports bottle. Raven gave a purr, and Robin turned to face her with a raised eyebrow sucking down the delicious gaterade.
"Something wrong, Rae?"
"Just enjoying the view."
At that, the other eyebrow went up.
"You've never been quite this expressive before," Robin commented walking over to his gear, hooking up his belt, and tapping on his arm pad.
"Well, the others are gone, and I feel more comfortable," Raven said, her amethyst eyes watching him. She rolled on to her belly and propped her chin on her hands.
"I think I'm more worried about you, Raven," Robin said going back to his gym bag and picking it up. "Have you had a chance to meditate?"
"Don't wanna. I like this emotion I am feeling." Raven said with a grin.
"And which one is that?"
Robin froze, his mind trying to calculate what was being said to him and the implications of the words.
"I'm going to go take a shower, Rae, you might want to go meditate. We had a deal."
"What deal? I like you, and you like me. I think we should talk more about it."
Robin walked out of the room to take his shower.
Robin had started the shower to fill the room with a cloud of steam then went to shave before getting in. His mind was busy running through all the possibilities that had been put out there. Since today, Raven had gone from being quiet and sarcastic to talkative and quite forward with her thoughts. It was actually the fact that she did not know about the deal that told him what he needed to know.
Grabbing his towel and wrapping it around him, he made his way to the shower that was running and pulled back the curtain. He froze for a second trying to figure out his next move, but the gentle nudge in the back of his mind made him relax. Standing in the shower, under the hot stream, Raven stood, every gray curve out for him to see. She looked over her shoulder at him with a sexy smile.
"Found this empty shower. Wanna share?"
Robin sighed.
"Who are you?"
Raven frowned. "I'm Raven. Can't you see?"
She gestured to her naked body which Robin tried his best not to look.
"You aren't Raven."
The girl in the shower frowned and folded her arms across her chest. "if you don't want me then just say so. Maybe I've misread all the signals but who the hell do you think I am? If I'm not Raven, who is?"
The voice came from the right of the room, and the two turned to see the dark leotard form of the exact girl in the shower. The naked girl in the shower paled and fell back against the stream.
"I'm glad you got my message, Rae," Robin said stepping to the side so Raven could peer in at the naked girl cowering in the corner, the water pounding on her. "this happened."
"I see," Raven answered leaning over casually and turning the water to cold. "I see you kept it in your pants."
"Hey! I think I was really quick in spotting the impostor."
Raven stared at the girl who was not shivering in the bitter cold stream of water.
"How did you figure it out?"
"The ring," Robin said pointing to it. "After Cyborg was yelling that Beast Boy lost it, I recognized the missing holographic ring. Not to mention she didn't know about the deal."
"Deal?" the girl squeaked in the torrent of icy water.
"Yeah," Raven grinned like a predator. "Robin and I have been engaged for four months. Promised not to sleep with each other until after we are married."
"Engaged?!" the girl squeaked in shock and horror. Raven turned the water colder silencing her.
"Who do you think is under the disguise? Jinx?" Robin asked enjoying the game that Raven had started.
"Nah, she's in Cy's room waiting till he comes home. The girl is not as sneaky as she thinks she is." Raven said shaking her head.
"I know," Robin groaned. "Starfire can't be quiet worth a damn. She tripped over her own feet trying to get to Beast Boy's room last night. The whole tower knows they are a couple by now."
"Well, we're not innocent. We haven't told them about us." Raven said putting her head on Robin's shoulder. "We might want to tell them we know and what our secret is. We are a team."
"P...pppp…..please….I'm…. I'm cold."
The two broke out of their conversation to look at the naked doppelganger who was still shivering in the cold shower. Raven put her hand out, and the girl reluctantly tugged the ring off. The image of Raven evaporated to show the wet, blond hair and dark eyes that were filled with a mixture of hurt and embarrassment.
"Kitten?" Robin said surprised.
"Hi," she answered.
"Leave," Raven ordered pushing on Robin's shoulder. He did not question his fiance but strode out the door hearing Cyborg coming down the hall.
Raven turned off the shower, and the girl slumped to the floor. Raven draped a towel over her shoulder which Kitten hugged.
"So, it's true," Raven said softly. "I heard from Fang in one of our battles."
"It's not my fault that I fall for things I can't have," Kitten whispered softly, looking imploringly in Raven's eyes.
"I wanted to hate him, I wanted to hate you. I wanted to make Fang jealous but even when he was playing nice to save the city or when he was willing to come to rescue me from Kwiz Kid-"
"Which you set up."
"-Yeah, he was still willing to. I never had someone go that far for me. I...I thought I could use you to get close and let him know who I really was. I even started a clothing line with the help of my dad. Moth resistant clothing brand. I wanted to show him I was different. I just needed something to hold over his head so he would listen to me."
"Stupid plan."
"I know."
They were silent for a few moments before Kitten let out a ragged sigh.
"I'm sorry, Raven."
"You're fine, dear. I understand."
Raven went to her locker and pulled out sweat pants and a shirt and gave it to the girl who was drying off. Through the entire conversation, Raven had been watching her emotions and felt only genuine feelings. As much as she wanted to smite the daughter of Killer Moth for even thinking she could steal Robin, it did not feel right.
Dressed, the two walked out of the community showers and found Robin standing guard while Beast Boy was arguing with him.
"Listen! My shower is broken, and I need to take one. Cyborg threw me in the pond!"
"You asked for it," Cy said. "I told you not to try and foist that girl on me."
They all stopped when they saw Raven and Kitten.
"Ummm...what is she doing here?" Starfire growled from down the hall.
"She came to visit Robin and I," Raven said evenly. "Kitten had some...uh...business ideas to discuss."
The room was silent for a moment before Beast Boy crossed arms and looked directly at the two birds.
"Okay, I know you guys are together but really? A threesome with Kitten?"
Robin's jaw dropped open in surprise while Raven's eyes turned dark in anger. They had no chance to say anything because Cyborg looked shocked.
"You're dating! And you didn't feel like telling your best friends that you two were a couple. I'm hurt, just hurt."
Starfire was nodding her head vigorously in agreement.
"Hey, Cy," Raven said calmly. "Better take a sandwich to your bedroom. Jinx's been in there for a little while and is probably hungry."
Cyborg froze, looked between the eyes that fell on him and grinned sheepishly.
"Yeah, good idea."
"I thought so," Raven glared, and the tin man hurried away.
"And Star," Robin called to the Tamaranian. "Try using less fluffy slippers when sneaking around. It'll keep you from tripping yourself."
The Princess' face exploded into a sea of color, and she quickly retreated.
Robin looked to find Kitten sitting on the ground laughing to the point that she could not breathe.
"This...this cheered me up."
Once Kitten had left, after begging one hug from Robin, the two birds found themselves on the community couch. Raven had snuggled in under his arm as he was channel surfing. Since the secret was out, she had no issue showing the affection she had learned to express. Robin kissed the woman he loved on her forehead sending the wordless message of his love to her. She teleported one of her books to her hand and snuggled in to read while he watched a movie.
"You...you watching Killer Martians VS Giant Dinos?"
Robin looked to the doorway from the quarters and saw Cyborg standing there sheepishly and the pink feline eyes of Jinx peering around to look at him.
"Mind if we join?"
"It's your house as much as mind, Cy," Robin smiled in Jinx's direction.
The pinkette hopped on Cy's lap and pulled a lap blanket over her as the rather violent movie began. Within a few minutes, Starfire and Beast Boy showed up holding hands and silently nodded to Robin as they curled up in the center between Raven and Jinx.
As the movie played and the sun began to set, Robin looked at his team and the new dynamic that had been created. At this moment, he could feel the old Titans fading and a new era starting. The little things that Starfire and Beast Boy did and the loving glances Jinx and Cyborg shared.
There was a lot to talk about. Jinx's status the most since she never really said if she was going to be an honorary Titan or not. It could be a sticky situation, and Robin did not know if she could fit in their world.
"I ordered pizza," Jinx said dropping her hot pink phone with sequins into her lap. "It'll be here in 20."
Maybe she could fit after all. That could wait till tomorrow. They had a movie to watch.
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"I'm not leaving without a gold one!" Tales from the iPhone 5S line The cell phone as a design adornment prompts imbecilic histrionics.
I am not a New Yorker; remaining in lines make me need to begin wounding individuals. The last time I really went to a for-genuine physical Apple Store to buy a for-genuine Apple item (as opposed to requesting on the web like a normal individual) return in 2007 when I spent an entire day stayed outdoors sitting tight for an original iPhone. That was a hopeless affair as was this current morning's sit tight for an iPhone 5S. In any case, it wasn't all awful, in light of the fact that I got the chance to get very close with the sort of individuals who need gold iPhones.Apple didn't give Ars propelled survey equipment for both of the new iPhone models, so both Ars Senior Product Specialist Andrew Cunningham and I ended up in line at our separate Apple Stores on the morning of the iPhone 5S dispatch, holding up alongside every other person. As opposed to kicking back and appreciating the new components, we'll be diving in throughout the end of the week to present to you some strong, Ars-style audits toward the start of one week from now.
Andrew had his own tribulation to persist to get his iPhone, however the procedure here in Houston was moderately direct. I touched base at Baybrook Mall somewhat after 7:30am; early reports were that lines at Apple Stores the nation over were quite light, and I was confident that I wouldn't be too far back—yet oh dear, it was not to be. There were no less than 100 individuals as of now lined up around the wellspring before the Baybrook Apple Store.
The Apple Store representatives were cheerful—most had been there since 5:00am, and I was satisfied to find that there were a lot of iPhones 5Ss still left, in precisely the arrangement I was looking for—dark, 32GB, AT&T. The representatives issued me a stamped ticket with my decision on it, promising me equipment, and I assumed up my position in line. The Cinnabon around the bend was at that point working in high apparatus, and the shopping center possessed a scent reminiscent of sweet heart assaults and espresso; around us, elderly shopping center walkers circled like wrinkly, ambiguously opposing satellites. We were on their turf, and they couldn't have cared less for our innovation or our whipper-snapper ways.
Amounts of non-dark—er, non-Space Gray, sad—were pointedly constrained. Apple Store representatives campaigned the line, offering water and Starbucks espresso and noting questions; the accessible amount of white and gold iPhone 5Ss was ceaselessly raised.
The individual in line behind me was occupied with an extended telephone fight with Verizon Wireless to change her record such that she could move up to a 5S. I didn't give careful consideration as she on the other hand shouted and begged the Verizon telephone agent, since I was attempting to make up for lost time with email and make unexpected tweets about remaining in line at the Apple Store for another iPhone. The clock struck eight, and the salesfolk did their typical exasperatingly energetic store opening/high-five schedule; iPhone boomboxes were delivered, and individuals started to be introduced the store to gather their new phones.Denial
The inconvenience began right when the individual behind me got off the telephone with Verizon. As an Apple worker dropped by to inquire as to whether anybody required anything—they were truly very pleasant!— she asked what number of gold iPhones were cleared out.
"Goodness, we just got five," the worker answered. "They're as of now gone."
She expressed a level "What?" that slice through the "My Chemical Romance" melody on the closest boombox like a spear, and heads snapped toward her everything here and there the line; you could for all intents and purposes hear the snap of eyeballs centering. Something was going to Go Down.
The worker knew, as well; she immediately offered to get the store chief, and the forthcoming gold-searcher concurred. A tall blue-shirted Apple individual sauntered over with a name identification recognizing himself as the supervisor. He looked inviting, however drained. The question was rehashed, this time with a menacingly explanatory air: "What number of gold iPhones do you have cleared out?"
The client responded gravely to being told a moment time that there were none. "You must child me," she said. "That is unsuitable."
I flashed quickly back to my long-gone retail days and felt a cut of sensitivity for the supervisor. He clarified that they got just a set number of gold iPhones—reflecting the shortage of white iPhone 4s a couple of years in a move that no modest number of media outlets are calling a ponder mental ploy, and things deteriorated.
"You have to get me a gold iPhone," the client told the administrator. "I am sitting tight in line for one and I'm not leaving without one." After being informed that wasn't conceivable, she changed gears: "You have to call some other Apple store, then, and inspire them to hold one for me at this moment."
Houston is the country's fourth-biggest city; all things considered, we rate five Apple stores in and around the metro range. Be that as it may, the administrator immediately clarified her of finding a gold iPhone at another Apple store; supplies of the glossy sparkly were firmly assigned, and likely as of now totally gone.
She didn't exactly step her feet, however I could see the internal identity stressing to blast forward. Rather, however, she verbally heightened. Beside the music—it had proceeded onward to something I didn't perceive in light of the fact that I'm 35 and quick moving toward shopping center strolling age—her voice was the main sound to be listened.
"All things considered, you individuals better have the capacity to get me one of those white iPhones, then. I'm not going to squander my morning in line for a dark iPhone." The director asked what bearer she was utilizing, and after that shook his head once more—there were no white Verizon iPhone 5Ss remaining, either. The administrator let her realize that her most logical option, in the event that she needed an iPhone 5S today, is purchase the one for which she was holding a ticket—a Space Gray model—and return it inside fourteen days for another model.
"So will have gold iPhones soon, then?" she inquired.
"It won't not be for half a month," he answered. More verbal mishandle took after.
She in the long run murmured noisily and let the supervisor realize that she would purchase the telephone for which she had the ticket. As he left, she dialed a companion on her current telephone—a white iPhone 4 or 4S—and immediately transferred a variant of the occasions the entire line had recently seen. In any case, in her form, the supervisor was plainly a nitwit, and she would need to waste every last bit of her morning to get a telephone she didn't need.
At that point, the sensation. "I gotta have the gold one. I couldn't care less. I don't waaaaaaaaant this moronic dark iPhone!" she cried. "It's going to make individuals believe I'm a lesbian!"
I didn't know whether to chuckle or cry, so I did what any normal individual would do: I tweeted about it with relinquish.
Throughout the following two hours, I heard all the more griping all over the line; the kindred somewhat in front of me was boisterously irate that Apple didn't have any opened iPhones available to be purchased specifically; when informed that in addition to the fact that he would need to purchase a bolted iPhone however that his exclusive shading decision was Space Gray, he exited the line, saying that he was going to Walmart rather, in light of the fact that he heard they had "tons" of gold iPhones. A couple of different people tailed him out the entryway.
I positively don't resent anybody for needing the gadget they need with the alternatives they need, yet the furious gold-enhanced qualification was difficult to watch. Supply-compelled item jump starts draw out the most exceedingly terrible in individuals, and more so when the lines and the shortage may be misleadingly forced—or if nothing else, when the general population holding up in line think they may be. The crash between telephones as gadgets and telephones as form adornments has been beneficial for the gadget makes, yet it likewise draws out a great deal of offensiveness.
Luckily, the new Space Gray iPhone 5S Apple was glad to pitch to me works fine and dandy, regardless of the possibility that it lacks a specific measure of bling-bling. iOS 7 looks similarly as manically comedian insane on it as it would on a gold iPhone, and I didn't need to belittle and chide an Apple Store worker to get my gadget. There's a maxim about how the conduct of a man toward an eatery's hold up staff mirrors the genuine way of one's character: "In the event that somebody is decent to you yet not pleasant to the server, then that individual is not a decent individual."
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