#Oh my god. My husband. Im goin insane. Oh my god
askjaaryl · 6 years
Episode #10: Brave New World
Paul spends some much-needed time with Maggie and Sasha as Glenn and Daryl go scouting for a new location for the New Frontier group from Richmond. A meeting of the communities are held, resulting in some tension between Paul and Rick. Paul realizes that he’s a parent.
This is the start of season 2 of this blog.
“Look,” Paul sighed, lying on the couch in Maggie’s office, “I’m sorry for not asking you first...but their community is in shambles,” he explained, “Their walls were down. We put temporary ones up, but they won’t hold forever. And these...Free Men...they have provisions, I can tell.”
“No,” Maggie sighed, leaning on her desk, “You were right to do what you did. It might take some rationing for a while ‘til everyone gets used to taking on another community to supply, but it was the right thing to do,” she explained, “I’ve already sent for the leaders of the other communities, so we can talk about this.”
“It’s not gonna be pretty,” Sasha added, looking out the window, “We haven’t had to ration in a while. People are going to get angry.”
“Let ‘em be,” Maggie said simply, “Ain’t the worst we’ve been through,” she said, finishing what she was writing before putting her notebook down. She walked over and flopped beside Paul, “Okay, spill.”
“Spill what?” Paul raised an eyebrow, scooting over a little to give her room.
“How’s it going with your boyfriends?” Maggie asked.
“Boy talk while we’re having a strategy meeting?” Paul snorted.
“Oh, definitely,” Sasha said, sitting on his other side and making him scoot over as well, “Your happiness is the second highest priority of our meetings...first is keeping everyone alive.”
Paul rolled his eyes and looked down, biting his lip to conceal a smile, “It’s going really well,” he looked up at the ceiling, avoiding their waiting eyes, “We say we love each other all the time now.”
“Oh my god,” Maggie pulled him into a tight hug, laughing, “I knew it. I knew you could be happy,” she looked at Sasha, “Look at this smile on him!”
“It’s a good smile,” Sasha agreed.
Paul rolled his eyes, shoving his friend off of him, “Okay, okay,” he said quickly and sighed, “One worry though.”
“Isn’t there always?” Sasha sighed.
“Gracie,” Paul said, ignoring her comment, “Gracie’s my worry.”
“Why?” Maggie asked, “Paul, she loves you. When you come to pick her up from playing with Hershel, she’s the happiest. She loves getting to walk home with you. She always says in the proudest voice ‘Paul is walking me home from school today!’!” she laughed.
Paul sighed, “Yeah...I’m okay being Paul to her. I have no idea how to be a father though,” he put his head back, “My father barely ever interacted with me...the foster homes I was in never had the best and even the one I was in that was good...I didn’t pay much attention to him,” he pursed his lips, “What if she comes to me with genuine advice and I don’t have the answer?”
“Paul, there ain’t no book to parenting...well, there are...but most of them are garbage,” Maggie told him, “Hell, half the time Glenn and I have no idea what the hell we’re doin’ and both our parents were great.”
“You have her best interest at heart, right?” Sasha asked.
“Well, yeah,” Paul sighed, “I love her.”
“So there,” Sasha said simply, “You have the right grounds to be a parent.”
“It’s not that simple,” Paul groaned.
“Yes, it is,” Sasha said, “Besides, I’m pretty sure Daryl doesn’t know how to do laundry...so you’re already a step ahead of him on that.”
Paul laughed, putting his head back, “He can, he just chooses not to.”
“Hey, are you wearing one of his shirts?” Maggie asked, looking at him with a fond smile on her face, “That’s way too big for you.”
“Aaron’s actually,” Paul said, rolling the sleeves up, “Daryl didn’t do the laundry.”
Paul was met with two “aw”s and more hugs from his friends.
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“We’ll get a filter for all that water,” Daryl said, kneeling down by the docks, “Then we’ll get the herd crew out here to start clearin’ them buildings.”
“Agreed,” Glenn said, looking up at the three large buildings, “It’ll be more than enough for them.”
“Place used to be a park,” Daryl said, hitting the sign that said Montgomery Park, “Probably gonna just be office buildings in there. Hopefully that means people cleared out ta go home before the outbreak.”
“Hopefully,” Glenn agreed, “This place is just down the road from Alexandria,” he said, looking at the map, “This’ll be great if they need anything starting out,” he said, “Hey, we should stop by and say hi to Rick and the others. We haven’t seen him in a while.”
“Nah,” Daryl said simply, “Gotta get the fences up around here then get back to Hilltop.”
Glenn sighed, following him, “Daryl, you can’t avoid Alexandria forever. Your brother lives there. Hell, I’ve been there since everything. It’s been years.”
Daryl just grunted, continuing to work on the temporary fence around the courtyard. They’d already cleared out a few straggling walkers and now they wanted to keep more from getting in.
“Daryl-” Glenn started.
Daryl whipped around and shoved him a little, “I ain’t got a mirror, but ya know what he did to you!” he snapped at him, “You can’t see outta that eye now ‘cause of him. Abe’s dead ‘cause of him,” he yelled and pointed to the side of his head, “Guy drove me half insane...prolly more,” he snorted, “Then the guy cuts of some lady’s head and Rick gives ‘im an outpost of ‘is own with no supervision,” he laughed bitterly before going back to the fence.
Glenn sighed, “Look, I know it’s not fair...but we just need to accept it.”
“Nah,” Daryl said simply before stopping, not looking up at him, “I love Rick. He’s my brother...ain’t gonna act like I ain’t happy to see ‘im when he comes around...but doesn’t make me any less mad.”
“I know,” Glenn said soothingly, putting a hand on his shoulder, “Trust me, I get it, man. But we’ve been through so much...it’s time to move on and be happy.”
Daryl just grunted again and went silent for a moment before speaking up again, “Sorry for shovin’ ya.”
“No problem,” Glenn said, an amused smile on his face, “And you do seem happy, by the way...with Jesus and Aaron.”
Daryl finished tying what he was doing before sighing, ignoring his comment, “‘Kay, we should get back.”
Glenn raised an eyebrow.
Daryl huffed, “Yes, m’happy, okay? Can we go now?”
“Yes,” Glenn said, obviously satisfied with himself.
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Paul sat on the steps with Aaron, leaning on him slightly. Neither of them really minded the PDA. It earned them a few odd looks now and again, but they’d been slowly working on subtly letting their community know of their relationship now.
Paul put his head on his shoulder, watching Gracie play with Hershel, smiling slightly at his daughter and his godson. He pressed his face against Aaron’s shoulder to hide his wider smile when he thought of Gracie as his daughter.
“What?” Aaron asked with a laugh, leaning down to see his face, “What’s going on in that head of yours?”
“Just how much I love you all,” Paul said, leaning up and pecking him on the lips.
The gates opened suddenly and Rick’s truck drove in.
“Great,” Paul huffed, hiding his face in Aaron’s shoulder for another minute before jumping up when Maggie walked out as well.
Aaron got up as well, walking over with them and Sasha.
“Thanks for comin’,” Maggie said, pulling Rick into a hug, then Michonne. She kneeled down to Judith, “How’s it goin’, sweetheart?”
“Fine,” Judith said simply before hugging her neck. She didn’t remember Maggie very much, but she knew Rick called her her aunt and said that she helped her mom give birth to her. She only ever really saw her at holidays or meetings like this because Maggie and her husband, Glenn, didn’t come to Alexandria often.
Maggie hugged her back, smiling.
“Dad!” Carl called, running over from where he’d been working with Henry. He took the apron off before pulling him into a tight hug.
Paul smiled slightly, watching them reunite, as Judith walked over to talk to Hershel and Gracie, obviously bored with the adults around already.
Rick pulled away and his eyes fell on Paul, “Why did ya think it was okay to bring these people in without askin’ all of us first?”
“Because they were struggling,” Paul said simply, “With these Free Men out here, we can’t be too safe. It’ll be better to have our allies closer. You know Javi, we’ve talked about him before.”
“Talked out ‘im, never met ‘im,” Rick grumbled.
“Well, hot damn, been a while since I saw this place,” a familiar voice said.
Paul’s eyes widened and Aaron grabbed his hand immediately, pulling him back to his side as Negan jumped out of the back of the truck.
“What the hell?” Paul demanded.
“I called all the outposts here as well,” Maggie said, “Him included...under supervision,” she explained, “We can’t have people killin’ the New Frontier, so we need to let ‘em know about ‘em in advance...even him.”
“Yeah, it’s great to have our allies close, isn’t it, Rick?” Paul snapped at him.
“Is there somethin’ you wanna say?” Rick demanded.
“Oh, there’s so much I’d love to say to you, Rick Grimes-” Paul started.
“Paul, take a walk,” Maggie said quickly, looking at Aaron, who nodded.
“That one always was a fuckin’ firecracker,” Negan laughed as he walked away.
Paul went to turn back around, but Aaron put his arm around him in a tight grip, continuing to walk them away, behind the trailers.
“You should have let me slit his throat,” Paul said immediately, turning to him once they were alone.
“No,” Aaron said firmly, “I shouldn’t have. That would have just caused problems between our communities, Paul. We...We have to listen to Rick, okay? He’s Daryl’s brother.”
“Daryl’s brother. Not mine,” Paul said quickly, “Imagine if Daryl was here right now...seeing him not even twenty feet from our daughter, Aaron. From Glenn’s son. Do you know how fucked up that is?” he took a shaky breath, “He looked in their general direction and I wanted him dead more than ever before.”
Aaron pulled him into a hug, “It’s just a short meeting to make sure that no one accidentally kills your friends, sweetheart...deep breaths. Then they’ll be gone.”
“I wish he was gone,” Paul grumbled against his chest, “Dead, in the ground.”
Aaron continued to hold him, not saying anything, letting him calm down in his arms.
“If he breaths in the wrong direction, I’ll kill him,” Paul said simply, going back in the direction of Barrington.
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“We can tell just by how they were talking that they know there are communities out there,” Paul explained, “They most likely know about ours, given how they were talking. They know about our circle and they don’t like it,” he sighed, “We saw their armory, briefly...they have a lot, but not as much as us. They also have a good number of people, but not as much as us.”
The tension in the room was evident, ever since Cyndie and Beatrice arrived after Ezekiel and Jerry. Cyndie kept looking over to Negan, but Beatrice kept a hand on her arm.
“If they don’t have as much as we do, why are you bringin’ the New Frontier up here?” Negan asked suddenly, “It’s a waste of resources.”
Paul gritted his teeth, “Because they might not have as much as us, but they have more than the Frontier,” he said simply, “They took down their walls. We put up something temporary for them, but it’s not going to last. Who knows when they’ll attack them again?”
The door opened and closed and Glenn and Daryl walked in, quietly taking a seat in the back of the room. Paul felt a pang in his chest when he saw Daryl’s eyes flick from Negan to Rick.
Paul nodded for Maggie and Sasha to take over with their provisional plans before he walked over and sat on the couch, on Daryl’s other side, “I’m sorry, I didn’t think you’d be back this soon.”
“S’fine,” Daryl said simply, grabbing his hand in a tight grip.
“We’re going to ration our resources by a quarter each until everyone can start producing enough to take on another community,” Sasha explained, “Same story as when Oceanside and Sanctuary came back into the fold; fuel, food, and ammo.”
“We can start producing more as soon we get back and get the orders filled,” Dwight explained, just as uncomfortable as everyone else as he stood beside his lieutenant, Laura. Sherry was there too, as a representative of one of the outposts, standing with Amber.
“We were already planning on expanding our crops this season as well and we have more than enough seeds for food,” Maggie added, nodding with him, “Then we’ll get the orders to Eugene for more bullets for them.”
“This isn’t something new, it’s just us taking on more people,” Sasha added, “Keep your communities in check, we’re going to give you all a list of names of everyone in the community as soon as it’s available and getting them their IDs once they’re all set up.”
“The New Frontier is in the council now,” Maggie said seriously, “You know the rules...harm anyone in a community under us, you face the consequences,” she cleared her throat, “Thank you all for coming. If you’re from further out and want to spend the night, we’ll show you to the guest rooms in Barrington. This meeting is adjourned.”
Paul smiled when the meeting ended and Aaron walked over to talk to Daryl. When he was hugging him, he walked over, smiling at Ezekiel, “Hello, your highness.”
“Hello, my friend,” Ezekiel said, pulling him into a tight hug, “You’re well, yes? Watching over my son as he trains with Earl?”
“Always,” Paul smiled, “And you?”
“We’re good, getting things up and running in the Kingdom again,” Ezekiel nodded, “A slow but valiant process!” he announced loudly.
Paul pursed his lips to keep the smile off his face, “Well, if anyone can handle it, it’s you, your highness...and Carol and Jerry, of course.”
“Damn right,” Jerry said, giving him a hard pat on the back.
“Jerry,” Ezekiel scolded before turning back to Paul, “It’s good seeing you, but we must get back before nightfall. I apologize that our reunion is brief,” he said, leaning down, kissing his cheek softly.
“We’ll come and visit soon,” Paul agreed, watching him walk out. He walked back over to Aaron and hid his face in his chest to conceal his laughter.
“Let’s get outta here,” Daryl grumbled, looking to where Rick was still talking with Maggie, Michonne, and Negan. Oceanside and the Sanctuary had immediately made themselves scarce from the room, practically out the door before Maggie said the meeting was done.
“Agreed,” Paul said, giving Negan one last look before he left with his boyfriends.
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“I just don’t understand how he could think that was okay-” Paul was saying as they walked down the steps, only to be cut off by Gracie and Judith yelling.
“Shove him again and I’ll-” Gracie started, shoving at Judith who was shoving right back.
“Gracie!” Aaron said quickly, jogging over, “Hey, c’mon...we don’t shove,” he said quickly, pulling her away.
Rick was there suddenly, with Michonne, who pulled a struggling Judith away, Carl mumbling “Judy, what the hell?” as they did.
“She shoved Hershel!” Gracie yelled over Aaron’s shoulder, “Asshole!”
“Hey!” Aaron said quickly, “Language, Gracie.”
Paul quickly followed Aaron back to the trailer, letting Daryl talk to Rick as he did.
“Go to your room, timeout,” Aaron said quickly, pointing in the direction of Gracie’s bedroom.
Gracie immediately stomped away, slamming the door behind her.
“She never curses like that, even with Daryl running his mouth as much as he does,” Aaron sighed, scrubbing his hand over his face, “And she definitely never gets violent.”
“I dunno, she kicks some serious ass in my children’s class,” Paul smirked slightly.
Aaron peeked through his fingers, giving him a now’s not the time look.
Paul pursed his lips, “Can I say something?”
“Of course you can,” Aaron rolled his eyes.
“Look,” Paul took a deep breath, “It’s not really my place, she’s your daughter, but...she was defending her friend, I think you should take that into account.”
“Paul,” Aaron sighed, putting his hand on his shoulder, “She’s your daughter to...no less than mine or Daryl’s. You obviously have a say in this kind of stuff.”
Paul smiled weakly at him, “I’m just saying...from experience...kids always have a reason for why they do what they do. They just need the right adult who will actually listen to them.”
Before Aaron could say anything, Daryl came into the trailer.
“She okay?” Daryl asked.
“She’s in her room,” Aaron said, glancing at Paul, “But...she’s not in trouble, so I’m going to go tell her she was only in timeout for the language...and that shoving is bad...unless you have a reason.”
Daryl nodded, watching him walk away. He raised an eyebrow at Paul.
“What?” Paul laughed.
“What are we gonna do with both you and me lettin’ that kid get away with everything, huh?” Daryl snorted, taking off his jacket, flopping on the couch.
“Rick gone?” Paul asked.
“Yeah,” Daryl said simply, “Hershel’s completely fine too, Gracie overreacted. They were playin’ tag and Judith tagged ‘im too hard, he fell down.”
Paul snorted, sitting beside him, “You okay?”
Daryl just shook his head, “Later?”
“Yeah,” Paul nodded, holding his hand, “Later.”
“Dad’s back!” Gracie yelled as she walked out with Aaron, throwing herself into Daryl’s arms, “Have a good trip?”
“Yeah, I did,” Daryl said, “We’re gonna have to take you swimmin’ in that lake the Frontier’s gettin’ sometimes. There was tons ‘a ducks.”
“Really?” Gracie asked with wide eyes, “Can we get a pet duck?”
“Hell no, Dog would eat it,” Daryl snorted.
Aaron sat down on the opposite couch, turning on their old little box TV and starting up one of the VHS tapes of Homeward Bound they had, the talking dog making Gracie gasp.
“This is Dog’s favorite movie, he needs to watch with us!” Gracie called, “Dog! DOG!” she yelled at the top of her lungs.
Dog immediately came running out from wherever it was he’d been hiding, jumping up on Paul’s lap, causing him to grunt in pain.
“You are way too big to be a lap down,” Paul huffed, squirming out from under the dog and moving to sit beside Aaron, curling up to his boyfriend’s side immediately.
Daryl put his feet up on the coffee table, Gracie laying on him slightly, her hand on Dog as she watched the movie.
Paul smiled at how domestic the whole thing was, curling closer to Aaron and putting his head on his shoulder.
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